Someone mentioned yesterday doing a favor for a random person . I told him it's called "paying it forward". It is a concept made popular by the movie of the same name. If you haven't seen it, please do, and make sure that you have a box of tissues at your side.
Even if you missed the movie, you may have seen the commercial for Liberty Mutual where people see a person do something good for a stranger, and then follow their lead by doing a favor for another stranger.
When someone is truly spiritual, they do good things with no expectation of a person returning the favor. You do the good thing because you know it is the right thing to do, not for thanks, kudos, fame, or a pat on the back. You do it (or are supposed to) , because you know that is what is needed. Not so you can hold that person hostage for a return favor later on. You also try to do these things anonymously as much as possible. That is true giving.
The movie "Pay it Forward" (with Kevin Spacey , Helen Hunt, and Haley Joel Osment, the boy who told us "I see dead people" in The Sixth Sense), was about a very special young boy and his teacher. The young man thought that if we all "paid it forward" , eventually the world would be a better place as everyone would participate. He was almost right. The problem is we do unfortunately have greedy, egotistical, mean spirited, people on this earth, not to mention crazy ones. That shouldn't stop us however, because if enough people pay it forward, the world will be a better place.
Many people do it without knowing they are, it is just their nature. Some make a conscious effort to do it everyday. Some never heard of the concept. Don't worry about returning the favor to a friend, worry about passing it on to a stranger. Wonderful things have happened from the "paying it forward" way of life. Give it a try.
Check out the official website and beware of imitators!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Psychic Ethics
I have been talking a lot lately about psychic ethics. My students learn about it as part of the Psychic Development classes, and we actually go over it in each level of the class. It is important to make sure that you are on the "up and up" in psychic work, as we are teachers, and delivery people for messages from the Universe. Psychics and mediums need to live by a certain code.
There is a long history of the stereotypical "gypsy fortune teller" who tries to scam people out of money telling them they have a dark cloud over their heads. This is the most blatant psychic ethics rule breaker, but there are others.
We have to remember that we are messengers. That is it. We have to deliver the message as it is sent. We can rephrase things, but not to the point where the message is changed in its' meaning. We also have to impart the severity of the message. When people have been getting the message repeatedly and ignoring it, we have top let the person know if the Universe is getting ready to give them a warning.
Psychics also should not delve into that which they have not been trained for. Don't do a healing unless you are trained (never give medical diagnosis, it is illegal). Don't do cleansings unless you are trained, the best way to get in over your head is to deal with spirit types that you know nothing about or never knew existed. Do not cross over souls unless you have been trained (it isn't always as easy as saying "go to the light"). Do only what you are thoroughly trained and experienced in .
Many psychics ignore the warnings. They think that they are in some way "protected" from the ire of the Universe. Not so, they are even more answerable to it! When God/ the Universe/ Creator has a person playing games with its' messages, it is NOT amused. That includes making up messages, which brings us to another psychic ethic. You NEVER tell a person that you have a message for them and they need to have a reading. When you get important messages out of the blue for a client, you simply pass them on. You don't arrange a reading and expect payment. This is a huge "no no".
Another psychic ethic is that you do not impart any information about when a person will pass. We usually do not get that information. We sometimes get messages along the lines of "your client "Joe" needs to talk to his brother about that silly argument they had and fix it". This may tell you that the brother is not long for this world, but that doesn't mean you call Joe and say "I think your brother is going to die soon".
You always take care in how to phrase things. The area that psychics need to be very careful with is children and birth. Developed souls choose their parents. The soul can change their mind and pull back. Sometimes this just causes a switch in the child that no one ever knows about, or when there is not a ready soul , a miscarriage. You can predict a boy, and it will flop to a girl. This is rare, but it does happen. Also, I never answer baby health questions. Many Moms want to know if their baby will be healthy. What if the true answer is no? Psychic information is there to help you choose the right path. When you have a 6 month fetus in your womb there is absolutely nothing you can do about its' future health! I always tell newly pregnant women that they need to have a doctor's care, and that is true for many reasons. What if the child will grow up to be a failure? Does the Mom really need to know that? Can she change it (probably not)? These are questions unethical to answer.
Another thing to keep in mind. We are not here to make anyone rich. When a person is to have that path, the Universe will give it to them in the way it is meant to be. Do not give out lottery numbers or anything of that nature. The Universe will not only make sure it does NOT happen, but you will also be on the receiving end of the backlash. Psychic information is not there to give people advantage over others. It is there to help us make good choices and stay on our paths, not get rich quick, and that applies to all involved.
Remember that your gift is not there to make your rich, famous, or anything else. Some folks are so good at what they do that this happens to them, and that is fine, it is the Universe's choice to do that. When you try to get rich and famous, you get troubles galore.
Only pass on information that you get directly from spirit. You cannot pass on information that is from another as you do not know the source, quality, age of the information, or ability to interpret. When a person is given a message, it is their job to pass on the information. Taking another person's information and passing it on, is spiritual fraud. The Universe doesn't look kindly on people who do that. There is no glory in passing on good information, you aren't there for attention, kudos, fame and fortune, you are there to help only. Any other actions always meet in life going sideways at some point.
We also have to be very careful that we word things in a good way, when a good message is delivered badly, the recipient may disregard an important message out of anger.Make sure that you deliver the message well. Sometimes it is hard to find a "nice" way to say something and still get the message across, but it is part of the psychic's job. No one said this was easy.....
This shouldn't have to be said, but NEVER tell a person that they have a curse, black cloud, evil spirit, and that you can remove it for a price. All and every removal of a troublesome spirit, house cleansing or blessing should be done FREE of charge. Would you see a man drowning and tell him you will hold out a tree branch to him for $50? What do you think the Karma is in that?
Do not allow clients to be on a revenge or negativity focus. When a client asks things like "when will my ex get a disease for being such a jerk?". You need to try to get them to move on. The energy they will bring to themselves is terrible, and they need to let go and heal. The Universe will take care of any Karma that needs to be dished out. When the client will not move off that path, you need to move on from the client.
Never put down a person's lifestyle choices. That is pretty clear.
Never ask the client for more than is discussed up front. When you have an additional service you provide for a fee, let them know that before hand. When there are additional costs, tell them up front, not at the time of the reading.Sometimes people do not have the cash on hand to pay extra, and it is not legal, nor fair to hit them with additional charges at the time of service.
When you lose all ego and remember that you are a messenger of the Universe , you most likely will not even think about doing anything illegal, immoral, or unethical. Some people get so egotistical about themselves that they suffer for it personally and professionally.
When a client wants constant readings, let them know that they need to take a break. Yes, they may go elsewhere for their "fix" but that is OK, the Universe will get everything to be just the way it needs to be. You do not have to read for everyone , when someone is abusive or threatening to you as a reader, stop reading for them. Abusive relationships of any sort, need to end.
A friend once asked why there are so many readers with lives that are a mess? Messed up relationships, financial ruin, legal issues, and bad health. The answer, they play games with the Universe and it sends lessons.We geet lessons harder and faster than most people. Also remember to never , ever, wish ill will or cause issues to go to another. The Universe will send it back to you multiplied. It isn't worth it. That goes for everyone. When you and a client aren't getting along, walk away.
Don't ever be afraid to say "I don't know". That is a valid answer. Sometimes the Universe will not impart information. When you make up something to make yourself look better, you not only can make a mess, but the Karma for that isn't pretty either.
Make sure that you are walking a good path and doing the right things for the right reasons.
Be ethical above all else in all your dealings and treat others the way YOU would want to be treated. When you see someone doing wrong, call them out on it. They will either fix it, or walk off the deep end of a Karmic pool. Don't leave them to harm others.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There is a long history of the stereotypical "gypsy fortune teller" who tries to scam people out of money telling them they have a dark cloud over their heads. This is the most blatant psychic ethics rule breaker, but there are others.
We have to remember that we are messengers. That is it. We have to deliver the message as it is sent. We can rephrase things, but not to the point where the message is changed in its' meaning. We also have to impart the severity of the message. When people have been getting the message repeatedly and ignoring it, we have top let the person know if the Universe is getting ready to give them a warning.
Psychics also should not delve into that which they have not been trained for. Don't do a healing unless you are trained (never give medical diagnosis, it is illegal). Don't do cleansings unless you are trained, the best way to get in over your head is to deal with spirit types that you know nothing about or never knew existed. Do not cross over souls unless you have been trained (it isn't always as easy as saying "go to the light"). Do only what you are thoroughly trained and experienced in .
Many psychics ignore the warnings. They think that they are in some way "protected" from the ire of the Universe. Not so, they are even more answerable to it! When God/ the Universe/ Creator has a person playing games with its' messages, it is NOT amused. That includes making up messages, which brings us to another psychic ethic. You NEVER tell a person that you have a message for them and they need to have a reading. When you get important messages out of the blue for a client, you simply pass them on. You don't arrange a reading and expect payment. This is a huge "no no".
Another psychic ethic is that you do not impart any information about when a person will pass. We usually do not get that information. We sometimes get messages along the lines of "your client "Joe" needs to talk to his brother about that silly argument they had and fix it". This may tell you that the brother is not long for this world, but that doesn't mean you call Joe and say "I think your brother is going to die soon".
You always take care in how to phrase things. The area that psychics need to be very careful with is children and birth. Developed souls choose their parents. The soul can change their mind and pull back. Sometimes this just causes a switch in the child that no one ever knows about, or when there is not a ready soul , a miscarriage. You can predict a boy, and it will flop to a girl. This is rare, but it does happen. Also, I never answer baby health questions. Many Moms want to know if their baby will be healthy. What if the true answer is no? Psychic information is there to help you choose the right path. When you have a 6 month fetus in your womb there is absolutely nothing you can do about its' future health! I always tell newly pregnant women that they need to have a doctor's care, and that is true for many reasons. What if the child will grow up to be a failure? Does the Mom really need to know that? Can she change it (probably not)? These are questions unethical to answer.
Another thing to keep in mind. We are not here to make anyone rich. When a person is to have that path, the Universe will give it to them in the way it is meant to be. Do not give out lottery numbers or anything of that nature. The Universe will not only make sure it does NOT happen, but you will also be on the receiving end of the backlash. Psychic information is not there to give people advantage over others. It is there to help us make good choices and stay on our paths, not get rich quick, and that applies to all involved.
Remember that your gift is not there to make your rich, famous, or anything else. Some folks are so good at what they do that this happens to them, and that is fine, it is the Universe's choice to do that. When you try to get rich and famous, you get troubles galore.
Only pass on information that you get directly from spirit. You cannot pass on information that is from another as you do not know the source, quality, age of the information, or ability to interpret. When a person is given a message, it is their job to pass on the information. Taking another person's information and passing it on, is spiritual fraud. The Universe doesn't look kindly on people who do that. There is no glory in passing on good information, you aren't there for attention, kudos, fame and fortune, you are there to help only. Any other actions always meet in life going sideways at some point.
We also have to be very careful that we word things in a good way, when a good message is delivered badly, the recipient may disregard an important message out of anger.Make sure that you deliver the message well. Sometimes it is hard to find a "nice" way to say something and still get the message across, but it is part of the psychic's job. No one said this was easy.....
This shouldn't have to be said, but NEVER tell a person that they have a curse, black cloud, evil spirit, and that you can remove it for a price. All and every removal of a troublesome spirit, house cleansing or blessing should be done FREE of charge. Would you see a man drowning and tell him you will hold out a tree branch to him for $50? What do you think the Karma is in that?
Do not allow clients to be on a revenge or negativity focus. When a client asks things like "when will my ex get a disease for being such a jerk?". You need to try to get them to move on. The energy they will bring to themselves is terrible, and they need to let go and heal. The Universe will take care of any Karma that needs to be dished out. When the client will not move off that path, you need to move on from the client.
Never put down a person's lifestyle choices. That is pretty clear.
Never ask the client for more than is discussed up front. When you have an additional service you provide for a fee, let them know that before hand. When there are additional costs, tell them up front, not at the time of the reading.Sometimes people do not have the cash on hand to pay extra, and it is not legal, nor fair to hit them with additional charges at the time of service.
When you lose all ego and remember that you are a messenger of the Universe , you most likely will not even think about doing anything illegal, immoral, or unethical. Some people get so egotistical about themselves that they suffer for it personally and professionally.
When a client wants constant readings, let them know that they need to take a break. Yes, they may go elsewhere for their "fix" but that is OK, the Universe will get everything to be just the way it needs to be. You do not have to read for everyone , when someone is abusive or threatening to you as a reader, stop reading for them. Abusive relationships of any sort, need to end.
A friend once asked why there are so many readers with lives that are a mess? Messed up relationships, financial ruin, legal issues, and bad health. The answer, they play games with the Universe and it sends lessons.We geet lessons harder and faster than most people. Also remember to never , ever, wish ill will or cause issues to go to another. The Universe will send it back to you multiplied. It isn't worth it. That goes for everyone. When you and a client aren't getting along, walk away.
