Monday, May 2, 2011

Bin Laden

I can clearly remember 9/11. The plane that crashed in PA after the passengers fought back against the terrorists, flew right over my head (making me wonder why the plane was so low). It was terrible. Most likely more terrible than other areas of the country ( I lived in PA at the time and worked in NJ), because our direct friends, family members, emergency professionals, clients and customers died that day. One member of that group being killed is devastating, when several go at once just due to pure hate, it is a thousand times worse.

Added to that were people who lost homes and jobs on a tremendous scale, and those who died or became ill due to the clean up efforts. Then there was the impact on the economy, still felt today, and the rules of our lives from flying to getting a license to drive. Bin Laden changed all that.

Today, we hear that Osama Bin laden is dead. His terrorist group has been slowly rendered less and less dangerous over the years , due to the military (capturing or killing other leaders of his group), or our own more protective measures that people whine about every day. The price of freedom is never cheap...

The point of all this is, I can't say I feel like celebrating. I guess it is hard for me to even think about celebrating anyone's violent death, but on the other hand, I am very happy that we have managed to end his plotting and planning after 10 long years.

This isn't over however. There are still extremists in the world. Whenever we capture or kill a Mussolini , a Hitler, or any other crazy, evil person, one comes to replace him. There always has to be the yin and the yang, the good and the bad, the black and the white. Always. Balance has to always exist.

God, Creator, the Universe, gave us all free will, and there will always be those who exercise it in the wrong manner. From extremists and despots to people who are around you every day, who lie, cheat, steal.

The yin and the yang.

Hopefully Bin Laden's death marks the end of some of the world's issues, and I am sure that it will. However it will not solve all of them.

Find the good in everything that happens. Find the reason in everything that happens, and life will always be good, even without world peace. Yet realize that the balance, the negative must always exist for you to know , fight for and appreciate the good.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)Dr R Reiter Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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