Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Word gets around....and then some

I was wondering aloud how it is that people get away with constant nonsense. How do they find gullible person after person? How do people that found them in the first place keep allowing themselves to be snowballed???

There are certain factors in all of this.

People are generally trusting.
People believe that certain groups of people are more trustworthy than others (think about priests molesting little boys).
People are embarrassed at finding out they have been  fooled and either stay around , or sometimes fade away.
Some get sucked in thinking that they are doing a "good thing" and find that they are being taken for a long , slow ride.
Some end up following a guru , because they "like" them, and end up learning months of nothing.

Then there is the spiritual community. Everyone wants to believe that the spiritual community is full of peace and love. They want to believe the ones who say "love" and "peace", who act all sweet, talk quietly, and walk around not realizing the world is even spinning, are guarenteed to be good people. They aren't.

Sometimes they are scammers, sometimes they are clueless, sometimes they need the attention. Sometimes all of the above.

The interesting nugget of information about all of this, was that when someone is not on the "up and up" , you will hear DIFFERENT stories it again and again from different people, and from people who don't even know each other. The stories come from far and wide and they all have the same theme.

Make sure that you are with QUALITY. Quality shows, and shows quickly. There are tons of people out there who dress the part, and give themselves titles and names who don't have a clue, and teach you to be just as clueless as they are!

It is easy to find the quality people. Try someone else. Even if you are in a group, in a class, shop in a store, or eat in a restaurant that you like, try a different one. You just may see EXACTLY what you are missing or "mis-learning". Ask questions, if the leader cannot answer them, or says something that doesn't make sense ...leave. When their answer is their "credentials" or lineage....leave.

There are so many out there who fake it REALLY well. But quality always wins out in the end. Quality will teach you the right way, and bring you around quality people.

QUALITY over quantity.

DO the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Opening up

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious
It is the fundamental emotion that stands
at the cradle of true art and true science.
Whoever does not know it is as good as dead,
and his eyes are dimmed.
Albert Einstein

Some people live in fear of the unknown. They feel that there are things we are not supposed to look into or search out. This type of fear comes always from the same source , the dogma of organized religion. Many are taught that things like ghost hunting, psychics, hands on healers, are all "bad" or "evil". Yet the Bible and other religious texts are full of the unseen, spirit, even an entity called the Holy Ghost. We are told to beware false prophets, but not prophets. Jesus and many others predicted the future, as did hands on healing. None of this is bad or evil, so how did all that get turned around?

The church. Back in the day, there was really one place that often had food, clothing, and a building that was strong and full of beautiful things. It was the church. Not all churches were rich and fancy, but they were in the business of bringing people in, and tithes. Money. Ever hear of a priest in the organized Christian church starving to death? Even in the darkest of times? No, of course not. The church was smart enough to bring in as many souls as possible, and to ask them to give. Some gave out of fear, and others out of guilt, but they gave.

The richest place on this earth is still the Vatican. Not Bill Gates house, or Donald Trumps's, but the Vatican.

To maintain that wealth, you have to have as many people as possible being members of the church, and giving. When people can find salvation, help, guidance,and socialization elsewhere, then the church goes broke. So they have to present themselves as the one and only "go to" authority for your spirit.


God, Creator, the Universe doesn't care a bit if you go to church every Sunday. What it cares about is what you do every day of the week. There are so many people out there who go to church every Sunday and treat others like garbage seven days a week. The Catholic Church will tell you that's OK, just make sure you get here before Sunday and communion, so we can forgive you for all that. I know Christ said he would forgive us for our sins, but I doubt he had that "sin all you want all week and we will make it better before mass" mentality. I think what he had in mind is that we can work together to solve any issue. Your "bad past" can be fixed, we all make mistakes....not carte blanche to do whatever you want and we'll worry about it later.

Open up to the Universe, it is what contains that Highest Power, not the local priest, a person you look to as a guru, or your best friend. The answers are always inside of you. People expect God (or whatever resonates with them), to have a clear, loud, and direct conversation with them when they ask a question. It doesn't work that way, at least not at first.

The other day as I began to try to send Reiki to someone, I was told "It is already decided." That was "loud and clear" , but what did it mean? I know now what it means from the experience that followed. Our "messages" from the Universe are frequently in the manner of signs,especially repetitive signs, and resulting actions. We have to open up to those messages first however.

Some people use meditation to do this, or pendulums, muscle testing, angel cards, or even tarot. There is only one thing that I will tell you to NEVER use, and that is a Ouiji Board. That opens the gate wide to all those things out there is all dimensions. Many never were human, many lie, and many try to take over your home, body or life.

Opening up is as simple as speaking out loud and saying "Creator (or whatever word resonates with you), please send me guidance and help me see it, understand it and accept it". Say that out loud everyday and MEAN it and you will start to "realize" things you never realized before.

Opening up is step one. Lose the fear that metaphysics is a bad thing, or that the supernatural is harmful.

Open up, there is a whole, wonderful Universe out there!!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Wise words

There are times in our lives when we hear or read words and say "Wow, that nails it!" They are wise words that come to us in many ways. We can read them, hear them from a friend or read them in a book.

There are many times when we need those wise words. The internet is an awesome place. Google the words: "quotes on_____" , and fill in the blank with what you need to read about, like "Quotes on friendship".

The Tao Te Ching is also a great book to just open up to a page and read. There are also books by people like Mike Dooley who quotes as "The Universe" and says some great, positive things that help you keep your spirits up and yourself on track.

There may be a favorite book out there that helps, one you have read and reread.

Take the time some rainy day to look up things that inspire you. Write them down and even post them where you will see them every day, like on the bathroom mirror.

Sometimes just hearing words that put a thought into your head, change your day.

For now, I will stick with my words....

Do the right things for the right reasons.
When you stick to that, everything else falls into place!

Peashui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Life and the other side.

The last few years have been an exploration of life beyond this dimension for me. I have always known it was there. I have been psychic since I was born, and lived much of my younger years in a very haunted house (and then another year in a different one as an adult). For the longest time I didn't want a thing to do with those who wander along next to us, that we cannot see. There had been too many sleepless nights to delve into that area of metaphysics. After a while , it became the only unexplored place.

I started to tentatively look into that side of things. I did not, nor do not, consider myself to be a medium, but one does not need to be to obtain psychic messages that connect with those who have passed. A medium can converse easily with those who have passed just like having a conversation over coffee. That isn't my talent. I can get messages psychically.

Recently as I was preparing to send reiki to two individuals, I had new experiences that I am now able to know, mean that the person will not stay in this dimension, but will pass. It helps in a way. It enables me to prepare for the worst as best I can, and possibly prepare others.However, one can never blurt out "they are going to die", to family members and friends who are hoping and praying for that person. It is a tricky situation to be in.But I digress.

A few years ago I got brave. I started to look into the other side, from my surroundings, to cemeteries to Waverly. It was interesting to be in such a high energy place as Waverly and learn my signals and face the other side head on. Maybe it is from having people close to me pass, or the popularity of people like Ghost Hunters, but I took a deep breath and jumped in. I have leaned much.