Don't ever be afraid to say "I don't know". That is a valid answer. Sometimes the Universe will not impart information. When you make up something to make yourself look better, you not only can make a mess, but the Karma for that isn't pretty either.
Make sure that you are walking a good path and doing the right things for the right reasons.
Be ethical above all else in all your dealings and treat others the way YOU would want to be treated. When you see someone doing wrong, call them out on it. They will either fix it, or walk off the deep end of a Karmic pool. Don't leave them to harm others.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Psychics and Mediums
I had a couple of folks write over the long weekend about the difference between psychics and mediums.There was also some personal discussion on the subject. I have included a blog written in March, but I will expand on it , since it was a quick Friday blog. So don't be surprised if some of this sounds familiar.
The basic difference is that a psychic obtains messages about your past, present and future. They can even access past lives, find lost objects, and get messages from your guides. They can help you find where you need to focus and pass on warnings. They can also obtain information on buildings, objects, and those who have passed. They can sense energetic issues and can use psychic abilities in performing healing work.
A medium is a person who readily and easily sees and converses with those who have passed over. They can bring in spirits to them to obtain answers. However, the spirit has to be willing to show up and talk. They cannot get information from a spirit if the spirit isn't willing to show up and converse with them. They can't force information (or even force the spirit to show up). They bring clear and succinct messages from friends and relatives who have already "passed beyond the veil".
Can a psychic be a medium a and a medium a psychic? Theoretically yes, but in real life,no. There are people who try to do both, but one skill is always below par. I have yet to meet a person who does both well. The reason is that there is a totally different skill set and use of (and type of), brain waves, used in conducting conversations with the other side, predicting the future, and just sitting in your chair in this dimension. The difference is night and day , and being a natural psychic does not make you a medium, even if you can obtain information about those who have passed ( you should be able to do that as part of your psychic abilities). Being a medium doesn't make you psychic, and the dead are not psychic just because they died, so they cannot pass on psychic information.
Psychics can sometimes access info on those passed by using Akashic records, guides, etc. They also can gather that information from that energy that has "passed on", all psychic information is outside this dimension, so are spirits, it is just taking the right road on the right vibration to get to the place that you need to go (information or spirits who have passed). Psychics can also readily converse with other energies, like guides. It is actually a prime source of information. Mediums can sometimes get information from those who passed about what you need to do differently, or see a broken pipe in your basement, that you can't. But generally, speak to a medium to converse with those who have passed about their relationship with you or their environment, and a psychic for explaining events, paths and the future. Being a medium does not automatically make you a psychic. The term "psychic medium" has been thrown around a lot in the past few years. It is actually a human that very rarely exists. I have only known one lady who could do psychic and mediumistic work well. People assume they are psychic if they can talk to the dead. That must be psychic work , right? Not at all, it is mediumistic work, and totally different. Sometimes people can "dabble" ,but the skill set is different. Different wavelengths, areas of the brain, and the way the information is sent and received occur. Both psychics and mediums work in the metaphysical world, but they are two completely different skills. It is like a carpenter and an electrician. They are both tradespeople, but you don't want your plumber putting a new breaker in your panel.
People assume that since someone can talk directly to the dead that they can obtain psychic information that is more clear. Not true at all. Dead people are not psychic. Dying does not make you psychic. The dead person may see your spouse hiding money for example, so they can tell you that bit of information, however they may also not have seen this happen. They may not have been present for the event, so they cannot tell you about it. The dead do not know more than us, they just sometimes see things people do when they think no one is watching.
A person asked if she should consult a psychic or a medium this weekend. It depends on what your goal is for your reading. Do you want to check in on Uncle Joe who passed away last year? Call a medium. Do you want to see what your best path is for career? Call a psychic. Got a haunted house? Call either! It is important however to remember that people who are mediums cannot converse with residual energy. There is no one actually there to talk to, so when you are not sure what kind of energy is in a haunted house, consult a psychic. They still will be able to get information on the dead ,they just use a different process. Then you can, if needed, have a medium talk to this soul for more information. Please remember that you can directly talk to the dead by just talking. If they are there, they will hear you loud and clear. They do not have the issues hearing that we do. The other side is full of miracles, like full health (unless the spirit is still in its' death state). So if you just want to say something to dear Uncle Joe, just say it, you do not need a psychic or medium for that task.
Sometimes we need closure with a death, then we need to consult a medium. Sometimes we need to find the car keys, then we need a psychic. So who you call all depends on what you are trying to achieve. Want to know where Uncle Joe hid the will? Call a medium (and that is if Uncle Joe wants to tell you, or not). Want to know if your house is haunted? Call a psychic. They will sense energies like black shadow people, nature spirits, angels, and others who never lived and died in this plane.
I was reading a book by Raymond Buckland this weekend and he reminded me of another fact. Spirits can lie. They are who they were in life. You need to have not only the skills, but an inner system set up to know when spirits are lying to you. Just becasue they are dead , doesn't make them truthful. They are who they were in life, keep that in mind when receiving mediumistic messages. Also remember that no one is 100% accurate, but accuracy rates need to be over 95% for a person to be considered psychic. Psychic information is meant to guide and help, not spy on your ex, or get the winning lottery numbers. Use the information wisely and you will have an abundant and wonderful life. When you see a psychic or medium that has a mess of a life, then walk away to another adviser.
As I say with reiki. Don't use a screwdriver to tighten a nut, use the right tool, and the right expert.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The basic difference is that a psychic obtains messages about your past, present and future. They can even access past lives, find lost objects, and get messages from your guides. They can help you find where you need to focus and pass on warnings. They can also obtain information on buildings, objects, and those who have passed. They can sense energetic issues and can use psychic abilities in performing healing work.
A medium is a person who readily and easily sees and converses with those who have passed over. They can bring in spirits to them to obtain answers. However, the spirit has to be willing to show up and talk. They cannot get information from a spirit if the spirit isn't willing to show up and converse with them. They can't force information (or even force the spirit to show up). They bring clear and succinct messages from friends and relatives who have already "passed beyond the veil".
Can a psychic be a medium a and a medium a psychic? Theoretically yes, but in real life,no. There are people who try to do both, but one skill is always below par. I have yet to meet a person who does both well. The reason is that there is a totally different skill set and use of (and type of), brain waves, used in conducting conversations with the other side, predicting the future, and just sitting in your chair in this dimension. The difference is night and day , and being a natural psychic does not make you a medium, even if you can obtain information about those who have passed ( you should be able to do that as part of your psychic abilities). Being a medium doesn't make you psychic, and the dead are not psychic just because they died, so they cannot pass on psychic information.
Psychics can sometimes access info on those passed by using Akashic records, guides, etc. They also can gather that information from that energy that has "passed on", all psychic information is outside this dimension, so are spirits, it is just taking the right road on the right vibration to get to the place that you need to go (information or spirits who have passed). Psychics can also readily converse with other energies, like guides. It is actually a prime source of information. Mediums can sometimes get information from those who passed about what you need to do differently, or see a broken pipe in your basement, that you can't. But generally, speak to a medium to converse with those who have passed about their relationship with you or their environment, and a psychic for explaining events, paths and the future. Being a medium does not automatically make you a psychic. The term "psychic medium" has been thrown around a lot in the past few years. It is actually a human that very rarely exists. I have only known one lady who could do psychic and mediumistic work well. People assume they are psychic if they can talk to the dead. That must be psychic work , right? Not at all, it is mediumistic work, and totally different. Sometimes people can "dabble" ,but the skill set is different. Different wavelengths, areas of the brain, and the way the information is sent and received occur. Both psychics and mediums work in the metaphysical world, but they are two completely different skills. It is like a carpenter and an electrician. They are both tradespeople, but you don't want your plumber putting a new breaker in your panel.
People assume that since someone can talk directly to the dead that they can obtain psychic information that is more clear. Not true at all. Dead people are not psychic. Dying does not make you psychic. The dead person may see your spouse hiding money for example, so they can tell you that bit of information, however they may also not have seen this happen. They may not have been present for the event, so they cannot tell you about it. The dead do not know more than us, they just sometimes see things people do when they think no one is watching.
A person asked if she should consult a psychic or a medium this weekend. It depends on what your goal is for your reading. Do you want to check in on Uncle Joe who passed away last year? Call a medium. Do you want to see what your best path is for career? Call a psychic. Got a haunted house? Call either! It is important however to remember that people who are mediums cannot converse with residual energy. There is no one actually there to talk to, so when you are not sure what kind of energy is in a haunted house, consult a psychic. They still will be able to get information on the dead ,they just use a different process. Then you can, if needed, have a medium talk to this soul for more information. Please remember that you can directly talk to the dead by just talking. If they are there, they will hear you loud and clear. They do not have the issues hearing that we do. The other side is full of miracles, like full health (unless the spirit is still in its' death state). So if you just want to say something to dear Uncle Joe, just say it, you do not need a psychic or medium for that task.
Sometimes we need closure with a death, then we need to consult a medium. Sometimes we need to find the car keys, then we need a psychic. So who you call all depends on what you are trying to achieve. Want to know where Uncle Joe hid the will? Call a medium (and that is if Uncle Joe wants to tell you, or not). Want to know if your house is haunted? Call a psychic. They will sense energies like black shadow people, nature spirits, angels, and others who never lived and died in this plane.
I was reading a book by Raymond Buckland this weekend and he reminded me of another fact. Spirits can lie. They are who they were in life. You need to have not only the skills, but an inner system set up to know when spirits are lying to you. Just becasue they are dead , doesn't make them truthful. They are who they were in life, keep that in mind when receiving mediumistic messages. Also remember that no one is 100% accurate, but accuracy rates need to be over 95% for a person to be considered psychic. Psychic information is meant to guide and help, not spy on your ex, or get the winning lottery numbers. Use the information wisely and you will have an abundant and wonderful life. When you see a psychic or medium that has a mess of a life, then walk away to another adviser.
As I say with reiki. Don't use a screwdriver to tighten a nut, use the right tool, and the right expert.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Try being nice!
Going through our day to day lives we need to respond to people, situations, and challenges in a positive manner. Remember , it is not what happens to us, but how we respond to it that matters. Every time something goes sideways, it is the Universe giving you a quiz to see if you have learned anything yet. We are judged by how we react to our world. The world will throw us curveballs every once in a while, and we need to adjust our stance and timing and hit the ball out of the park.
I worked with the general public a few times in my life, and believe me, most people are really wonderful. However there is usually one jerk that can ruin someone's day. Having to deal with a hateful person is hard to shake off. Whenever I am in any situation where I am interacting with people who work with the public, I go out of my way to be nice to them. When I spot a bully, watch out. I have told the story before about a lady at Walmart demanding that the two people behind the deli counter wait on her at the same time, and the poor worker's discomfort when she tried to explain that she needed to wait on others. I know the worker can't say "lady you are being a selfish jerk", so I did. When the worker finally turned to us and apologized for the wait (she didn't wait on the lady who was already being waited on), I said...You don't have to apologize, you are not the one acting like a selfish jerk. I didn't know the Queen of England shopped at Walmart! Needless to say, the idiot lady didn't make another peep.It was interesting watching her embarrassed husband back away , almost to the point of being in the vegetable racks. I then made a point to put in a good work with the worker's boss becasue I know the selfish woman would go home and write a letter or call the manager. The manager was very thankful.
People who work in these jobs also have lives, bad days, sick kids, bosses who are having their issues. Their computers break, there are snafus and breaks in communication. Just like you aren't having fun dealing with an issue, they aren't either. Be reasonable and kind. The issue is rarely the total fault of the person you are dealing with. Working with the public stinks. People think it is OK to take out their frustration and bad day on the poor soul standing in front of them becasue they cannot "fight back". That is being the ultimate bully. I don't tolerate bullies.
There is no excuse for being a bully in this life. Not in school, everyday interactions, marriages, or friendships. Yes, friendships, so many people have manipulative friends who use them to make their lives better.
Don't yell, don't curse, don't call the person names that you are dealing with. When you have a legitimate issue, then calmly and quietly ask to speak to someone in charge. Having a bad day or having things go wrong, is no reason to be a jerk. You ruin someone's day, embarrass yourself and all who are with you, and Karma is a bitch.
I will say that there are those of us out there who do a little "superhero work". We protect the innocent. Anytime I see a bully, like Walmart lady, I make sure they know they are being a jerk and they are not going to get away with it.
I make it a point to say "thank you", "please", and "You too" when they wish me a good day. I am super nice to people who are out there working away trying to make our lives better. The servers in the restaurants, the check out lady at the store, the drive through person at Mc Donald's They are all people with feelings, issues, and a hard job to do.
It is YOUR Karma how you treat these people. It is their Karma how they do their job, you are not there to police their lives, you wouldn't like it if they policed yours. They are many times getting paid a low wage, and dealing with problem after problem, don't be a part of the bad Karma.
