Friday, December 2, 2011

Charity Charity Charity

Here is a topic that came up last night and it is one that I have spoken about before.

Charity is important each day of the year. It is even more important now. Everyone deserves a good holiday, and people are so focused on Christmas shopping and suc,h that they forget about all their neighbors that need help.

The problem is that too many people focus "away" from home, on "popular" charities, or on giving from the Ego instead of the heart. It doesn't matter even where the hungriest person is, it DOES matter where the hungriest person closest to you is. How can you help others who are miles, states, countries away while your neighbors need help just as badly? You can't do that honestly. We do need to take care of each other, but we need to focus.YOU are responsible for those near you, not someone in Montana , Haiti, or Africa. They aren't going to help, I guarantee you.

Focus means giving locally, no one is coming in from anywhere else in this country to save the children of our little city.

Focus means giving where it is doing some good. Make sure that you are giving through a person or group that ensures the help is going to the people who need it. Make sure that the organization or giver is not corrupt. There have been numerous stories about corruption on a Native American reservation, and most recently about a celebrity pocketing rescue funds. Giving money in this way is a total waste. You should be focusing closer to home anyway ans seeing that your donations are actually DOING some good, and getting to the right people.

Focus means not just emptying our pockets by going through organizations that don't just hand over cash, food and a coat, but work on finding PERMANENT solutions to the issues so that they aren't handing the same people cash, food and a coat next year.

Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, teach a man to fish, feed him for life. Lao Tzu

Don't give from Ego, don't EVER give to get something in return. When every person in the world gives locally and from the heart,in a helpful way, there will be no need for charity any longer. When we throw money around the country and world, nothing happens. There are times where the initial need IS to throw money at the problem, but that should always be a short term solution, otherwise all you create are people who are dependent on you. That solves nothing and helps no one, except maybe your ego gets a boost.

Give to people who are working on their issues. Not to those who do nothing to better their lives. There are no excuses, there are no valid reasons for enabling anyone.

We are here to help our "neighbors" , and that means "charity begins at home". Take care of your household, your friends and family, your community, your state, your country, and keep branching out. Don't branch out until a problem is solved (and if you throw money, food and a coat at the same people every year, you are failing at helping, you are excelling at enabling).

This time of year I can assure you that the food bank needs your help, no matter where you live. Start there. Give clothing, blood, don't need to be rich to give charity.

Give everyone as much of a Happy holiday as you can, no matter who they are, their background, creed or color. No matter their sexual preference, education, or beliefs.

Give in a way that truly helps others , and you will automatically help yourself and your community.

Peshaui Wequashimese

Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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