Most people have an easy passing. They move to the other side without a hiccup. There are always helpers. The ancient Greeks told us of the psychopomps, the Bible of Angels, and the eastern religions of many who guide us through step by step. The Egyptians believed there was a guide that would be carved into pyramid walls, and servants would be killed to make the journey with the deceased. Some Eastern religions have a person sit with the deceased and read the " Book of the Dead", a set of instructions that safely guides them where they need to be. No matter what the steps are, each belief system has guides to take us across in some way.

I have found through real life experiences a few things.

Children, and people who are in some way mentally disabled are escorted quickly, lovingly and easily.

People can not know that they are dead due to a sudden death or nonacceptance.

Those who die while intoxicated, or high generally find themselves surrounded by beings that are not of this world, and not of the light. That is even in this dimension.

People who are criminals or who have lived a life of bad acts are frequently afraid to cross, expecting hell. They stay in between worlds.

There is no Biblical hell, although there is a definite "schooling" on the other side.

There are several days for the person to acclimate to the other side before any contact can be made (unless they stay in that "in between world").

You see what you expect to when you cross. When you lived a strict Christian belief, you will see angels with wings (they really don't have any), and golden light. When you are brought up in different religions, or none at all, you will see your picture of "heaven" or the other side, and eventually that will change into what it really is (which is exactly what you want it to be...).

There is school on the other side too, but it isn't the school of hard knocks we have here.

Suicides cross, get counseling and are sent right back to do it all over again and complete the lesson. They don't get to stay and enjoy the other side.

We all come back, but we can generally choose to stay on the other side as long as we wish before doing so (except in the case of suicides).

Hell is right here.

You can have another life in another dimension, even another place in this Universe.
You can stay in between worlds.

"Ghosts" are those who live between worlds or travel from "heaven" to here and back again. They may even just be recordings on the energy and repeat the same action over and over.

The other side will bring you to the prime of your life (usually in your 30's), but you can choose to be any age energy. You have no physical body, so can appear as you wish. This is why there are frequently "children" haunting places where no children were even known to be.

There is no more illness, pain, or sorrow.

The other side is not just our image of "heaven" but many places.
There are many beings, some which never walked this earth, including black shadow people, not every energy is, or was, ever a human or Biblical form like angels.

The other side is simply one of many dimensions.

The ones who have a problem with death, are not the dying or dead, but the living humans. We miss those who pass and sometimes have a hard time accepting that loss. It is harder in some instances than others, such as young children, murders, and sudden accidents. Those who have passed are healthy, happy, and home.

If you think that you have a person in your home that you cannot see, speak to them aloud. Tell them to turn around and look for the light and to go to it. This usually works, but there are sometimes reasons for a spirit to hang around, including some mentioned above. Don't try to hold someone here to comfort you. This is not what that soul is supposed to be doing, and the other side is a better place than the in between world. Don't hold them in limbo.

As I told someone yesterday, do not mourn their death, but celebrate their life.

Live each day as if it were your,last. That doesn't mean to empty your bank account or be irresponsible. It means just the opposite. Make sure you do not leave a mess behind. Make sure that you tell the people you love, that you love them everyday. Don't do evil, snide, sneaky, negative things. Would you like to enter the other side with the last act on this earth being one of ego, hate, jealousy, revenge?

It is all so easy. Every day, simply do the right things for the right reasons!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pulling back....sign of the times?

Another reader asked me if I were feeling as she does. She has had it with people who have every excuse in the book for being lazy, egotistical, nasty, greedy.....she has started pulling away from groups and doing things on her own. She was worried that she would become a recluse,yet she isn't really staying at home all that much.

I told her...no, you are not alone. About a year ago a very spiritual friend did the same thing, I walked away from groups that had not a clue in the world, and weeded down people that I give my time and attention to even more recently. Several other readers and ministerial people I know are doing the same thing.

There is a strong belief in the metaphysical community that "like attracts like" energy even more strongly felt these days. People who are "faking it" are grouped with others who are "faking it". People who are greedy will be with other greedy people. People who are clueless, will be with the clueless. People who are afraid of making waves will be with others who are afraid of making waves, and all of the other above groups....

People who really walk their talk will be with the people who really walk their talk. Group dynamics are changing, and it is OK to leave a group or a specific person that you feel isn't getting it. And "it" isn't Bliss Ninnyville.

The genre doesn't matter...Christian, Native American, Taoist, Buddhist, Jewish...what matters is authenticity, honesty, and an understanding of there being a higher power, and how to use the Universe's good energy towards making a happier life. It is about learning, growing, being honest, being humble, being open.

It is about following your heart and intuition, not a person...NEVER a person. Harold Camping, James Ray, and others have shown us that Universal message loud and clear the past year or so.

Groups will break up and reform. It will happen on its' own, but if you are uncomfortable somewhere or with someone, then do not feel guilty walking away.There is a more appropriate group to walk to, and you will find them, and they will find you. Trying to force old alliances will only frustrate you and slow down your progress.

I said a while ago that it was time to listen to the real teachers, not the ones who told you what you wanted to hear, but the ones that were tougher, stricter, and more determined.The good teachers are walking away from those who choose not to learn, their energies are needed elsewhere, not to be wasted with people who really don't want to know. It has been happening and still is, the valuable teachers are pulling back. They still teach, but don't "socialize" with groups of people who just don't want to get it!

One of my teachers told me that the tolerance level of people who do walk their talk is getting less and less, and they will not suffer fools lightly. She went on to say that there are people who will say...but you have to love them and save them. We are not here to save anyone...and loving someone , many times, means tough love. It means walking away from them, telling them they are wrong, showing them the right way,even warning others about them. All things your parents did for you! Love doesn't mean being everyone's best friend , that helps no one. It keeps the person stuck, and they cannot learn, and may not even know they need to learn or change. Condoning bad behavior is the same as exhibiting it.

Walking away from some, landed me in larger groups of so many wonderful people. People I would do anything for and who would do anything for me. They are not just names on a social networking site, but real people. There are quality people out there, make sure that you find them.

Walk your talk
Do the right thing FOR THE RIGHT REASON!!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Charity isn't supposed to be entertaining....

There has been a lot of flooding in the US over the past few weeks. There have been people in dire need and people in turmoil. There are all over, and there are many who are right in your own back yard.

Through this I have seen people help friends out, which is great, but you are SUPPOSED to help your friends. Real friends are people you see, share with, dine with, and help when there is an emergency. Real "friends" are not a list of people on Facebook or My Space. They are not something that you collect like trading cards to stoke your ego.

So do we stop there? Do we help our best friend and ignore others that need help, even though they might be right next to the friend you are helping? Not if you hold yourself up to being a helper, a volunteer, a charitable person, or very spiritual.

This would be the perfect time to stop doling out time, money and effort to people miles away, and help others locally. Start with friends, then friends of friends. When a friend asks you to help a friend of theirs , you should be all over it! Charity DOES begin at home!
Helping others in other places is fine, but not til "your house" is standing strong here.