Think to yourself...what would my mom say if she say me doing this? It is a great barometer of behavior. Most of us had great Moms who taught us well. Don't just not be a jerk, but be a ray of sunshine in the person's life. Please and thank you were words that you were taught early, use them more than hurtful ones.
Have a great day!!
(I heard you all say "you too")
Thank you!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R m Wolf. May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I worked with the general public a few times in my life, and believe me, most people are really wonderful. However there is usually one jerk that can ruin someone's day. Having to deal with a hateful person is hard to shake off. Whenever I am in any situation where I am interacting with people who work with the public, I go out of my way to be nice to them. When I spot a bully, watch out. I have told the story before about a lady at Walmart demanding that the two people behind the deli counter wait on her at the same time, and the poor worker's discomfort when she tried to explain that she needed to wait on others. I know the worker can't say "lady you are being a selfish jerk", so I did. When the worker finally turned to us and apologized for the wait (she didn't wait on the lady who was already being waited on), I said...You don't have to apologize, you are not the one acting like a selfish jerk. I didn't know the Queen of England shopped at Walmart! Needless to say, the idiot lady didn't make another peep.It was interesting watching her embarrassed husband back away , almost to the point of being in the vegetable racks. I then made a point to put in a good work with the worker's boss becasue I know the selfish woman would go home and write a letter or call the manager. The manager was very thankful.
People who work in these jobs also have lives, bad days, sick kids, bosses who are having their issues. Their computers break, there are snafus and breaks in communication. Just like you aren't having fun dealing with an issue, they aren't either. Be reasonable and kind. The issue is rarely the total fault of the person you are dealing with. Working with the public stinks. People think it is OK to take out their frustration and bad day on the poor soul standing in front of them becasue they cannot "fight back". That is being the ultimate bully. I don't tolerate bullies.
There is no excuse for being a bully in this life. Not in school, everyday interactions, marriages, or friendships. Yes, friendships, so many people have manipulative friends who use them to make their lives better.
Don't yell, don't curse, don't call the person names that you are dealing with. When you have a legitimate issue, then calmly and quietly ask to speak to someone in charge. Having a bad day or having things go wrong, is no reason to be a jerk. You ruin someone's day, embarrass yourself and all who are with you, and Karma is a bitch.
I will say that there are those of us out there who do a little "superhero work". We protect the innocent. Anytime I see a bully, like Walmart lady, I make sure they know they are being a jerk and they are not going to get away with it.
I make it a point to say "thank you", "please", and "You too" when they wish me a good day. I am super nice to people who are out there working away trying to make our lives better. The servers in the restaurants, the check out lady at the store, the drive through person at Mc Donald's They are all people with feelings, issues, and a hard job to do.
It is YOUR Karma how you treat these people. It is their Karma how they do their job, you are not there to police their lives, you wouldn't like it if they policed yours. They are many times getting paid a low wage, and dealing with problem after problem, don't be a part of the bad Karma.
Think to yourself...what would my mom say if she say me doing this? It is a great barometer of behavior. Most of us had great Moms who taught us well. Don't just not be a jerk, but be a ray of sunshine in the person's life. Please and thank you were words that you were taught early, use them more than hurtful ones.
Have a great day!!
(I heard you all say "you too")
Thank you!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R m Wolf. May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Verifying messages
Many times there are messages that come in that we want to verify. This is usually on a more personal level rather than in a reading for another person. The reason for this is that we doubt, we allow our "brain" to start speaking to us instead of spirit, and we justify messages to what we want them to be. We, as humans, are champions at fooling ourselves.
We have two ways of combating this. One is to have a trusted friend "read" for us (and I am happy to have several of those), and another is to ask for verification. I have described this a few times in the blog, but basically you ask the Universe to give you a sign. The magic number three is the number of times that you want the sign, and it has to be probable, but nor ordinary.
I had recently asked for verification on something, and even though I got a positive answer (the one I knew was true but was hoping was not), I re-verified, and then didn't say anything. Bad move. I never thought of what would happen to people who disregarded the messages. Well, I didn't actually disregard them, but keep them to myself, when I should have shared them. I was waiting for more proof on a worldly level. I did get it there also .
When you disregard verification, you get reminded. The reminders get stronger, to the point of being awakened with messages, reminders, and more hints about the veracity of your belief.
It has become annoying. I am at the point where I have to share my message with the person it is for, or not sleep anymore. I like my sleep. Maybe that is why lack of sleep were chosen for me to get my attention! Maybe it would be something different for other people (if you have had that experience, let me know!)
So even though I have written on how to verify messages before, rest assured that if they are for someone else, you need to address them to that person or be constantly reminded. When you ask for help, you get it , in boatloads!
Have an awesome day!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
We have two ways of combating this. One is to have a trusted friend "read" for us (and I am happy to have several of those), and another is to ask for verification. I have described this a few times in the blog, but basically you ask the Universe to give you a sign. The magic number three is the number of times that you want the sign, and it has to be probable, but nor ordinary.
I had recently asked for verification on something, and even though I got a positive answer (the one I knew was true but was hoping was not), I re-verified, and then didn't say anything. Bad move. I never thought of what would happen to people who disregarded the messages. Well, I didn't actually disregard them, but keep them to myself, when I should have shared them. I was waiting for more proof on a worldly level. I did get it there also .
When you disregard verification, you get reminded. The reminders get stronger, to the point of being awakened with messages, reminders, and more hints about the veracity of your belief.
It has become annoying. I am at the point where I have to share my message with the person it is for, or not sleep anymore. I like my sleep. Maybe that is why lack of sleep were chosen for me to get my attention! Maybe it would be something different for other people (if you have had that experience, let me know!)
So even though I have written on how to verify messages before, rest assured that if they are for someone else, you need to address them to that person or be constantly reminded. When you ask for help, you get it , in boatloads!
Have an awesome day!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Miscellaneous questions (Ghosts EVPs Psychics and Mediums)
I do get questions sent from time to time that aren't long enough to write a blog about. I answer the person, and then I file the question away. Today since I have already been typing for over an hour, I am going to just answer those miscellaneous questions.
Accuracy- How accurate are psychics/mediums? First of all , NO ONE is 100% accurate, the reasons vary from free will to us interpreting the answers. Some untrained psychics also start "running with the ball", they get a scrap of info and build on it from personal experience and wind up going down the wrong path.The average person is about 85% accurate. We all have the ability, just some people have bigger antennas. Just like some ski better than others, some are better psychics than others. Just because they are giving a long story with a lot of details, not only doesn't make them necessarily full of information, but it makes them actually LESS accurate. Spirit doesn't babble on for 10 minutes.
A good psychic is 90%, really good 95-98%. I was just rated at 97.268%.
Just because someone has natural ability, doesn't make them good at what they do. There is a way to learn to use the tools they have, and without that instruction, they aren't as good as they could be. Find a person with ability, training and experience, otherwise things will go sideways, it is just a matter of when.
Do you always get an answer?- No, there are times when things are not answered, you just are not supposed to know some things (like your death date for instance), another reason why psychics/mediums aren't 100% accurate. Even Mediums are not 100% accurate. A trusted teacher, a medium (who has proved her ability time and again to speak directly to the dead), once explained to me, that not only do the dead sometimes not want to converse with you, but some lie (just like when they were alive), have issues, or want to play with you. Sometimes they have an agenda. She said to never take the word of the dead as literal truth. When a spirit comes with a message, that is usually different, but when you seek them out, it is a whole different ballgame. Just because they speak to you doesn't mean they are not misleading you. You have to have the ability, sense, lack of Ego and skills to know when they are misleading you.
So no, we do not always get answers...or accurate ones.
Do EVPs mean a place is haunted? Absolutely not. Many EVPs are residual, they are conversations that happened long ago. They play over and over like a record skipping (showing my age), or tape caught in a loop. Voices can also come from your guides, or a spirit just passing through. Getting an EVP doesn't mean a ghost "lives there". The word "haunted" means there are active spirits in residence. Not "passing through", not your guides, not residual, but permanent, active spirits.
Why don't ghosts come out in the daytime? They do! A lot of time there is just so much activity, noise, our brains being occupied, people around us, that we do not pick up the subtle clues, noises, and activity. They are there. Maybe they are just relaxing. But they are there.
They are easier to photograph at night (all spirits, living and passed give off light energy), so we sometimes think that we can only see them at night.Be aware that there are always spirits around. ALWAYS. Your guide or guides are always with you, and your guardian angel is always in the area. The dearly departed check on you, and there could also be spirits passing through. Then there are the hauntings.....
Are my pets who have passed going to be on the other side? Absolutely! There are also ghost pets. We had a ghost cat in my Mom's house, and I have since seen 2 other ghostly animals.
I am not a minister, can I try to cross over a spirit in my house? Yes, you do not have to be anything special, either psychically or by title to cross someone over. When they want to go, it is as simple as sending them into the light. When they do not want to go however, it is a totally different story and I would get someone who is experienced in metaphysical energy work to do this. Many people are trained and know what to do when situations don't go as planned. Do not allow someone who isn't trained to try to cross over people in your home, because things can go badly. Do not open portals to send them through. Some people do that to push out unwanted spirits, but when you open the flood gates to shove one out, many times several more come rushing in. You really should be trained and know what you are doing. The only thing you should try on your own is telling them to look towards the brightest light and go to it. Remember, they don't have to go, and if they are not "negative" energy, you can't make them go. With problem spirits, always get help from trained people.
So, no special training or skills needed to simply send them to the other side, but that is only if they are ready and want to go!! Otherwise, don't mess with it! Get help!
Are ouiji boards really bad? Yes, they really are. They are not evil in and of themselves, but again, it is opening a floodgate, and all kinds of things come in. There are beings out there that were never human (and I don't mean just demons), and you don't want them in your space. You may also open the board right at the time the group of violent mental patients are hanging near the gateway. Just simply DON'T use one.
That's all I have for now, keep sending in questions and I will email an answer right back to you!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission. Sending links is fine!
Accuracy- How accurate are psychics/mediums? First of all , NO ONE is 100% accurate, the reasons vary from free will to us interpreting the answers. Some untrained psychics also start "running with the ball", they get a scrap of info and build on it from personal experience and wind up going down the wrong path.The average person is about 85% accurate. We all have the ability, just some people have bigger antennas. Just like some ski better than others, some are better psychics than others. Just because they are giving a long story with a lot of details, not only doesn't make them necessarily full of information, but it makes them actually LESS accurate. Spirit doesn't babble on for 10 minutes.
A good psychic is 90%, really good 95-98%. I was just rated at 97.268%.
Just because someone has natural ability, doesn't make them good at what they do. There is a way to learn to use the tools they have, and without that instruction, they aren't as good as they could be. Find a person with ability, training and experience, otherwise things will go sideways, it is just a matter of when.
Do you always get an answer?- No, there are times when things are not answered, you just are not supposed to know some things (like your death date for instance), another reason why psychics/mediums aren't 100% accurate. Even Mediums are not 100% accurate. A trusted teacher, a medium (who has proved her ability time and again to speak directly to the dead), once explained to me, that not only do the dead sometimes not want to converse with you, but some lie (just like when they were alive), have issues, or want to play with you. Sometimes they have an agenda. She said to never take the word of the dead as literal truth. When a spirit comes with a message, that is usually different, but when you seek them out, it is a whole different ballgame. Just because they speak to you doesn't mean they are not misleading you. You have to have the ability, sense, lack of Ego and skills to know when they are misleading you.
So no, we do not always get answers...or accurate ones.
Do EVPs mean a place is haunted? Absolutely not. Many EVPs are residual, they are conversations that happened long ago. They play over and over like a record skipping (showing my age), or tape caught in a loop. Voices can also come from your guides, or a spirit just passing through. Getting an EVP doesn't mean a ghost "lives there". The word "haunted" means there are active spirits in residence. Not "passing through", not your guides, not residual, but permanent, active spirits.
Why don't ghosts come out in the daytime? They do! A lot of time there is just so much activity, noise, our brains being occupied, people around us, that we do not pick up the subtle clues, noises, and activity. They are there. Maybe they are just relaxing. But they are there.
They are easier to photograph at night (all spirits, living and passed give off light energy), so we sometimes think that we can only see them at night.Be aware that there are always spirits around. ALWAYS. Your guide or guides are always with you, and your guardian angel is always in the area. The dearly departed check on you, and there could also be spirits passing through. Then there are the hauntings.....
Are my pets who have passed going to be on the other side? Absolutely! There are also ghost pets. We had a ghost cat in my Mom's house, and I have since seen 2 other ghostly animals.
I am not a minister, can I try to cross over a spirit in my house? Yes, you do not have to be anything special, either psychically or by title to cross someone over. When they want to go, it is as simple as sending them into the light. When they do not want to go however, it is a totally different story and I would get someone who is experienced in metaphysical energy work to do this. Many people are trained and know what to do when situations don't go as planned. Do not allow someone who isn't trained to try to cross over people in your home, because things can go badly. Do not open portals to send them through. Some people do that to push out unwanted spirits, but when you open the flood gates to shove one out, many times several more come rushing in. You really should be trained and know what you are doing. The only thing you should try on your own is telling them to look towards the brightest light and go to it. Remember, they don't have to go, and if they are not "negative" energy, you can't make them go. With problem spirits, always get help from trained people.
