There are still a handful of people in the world who think that people who do metaphysical work are "evil" or "bad". They also think that Pagans are "bad people". None of this is true but views fostered by the "Church", with a Capital "C". Back in the day , the Church was (and in the case of the RC Church, and the Vatican), one of the richest institutions in the world. They wanted the business of the people, and having folks succeed, thrive, and heal without them, made them feel very insecure.
They called anyone who was not a part of the Church a "pagan", this meant that you had (in their opinion) , no God spirit about you, you were a heathen and most likely evil. None of that is true, and we know people can be "good" without ever seeing a church. There are places on this earth where a church is not seen in thousands of miles, yet the people are good, wonderful, spiritual people.
Then there is the nature based religion, Paganism. Being a Pagan (with a Capital "P"), is very confusing to most. Many church based folks think that they are bad people. They are devil worshipers. In fact, they are nothing of the sort. They are people who believe that all the answers are in Nature, and if we treat the world correctly, it will treat us well. They are more right than any religion I know. The elements, the flora and fauna, and all of Mother Nature and the Universe is used to request, to heal, to improve their lives.
This is a huge oversimplification, but it is the basic theme. They were never devil worshipers, and you know them more familiarly than you think. Just about every holiday you can think of trickled down from them. Oestre became "Easter"; Samhain became Halloween (and it has absolutely nothing to do with evil or devil worship); Yule and Winter solstice celebrations became Christmas (Jesus was NOT born in December). The church used variations of their celebrations to bring them into the church. Oestre is about fertility, and not only the Pagans had this celebration, but other cultures as well, the same goes for what we now call Halloween.
It is time to lose the old prejudices that we have about anyone who is not a Christian is evil. Buddhists are not evil, Pagans are not evil, Muslims are not evil, Hindus are not evil, Jews are not evil. When any belief system tells you to harm those in other belief systems, you need to run far and fast from that teaching. It is beyond WRONG. It is diametrically opposed to what Christianity is really all about.
All the major conflicts on this earth have been about religion. The Catholics vs. the Protestants in Northern Ireland; Catholics vs Jews; Extremist Muslims vs everyone else. The Spanish Inquisition, what the Europeans did to the Native Americans in the name of God...all horrible things. Again, this is just scratching the surface.
Be aware that just because there is a belief system out there that is different from yours, doesn't make it "wrong" or "bad". The creator/God/Universe created all men, and holds them all dear to its' soul and energy. That includes Pagans, Jews, Native Americans, and everyone else on this planet.
A religion with Ego and an aura of superiority is not a religion at all , but a clique. A clique that empties your pocket without giving an ounce to your soul.
Getting back to the first paragraph, no one who does metaphysical work is a "bad" person. First of all , we all have psychic ability, it is just infinitesimal with some and very powerful with others. It is a gift. The problem enters in where some use the gift in a bad way. They use it to make themselves rich, or harm others. It is never to be used that way. Psychics and mediums are given a gift that they are always supposed to share by helping others.
Someone once asked why we charge money. First in anything metaphysical there has to be an energy exchange, and money is a form of that, and the other part is...we are humans living on this planet. Not angels, not guides, but humans who have to eat, pay the mortgage and put clothes on our backs. When however, people rip you off (you have a dark cloud over your head and I can remove it for $XXXX), then it is a HUGE problem. I have no use for people who use and scam those who are hurting, and neither does the Universe.
Those with gifts are required to help others with their gifts, and we are supposed to do what we can for as little as we can, and that is what the authentic ones do. We are earthly helpers who will help you communicate with the Universe, and those who have passed, more clearly so that you can receive messages that are being passed to you.
"Do unto others" is one of the most intelligent words ever written.....Make sure that you keep it in mind every day and be honest with yourself about it, and you will never go wrong. When any group or religion tells you to hate or harm another, they are not a religion at all, they are thugs. Don't attach yourself to thugs.
Peshaui Wequashimese
Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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