People seem to think that charity is about getting together, and having a good time. Dancing, drumming, eating, hugging. That isn't charity, not even close. Charity is about your time, your wallet, your efforts, and it is usually dirty,expensive, time consuming work...not social settings!

I recently saw a cry for help go unheeded because people are so involved with their fun, their pet charities and their own personal egos, that they left a brother standing alone. A man who fought for them in the military, who was a police officer, and who is the "go to " man on all matters involving the NA ways locally. He knows traditions and protocol COLD. There is no official pow wow, ancestor days, or such, held without him being involved. He is in layman's terms "the local authority". His plight was announced, re-announced by friends. Yet so many who say they follow the NA ways ignored the call. This is NOT the way of the Native American community! When one of the local NA community needs help, the NA community steps in. That is what has kept that culture alive.

It all goes to show that there are people who really walk their talk, and people who can't walk it, because they just don't have a clue. This was a serious matter and there was no reason for folks not to step up to the plate. This was a one time emergency, not a life long albatross to hang around one's neck. This is a man who is an important and major part of the local NA community. This is a man who laid his life on the line in wartime and peacetime. He asks for a little help, and that is what he got, a LITTLE...TOO LITTLE help, from this part of the world.

There is still time to help, maybe some folks will take a good long hard look in the mirror and say "I dropped the ball", and do something. Only time will tell.

When someone asks for help, and you disregard it, it sets in motion, a mass of negative energy and Karma, that you really don't want to be on the wrong end of.
It most certainly shouldn't matter if there is no recognition or glory or "get together" in it! Charity is NOT supposed to be entertaining!

Charity begins at home. Charity is meant to make a permanent change, not be a hand out that goes on for years and years. Charity often involves major change. The GOAL of all charity is to make strides to it never being needed again. When the same person has their hand our every day, it is more helpful to NOT fill that hand any more. When a person who is local has an emergency, it is time to stop the checks to far away places and concentrate locally.....local should ALWAYS be the first place charity is focused anyway,and then focus can be shifted to other places.

How can we help the world when our "home base" is falling down?

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Thank you for teaching me the RIGHT way.

I saw a post by a friend today and it made me think. She was thanking her elders. I have to say that there were times when I was younger, or in a learning situation in recent years, where it seemed that the task was too big, too hard, unnecessary, frustrating, or daunting.

When you are younger you just can't fathom why your parents make you do some things. When I was a kid we had "school clothes" and "play clothes". We didn't go to school looking like a bunch of vagabonds with ripped pants falling half way down our butts, and yes that meant the poorest kid too. We had to do homework and change our clothes before going outside. It seemed a task equal to raising the Titanic at the time, but we did it.

It was the start of a lifetime of learning, but it was the groundwork that allowed for living and learning of a lifetime. It was the start of having a good life, with quality people around me.

My parents, teachers (and I am not talking just school teachers), and elders were all people who had respect for what they were teaching, themselves, and me. They did nothing half way,or in a bad way. Everything was shown in a way that taught how actions could harm others, or misguide others. When a point was important to follow exactly, it was taught that way, when there were options, it was taught that there were options.

I have seen people who hold themselves up as teachers, who don't know the basics of what they are teaching. It is sad. I have also seen people who dress up ritual in their own way and pass it off as traditional, that is disgraceful.

My teachers, Mother, Grandmothers, and elders never let me off easy. At the time it wasn't any fun, but I learned basics, like the fact that I always say "thank you" to everyone. From clerks to waitresses to a stranger who holds the door for me. I always keep other people in mind, yet do not allow fools and disrespectful people to continue their behavior. That is the hard part. So many people want everyone to be all lovey dovey, that they allow themselves and others to be doormats, to be taught the wrong things, and to ignore slights against others. All those things are FAR from lovey dovey.

People espouse world peace, yet treat others unfairly. They talk behind people's backs. My way is being totally open and honest. If it hurts someone's feelings, then they either need to have a dialog with me about it, and tell me why they think I am wrong, or they need to learn from it.

I know a VERY traditional Native elder. He pulls no punches. When he tells you that you are not doing something right, it is best to listen carefully! He is sometimes harsh, but he sure makes sure that things are done the right way. He doesn't suffer fools lightly. I thought I was tough, but he makes me look like Tinkerbell.There are many elders like that, and they can make you feel badly for a moment, but then you are so glad that they taught you a valuable lesson (the people who have self respect do anyway).

That said. I love tough teachers. I always have. Being tough doesn't mean being mean. It means calling you out when you are wrong, it means showing the right way, it means being honest, it means speaking up, it means being brave.It means sometimes being uncomfortable.

I was asked by someone who could not attend my wedding if the pipe ceremony was done. The answer was yes. Then the comment was, there weren't any pictures....that's right. First, a pipe ceremony is prayer, it is not to be bragged about (along with sweat lodge ceremony, and other rituals), nor photographed. Even certain dances, drumming, songs are not to be photographed, nor shared. When people brag about these events and share photos of them, you can see who has been taught well, and who hasn't. This is a way of every Nation I know of, if it isn't of one you know of, let me know.

You cannot even bring a camera on to the Zuni Reservation. Most pueblos in New Mexico are the same, and have areas where you cannot go, and ceremony that you
cannot witness.These are sacred acts, and not a circus. They need to be held sacred.

Just because you are grown up,doesn't mean that you get to do what you want to, at least not when it effects others. If you want to sit alone in your house, paint yourself orange, and jump up and down on nails...go for it. If you are out in public, being a teacher of any sort (even to your children), you don't get the "Get out of jail free card".

So, that said:

Thank you to all who have taught me the right way, which is rarely the easy way.
Thank you for taking the time, the effort, the energy to do so.
Thank you for letting me ask questions and argue a point.
Thank you for allowing me to speak the truth and not be cowardly and quiet.
Thank you for showing me how to think for myself and not be a sheep.
Thank you for giving me the will to return to school well after I could have stopped.
Thanks to all those in my life who have helped in these ways.
Thank you Universe , Creator, for bringing the right people to me, and giving me the self respect to walk away from others who do not show respect to the ways, other people, or the Universe.
Thank you for strength, courage, and abundance, all because I learned the right way. The way of time, sweat, patience, and endurance.
Thank you for teaching me to be humble, and not need to adoration of others.
Thank you for making sure I am not one of those who tries to skate on the edge by pretending, faking it, or misleading people.
Thank you for making me realize this is not a popularity contest, but life.

Thank you, thank you , thank you.

Learn (the right way).
Research (the right way)

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Have a weekend full of learning.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rapture?? Go camping with Camping.

I was going to answer some drum questions, at least the best I can, this morning...but I just HAD to comment on the upcoming "rapture" as an example of how just because a person sets themselves up as spiritual, it doesn't mean they have a clue! It can also cause harm.

Harold Camping tells us that on May 21, the world will end. He says that the Mayans math is all wrong.