So, no special training or skills needed to simply send them to the other side, but that is only if they are ready and want to go!! Otherwise, don't mess with it! Get help!
Are ouiji boards really bad? Yes, they really are. They are not evil in and of themselves, but again, it is opening a floodgate, and all kinds of things come in. There are beings out there that were never human (and I don't mean just demons), and you don't want them in your space. You may also open the board right at the time the group of violent mental patients are hanging near the gateway. Just simply DON'T use one.
That's all I have for now, keep sending in questions and I will email an answer right back to you!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission. Sending links is fine!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Metaphysical work & Ego...everyone can do it.
There can be absolutely NO ego in metaphysical/spiritual work. None. Period. There is a huge difference between confidence, which is needed, and ego. Ego gets in the way of the spiritual voice every time. It makes people hear themselves instead of spirit.
There are many aspects of the metaphysical works from people who are healers to people who are psychics, and more. There are many different talents and abilities. None is more special or more important than the others. None. There are always multiple ways of getting information and multiple talents for getting at it. There is no hierarchy to the light workers of the Universe. There is no one single type that is the only type that can achieve certain information. Any psychic or medium can find lost objects,some are just better at it than others. Any psychic or medium can get information from the dead. Any psychic, healer or sensitive can pinpoint health issues. All the information in the Universe is available to all. If anyone ever tries to tell you they are special because they are a certain"something" or have studied a certain aspect, they are wrong, and not a person to deal with on a metaphysical level. There are hundreds of healing modalities. All work, some people just have more of a talent for one than another.
The gifts that we are given, that allow us to work in the metaphysical are gifts, they are to be used to help others and for no other purpose. They are not there to get us out of the house, make us rich or famous. When you do a good job doing these things, fame may come to you, but having your name known should not be the goal of doing metaphysical work. Be honest with yourself, because you can mouth the words "I want to help people", but the Universe always knows the real meaning behind your words.
There is much more to it than having a natural ability. That natural ability can actually get you into all kinds of trouble if you do not know the metaphysical work well. When you put yourself out there you can get into all kinds of situations that you will not know how to handle. Be trained correctly, be apprenticed, and you will be safe and helpful to others.
...but there can be no ego. You have to have the ability to say "I don't know" or admit to being wrong. No psychic, medium, or sensitive is always right. NONE of them. That is just the way it is, but the key is to be able to say that you missed something, and try to figure out what the missed signal was so that you get better at things.
I have been actively working in the metaphysical for over 40 years. I was just a child when I started doing readings , leading seances and crossing people over. I did not become a healer until a few years ago. I became an ordained minister most recently. There is always more to do and to learn. When you think you have nothing more to learn, your Ego is getting in the way. I have always learned more and more and I am still learning. I share, I teach, and I always have as a goal, helping others. It is what has enabled me to successfully support myself. Working only in the metaphysical.
Anyone who brags, looks for fame, or fortune in the metaphysical world will get some serious does of Karma, even as drastic as physical illness and financial ruin.
Beware of those who look for accolades, be around those who simply need a "thank you".
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There are many aspects of the metaphysical works from people who are healers to people who are psychics, and more. There are many different talents and abilities. None is more special or more important than the others. None. There are always multiple ways of getting information and multiple talents for getting at it. There is no hierarchy to the light workers of the Universe. There is no one single type that is the only type that can achieve certain information. Any psychic or medium can find lost objects,some are just better at it than others. Any psychic or medium can get information from the dead. Any psychic, healer or sensitive can pinpoint health issues. All the information in the Universe is available to all. If anyone ever tries to tell you they are special because they are a certain"something" or have studied a certain aspect, they are wrong, and not a person to deal with on a metaphysical level. There are hundreds of healing modalities. All work, some people just have more of a talent for one than another.
The gifts that we are given, that allow us to work in the metaphysical are gifts, they are to be used to help others and for no other purpose. They are not there to get us out of the house, make us rich or famous. When you do a good job doing these things, fame may come to you, but having your name known should not be the goal of doing metaphysical work. Be honest with yourself, because you can mouth the words "I want to help people", but the Universe always knows the real meaning behind your words.
There is much more to it than having a natural ability. That natural ability can actually get you into all kinds of trouble if you do not know the metaphysical work well. When you put yourself out there you can get into all kinds of situations that you will not know how to handle. Be trained correctly, be apprenticed, and you will be safe and helpful to others.
...but there can be no ego. You have to have the ability to say "I don't know" or admit to being wrong. No psychic, medium, or sensitive is always right. NONE of them. That is just the way it is, but the key is to be able to say that you missed something, and try to figure out what the missed signal was so that you get better at things.
I have been actively working in the metaphysical for over 40 years. I was just a child when I started doing readings , leading seances and crossing people over. I did not become a healer until a few years ago. I became an ordained minister most recently. There is always more to do and to learn. When you think you have nothing more to learn, your Ego is getting in the way. I have always learned more and more and I am still learning. I share, I teach, and I always have as a goal, helping others. It is what has enabled me to successfully support myself. Working only in the metaphysical.
Anyone who brags, looks for fame, or fortune in the metaphysical world will get some serious does of Karma, even as drastic as physical illness and financial ruin.
Beware of those who look for accolades, be around those who simply need a "thank you".
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, May 18, 2012
Reiki tool
First I would like to say that the schedule around here is getting busier and there will be more added to the mix soon. I made the decision today to make Fridays a "blogless" day. I usually keep Fridays as open as possible for me to relax and do things I want to do. It is my "day off" even though I take client calls all day. I don't do laundry, or vacuum floors on Friday, now it will be a "don't write blogs" day.
Today I wanted to go over something that has been written about in the past, but it is important as more and more people are asking for reiki for a specific purpose. Sometimes that is fine, but the "purposes" it is being asked for have been rather inappropriate. I also want everyone to remember the basic tenet of reiki as it does what is for the person's highest good.
The reason I say that reiki is being asked for inappropriate things....I cannot and WILL NOT reiki a person into leaving a marriage. Things like that should NEVER be done. No magic, or energy work is ever to be done where it takes away a person's free will. "Harm none" is the simplest way of remembering that! Any negativity you do in that manner will come back to you and the person who requested it.
NEVER attempt ti take a person's free will away from them.
Reiki is also not there to help you pass a test you didn't study for. It can help you relax to study, retain information, feel positive and be in the right mind to take the test, therefore helping you to be successful. However, reiki is a HEALING modality. It is not spellwork or manifesting. There are tools to be used for certain aspects and results. You don't use a screwdriver to tighten a bolt, don't use the incorrect metaphysical and energetic tools when you are trying to achieve something!
The basic tenet of reiki is : what is for the person's highest good. So be careful what you ask for. Your highest good may be to fail that test so you study next time. Health matters are the same. Reiki may be used to alter health issues, and I have seen it do miracles, but it is also used to help people cross over peacefully. When someone has a terminal disease, like cancer, reiki doesn't always cure the cancer, but help the person be calm and accepting to their passing, and pass calmly and successfully over to the other side.
Reiki is not a magic "cure all ", but it always works, and always works well. It just carries out the will of God/ the Universe. When we "let go" and stop trying to force the Universe into a path that we are not meant to take...when we allow the Universe to do what it needs to do and what is best for us, pure miracles happen. We may not see the reasoning for it right away, or even ever, but it is still there. We are not in charge. Someone a heck of a lot smarter than us is.
The road to happiness is to have realistic expectations, faith, and work towards your goals. When you do that, success and abundance follow.
Be healthy, safe and happy. As my reiki master tells us, "let go and let God".
Happy weekend!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Today I wanted to go over something that has been written about in the past, but it is important as more and more people are asking for reiki for a specific purpose. Sometimes that is fine, but the "purposes" it is being asked for have been rather inappropriate. I also want everyone to remember the basic tenet of reiki as it does what is for the person's highest good.
The reason I say that reiki is being asked for inappropriate things....I cannot and WILL NOT reiki a person into leaving a marriage. Things like that should NEVER be done. No magic, or energy work is ever to be done where it takes away a person's free will. "Harm none" is the simplest way of remembering that! Any negativity you do in that manner will come back to you and the person who requested it.
NEVER attempt ti take a person's free will away from them.
Reiki is also not there to help you pass a test you didn't study for. It can help you relax to study, retain information, feel positive and be in the right mind to take the test, therefore helping you to be successful. However, reiki is a HEALING modality. It is not spellwork or manifesting. There are tools to be used for certain aspects and results. You don't use a screwdriver to tighten a bolt, don't use the incorrect metaphysical and energetic tools when you are trying to achieve something!
The basic tenet of reiki is : what is for the person's highest good. So be careful what you ask for. Your highest good may be to fail that test so you study next time. Health matters are the same. Reiki may be used to alter health issues, and I have seen it do miracles, but it is also used to help people cross over peacefully. When someone has a terminal disease, like cancer, reiki doesn't always cure the cancer, but help the person be calm and accepting to their passing, and pass calmly and successfully over to the other side.
Reiki is not a magic "cure all ", but it always works, and always works well. It just carries out the will of God/ the Universe. When we "let go" and stop trying to force the Universe into a path that we are not meant to take...when we allow the Universe to do what it needs to do and what is best for us, pure miracles happen. We may not see the reasoning for it right away, or even ever, but it is still there. We are not in charge. Someone a heck of a lot smarter than us is.
The road to happiness is to have realistic expectations, faith, and work towards your goals. When you do that, success and abundance follow.
Be healthy, safe and happy. As my reiki master tells us, "let go and let God".
Happy weekend!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Ministerial work & other teachings
I often write about making sure that you have quality in the people that you trust for metaphysical work, as much as you would (if not more) a tradesman coming into your home. People check out electricians and plumbers on Angie's List, but as long as someone says they are a reiki master or ordained minister, we accept that wholesale. Bad idea.
I recently met a woman who took a Usui Reiki class from a "reiki master" and she did not even learn the basic hand positions. Usui reiki has basic hand positions as a basis of the practice. You cannot honestly teach Usui reiki without teaching the basic hand positions. This lady fortunately reads much and realized that something was wrong. She retook the class with a certified reiki master. Meanwhile she was $125 poorer.
We have to make sure we are getting what we pay for in the metaphysical world. Do not assume that just because someone does metaphysical, spiritual or religious works that they are on the up and up. There are people and organizations like the Westboro church, James Ray (, and Harold Camping (who talks about the Rapture which is something NEVER mentioned in the Bible). The is Alberto Villoldo who claimed to be able to teach Mayan rites and riuals to improve lives and save people from the 2012 disasters that aren't going to happen. He ended up on a list of metaphysical fakes and "plastic shaman". There are gypsy fortune tellers who will tell you that you have a curse, and there are people "teaching" metaphysical classes, giving lectures, and doing ministerial work who have no business doing it.
I have a certification (a few actually) proclaiming me reiki trained and a reiki master, but what made me a reiki master, was over a year of training hands on with a certified reiki master. I also have a ministerial card. I pay my dues every year (every truly authentic, ordained minister needs to be current in their dues and registered, not just trained, to perform ministerial duties), and I am current and authorized to do ministerial work. I was trained hands on and by on line conferences (I would have loved to spend the whole training in Sedona, but unfortunately I had to do some of the classes by teleconference). I still need to have periodic updates and training and need to submit a ministerial report every month. The school I used is accredited (meaning the US government recognizes it as an authentic school allowed to distribute degrees), and current on their requirements and paperwork. When you are taking classes, make sure that the school is accredited. There aren't many in the metaphysical and parapsychology world.
There are people out there who go on line and become "ordained" for a fee, and call themselves ministers, exorcists and demonologists. For the record, the only official exorcists at this point are priests of the Catholic Church (and not just any priest can perform the ritual, there are specially trained priests for this rite), and now some Methodist churches will also perform the rite. There are people who can try, and may even succeed, but be very careful about people telling you that you are possessed or there are demons living in your basement, they are most likely what you need to be afraid of.
Never be afraid to ask a minister for their ministerial card. All official ministers have one. Make sure the date is current and it is not expired. Make sure that your reiki master teacher has a certificate, and that they at least know the basic hand positions! Make sure that you get references on people who have directly had work from that person. A reading, a treatment, a blessing. Never feel badly about asking for verification on training or certification to teach. There are certain laws both mundane and ecumenical that need to be followed. In some states you cannot even give reiki treatment without being registered with the state. Make sure that you are getting authenticity and quality.
If someone tells you they were ordained for $20 on the net, run like the wind!
Quality shows.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I recently met a woman who took a Usui Reiki class from a "reiki master" and she did not even learn the basic hand positions. Usui reiki has basic hand positions as a basis of the practice. You cannot honestly teach Usui reiki without teaching the basic hand positions. This lady fortunately reads much and realized that something was wrong. She retook the class with a certified reiki master. Meanwhile she was $125 poorer.
