A question was posed as to how you know someone is authentic. That is easy and hard at the same time. There is a no fail way, it is by using your head. Ask for certification where there should be some (Reiki Masters, Life Coaches, Healing Touch practitioners all have pieces of paper to say they have passed the classes). Even if you get sucked into something or someone who looks good on first glance, you will see after a while, the truth. The key is to then decide if you are going to have the courage to walk away,(not enough people do), or stay.
There are people who are cheaters, liars, and "scammers" who live in all walks of life. Being a certain title or living in a certain place, does not make them a "good person". There are priests molesting children, you cannot put total trust in someone just because they have a job where they are supposed to be a "good person".
I used to give freely to a certain tribe until I found out about the corruption and issues that were daily problems on the reservation, then I stopped. Just like in the white world, being poor, doesn't make you a good person.
There are people in countries who are devastated by hunger and want, yet the aid sent, only goes to the ruling class, while the majority of the country goes hungry.
On a smaller scale, I had someone comment that they took a bunch of classes from one place, and mostly one person. After a couple of years they realized that their life had not changed because nothing they learned did them any good. The took classes in all kinds of genres, and not what resonated with them. Many classes were totally forgotten as they made no sense to this person. The only proof positive change was that they had less money in their wallet. I gave them some pointers for free, and sent them on their way, helped them focus. Now their life has changed, and they have a support system of "go to" people. Don't take classes just to "fill your resume". There are people who are the best metaphysicians out there who never took a single class!
Saying that you were at certain sacred place or took a class with a famous person, won't magically change your life. Only you can change your life. Some people benefit greatly from classes, some are better with being mentored. Some just learn best on their own, they make mistakes, but those mistakes are life lessons that are among the most valuable.
There is no need to pay hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands to learn metaphysics, or to sit in a sweat lodge, things like that should be glaringly apparent, but sadly are not. People are looking to be changed in a way. They want to be good, giving, trusting, and loving, and don't realize that all that has to come with a huge dollop of common sense. There are people out there who will look at you with a tear in their eye and take your money and buy drugs with it. They will ask for help, and want it in a handout, not a job, or instruction on how to do things better. There are people out there who just want to empty your pocket and fill theirs.
Just becasue someone has a title, a clerical collar, is Native American, is poor, or had some bad luck, doesn't make them a good person. It doesn't make them a bad person either, it makes them human. There are humans out there that do not have your best interest in mind, and handouts will only become an avalanche of enabling.
When you slip into "Bliss Ninny" land you become prey to these folks, or maybe become one yourself.
Make sure people are authentic, and when you think they are, and then find out they are not, don't worry that you look bad, or stupid, or gullible....just walk away!
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied and reproduced without prior written permission.
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