Not only did the Mayans NOT say the world would end in 2012 (that was the white folk who are messing in Native ways who said that), but I can promise you it won't end on this Saturday either. After all, God would let you get that one last day in church , right. I think he would end it on a Monday,it would be perfect if you ask me.

Sarcasm aside, Camping is actually predicting rapture for May 21 after studying the Bible for 70 years. He sounds like an authority, right? Someone you may trust, 70 years of study, he MUST have learned something! Seventy years of study doesn't make you an authority. Camping is either crazy, has a severe (one could say of Biblical proportions) learning disability, or is a fanatic. Most likely all three.

The very idea of "rapture" is not a Biblical doctrine , but something that preachers espoused in the 20th century. It is a great topic for getting everyone all excited and shouting "Amen!!", but it isn't something that was ever promised anyone. Rapture means God is coming to pick up all you good, church folk, and leave the rest behind to suffer through the end of the world.

Most people laugh and say "OK whatever". Some people participate in mostly harmless things. Many just go on with their lives. However in some places, people are panicking, and looting to get provisions for the next few days. I can't imagine looters being picked up by God and brought to Heaven, but you never know. There are people panicking, trying to reach "safe places" and causing turmoil. A crowd of 5000 had to be broken up in Vietnam earlier this month, all on Camping's words.

People are quitting jobs, hoarding or stealing food and supplies, and living in fear. They are disrupting other people's lives in the process.

Meanwhile, you should know that Camping did this before. Apparently the world was supposed to end on September 6, 1994. He was obviously wrong, yet after that, Camping's ministry grew. His word is now translated into 48 languages, not bad for a guy who made a calculation that missed by at least 17 years. Maybe the ministry needed another boost, so he made another prediction.He said he made a mathematical error. I think he is either smart as a fox and uses this as a publicity stunt, or he is just plain crazy.He is at least a good business man. His shows are broadcast on every continent.

Camping is 89, so I am sure he will miss the next 17 year mark when this one doesn't happen. One has to wonder why people listen to a man they know is wrong.The answer is for many reasons.

Make sure that you really research people that you put your trust in. Their word as to who they are isn't good enough. Having a church, radio station, or other "spiritual establishment", isn't good enough; having a weekly, monthly, or yearly event, is not good enough.

Don't be impressed by the nice man, be impressed by seeing that what he speaks is the truth, research it!

There is no doctrine of rapture, and nothing will occur on May 21, except maybe Camping's downfall.

God, Creator, the Universe, just requires you to be a good, honest, loving person. No belief system requires you to trample over your fellow humans to get to the sacred space to be rescued. None of it requires you to go through a ritual, a class, a cleansing to get there either.

Beware so called "Men of God", as there are Campings, Phelps (Westboro), and Terry Jones (burned the Qu'ran), out there, but worse yet, the ones who are not so easy to spot. They are not only in religious groups, but every spiritual genre imaginable.

Learn, research, grow.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What is in your heart.....

We have a funny situation in our household. Whenever we are out and about, the dark haired "Wolf" male is thought to be the "Indian" , whereas it is the light haired female who really is. Yet, those who are Native come in all shades, sizes, body types and facial features. Some even are light haired.

A trip to my tribe's annual pow wows would have most people puzzled. They aren't the Indians of the old westerns. There are light and dark, some sure look to be African American, some look to be Latino, some look to be Irish! They all are. Being on the eastern seaboard, the tribes first had to endure the English, Dutch, French, and then more and more nationalities came. Germans came to fought and stayed. Irish and Scottish came to fight with the Brits in the French and Indian War and stayed. Some were not so friendly and raped and stole Native women. Some asked to stay in the tribe and did. Many on the rolls of eastern tribes have Irish, Scottish, French and German last names.

There are people of African American decent in my tribes. There are also all of the above listed nationalities along with Portuguese and English descendants.

Yet the same thing is said over and over by many people in many places of Native decent. It is what is in your heart. Now, this doesn't mean, "I love the Native American culture, and want to join in.". It really means, "I respect and want to follow the Native culture and honor it.". There is a big difference. The easiest way to see the difference is in respect and knowledge.

I have seen people claim the Native way and do all kinds of things Native (like go to a sweat lodge or pow wow). Yet their knowledge is about 10% and their respect is not there, because their knowledge is not there. You cannot fully respect a belief you don't understand. You can't respect a ritual that you do not know the process of, the reason for, or the feeling behind it. You can respect another person's need to follow that ritual, but you cannot respect something you know nothing about.

When you see a blonde or red head dancing or drumming, never doubt their authenticity. They may not be pure blood, but there are an awful lot of pure bloods out there who are not interested in the traditional ways. There are a lot of non Natives who respect, honor and live the traditional Native ways. It is not in your hair or skin, but in your heart.

There are many who "love" the NA ways and emulate them to some degree or another. That is good. However, if you are going to do this, learn the ways , the protocol, the meaning behind things. Just loving the NA culture is not enough.

Matt has taken the time, and the effort to learn the right ways of doing things, and has demonstrated by his words and actions that he knows much and is willing to learn more. he is fully accepted. I have Native blood, but I still have to do the same things, know the reason behind things, know the protocol, know the ways, the stories, the history, the feeling, the songs, the words. There is much to learn.

But it all starts with what is in your heart, and no matter where your ancestors were from, if you truly honor the NA ways, you will take the time and effort to learn the right way, the traditional ways, the history of the people. Otherwise, you are just faking it.....

Be honest with yourself first, it is the hardest part, as once you are honest with yourself, you can be honest with others.

Know what is in your heart, and when it is truly there , nothing will stop you from achieving that desire.

Do the right things for the right reasons.

...and one more thing, don't judge a book by its' cover...even if it is a red haired one.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


A question was posed as to how you know someone is authentic. That is easy and hard at the same time. There is a no fail way, it is by using your head. Ask for certification where there should be some (Reiki Masters, Life Coaches, Healing Touch practitioners all have pieces of paper to say they have passed the classes). Even if you get sucked into something or someone who looks good on first glance, you will see after a while, the truth. The key is to then decide if you are going to have the courage to walk away,(not enough people do), or stay.

There are people who are cheaters, liars, and "scammers" who live in all walks of life. Being a certain title or living in a certain place, does not make them a "good person". There are priests molesting children, you cannot put total trust in someone just because they have a job where they are supposed to be a "good person".

I used to give freely to a certain tribe until I found out about the corruption and issues that were daily problems on the reservation, then I stopped. Just like in the white world, being poor, doesn't make you a good person.

There are people in countries who are devastated by hunger and want, yet the aid sent, only goes to the ruling class, while the majority of the country goes hungry.

On a smaller scale, I had someone comment that they took a bunch of classes from one place, and mostly one person. After a couple of years they realized that their life had not changed because nothing they learned did them any good. The took classes in all kinds of genres, and not what resonated with them. Many classes were totally forgotten as they made no sense to this person. The only proof positive change was that they had less money in their wallet. I gave them some pointers for free, and sent them on their way, helped them focus. Now their life has changed, and they have a support system of "go to" people. Don't take classes just to "fill your resume". There are people who are the best metaphysicians out there who never took a single class!