We have to make sure we are getting what we pay for in the metaphysical world. Do not assume that just because someone does metaphysical, spiritual or religious works that they are on the up and up. There are people and organizations like the Westboro church, James Ray (, and Harold Camping (who talks about the Rapture which is something NEVER mentioned in the Bible). The is Alberto Villoldo who claimed to be able to teach Mayan rites and riuals to improve lives and save people from the 2012 disasters that aren't going to happen. He ended up on a list of metaphysical fakes and "plastic shaman". There are gypsy fortune tellers who will tell you that you have a curse, and there are people "teaching" metaphysical classes, giving lectures, and doing ministerial work who have no business doing it.
I have a certification (a few actually) proclaiming me reiki trained and a reiki master, but what made me a reiki master, was over a year of training hands on with a certified reiki master. I also have a ministerial card. I pay my dues every year (every truly authentic, ordained minister needs to be current in their dues and registered, not just trained, to perform ministerial duties), and I am current and authorized to do ministerial work. I was trained hands on and by on line conferences (I would have loved to spend the whole training in Sedona, but unfortunately I had to do some of the classes by teleconference). I still need to have periodic updates and training and need to submit a ministerial report every month. The school I used is accredited (meaning the US government recognizes it as an authentic school allowed to distribute degrees), and current on their requirements and paperwork. When you are taking classes, make sure that the school is accredited. There aren't many in the metaphysical and parapsychology world.
There are people out there who go on line and become "ordained" for a fee, and call themselves ministers, exorcists and demonologists. For the record, the only official exorcists at this point are priests of the Catholic Church (and not just any priest can perform the ritual, there are specially trained priests for this rite), and now some Methodist churches will also perform the rite. There are people who can try, and may even succeed, but be very careful about people telling you that you are possessed or there are demons living in your basement, they are most likely what you need to be afraid of.
Never be afraid to ask a minister for their ministerial card. All official ministers have one. Make sure the date is current and it is not expired. Make sure that your reiki master teacher has a certificate, and that they at least know the basic hand positions! Make sure that you get references on people who have directly had work from that person. A reading, a treatment, a blessing. Never feel badly about asking for verification on training or certification to teach. There are certain laws both mundane and ecumenical that need to be followed. In some states you cannot even give reiki treatment without being registered with the state. Make sure that you are getting authenticity and quality.
If someone tells you they were ordained for $20 on the net, run like the wind!
Quality shows.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Free will and the opportunity window
It is so fulfilling to do readings for people who understand the nature of them. That is a rare instance indeed. I had that opportunity yesterday, and it was so rewarding. When people call and say something like "just tell me something", it makes me want to scream. Seriously. When people do that, I feel like I am either their entertainment system or they are waiting to hear all the terrible things that will happen to them so they can hide that day. The flood of crap that comes in to tell them is overwhelming sometimes. It is pointless.
First of all, I work too hard all day long to be anyone's entertainment system.The other side of that coin, is that messages sometimes come across in ways that are important , yet gentle. For example, if you are going to have a family member die, you may be told to visit them this summer. The Universe will NOT deliver messages along the lines of a loved one dying or anything terrible that is out of your control. I mean what would you do but be extremely upset, and most likely upset others?
Another NON-favorite is "tell me something about myself". Usually the person asking really would not like hearing what I have to say. The last person that asked me that actually dumbfounded me as I could not find an unoffensive thing to say! That is rare, but it was an experience for sure. The best part is that what we as psychics see, may be totally different from what the person sees. It is a "test" we will most likely never pass.
I always have to be careful what I say, and one of my least favorites is a question like when a mother of a 2 year old asks how the child will turn out. Are you kidding me? What if they are going to be a drug addict? Wife beater? Child molester? Drop out? Then what? The "what" is you will get mad at me, or do harm to your child trying to mold the bad out of the child. These are questions I will not answer. I am also not going to read out 25 years, the reason, free will.
Free will is that thing that the Universe gave us to work our way around Karma (by fixing what we need to fix before learning a harsh lesson). We all have it, and although we cannot change everything, we can change most things. We have the ability to alter our lives. I was able to tell the lady whom I read for, that the job in place "A" was great, but if she looked in place "B" there was a better job and she could have other benefits from that, like a new social circle that would bring her much fulfillment. That is the way readings really work...not the gypsy "you will meet a tall, dark, man" thing.
The other side of that is the opportunity window. If you read my blogs you know that the Universe doesn't leave options open forever. When there is a person available to you, they won't wait 20 years for you to have the courage to leave your cheating husband. They are not sentenced to a life of loneliness while you try to get your act together. Be brave, leave, stand on your own two feet, and then Prince Charming comes in. When you want a new job and I say you will have one by June, that means you actually have to look for one and APPLY! God isn't going to drop an HR rep into your living room after he falls from a 747 landing at the local airport.
We are in charge of our live, our free will allows that. Make sure that you are not missing out on opportunities through laziness or fear. To have change, you must MAKE change. You are the catalyst, the Universe will work with you once you start taking appropriate action.
Make sure that you make the window of opportunity and make your life all it can be!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
First of all, I work too hard all day long to be anyone's entertainment system.The other side of that coin, is that messages sometimes come across in ways that are important , yet gentle. For example, if you are going to have a family member die, you may be told to visit them this summer. The Universe will NOT deliver messages along the lines of a loved one dying or anything terrible that is out of your control. I mean what would you do but be extremely upset, and most likely upset others?
Another NON-favorite is "tell me something about myself". Usually the person asking really would not like hearing what I have to say. The last person that asked me that actually dumbfounded me as I could not find an unoffensive thing to say! That is rare, but it was an experience for sure. The best part is that what we as psychics see, may be totally different from what the person sees. It is a "test" we will most likely never pass.
I always have to be careful what I say, and one of my least favorites is a question like when a mother of a 2 year old asks how the child will turn out. Are you kidding me? What if they are going to be a drug addict? Wife beater? Child molester? Drop out? Then what? The "what" is you will get mad at me, or do harm to your child trying to mold the bad out of the child. These are questions I will not answer. I am also not going to read out 25 years, the reason, free will.
Free will is that thing that the Universe gave us to work our way around Karma (by fixing what we need to fix before learning a harsh lesson). We all have it, and although we cannot change everything, we can change most things. We have the ability to alter our lives. I was able to tell the lady whom I read for, that the job in place "A" was great, but if she looked in place "B" there was a better job and she could have other benefits from that, like a new social circle that would bring her much fulfillment. That is the way readings really work...not the gypsy "you will meet a tall, dark, man" thing.
The other side of that is the opportunity window. If you read my blogs you know that the Universe doesn't leave options open forever. When there is a person available to you, they won't wait 20 years for you to have the courage to leave your cheating husband. They are not sentenced to a life of loneliness while you try to get your act together. Be brave, leave, stand on your own two feet, and then Prince Charming comes in. When you want a new job and I say you will have one by June, that means you actually have to look for one and APPLY! God isn't going to drop an HR rep into your living room after he falls from a 747 landing at the local airport.
We are in charge of our live, our free will allows that. Make sure that you are not missing out on opportunities through laziness or fear. To have change, you must MAKE change. You are the catalyst, the Universe will work with you once you start taking appropriate action.
Make sure that you make the window of opportunity and make your life all it can be!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
EVPs more information.....
Since the group I belong to has been very active with EVPs lately, I thought I would reprint this. The activity also gave me some ideas about more that needs to be said. I will start with the "more" and then reprint the original post.
The "more":
First of all EVPs are not things that you hear with your ears. If you heard it, it can be a ghostly phenomenon, but not an EVP. An EVP is "Electronic Voice Phenomenon", when you hear it with your ears, it isn't electronic.
EVPs usually don't echo. I will explain that "usually" part in a minute. First of all, something that only appears electronically cannot cause echo in the space you are in, because technically it isn't in that atmosphere. It is in another sound range, and like a dog whistle being blown, we don't hear it OR the echo from the whistle (if there could be one). So when you hear a voice and it echos off things, it isn't an EVP. There is no way any of the environment you are in can effect that EVP. (I actually like physics).
Now the "usually part". When it is a true EVP (not something you are hearing with your ears),then it may have an echo if it is a residual EVP, and there was an echo at the time it occurred. For example, if a person screamed in an empty hospital hallway 50 years ago , and it echoed, that residual EVP which is out there to record, will also echo. It will be an exact representation of the sound.
EVPs have a certain sound and tone to them, picking them out will get easier as time goes by. Use software that shows if you are picking up a voice in our sound range, EVPs are not in our sound range.
The other thing to keep in mind is that you should always mark your recordings, audio and video. When there is a conversation downstairs, note it. Later if you think it is possible the "EVP" is part of that conversation, you have to toss it out. When you mark your recordings well, you won't have to wonder if something is an EVP. When you hear something with your ears, a "ghostly voice" or sound, immediately go and check with the others in the area to see if they were the ones speaking or making the noise. This means also knowing where you are in relation to everyone else in the building.
When you are investigating with a team you should NEVER BE ALONE. There are several reasons for this, but if you hear a voice, it is easy to have that person check and see if someone just said " hello" somewhere else in the area. Otherwise you can be hearing ANYTHING and think it is an EVP. My husband is hard of hearing, and it is important to make sure you are hearing well, as you may not hear the conversation with your ears when it happens, but you will later with your ear buds in, and think it is an EVP when it is not.
People can speak 2 floors below and come up on a recorder. Just because you are "alone" doesn't mean voices aren't coming through, and our recorders don't filter out chatter like our brains do, they simply record it. Don't fool yourself. Following the guidelines will keep you from having to guess later.
Do not doctor EVPs, some will be Class A and some will not, that is OK. It doesn't mean that you did anything "wrong" or that people won't appreciate it. It is nice to know what they are saying, but we won't always have that luxury.
I do go by the rule....when in doubt, throw it out. Well, I check it out first, but if I can't say for sure, I toss it. Meanwhile, if you follow the guidelines below (like not whispering and talking in other voices), you probably won't have "doubt" EVPs.
Always run them by another person who is experienced with EVPs. As I said earlier, they have a certain tone and sound to them, even when clear. The other person may recognize a voice as a home owner, or person who is new to the group.
Residual EVPs will not respond to you, nor continue. So if you get a word, then nothing for the next 20 minutes, it is probably residual. When the response has no relationship to the question, then it is probably residual. When you have no questions answered all night long, and just words here and there, they are probably residual. That means there are no spirits making the sounds, it is just like a tape playing over and over. Just because there are words and sounds in a building doesn't mean there are ghosts in the building!
I have been watching ghostly behavior most of my life (I lived in 2 VERY haunted houses for over 15 years), and have had the privilege of learning from experienced mediums, parapsychologists and ghost hunters. I have a healthy does of skepticism to my evidence, and it really is necessary. When you put stuff out there that isn't authentic, people stop listening to it and watching it. Be your own worst critic. And please remember that the TV shows just give you a glimpse, you learn a little from them, but there is much more to things.They are also learning as they go, trying things out. Let people who have experienced paranormal activity for years , who aren't trying to turn an explanation in to 1 minute sound bite, help you out. As always , strive for authenticity, in your teachers, your evidence, and your search. Use the best equipment you can afford, and know how to use it properly.
...and now back to the last EVP blog......
Someone asked me yesterday how I got so many EVPs from Villisca. I think it was mostly Villisca itself, not me for the most part, but there are ways that will get you more EVPs.
First of all, being psychic helps. The spirits see a bright light around psychics and mediums, a little neon "open" sign, so they come to communicate. Psychics receive their messages differently than mediums do ,but the messages still come through. So, I guess I have a little advantage right off the bat, but that doesn't mean non psychics don't get EVPs , they do!
The key is to talk to spirits as if they are a live human standing in front of you. If you were trying to talk to someone, would you whisper, cut them off before they answer, be carrying on a conversation with someone else at the same time, be confrontational just because they are not answering? No, of course not, yet people do that all the time while gathering EVPs.
It should be quiet. VERY quiet. There should only be one or two people asking questions and they should stay on topic. Speak up, in a normal voice, not only so they can hear you, but so that later your whisper isn't confused as an EVP. Many times it takes tremendous effort to answer us. Some spirits are able to use energy from us or our equipment to answer us, but that sometimes takes time. Sometimes it may take 20-30 seconds for them to answer. It may have to travel over a few dimensions to get to you. Give long , quiet pauses in between.
When you hear a voice with your ears, it technically isn't an EVP, note when you hear things live, so that you can differentiate them later. A spirit you can hear is a powerful one.
Mark noises that may be misinterpreted as an EVP. If you knock something over and it thumps, note it. When you are moving to a new location on a squeaky floor, say "walking", if you aren't making noise, just comment "moving to the living room", you don't have to note every step, camera beep and sneeze. You do have to note thumps, creaks, bangs, sighs, and if you forget...whispers.
