There are a lot of things that people are looking for today. Back when I started doing readings, questions were about life, career, any fun things that were going to happen. What would be the best path for me, or "are there any messages for me". Today, most of the time, the question is: "when is a man coming".
The last few months have been a parade of people who are in such a state of trouble, emotional turmoil, and financial disaster that it is scary. Many more people today seem mentally and emotionally ill than ever, and even more are angry and suicidal.There is something wrong with American people. I don't know if it was that they were brought up in a time of rampant drug use, abuse, and conspicuous consumption, or something else, but it is terrible.
There is a trend out there that is scary. They have no friends, no one wants to be near them; no jobs, they can't work well with others; no money, from no job and living well over their means to make themselves feel better; problem children, from being raised in such an atmosphere; excessive alcohol use and drug use, and they expect Prince Charming to come and whisk them away.
It won't happen. When they beat the odds by finding a nice guy, he rarely stays longer than a few months.
A few days ago, I spoke to a lady who lives in a slum, has a daughter in a a gang, no money, has lost job after job over the last 8 years, and can't pay her bills. She wants to know why the Universe is doing this to her. HUH? The Universe isn't doing it, she is. She is an overly emotional, negative person who blames everything that happens to her on someone else. She wants someone else to always give to her what she wants and needs. She sabotages every job she has, and has ignored her daughter for all the men wandering in and out of her home. She was living above her means and had been evicted 14 times in 7 years! She wants to know when a good man is coming and why she can't have one. You have got to be kidding! I told her that she needs to be desirable to a man, and that doesn't mean nice makeup and a cute, tight top...there are hundreds of thousands of those out there....she needs to be energetically, financially, and personally attractive. The really sad part is that this is not unusual!
When your life is a series of disasters, and you have no friends, your family will not speak to you, you are broke, bankrupt, and losing your home and car. If your kids are in crises, and you have had failed relationship after failed relationship, lost job after job, then get professional help!
I can draw a road map for you,give you answers, but when every suggestion and solution is met with "I can't", and whining about the current situation, then NOTHING will change.
Life is a challenge, those who do well at it, aren't "lucky", they are people who work hard,live within their means, are nice to people, pay their bills, and do the best they can every day. They don't threaten suicide when they don't get what they want handed to them. They don't turn down a good job because they want a pay scale they are no where near qualified for.
One told me, "but there are no jobs"...I sure see a lot. When running errands this weekend I saw 13 "help wanted" signs..THIRTEEN of them. Two people actually told me recently that there are absolutely NO JOBS in their state. I emailed a list to one of them, and said, if you can't find one here, you don't want to (there were 450 on the list I sent to them). Blame it on the government all you want, but that doesn't put food on your table.
The issue is that people lose the $60k job they were not qualified for. They lived well over their means while having this job, ran up the credit cards, had a new vehicle every couple of years, and never put a dime in a savings account. Now they blame the government for their woes, and say there are no jobs, becasue they need an $8 K one (they aren't qualified for), to pay their bills! The $40k jobs out there won't pay their bills, so they won't even apply....even though unemployment isn't paying their bills either.
When it comes to the bills not being paid, a bankruptcy dangling over your head...don't buy a new car, GET A JOB! I don't care if it is less than you were supposedly "earning". The unemployment will run out, and you will HAVE to take one of those jobs.
Stop making excuses!
Be the best you can be. Be the desirable person to the employer, future friends and mates, because being a person that lives in the middle of crises every day, will only bring you another person who lives in crises every day.Like attracts like.
There is one and only one person responsible for your life and well being. Only one responsible for your living conditions. YOU. The world can set you back a few months, but when it goes on for year after year, look in the mirror, that is the only place you will find the culprit.
Do the right things for the right reasons, and you will never be in this situation.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) Dr RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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