Saying that you were at certain sacred place or took a class with a famous person, won't magically change your life. Only you can change your life. Some people benefit greatly from classes, some are better with being mentored. Some just learn best on their own, they make mistakes, but those mistakes are life lessons that are among the most valuable.

There is no need to pay hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands to learn metaphysics, or to sit in a sweat lodge, things like that should be glaringly apparent, but sadly are not. People are looking to be changed in a way. They want to be good, giving, trusting, and loving, and don't realize that all that has to come with a huge dollop of common sense. There are people out there who will look at you with a tear in their eye and take your money and buy drugs with it. They will ask for help, and want it in a handout, not a job, or instruction on how to do things better. There are people out there who just want to empty your pocket and fill theirs.

Just becasue someone has a title, a clerical collar, is Native American, is poor, or had some bad luck, doesn't make them a good person. It doesn't make them a bad person either, it makes them human. There are humans out there that do not have your best interest in mind, and handouts will only become an avalanche of enabling.

When you slip into "Bliss Ninny" land you become prey to these folks, or maybe become one yourself.

Make sure people are authentic, and when you think they are, and then find out they are not, don't worry that you look bad, or stupid, or gullible....just walk away!

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied and reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Education in the field.....

As usual, you learn the most when you are out and about talking to people, and more importantly listening.Listening is much more precise than hearing. When you are not part of the conversation and sit back, you can sometimes learn a ton of really good information. I had a chance to listen to Matt talk to some folks about drums, pow wow protocol (and there sure is a ton of that), traditions, songs, elders, respect, tribes, and tradition.

I am all about doing things the right way, and at pow wows and ancestor honoring days, it is all about tradition, and protocol. There are sometimes gatherings (like Native American Days),that teach some things, but really do not follow protocol. There is good and bad in that. The good is that people get to experience another culture, the bad is that they really don't learn the whole truth and end up being misled, even though it is not on purpose.

When you approach and talk to a traditional person, you will learn the ways . More than maybe you wanted to. I remember when I was much younger, a relative said they would go to a local reservation to learn things from the people living there. Another family member said" Are you kidding, those are the most non-traditional people out there!" Just because a group, or a person lives on a reservation, doesn't make them traditional, and certainly doesn't make them knowledgeable. They may not even speak the language, know the stories, or the real reason behind things.

I remember a person telling me a story about Crazy Horse, and what a Native told them about Crazy Horse's name. It was all untrue. Just being native and living on a reservation doesn't make a person wise, nor a resource of good information. After all, do you know American history cold? All the facts and figures? Most people do not, no matter where they live.

It is sometimes hard to search out the people who have all the authentic information. Then they need to trust you and know that you have a good heart. They may test you, or make you wait before sharing information with you, but they are always willing to share. You can't walk up to a Native American and say "teach me how to make a pipe". They won't tell you, will misinform you, or tell you to "get lost". All valid things to do. You have to EARN that knowledge, just as in any tradition. They may say, "OK, but you need to apprentice with me for three years", when you are totally dedicated, you will say "COOL!", when you aren't, you will walk away.

I learned so much about drums yesterday, in a short period of time, it is amazing. I didn't like some of what I heard, but I know it to be totally true. Matt loves the drum and songs, and found out so much great information.

People sometimes come and ask to learn a song, it isn't that easy. Learning ceremonial songs, or prayer songs, comes with a lot of dedication, but it also comes with the teacher knowing they can trust you to honor the song, treat it with respect, and know when to use it and when not to. These songs are prayers, and have power and purpose behind them. You need to show you are are worthy of the song. Most don't even have a clue how to ask to learn one in the proper manner. Not knowing how to ask, means you are not ready to learn the song, or anything else for that matter.Even if you don't know how to ask, just learning how to ask in the right way is another lesson. A good one, as you can use it in any circumstance when you need to ask about something.

Then there are social songs, and these may be taught or given more easily to you, but still, I know I wouldn't teach a song with the energetic value equal to "Row , row row your boat" to some people. They would misuse even that.

The key to learning anything traditionally Native American (and this goes for other cultures as well), is to first show you are respectful and dedicated. Then to show you will honor that same tradition, in other words, in the ways of songs, you will not teach ceremonial songs to just anyone. You then have to use it in a humble way, not to say, "I know this song, it is a sacred song"...and sing it to show off. Songs have a time and purpose to them, and should be used at the right time and for the right purpose.

These folks we talked to yesterday knew that Matt and I know all of that, so they were free with their information and help.This only comes with seeing people again and again at pow wows and building trust through being respectful at these events, and showing that you know the proper way of doing things. People notice when you do things incorrectly and are not so free with sharing things, except maybe correcting your first mistake.

There are some very traditional folks out there and when you make a misstep, they will tell you. The answer should simply be "thank you, I will make sure that I do not do that again". I am so painstakingly careful, I probably don't have as much fun as I should have, but I learn a lot, earn trust, share much, and find people willing to teach me.

I can't say I learned everything there is to know about drums, drumming and songs yesterday, my education had already began, and I am sure has far to go. However I did learn much, and learned where to learn even more, and that is all part of the journey. Not the rush to the song, or whatever it is you are trying to learn, but the journey there. The journey is full of learning, and will always make you a better person.

Learn the right way, even if it is the long way, as it usually is.

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, May 12, 2011


There was a recent discussion on abundance. One in the group said, if you concentrate on abundance and do abundance rituals, "How much do you get? Hundreds? Thousands?". The answer is, it may actually be $0.

Abundance is not just about money. Being abundant, as it relates to cash, means having enough to pay all the bills, with a little left over for what you want. Can you increase that a little? Sure, with hard work. The Universe isn't going to rain money down your chimney. You need cash? Ask for a job, to sell an item you are trying to sell, to find a new way to make extra money, to find the best deal on something.

Abundance is about life. It is about having good opportunities, health, and a safe place to be. It is about having friends who truly love you and that you can trust , even if that amount of friends is only one. It means having the ability to always be happy no matter what the situation, it means always being able to see the silver lining in the clouds. It means always striving for more and achieving your goals, even if it takes years. It means being able to see beauty in everything, and to be able to be thankful, truly thankful for all that you have.

It means being able to find what ever you need in this life, and most of what you want.

It isn't all about money.It really isn't about money at all.

Be truly abundant. "Step one" is a good perspective on the world. Not angry or unhappy, but not all bliss ninny either. Reality is the key. We live in this dimension, and need to work with the energy that is here, our manifesting cannot break the laws of nature on this planet (another reason why those millions won't drop down your chimney).

Start there, and watch things magically begin to change.

Abundance is just around the corner.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Have a huge toolbox

There is most certainly a need to have a toolbox that not only has the essentials, but other things that you may use from time to time. Some people have a giant toolbox and you know that you can always count on them, just like the professional, certified mechanic.