Don't be confrontational unless the spirit is. How would you like someone coming in to "your house" and screaming "talk to me now!". That is when I would clam up except maybe for a "get out".
Leave your recorder running. I have an EVP from between the house and barn at Villisca. Spirits are always talking, not just when we turn on our recorders. I have a class A from Villisca when we stopped for a minute becasue kids were outside climbing on the clothesline poles, if I would have shut off my recorder I would have missed an awesome EVP! The new recorders have digital files that go on forever, it is not like the old days when you would run out of tape, so keep it rolling!
Spirits can lie in death , just like in life. They can be nasty, hateful, and they can also be helpful. You have to treat EVPs as if you are talking to a live human. Keep conjecture out of your questions. Don't ask something like "You killed Mary becasue you hated her and she was wearing Donna's dress, right?" Just ask "Why did you kill Mary?". People like to "play psychics", PLEASE leave the psychic conjecture to the professional psychics and mediums. We not only can pick up on the message that is being sent, but also if the spirit is indeed who they say they are , and if they are being truthful.
Many of my clearest EVPs have been when I wasn't questioning. I was just being in the space and investigating. It is then that spirits strike up a conversation or you catch residual EVPs.
Try to build a rapport with the spirits. You want them to like you. When you are noisy, annoying, confrontational, disruptive, they will simply go and hide in the basement .
Don't talk in other voices. Don't talk "baby talk" or make silly noises just becasue there are child spirits in the room. They can be mistaken for EVPs of children later on. Talk in YOUR normal voice so when the recording is listened to, it is clear that it is YOU and not a spirit!
Then there is the techno side. Buy the best recorder that you can afford. I recently bought one that is a little higher end, and I can hear SO much more that maybe was there before, but I couldn't hear it. It is clear, sharp, and loud enough to make out what is being said. My first recorder cost $30, this one was $60, and it is more than twice the quality. Well worth every penny. Don't use things like cell phones, they won't pick up much, heck you sometimes can barely hear your friend you are calling well, you want to hear spirits 3 dimensions and 4 decibel levels away?
Have software to check your EVPs, this way you can isolate them, slow down some speedy spirit voices so you can understand them, and see by sound waves that the voice is a team member whispering, not an EVP.
Try to eliminate as much outside noise as you can, or at least note it. This isn't always possible, but when you can , do it. Don't have 4 different meters with you going off near the recorder, they can drown out the sound of the EVP and drive people crazy. They are there to get your attention to start EVPs, take pictures, or ask for movement, not to listen to. They are also NOT to be used as communication devices. I don't care what the TV shows do, they are NOT reliable as communication devices, nor is that what they are designed for. There are many reasons for it, but let's say for example I am a child ghost, one who is a bit of a prankster. You ask if I am Mr Smith who owned the house, and I pass my child hand near your meter to make it beep. You think you are "talking" to Mr Smith and you are doing nothing of the sort.
Test all equipment BEFORE entering the location. Make sure the batteries are fresh (if they are almost dead, replace them before starting). The spirits aren't going to repeat something just because your batteries died. Make sure that you are familiar with your equipment, and that you have fresh batteries. Have a SMALL flashlight with you if you need it to see the buttons on your equipment. Try to be familiar with it so that you can operate it without the flashlight.
When equipment fails, step away and fix it, or replace it. I have a back up recorder, batteries, and flashlight with me at all times. Also extra, water, blankets, etc. Act as if you are going camping, many times you actually are.
DON'T practice getting EVPs in your home. You become a radio station that all the spirits want to be on. They will start to wake you at 2 AM to chat. This can be cool once or twice, but when it starts happening all the time, you won't think it so cool. Your attention to them can attract more into your home. Before you know it, it will be crowded in there. I have seen three instances of hauntings becoming a problem because someone wanted to play with EVPs all the time.
Be safe, be careful and be respectful. The spirits can hurt you, not badly, but enough to get your attention. Don't go into their "home" and upset them. It is not fair to them, and can get you in trouble. It can also get you hours of blank recordings.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
The "more":
First of all EVPs are not things that you hear with your ears. If you heard it, it can be a ghostly phenomenon, but not an EVP. An EVP is "Electronic Voice Phenomenon", when you hear it with your ears, it isn't electronic.
EVPs usually don't echo. I will explain that "usually" part in a minute. First of all, something that only appears electronically cannot cause echo in the space you are in, because technically it isn't in that atmosphere. It is in another sound range, and like a dog whistle being blown, we don't hear it OR the echo from the whistle (if there could be one). So when you hear a voice and it echos off things, it isn't an EVP. There is no way any of the environment you are in can effect that EVP. (I actually like physics).
Now the "usually part". When it is a true EVP (not something you are hearing with your ears),then it may have an echo if it is a residual EVP, and there was an echo at the time it occurred. For example, if a person screamed in an empty hospital hallway 50 years ago , and it echoed, that residual EVP which is out there to record, will also echo. It will be an exact representation of the sound.
EVPs have a certain sound and tone to them, picking them out will get easier as time goes by. Use software that shows if you are picking up a voice in our sound range, EVPs are not in our sound range.
The other thing to keep in mind is that you should always mark your recordings, audio and video. When there is a conversation downstairs, note it. Later if you think it is possible the "EVP" is part of that conversation, you have to toss it out. When you mark your recordings well, you won't have to wonder if something is an EVP. When you hear something with your ears, a "ghostly voice" or sound, immediately go and check with the others in the area to see if they were the ones speaking or making the noise. This means also knowing where you are in relation to everyone else in the building.
When you are investigating with a team you should NEVER BE ALONE. There are several reasons for this, but if you hear a voice, it is easy to have that person check and see if someone just said " hello" somewhere else in the area. Otherwise you can be hearing ANYTHING and think it is an EVP. My husband is hard of hearing, and it is important to make sure you are hearing well, as you may not hear the conversation with your ears when it happens, but you will later with your ear buds in, and think it is an EVP when it is not.
People can speak 2 floors below and come up on a recorder. Just because you are "alone" doesn't mean voices aren't coming through, and our recorders don't filter out chatter like our brains do, they simply record it. Don't fool yourself. Following the guidelines will keep you from having to guess later.
Do not doctor EVPs, some will be Class A and some will not, that is OK. It doesn't mean that you did anything "wrong" or that people won't appreciate it. It is nice to know what they are saying, but we won't always have that luxury.
I do go by the rule....when in doubt, throw it out. Well, I check it out first, but if I can't say for sure, I toss it. Meanwhile, if you follow the guidelines below (like not whispering and talking in other voices), you probably won't have "doubt" EVPs.
Always run them by another person who is experienced with EVPs. As I said earlier, they have a certain tone and sound to them, even when clear. The other person may recognize a voice as a home owner, or person who is new to the group.
Residual EVPs will not respond to you, nor continue. So if you get a word, then nothing for the next 20 minutes, it is probably residual. When the response has no relationship to the question, then it is probably residual. When you have no questions answered all night long, and just words here and there, they are probably residual. That means there are no spirits making the sounds, it is just like a tape playing over and over. Just because there are words and sounds in a building doesn't mean there are ghosts in the building!
I have been watching ghostly behavior most of my life (I lived in 2 VERY haunted houses for over 15 years), and have had the privilege of learning from experienced mediums, parapsychologists and ghost hunters. I have a healthy does of skepticism to my evidence, and it really is necessary. When you put stuff out there that isn't authentic, people stop listening to it and watching it. Be your own worst critic. And please remember that the TV shows just give you a glimpse, you learn a little from them, but there is much more to things.They are also learning as they go, trying things out. Let people who have experienced paranormal activity for years , who aren't trying to turn an explanation in to 1 minute sound bite, help you out. As always , strive for authenticity, in your teachers, your evidence, and your search. Use the best equipment you can afford, and know how to use it properly.
...and now back to the last EVP blog......
Someone asked me yesterday how I got so many EVPs from Villisca. I think it was mostly Villisca itself, not me for the most part, but there are ways that will get you more EVPs.
First of all, being psychic helps. The spirits see a bright light around psychics and mediums, a little neon "open" sign, so they come to communicate. Psychics receive their messages differently than mediums do ,but the messages still come through. So, I guess I have a little advantage right off the bat, but that doesn't mean non psychics don't get EVPs , they do!
The key is to talk to spirits as if they are a live human standing in front of you. If you were trying to talk to someone, would you whisper, cut them off before they answer, be carrying on a conversation with someone else at the same time, be confrontational just because they are not answering? No, of course not, yet people do that all the time while gathering EVPs.
It should be quiet. VERY quiet. There should only be one or two people asking questions and they should stay on topic. Speak up, in a normal voice, not only so they can hear you, but so that later your whisper isn't confused as an EVP. Many times it takes tremendous effort to answer us. Some spirits are able to use energy from us or our equipment to answer us, but that sometimes takes time. Sometimes it may take 20-30 seconds for them to answer. It may have to travel over a few dimensions to get to you. Give long , quiet pauses in between.
When you hear a voice with your ears, it technically isn't an EVP, note when you hear things live, so that you can differentiate them later. A spirit you can hear is a powerful one.
Mark noises that may be misinterpreted as an EVP. If you knock something over and it thumps, note it. When you are moving to a new location on a squeaky floor, say "walking", if you aren't making noise, just comment "moving to the living room", you don't have to note every step, camera beep and sneeze. You do have to note thumps, creaks, bangs, sighs, and if you forget...whispers.
Don't be confrontational unless the spirit is. How would you like someone coming in to "your house" and screaming "talk to me now!". That is when I would clam up except maybe for a "get out".
Leave your recorder running. I have an EVP from between the house and barn at Villisca. Spirits are always talking, not just when we turn on our recorders. I have a class A from Villisca when we stopped for a minute becasue kids were outside climbing on the clothesline poles, if I would have shut off my recorder I would have missed an awesome EVP! The new recorders have digital files that go on forever, it is not like the old days when you would run out of tape, so keep it rolling!
Spirits can lie in death , just like in life. They can be nasty, hateful, and they can also be helpful. You have to treat EVPs as if you are talking to a live human. Keep conjecture out of your questions. Don't ask something like "You killed Mary becasue you hated her and she was wearing Donna's dress, right?" Just ask "Why did you kill Mary?". People like to "play psychics", PLEASE leave the psychic conjecture to the professional psychics and mediums. We not only can pick up on the message that is being sent, but also if the spirit is indeed who they say they are , and if they are being truthful.
Many of my clearest EVPs have been when I wasn't questioning. I was just being in the space and investigating. It is then that spirits strike up a conversation or you catch residual EVPs.
Try to build a rapport with the spirits. You want them to like you. When you are noisy, annoying, confrontational, disruptive, they will simply go and hide in the basement .
Don't talk in other voices. Don't talk "baby talk" or make silly noises just becasue there are child spirits in the room. They can be mistaken for EVPs of children later on. Talk in YOUR normal voice so when the recording is listened to, it is clear that it is YOU and not a spirit!
Then there is the techno side. Buy the best recorder that you can afford. I recently bought one that is a little higher end, and I can hear SO much more that maybe was there before, but I couldn't hear it. It is clear, sharp, and loud enough to make out what is being said. My first recorder cost $30, this one was $60, and it is more than twice the quality. Well worth every penny. Don't use things like cell phones, they won't pick up much, heck you sometimes can barely hear your friend you are calling well, you want to hear spirits 3 dimensions and 4 decibel levels away?
Have software to check your EVPs, this way you can isolate them, slow down some speedy spirit voices so you can understand them, and see by sound waves that the voice is a team member whispering, not an EVP.
Try to eliminate as much outside noise as you can, or at least note it. This isn't always possible, but when you can , do it. Don't have 4 different meters with you going off near the recorder, they can drown out the sound of the EVP and drive people crazy. They are there to get your attention to start EVPs, take pictures, or ask for movement, not to listen to. They are also NOT to be used as communication devices. I don't care what the TV shows do, they are NOT reliable as communication devices, nor is that what they are designed for. There are many reasons for it, but let's say for example I am a child ghost, one who is a bit of a prankster. You ask if I am Mr Smith who owned the house, and I pass my child hand near your meter to make it beep. You think you are "talking" to Mr Smith and you are doing nothing of the sort.
Test all equipment BEFORE entering the location. Make sure the batteries are fresh (if they are almost dead, replace them before starting). The spirits aren't going to repeat something just because your batteries died. Make sure that you are familiar with your equipment, and that you have fresh batteries. Have a SMALL flashlight with you if you need it to see the buttons on your equipment. Try to be familiar with it so that you can operate it without the flashlight.
When equipment fails, step away and fix it, or replace it. I have a back up recorder, batteries, and flashlight with me at all times. Also extra, water, blankets, etc. Act as if you are going camping, many times you actually are.
DON'T practice getting EVPs in your home. You become a radio station that all the spirits want to be on. They will start to wake you at 2 AM to chat. This can be cool once or twice, but when it starts happening all the time, you won't think it so cool. Your attention to them can attract more into your home. Before you know it, it will be crowded in there. I have seen three instances of hauntings becoming a problem because someone wanted to play with EVPs all the time.
