Thursday, December 1, 2011

Verifying messages are messages.

One of the biggest questions that I get after people start to tune in to their intuition, is "how do I know it is good info"? The fact that they ask this question shows they are going about things the right way instead of saying something like "I dreamed of my ex, he must be coming back to me!"

The fact is, that we all get messages in different ways.

Messages involve all the senses and sometimes none of the basic five. They come from different sources and sometimes come on their own, while at toher times, you have to ask for the information.

The best way , while you are learning, is to keep a notebook. You have to be entirely honest with yourself about this. Write the message, how you received it, and what you think it means( if you can figure that out). Review it each day and see how many hits you get, at what time frame the messages come in (a day before the event, a week?), or are the answers in response to something (being asked a question, hearing a story on the news). Review the dates and times. You may be a person that gets messages better in the morning, through clairaudience. Others may need questions in the afternoon, or after meditating, eating, or sleeping.It is all very personal, and the Universe usually works with your best or worst sense....yes worse. It is almost as if it can be making up for a shortcoming.

Not everything that happens is a message, as a matter of fact, very few things are. When they repeat themselves a few times, that is usually an indication that the Universe is really trying to tell you something. One failure doesn't mean you should quit, sometimes you have to make adjustments, or the Universe wants you to think about how serious you are. But when failure after failure occurs, it is time to take a different path.

Remember the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result.

Make sure that you are totally honest with yourself. Make sure that you are patient, and that you dedicate yourself to checking and verifying messages. When you cheat, you fool yourself, and the Universe will be happy to provide that atmosphere for you, and fool with you too. It is something that you have to be totally honest with or end up living in a world of misinformation.

Have a separate notebook just for these "predictions" and keep it handy. There is also another little fact that not many will tell you. Psychic information works best for the here and now and past, not the future. Thought psychic meant fortune telling? It really doesn't. The future is so changeable. The Universe is happy to help you with insider info to get you help on making decisions. It isn't there to tell you everything that will happen to you. It won't make a speck of difference. The only time we get warnings , is when we have the power to change important things, and rarely do we have the power to change powerful moments in our lives. The Universe really doesn't care to tell you when John will call, or if you will get the job. What if the answer on the job is "no"? Does it matter? You should be 100% involved in finding a job until you find one. Not stop because you think you have one. There might be a better one out there. The Universe rewards dedication, work, productiveness, not the opposite. Can we get future info? Yes, there are CERTAIN things we can , and there are things that you just are not supposed to know. Death dates being the number one thing you aren't supposed to know!

Let's say for instance you knew that your loved ones were going to die in a terrible accident sometime soon. Do you lock them in a room? Then the building may burn down. There are important events that you cannot change, and there is no reason to tell you so you can worry yourself sick.

Many times people aren't even messaged that they will lose a job. Some see the writing on the wall as they know they have been doing poorly and the boss has written them up 16 times...but others won't see it coming. Why? Maybe you would leave before you were fired and miss meeting an important person. Maybe the new great job isn't ready yet and you would take a crummy one in a panic. Maybe you would not spend money on something that you really should spend money on. The Universe has is all figured out, including you needing to be certain places, in certain events at certain times,  because we are all in an intricate 112 person soul group, and our actions effect the other 111 people. Drastic change causes a domino effect that makes a huge mess.

When used properly, psychic information is a valuable tool, but THE most important psychic information is not information that you ask for, but that which is sent to you. These messages at first may be mundane, like "the mailman in here with my package", but those serve to show you how the messages come and to trust them, once you do, the important stuff flows. Psychic ability is a gift to help others, not yourself. It needs to be shared, and when important messages are received, they need to be passed on.

Never use psychic information to harm another in any way or to manipulate others.

Psychic information is a gift, but it is one with some serious strings attached.When you are ready, buy a notebook and start making notes, you may be surprised how much that ramps up the information. Be aware that normally ,most people are about 80-85% correct in their predictions (that is because we are all really psychic). A good psychic is 85-97%. NO ONE is 99-100%, there are a lot of reasons for that....but that is a topic for Psychic Development class.....

Peshaui Wequashimese

Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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