When you study a genre, especially in energy work, it is important to remember that tools need to be used for the right things. Reiki is much better at healing than telling the future. Tarot cards are great for telling the future, but muscle testing is the best tool for seeing what is best for your higher self at the time. Dowsing rods are great for finding lost objects. The list goes on, and using the right tool always gets the best results.

It is also important to remember that just because you love a certain genre, that doesn't mean that you should stop learning others. You don't have to know everything about any genre, as having trusted individuals around you that you can go to for help is necessary. Our brains can't hold all there is to know about all the information available to us. We then cannot assimilate it, not distribute it.

Life is a circle , and we do have to pass on what we know, if not to our children,then to students and contemporaries. We need to be mindful that we don't get stuck.

Once you get stuck it is hard to see other options, tools, and methods available to use. The key to staying out of those pitfalls, is to have a large toolbox, and good colleagues.

I have much in my tool box from a degree in psychology, and three others in metaphysical sciences, to a natural psychic ability, and reiki master training.
I have all the colleagues I need to get anything done, and a vast array of places to obtain information from.

Life has been a series of research projects lately, and learning new Native American songs. Maybe that is enough on my plate for right now.

Always look for a new tool to develop, a new skill, a new learning. Look for quality people to keep at your side, and for places that are full of great information.

Learn, teach and grow.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hiding in plain sight

A reader asked me to put on my psychologist hat today. I said I would give it a try, although I haven't kept up on recent work in the field. The question however, was easy.

They made a comment yesterday about a person they know. They see this person from time to time in groups, and this person is always very nice to others around them. The reader however, knows much about this person, their home life, and things they have done, and is astonished at how the act is played out for others. They asked if there are many like that out there. Chameleons who people think are wonderful, sweet people, and who are in fact very troubled.

The answer is ABSOLUTELY! The joke in this country is that after hearing of a person committing a horrible crime, someone says "but he was always such a nice boy". Think of John Wayne Gacy. Gacy was a serial killer, but before anyone knew him as such, he was a person who was considered an upstanding member of the community. A businessman who attended the Catholic church in town; a man who helped down and out people find construction jobs; he ran the local Jaycees; was active in politics, and the icing on the cake, dressed up as a clown. He entertained as Pogo the clown and organized street parties and gatherings for children. Nice guy, right? He even had his picture taken with then First Lady, Roslyn Carter.

John Wayne Gacy was the man in your neighborhood that everyone liked and knew. He did good things, and he seemed like a really sweet guy, except what he really was, was a serial killer. Gacy killed at least 33 people. He violently raped most of them first, and most were young boys.

There are many people in this world with emotional and mental issues. There are more today than ever before. Those with emotional issues are really harder to deal with as there is not a miracle drug to make them better. Most were the victims of abuse when young. The anger and resentment still flows out of them now that they have control over their lives.

They usually put on a good front, but have an unhappy spouse or other family member who usually is the recipient of their anger. The anger doesn't come out in public as they need everyone to like them. They have a bizillion Facebook and Myspace "friends" that they never met, and they seek attention, either through generous acts, or constant trips to the doctor. They are the ones that always pop up at everything, or have someone send a message that they couldn't come, due to some health issue or problem at home. This makes you feel sorry for them,they get your attention even without being there. They cheat on their spouses, spend and need more money than most, they even may commit crimes such as theft.

Some even skip the work and show up for the party afterward. They will say they were at "such and such event" doing good deeds, but what they were really attending is the "after party". They try not to hold a job, and will have a million reasons why, mostly things like health issues that are non existent or exaggerated beyond imagination. They put on a great act, yet actually do very little in the way of making a positive difference.

When they find someone who is truly strong of spirit, they instantly hate that person, they are what the emotional mess has always wanted to be.

Whatever they want, they do and take. They are always seeking attention, and they will do good or bad to get it, although when in the spotlight with others looking on, they are the most sweet, huggy people you ever met.

Take them out of the limelight, and they are pure anger, and evil, vindictive acts.Many have trouble believing it, just as they had trouble believing Gacy was a serial killer.

They are out there, all over the place. People who get close enough begin to see it, people who do not, think they are angels on earth, like Gacy.

When you sense something isn't quite right, or that a person is directing hate or vengeance toward another, walk away, no matter how sweet they seem in public. People are so concerned with life being a "popularity" contest, they are "friends" with all kinds of people that are unhealthy and unhealthy for them. What is important is to keep good energy around you. People who do he right things for the right reasons, not those who put on a spiritual act for the public.

Thankfully there are not a lot of Gacy's walking around out there, but there are way too many people with emotional issues out there. Male and female.

This reader had just found out that a person who holds themselves up as a spiritual leader in the community, is dating a married person. The reader was shocked, and asked how that could be OK with everyone. Usually everyone doesn't know...and the rest overlook it , as the person is such an angel, right???

Make sure that you know who is in your life...just becasue they are wearing a clown suit and raising money for a worthy cause, doesn't make them a good person.

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Ignorance comes from silence.

“The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance.” Confucius.

Ignorance, to me, is a state beyond a lack of knowledge when it comes to live in general. It is a steadfastness to the untruth. Being unwilling too even hear the truth, and once the truth is spoken, to deny it, or react in a a negative way towards it. You can be ignorant of a fact and that is fine as long as you are willing to learn, but to be "ignorant" an adjective describing your essence, is a bad thing.

I see "lack of knowledge" every day. We are here to learn and grow, so that is necessary. It is learning and growing that truly fulfill people, even though many don't like to do that in a formal setting. However, ignorance seems to be more and more prevalent. I don't know if it is a lack of common sense, denial, or pure meanness, but it is there, just the same.

There was a young man at Walmart the other morning. Matt and I were picking up items for a friend who is flooded out. We were putting all the items in to a box we bought. This young man and another friend arrived, and apparently there was another vehicle that went through the lot too fast for his liking. I didn't even notice that car, so he couldn't have been going THAT fast....but I did notice this low class, ignorant human, say something at the "speeding" car (quiet enough so they wouldn't hear mind you), and then once that driver was gone, shout to call him the "N" word. Class Act Boy then spit on the ground, and his buddy told him, "that will get your face smashed in", Class Act Boy's answer was, "I don't care". Actually I don't care if he gets his face smashed in either, but he serves this morning as an example of mean ignorance. His buddy then told him off, saving me the need to get into it with someone with the IQ of a rock.

The other thing that I shook my head at this weekend, is people saying things like, "we caught Bin Laden, pull back all the troops". Ah, if it were only so simple. This isn't a Fairy Tale where there is one troll or wicked witch. Bin Laden approved all that was done, but he wasn't the "general", the one coming up with plans and setting things in motion, that man, most likely just as dangerous if not more so than Bin Laden, is still out there. Bin Laden's death is a plus for us, but is far from the end. This is more like the "bliss ninny" thought process, or denial. If we dance around and sing "Ding Dong the With is Dead!" everything will be alright! Ommmmmmm.... Sorry, but it just isn't that simple. Think about it, your owner of your company dies. Does that mean that we close the business , tell everyone to go home, and stop making widgets? Of course not. People want total peace (something we will never have in this dimension), so badly, they are living in a dream world.