Be safe, be careful and be respectful. The spirits can hurt you, not badly, but enough to get your attention. Don't go into their "home" and upset them. It is not fair to them, and can get you in trouble. It can also get you hours of blank recordings.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Monday, May 14, 2012
Have a sanctuary
All of us need a sanctuary. A place to go when we need to think, calm down, cheer up, get away. It is necessary sometimes for us to simply "reboot". The world can get us running headlong into a direction that we know we don't really want to go in.
We do all need to sit and recharge ourselves, or eventually we run right into the ground. This becomes even more important when we are having days when things are too hectic or aren't going very well. It is a place of quiet and relaxation. It is a place that includes our favorite things, and yet things that will not distract us.
Our bedroom is usually a sanctuary in our homes, or a den. We have a couple of sanctuaries in our home and they work well. We even have space for Matt to go and concentrate away from my constantly ringing phone, and a I have places I can go. We have places we share as a sanctuary. We never have needed time out or time apart in our relationship , but some people do need that. We have indoor space, and then our favorite, our outdoor spaces. We have created places outdoors that are quiet, or at least as quiet as the next open pipe motorcyclist trip down our road, and places where we can watch birds, listen to the water in the fountain, and smell the honeysuckle.
It is important in my job. Many don't realize how hard it can be. Yes it seems like it is just talking all day long, and it is, but it also is opening up to people and swimming in their energy. When people are especially distraught, sad, or unstable, it is hard to hold onto my space while going through their whirlwind. Some days it is tiring, some people make me need to go outside and take a breath of fresh air, or in some rare cases, I need a shower to wash the "ick" off of me. I also will not read for people who are drunk, high or outright nasty crazy.Those altered states are pure hell to swim in while doing a reading. That invites all kinds of issues, and even beings in, and I have no desire to have to deal with all of that mess.
When you are clairsentient, empathic, or sensitive, you can take on other people's emotions. You can also take on their symptoms (and that is one reason I stay far away from those who aren't feeling well, unless I have all my reiki "tools" in place). To work in the metaphysical wold we have to open up to everything, but we also have to have tools in place of protection and boundaries. People think this is easy, and simple. It is sometimes, easy, but mostly not, tiring, frustrating, and can even be harmful to us physically and mentally.
I always have to have a bit of a doorstop in the door to the other side, holding it partly closed in case I have to slam it. I used to get tons of information about everyone I came near. I long ago asked for that to stop. It nearly drove me crazy, I now have filters set up.
Meanwhile we all still need that space, that sanctuary, we can go to in order to drop stress, worry and frustration. We need that place in order to be whole.
Make a sanctuary for yourself. It can be tiny, it doesn't have to be big, and the smaller the better actually. You can make it inside or outside, just make it a space you can control, and leave your cell phone outside the door.
Have an awesome week.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
We do all need to sit and recharge ourselves, or eventually we run right into the ground. This becomes even more important when we are having days when things are too hectic or aren't going very well. It is a place of quiet and relaxation. It is a place that includes our favorite things, and yet things that will not distract us.
Our bedroom is usually a sanctuary in our homes, or a den. We have a couple of sanctuaries in our home and they work well. We even have space for Matt to go and concentrate away from my constantly ringing phone, and a I have places I can go. We have places we share as a sanctuary. We never have needed time out or time apart in our relationship , but some people do need that. We have indoor space, and then our favorite, our outdoor spaces. We have created places outdoors that are quiet, or at least as quiet as the next open pipe motorcyclist trip down our road, and places where we can watch birds, listen to the water in the fountain, and smell the honeysuckle.
It is important in my job. Many don't realize how hard it can be. Yes it seems like it is just talking all day long, and it is, but it also is opening up to people and swimming in their energy. When people are especially distraught, sad, or unstable, it is hard to hold onto my space while going through their whirlwind. Some days it is tiring, some people make me need to go outside and take a breath of fresh air, or in some rare cases, I need a shower to wash the "ick" off of me. I also will not read for people who are drunk, high or outright nasty crazy.Those altered states are pure hell to swim in while doing a reading. That invites all kinds of issues, and even beings in, and I have no desire to have to deal with all of that mess.
When you are clairsentient, empathic, or sensitive, you can take on other people's emotions. You can also take on their symptoms (and that is one reason I stay far away from those who aren't feeling well, unless I have all my reiki "tools" in place). To work in the metaphysical wold we have to open up to everything, but we also have to have tools in place of protection and boundaries. People think this is easy, and simple. It is sometimes, easy, but mostly not, tiring, frustrating, and can even be harmful to us physically and mentally.
I always have to have a bit of a doorstop in the door to the other side, holding it partly closed in case I have to slam it. I used to get tons of information about everyone I came near. I long ago asked for that to stop. It nearly drove me crazy, I now have filters set up.
Meanwhile we all still need that space, that sanctuary, we can go to in order to drop stress, worry and frustration. We need that place in order to be whole.
Make a sanctuary for yourself. It can be tiny, it doesn't have to be big, and the smaller the better actually. You can make it inside or outside, just make it a space you can control, and leave your cell phone outside the door.
Have an awesome week.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Friday, May 11, 2012
Learning new songs.
Recently I have had the blessing of having a few new Native American songs delivered into my lap. They come from different directions, but they are all gifts to sing. I asked for songs a while ago and not too much happened, a few trickled in but now we have plenty of them , and different types and styles in different languages from east to west.
I guess they needed to be in our minds and throats now, instead of earlier, for some reason. Maybe they were meant for certain people, or certain situations. We will never know. But they are here and through some strange miracle, I am remembering them. It was difficult to remember songs in the past and they would blend together, but now they are firmly in my brain, and I have no trouble separating or remembering them. I guess it just wasn't time then, but it is time now. It is funny how things work.
First I want to say THANK you to the Universe for helping me learn and remember the songs. Thank you for bringing people to us to learn them. Thank you for making it start to flow even easier. Also THANK YOU to all who shared, advised, sang, gave permission for use of special songs , and helped in any way. From those who taught and explained language to whose who shared traditional songs. Many special thanks to Kenneth Little Hawk and his wife, and all my east coast "relatives" for helping with explanations, words and pronunciations. To the Crums for sharing and allowing us to share, and everyone else who helped in anyway. Thanks to those who shared family history that makes the songs have more meaning. I believe you need to know what you are singing about in order to sing it. Thanks Rocky , for all your participation.
There are some very good people in the world.
When an endeavor is going slowly, makes some changes, those changes may allow things to flow. Changes were made, and changes happened, and all of a sudden the flood gates opened. The help, information and assistance were there.
Have a fun , learning weekend!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Learn something new this weekend, and if you are advancing slowly, make some changes and see what happens. Sometimes the stage has to be set JUST right.
I guess they needed to be in our minds and throats now, instead of earlier, for some reason. Maybe they were meant for certain people, or certain situations. We will never know. But they are here and through some strange miracle, I am remembering them. It was difficult to remember songs in the past and they would blend together, but now they are firmly in my brain, and I have no trouble separating or remembering them. I guess it just wasn't time then, but it is time now. It is funny how things work.
First I want to say THANK you to the Universe for helping me learn and remember the songs. Thank you for bringing people to us to learn them. Thank you for making it start to flow even easier. Also THANK YOU to all who shared, advised, sang, gave permission for use of special songs , and helped in any way. From those who taught and explained language to whose who shared traditional songs. Many special thanks to Kenneth Little Hawk and his wife, and all my east coast "relatives" for helping with explanations, words and pronunciations. To the Crums for sharing and allowing us to share, and everyone else who helped in anyway. Thanks to those who shared family history that makes the songs have more meaning. I believe you need to know what you are singing about in order to sing it. Thanks Rocky , for all your participation.
There are some very good people in the world.
When an endeavor is going slowly, makes some changes, those changes may allow things to flow. Changes were made, and changes happened, and all of a sudden the flood gates opened. The help, information and assistance were there.
Have a fun , learning weekend!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Learn something new this weekend, and if you are advancing slowly, make some changes and see what happens. Sometimes the stage has to be set JUST right.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Ghost Hunting- Be mindful, respectful, and careful
I really want to write about this because a situation happened recently to some friends, and I thought this was something that didn't need saying....but apparently it does. I lead a ghost walk each month. We go to places where we CAN go. The reason I say "can" is that many cemeteries do NOT allow people in after dusk. They aren't afraid that the ghosties will get you, that isn't it. The problem has a few aspects to it.
First, there is the issue of people getting hurt.Imagine someone gets spooked (no pun intended), and runs. They trip, they fall, maybe even hit their head on a tombstone. They can become seriously injured (or even become the next ghost in the place from the bump on the head). You can easily twist ankles, get a branch in the eye, or fall into water in the dark. You don't want to be hurt, and the cemetery doesn't want to pay your hospital bill.
The next issue is that there is unfortunately a lot of idiots around that think it is fun to desecrate cemeteries. They tip over stones, paint on them, and hang things on them. Imagine how you would feel if this were your loved one. It is easier to tell people to keep out of the property, rather than interview everyone who goes in, to see if they are a hoodlum. When you are found in a cemetery, you are assumed to be up to no good.
Another issue. Not everyone in the cemetery at night is a ghost or a nice person. People go to do all kinds of things in cars, some won't harm you, but when you come too close to a mobile meth lab you may find a bullet whizzing past your head (and yes that has happened to someone I know). People also use the woods around cemeteries to make meth. It is important to know where you are, and for the owners to know you are there. They need to also know you are there THAT night. Not, "Oh I talked to some guy 3 years ago and he said it was OK". The property may have changed hands, the person may not have had permission to give you permission, or the rules may have changed recently.
Another issue. MANY families are not so into Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures when it involves their kith and kin. I know of a man who wandered through a country cemetery just taking pictures of the moon, and the stones (not ghost hunting). A family member of some of the deceased lived near by, took a shotgun to the cemetery and told him to "get out!". This person wasn't even "ghost hunting". People don't want a bunch of folks disturbing their loved ones for pictures, excitement and EVPs. Not everyone is amused, and they are paying for the right to have their loved one there undisturbed.
Many cemeteries are off limits after dark. One local cemetery locks up and lets police dogs in training have the run of the place at night. They get their exercise and it keeps drug addicts out. Imagine jumping over the wall and having a German Shepherd police dog land on your butt, with no officer to call him off. It would be a long , long night.
When you are in a cemetery after it closes (usually dusk), you are trespassing. A sign will be posted at the entrance to let you know if it is closed or not and when. A friend went into a New England cemetery with some friends and was charged with trespassing and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, as one boy was 16. There was also a charge of disturbing the peace. That was a little expensive , don't you think? There is a local cemetery that we asked permission (more than once) to get into , and they do not allow it , on the grounds that they are there to protect and make a peaceful place for loved ones (which is true), they gave me the law that they would charge me with, I looked it up, it was disturbing the peace.
Never go onto closed property. Just like you wouldn't stroll into a closed store after hours, you can't stroll onto cemetery property. NEVER go onto or INTO any property without permission. It may look old and deserted, but someone owns it, even if it is the county for back taxes, and they will be very UNamused. Most of the issues there are with liability when someone gets hurt.
Don't assume that because a property says one person has permission, that means that anyone else does, or that they can bring 20 of their friends. That is rarely the case. Most places will make you sign a waiver before allowing you on the property, if they don't may not be dealing with the real owners.
Beyond what I have already talked about , there is another issue. When people make a habit of trespassing, it ruins it for the rest of us. Cemeteries go on high alerts around Halloween and September when frats are pledging. They are routinely patrolled here locally, to see what people are up to (it is a great place for people to do drugs).
What happens when people go tromping around cemeteries is that they start cracking down on people passing through. There are a few locally that are OK with it, and some that are not. You need to know which are which, and ask them directly. Just because we go to a certain place on a ghost walk, doesn't mean it is OK the next night to take 5 of your best friends through there.
We have a place where the local law comes and checks on us each time. They know who we are, they are just making sure it is us, and if we are OK. They never want to hear the EVPs though.....
No building, no property, no matter how run down, empty and forlorn looking, is available to you to investigate. You go where you are asked to go, or where you receive permission to go, no where else. Don't ruin it for the rest of us please. If I hear of anyone who goes on ghost walks with us, taking it upon themselves to tromp through cemeteries, they will not ever go on a ghost walk again, and I will make sure that they cemetery knows they have been on the property. Just one ghost hunter getting hurt and filing a claim will be the end of any cemetery allowing us to go in. If you don't have permission, you don't go.
I have written several times before about this and being safe out there, but it needed to be said again. Remember, never go alone, go with an experienced person, have permission, no one under the age of 18, and do not have anything illegal on you, including alcohol. Make sure you are aware and watching out for drug manufacturers and addicts, and animals (yes animals). Never touch anything , move or remove anything. Be careful, don't run, and be sober when you go.