Lack of common sense, the other form of ignorance, was around me so much this weekend, I can't even begin to write about it. This is things like people living above their means; having affairs with married people; just plain rudeness.

Ignorance is all around us, and ignorance has an ally, silence. When people keep going through their lives in this manner, nothing good comes of it. Nothing. Silence is never the answer. Needless to say, I am not the silent type....Silence can do one of two things, show the right way or embarrass people like Class Act Boy so much that they keep their mouths closed, making a better world for everyone around him.

Never allow anyone to tell you to not speak your mind, to be silent, to leave without a word, or suffer in silence. They are the people who know that when the truth is spoken, it will take their unfair, untrue, and even evil, worlds down , piece by piece.

Only people who KNOW they are wrong, ask for silence. Don't ever be silent, and don't stay around people who tell you to be silent.Ignorance thrives in silence, silence comes out of fear. NEVER do anything out of fear.

Silence is never the answer. Never.

Do the right thing for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf PhD, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, May 6, 2011

What's in a name???

Since the Native American community is upset over Bin Laden's code name, Geronimo, let's look at Geronimo. I can't say I feel angry they used that name...but when I read about the news of Bin Laden's death, I said....here we go, the Native Americans are going to be upset. While discussing the whole "name thing", I found that there are a lot of things people believe about Geronimo which are not true.

First of all, his name wasn't Geronimo. Really. That was a name bestowed upon him after a Mexican raid. His real name was Goyathlay. The meaning of the name is not fierce at all, I couldn't recall it right away, but looked it up. His name means "one who yawns", not a very scary name for such a fierce warrior!

The name Geronimo came, because as he was battling the Mexicans in 1858, they would shout "Saint Jerome" in Spanish as they died by his hand. Some thought that the name shouted ("Jeronimo") was Goyathlay's name, and it stuck.

His anger is said to have come from his family being killed when he was a young man, The Mexicans killed his wife, children, and mother. I would think that would make anyone angry enough to seek revenge.

Another incorrect belief about Geronimo, is that he was a chief. He wasn't, he was a warrior who was famous for raiding Mexican and American camps and towns. The part that people don't like to talk about, is that he also raided the Native Americans. He didn't kill them as much as take what he needed from them, he did however kill many Mexicans and quite a few Americans. Recent research has shown that he was an equal opportunity raider. Some tribes hated Geronimo, and others loved him. Between 1820 and 1835 over 5000 Mexicans died in Apache raids. He did later remarry, and have more than one wife.

Another incorrect belief was that he was born in America. He was born in Mexico, not the US, although the land where he was born is now part of New Mexico.

He became a sort of celebrity after surrendering to the US in 1886, and died from a fall from his horse. The actual cause of death was that after lying in the cold all night, pneumonia finally claimed the life of the warrior, at 80 years of age.

I can see why the military may have used Geronimo's name. He was said to be able to walk without leaving tracks (and we know how hard we searched for Bin Laden without finding clues of his whereabouts); he was said to be very spiritual (and even though Bin Laden was not a good man, his attacks were based in belief that this is what Allah wanted); he was a spiritual leader of his tribe (so was Bin Laden);he was a fighter; he was said to be able to survive many bullet wounds over his lifetime (and Bin Laden was said to have illnesses that needed attention and monitoring, making them both a little invincible); the US Army was told to capture Geronimo (and Bin Laden) "dead or alive".

I can clearly see the point of not wanting a famous warrior named after a person as heinous as Bin Laden, but I also can't say Geronimo was a nice guy. Thousands of lives in retaliation for the lives of his family does seem a bit excessive. He also had raids for horses, food and water. He would take those from anyone, including Native Americans. He would be someone I would like to go back in time to meet. Was he that fierce? Was he a little crazy or have anger issues? Did the killing of his family make him "snap"? Was he truly a visionary who could see the future, and was he really telepathic? Did he have a sense of humor? What was the real Geronimo, or better yet, Goyathlay, really like?

There are numerous and varying accounts of Geronimo's life, all the way to his surrender, and terms of that surrender. He was certainly a hero of the Chihuahua Apache, that is for sure. He was also feared by many, and became a symbol of a warrior was. He was very brave, or maybe a little crazy. We will never know for sure.

For some obscure reason, and there are several tales as to why, the name Geronimo was shouted by the military before jumping out of planes, we still did it when I was a kid. If you were jumping out of a tree, you would yell "Geronimo", maybe Saint Jerome protects people who fall from the sky.

Late in life,after his surrender, Geronimo did embrace Christianity. He said that he was raised to believe that there was something after death , but never learned specifics of it. Christianity gave him specifics. He even said "I am glad to know that the President of the United States is a Christian, for without the help of the Almighty I do not think he could rightly judge in ruling so many people. I have advised all of my people who are not Christians, to study that religion, because it seems to me the best religion in enabling one to live right". He did belong to the Dutch Reformed church, but was expelled for gambling. It shows he was independent and spirited to the end!

Whether he was good or bad, or a combination of both, he was certainly an interesting person, a loyal person and a brave person. Certainly not a person who deserves to be associated with one of the most hated men in the world, although at the time when he roamed the southwest, I would bet he was one of the most hated men in the world. I guess it just depends whose side you were on!

The other twist to this story is that although Bin Laden was originally code named Geronimo, the actual raid was renamed "Neptune's Spear", I would guess most likely as the Navy is the branch that finally captured him.

In the end, they are two fighters who will go down in history. Geronimo's history has been softened, and he is revered by many, and even though we will never revere Bin Laden here in America, you can bet that many others will. I would say the Mexicans have no love lost for Geronimo, although Americans may think he was a brave warrior. It all depends on what side of the fence you are sitting on.

Either way, there are at least twenty two films with Geronimo as a main or important character, I doubt Bin Laden will reach that level of fame.Geronimo did get to live out his life, although he later regretted surrendering. Bin Laden, won't get that luxury.

I wonder what Geronimo would think of Bin Laden?

Have a wonderful weekend all, and Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) Dr. R M Reiter Wolf PhD
May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Cinco De Mayo

Cinco De Mayo simply means the "Fifth of May". I think that is why many Americans confuse it with Mexican Independence Day, after all, our Independence Day is the "Fourth of July". Cinco De Mayo however, really isn't Mexican Independence Day, that is actually celebrated on September 16th.

It is about a single military victory,and it was against the French, not the Spanish or Americans. It is really about debt when you come down to it.

It was a holiday originally only celebrated in the Mexican state of Puebla. It is now mainly celebrated there to a small extent,but seems to be more popular in parts of the US.

That being said, Cinco De Mayo is really NOT celebrated in Mexico much at all. It would be like us celebrating "D Day" (June 6, 1944 when the American forces landed at Normandy Beach).We know it exists, and some know when it is , and what it is about, but there isn't a holiday celebration on that day.

After the Mexica -American War, and other skirmishes , Mexico was broke. There were negotiations, and extensions of debt owed to other countries from South America to Europe. The negotiations went well, except for one country, France. Money was owed to France and instead of negotiating as other countries did, France (Napoleon III) decided to invade Mexico.

The French army was twice as large as the Mexican one (the Mexicans had 4,000 fighting men, the French , 8000), and the French were much better equipped, yet the Mexicans managed to defeat the French in the Puebla area at Fort Guadalupe and Fort Loreto. The French army was stunned, it was the best in the world at the time, not having had a defeat in over 50 years. Quite a cause for celebration by the Mexicans!

The remembrance of that day was carried to the US and has become a bigger deal here than in Mexico! I guess it sells tequila drinks and makes Mexican restaurants a little extra profit on May 5.

So , enjoy a toast for Cinco De Mayo, but please don't call it Mexican Independence Day, and if things didn't go so well that day, it would be cinq de mai!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

There are more important things....

There are a lot of things that people are looking for today. Back when I started doing readings, questions were about life, career, any fun things that were going to happen. What would be the best path for me, or "are there any messages for me". Today, most of the time, the question is: "when is a man coming".

The last few months have been a parade of people who are in such a state of trouble, emotional turmoil, and financial disaster that it is scary. Many more people today seem mentally and emotionally ill than ever, and even more are angry and suicidal.There is something wrong with American people. I don't know if it was that they were brought up in a time of rampant drug use, abuse, and conspicuous consumption, or something else, but it is terrible.

There is a trend out there that is scary. They have no friends, no one wants to be near them; no jobs, they can't work well with others; no money, from no job and living well over their means to make themselves feel better; problem children, from being raised in such an atmosphere; excessive alcohol use and drug use, and they expect Prince Charming to come and whisk them away.

It won't happen. When they beat the odds by finding a nice guy, he rarely stays longer than a few months.

A few days ago, I spoke to a lady who lives in a slum, has a daughter in a a gang, no money, has lost job after job over the last 8 years, and can't pay her bills. She wants to know why the Universe is doing this to her. HUH? The Universe isn't doing it, she is. She is an overly emotional, negative person who blames everything that happens to her on someone else. She wants someone else to always give to her what she wants and needs. She sabotages every job she has, and has ignored her daughter for all the men wandering in and out of her home. She was living above her means and had been evicted 14 times in 7 years! She wants to know when a good man is coming and why she can't have one. You have got to be kidding! I told her that she needs to be desirable to a man, and that doesn't mean nice makeup and a cute, tight top...there are hundreds of thousands of those out there....she needs to be energetically, financially, and personally attractive. The really sad part is that this is not unusual!

When your life is a series of disasters, and you have no friends, your family will not speak to you, you are broke, bankrupt, and losing your home and car. If your kids are in crises, and you have had failed relationship after failed relationship, lost job after job, then get professional help!

I can draw a road map for you,give you answers, but when every suggestion and solution is met with "I can't", and whining about the current situation, then NOTHING will change.

Life is a challenge, those who do well at it, aren't "lucky", they are people who work hard,live within their means, are nice to people, pay their bills, and do the best they can every day. They don't threaten suicide when they don't get what they want handed to them. They don't turn down a good job because they want a pay scale they are no where near qualified for.

One told me, "but there are no jobs"...I sure see a lot. When running errands this weekend I saw 13 "help wanted" signs..THIRTEEN of them. Two people actually told me recently that there are absolutely NO JOBS in their state. I emailed a list to one of them, and said, if you can't find one here, you don't want to (there were 450 on the list I sent to them). Blame it on the government all you want, but that doesn't put food on your table.

The issue is that people lose the $60k job they were not qualified for. They lived well over their means while having this job, ran up the credit cards, had a new vehicle every couple of years, and never put a dime in a savings account. Now they blame the government for their woes, and say there are no jobs, becasue they need an $8 K one (they aren't qualified for), to pay their bills! The $40k jobs out there won't pay their bills, so they won't even apply....even though unemployment isn't paying their bills either.

When it comes to the bills not being paid, a bankruptcy dangling over your head...don't buy a new car, GET A JOB! I don't care if it is less than you were supposedly "earning". The unemployment will run out, and you will HAVE to take one of those jobs.

Stop making excuses!

Be the best you can be. Be the desirable person to the employer, future friends and mates, because being a person that lives in the middle of crises every day, will only bring you another person who lives in crises every day.Like attracts like.

There is one and only one person responsible for your life and well being. Only one responsible for your living conditions. YOU. The world can set you back a few months, but when it goes on for year after year, look in the mirror, that is the only place you will find the culprit.

Do the right things for the right reasons, and you will never be in this situation.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) Dr RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Moon

There is a new moon today. A great time to manifest, pray and affirm new beginnings. There is always room for newness. Many people shun it, they fear change and new things, but it is always the way to growth, and using the new meoon as a springboard is a way to quicker success.

This month's new moon is in Taurus, so it is an excellent time for new beginnings around money. Start a new savings account, business, or investment. At least make a plan for a better financial future, of course you then have to follow that plan!

Starting anything today gives it a jump start on being successful. Take a moment and make a new start, this is the day for it!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)Dr RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written agreement.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden

I can clearly remember 9/11. The plane that crashed in PA after the passengers fought back against the terrorists, flew right over my head (making me wonder why the plane was so low). It was terrible. Most likely more terrible than other areas of the country ( I lived in PA at the time and worked in NJ), because our direct friends, family members, emergency professionals, clients and customers died that day. One member of that group being killed is devastating, when several go at once just due to pure hate, it is a thousand times worse.

Added to that were people who lost homes and jobs on a tremendous scale, and those who died or became ill due to the clean up efforts. Then there was the impact on the economy, still felt today, and the rules of our lives from flying to getting a license to drive. Bin Laden changed all that.

Today, we hear that Osama Bin laden is dead. His terrorist group has been slowly rendered less and less dangerous over the years , due to the military (capturing or killing other leaders of his group), or our own more protective measures that people whine about every day. The price of freedom is never cheap...

The point of all this is, I can't say I feel like celebrating. I guess it is hard for me to even think about celebrating anyone's violent death, but on the other hand, I am very happy that we have managed to end his plotting and planning after 10 long years.

This isn't over however. There are still extremists in the world. Whenever we capture or kill a Mussolini , a Hitler, or any other crazy, evil person, one comes to replace him. There always has to be the yin and the yang, the good and the bad, the black and the white. Always. Balance has to always exist.

God, Creator, the Universe, gave us all free will, and there will always be those who exercise it in the wrong manner. From extremists and despots to people who are around you every day, who lie, cheat, steal.

The yin and the yang.

Hopefully Bin Laden's death marks the end of some of the world's issues, and I am sure that it will. However it will not solve all of them.

Find the good in everything that happens. Find the reason in everything that happens, and life will always be good, even without world peace. Yet realize that the balance, the negative must always exist for you to know , fight for and appreciate the good.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)Dr R Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.