There are many groups around that go to quality sites that will be happy to take you. While you are there be respectful, quiet, and do not damage any property.
Be safe out there!!! I don't want to have to go and get bail money for anyone just because they watched too much Zack TV, and please don't ruin it for the rest of us. THANKS!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
First, there is the issue of people getting hurt.Imagine someone gets spooked (no pun intended), and runs. They trip, they fall, maybe even hit their head on a tombstone. They can become seriously injured (or even become the next ghost in the place from the bump on the head). You can easily twist ankles, get a branch in the eye, or fall into water in the dark. You don't want to be hurt, and the cemetery doesn't want to pay your hospital bill.
The next issue is that there is unfortunately a lot of idiots around that think it is fun to desecrate cemeteries. They tip over stones, paint on them, and hang things on them. Imagine how you would feel if this were your loved one. It is easier to tell people to keep out of the property, rather than interview everyone who goes in, to see if they are a hoodlum. When you are found in a cemetery, you are assumed to be up to no good.
Another issue. Not everyone in the cemetery at night is a ghost or a nice person. People go to do all kinds of things in cars, some won't harm you, but when you come too close to a mobile meth lab you may find a bullet whizzing past your head (and yes that has happened to someone I know). People also use the woods around cemeteries to make meth. It is important to know where you are, and for the owners to know you are there. They need to also know you are there THAT night. Not, "Oh I talked to some guy 3 years ago and he said it was OK". The property may have changed hands, the person may not have had permission to give you permission, or the rules may have changed recently.
Another issue. MANY families are not so into Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures when it involves their kith and kin. I know of a man who wandered through a country cemetery just taking pictures of the moon, and the stones (not ghost hunting). A family member of some of the deceased lived near by, took a shotgun to the cemetery and told him to "get out!". This person wasn't even "ghost hunting". People don't want a bunch of folks disturbing their loved ones for pictures, excitement and EVPs. Not everyone is amused, and they are paying for the right to have their loved one there undisturbed.
Many cemeteries are off limits after dark. One local cemetery locks up and lets police dogs in training have the run of the place at night. They get their exercise and it keeps drug addicts out. Imagine jumping over the wall and having a German Shepherd police dog land on your butt, with no officer to call him off. It would be a long , long night.
When you are in a cemetery after it closes (usually dusk), you are trespassing. A sign will be posted at the entrance to let you know if it is closed or not and when. A friend went into a New England cemetery with some friends and was charged with trespassing and contributing to the delinquency of a minor, as one boy was 16. There was also a charge of disturbing the peace. That was a little expensive , don't you think? There is a local cemetery that we asked permission (more than once) to get into , and they do not allow it , on the grounds that they are there to protect and make a peaceful place for loved ones (which is true), they gave me the law that they would charge me with, I looked it up, it was disturbing the peace.
Never go onto closed property. Just like you wouldn't stroll into a closed store after hours, you can't stroll onto cemetery property. NEVER go onto or INTO any property without permission. It may look old and deserted, but someone owns it, even if it is the county for back taxes, and they will be very UNamused. Most of the issues there are with liability when someone gets hurt.
Don't assume that because a property says one person has permission, that means that anyone else does, or that they can bring 20 of their friends. That is rarely the case. Most places will make you sign a waiver before allowing you on the property, if they don't may not be dealing with the real owners.
Beyond what I have already talked about , there is another issue. When people make a habit of trespassing, it ruins it for the rest of us. Cemeteries go on high alerts around Halloween and September when frats are pledging. They are routinely patrolled here locally, to see what people are up to (it is a great place for people to do drugs).
What happens when people go tromping around cemeteries is that they start cracking down on people passing through. There are a few locally that are OK with it, and some that are not. You need to know which are which, and ask them directly. Just because we go to a certain place on a ghost walk, doesn't mean it is OK the next night to take 5 of your best friends through there.
We have a place where the local law comes and checks on us each time. They know who we are, they are just making sure it is us, and if we are OK. They never want to hear the EVPs though.....
No building, no property, no matter how run down, empty and forlorn looking, is available to you to investigate. You go where you are asked to go, or where you receive permission to go, no where else. Don't ruin it for the rest of us please. If I hear of anyone who goes on ghost walks with us, taking it upon themselves to tromp through cemeteries, they will not ever go on a ghost walk again, and I will make sure that they cemetery knows they have been on the property. Just one ghost hunter getting hurt and filing a claim will be the end of any cemetery allowing us to go in. If you don't have permission, you don't go.
I have written several times before about this and being safe out there, but it needed to be said again. Remember, never go alone, go with an experienced person, have permission, no one under the age of 18, and do not have anything illegal on you, including alcohol. Make sure you are aware and watching out for drug manufacturers and addicts, and animals (yes animals). Never touch anything , move or remove anything. Be careful, don't run, and be sober when you go.
There are many groups around that go to quality sites that will be happy to take you. While you are there be respectful, quiet, and do not damage any property.
Be safe out there!!! I don't want to have to go and get bail money for anyone just because they watched too much Zack TV, and please don't ruin it for the rest of us. THANKS!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Trust and Respect
Trust and respect are things that everyone wants. Some do not deserve either, and some have a hard time giving them. These two parts of human interaction are earned. There are people in this world who have fancy titles or even self imposed ones, that think those titles give trust and respect.They do not, nothing hands trust and respect to anyone, although people are assumed to have those qualities.
Remember the old saying "respect your elders"? It is something that is being explained to children these days. The issue? There are older generation people doing bad things, like molesting children. We cannot give carte blanche status to elders anymore. There is also the fact that being older doesn't make you smarter. The saying was meant to give respect not full out obedience. It meant if Granpa is wrong you don't shout out in front of the whole family reunion "You were always a moron", it means you have a discussion with him off to the side.
Being older, a clergy member, an official, an anything , does not give you blind obedience. You then make the choices we always talk about in the blog, you discuss the issue first , and then you walk away. You don't just walk away without discussing the issue, as that causes more issues on both sides, and you don't stay in a bad situation.
If you want trust and respect from people, earn it. Be nice to them, always. Be considerate to them, and listen to them. People who want respect are usually miserable people who like to push others around, using them as their personal slaves. "Get me this, do that for me..." Then when the victim tires of the indentured servitude, they are called disrespectful, when they are not. To get respect you also have to give it. When you talk to people like they are dirt, they they won't respect you. When you don't give thanks after asking someone to do something, they won't respect you
When you are hypocritical, people will not respect you.
There is no title, object, or situation that gives you automatic respect. Even some tribes would pick up and move out on a chief if he acted badly or made bad decisions. There is nothing that gives you power in this world, but your deeds!
Bring good energy and people around you, the Universe is sorting the deck. People who are not on the same level with you will be taken out of your lives, fade out or walk away, let them go. Never chase after anyone. Never. New people come in that will help facilitate your path, whether it is a good one or bad one. Like attracts like , and things are still being sorted out.
DO the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Remember the old saying "respect your elders"? It is something that is being explained to children these days. The issue? There are older generation people doing bad things, like molesting children. We cannot give carte blanche status to elders anymore. There is also the fact that being older doesn't make you smarter. The saying was meant to give respect not full out obedience. It meant if Granpa is wrong you don't shout out in front of the whole family reunion "You were always a moron", it means you have a discussion with him off to the side.
Being older, a clergy member, an official, an anything , does not give you blind obedience. You then make the choices we always talk about in the blog, you discuss the issue first , and then you walk away. You don't just walk away without discussing the issue, as that causes more issues on both sides, and you don't stay in a bad situation.
If you want trust and respect from people, earn it. Be nice to them, always. Be considerate to them, and listen to them. People who want respect are usually miserable people who like to push others around, using them as their personal slaves. "Get me this, do that for me..." Then when the victim tires of the indentured servitude, they are called disrespectful, when they are not. To get respect you also have to give it. When you talk to people like they are dirt, they they won't respect you. When you don't give thanks after asking someone to do something, they won't respect you
When you are hypocritical, people will not respect you.
There is no title, object, or situation that gives you automatic respect. Even some tribes would pick up and move out on a chief if he acted badly or made bad decisions. There is nothing that gives you power in this world, but your deeds!
Bring good energy and people around you, the Universe is sorting the deck. People who are not on the same level with you will be taken out of your lives, fade out or walk away, let them go. Never chase after anyone. Never. New people come in that will help facilitate your path, whether it is a good one or bad one. Like attracts like , and things are still being sorted out.
DO the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
How times change
Yesterday I had several conversations that all focused on things changing. Just a few years ago, things were very different. There are people who did things together then, that either do not do the same thing together now, or do something different. There are people who were close then, who are no longer friends now. There are situations that people thought would be good for them then, and they either are not, or no longer exist. There are people who have shown their true colors, and people who have dropped off of the face of the earth.
There were situations that were upsets to a terrible degree several years ago, that have resolved themselves. The situations no longer exist, power struggles for nothing. People who defended others to the point of being hostile and rude, now no longer have anything to do with those people themselves.
It all sounds bad, final, and negative. In reality it all turned out just the way it was supposed to. People can try to force things to happen or not to happen. They may even be successful, for a moment. When the Universe is totally against something happening, it will not allow it at all, or will only allow it a short or limited success. When people are being difficult, they end up in difficult circumstances. When people act self righteous, they end up being on the bad end of things.
The Universe puts everything just where it needs to be. You are in a soul group of a total of 112 people. The Universe won't allow you to mess up the life plans and lessons of 111 other people just because you think that you know what's best. Selfishness, ego and retribution are NEVER rewarded. Karma may take a day or 10 years, but it always happens in the way it needs to happen.
Most of the struggles that I have watched over the past 5 years were about Ego. That is it pure and simple. Ego. People thinking that "My way is the only/best way". People when called out, think the answer is to call others non spiritual for speaking up, or point out another's shortcomings to get the spotlight off of themselves. People who think their tradition is the only way. People who think their religion is the only way. They are all learning hard lessons today. There are still people making he same mistakes.
The number two cause of people doing stupid things is jealousy. Jealousy never makes anything good happen.
When you don't want to listen to what someone says just because you know they are right and don't want to change; just because it hurts your ego; just because you know you screwed up and don't want to face it; just because you want to be "king/queen of the hill", you have a bigger problem than anyone around you.
You get the good things out of life by being a good person. You get abundance by giving away your last penny, you get good Karma by always doing the right thing for the right reason. Sometimes when "bad" things happen they are blessings in disguise. When you learn to trust the Universe and not your Ego or "friends", you find that life goes a whole lot more smoothly.
Time will always tell, and it is right now and will continue to do so. The Universe may entertain your Ego for a minute while it readjusts, but it will always right the wrongs in the end. The simple answer is the the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There were situations that were upsets to a terrible degree several years ago, that have resolved themselves. The situations no longer exist, power struggles for nothing. People who defended others to the point of being hostile and rude, now no longer have anything to do with those people themselves.
It all sounds bad, final, and negative. In reality it all turned out just the way it was supposed to. People can try to force things to happen or not to happen. They may even be successful, for a moment. When the Universe is totally against something happening, it will not allow it at all, or will only allow it a short or limited success. When people are being difficult, they end up in difficult circumstances. When people act self righteous, they end up being on the bad end of things.
The Universe puts everything just where it needs to be. You are in a soul group of a total of 112 people. The Universe won't allow you to mess up the life plans and lessons of 111 other people just because you think that you know what's best. Selfishness, ego and retribution are NEVER rewarded. Karma may take a day or 10 years, but it always happens in the way it needs to happen.
Most of the struggles that I have watched over the past 5 years were about Ego. That is it pure and simple. Ego. People thinking that "My way is the only/best way". People when called out, think the answer is to call others non spiritual for speaking up, or point out another's shortcomings to get the spotlight off of themselves. People who think their tradition is the only way. People who think their religion is the only way. They are all learning hard lessons today. There are still people making he same mistakes.
The number two cause of people doing stupid things is jealousy. Jealousy never makes anything good happen.
When you don't want to listen to what someone says just because you know they are right and don't want to change; just because it hurts your ego; just because you know you screwed up and don't want to face it; just because you want to be "king/queen of the hill", you have a bigger problem than anyone around you.
You get the good things out of life by being a good person. You get abundance by giving away your last penny, you get good Karma by always doing the right thing for the right reason. Sometimes when "bad" things happen they are blessings in disguise. When you learn to trust the Universe and not your Ego or "friends", you find that life goes a whole lot more smoothly.
Time will always tell, and it is right now and will continue to do so. The Universe may entertain your Ego for a minute while it readjusts, but it will always right the wrongs in the end. The simple answer is the the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Sometimes the answer is somewhere in the middle
I had a little conundrum this morning. There was a request I was not willing to grant, and yet there was an obligation. What was the right answer? Many times we know the answer, we just need to talk ourselves into finding it.
First I vented along the lines of "you have got to be kidding me, I am not your PR department". Then when I was finished with that I was able to think a little more clearly. The conundrum was still the same, I wasn't going to do choice "A", and it wouldn't be right to do choice "B", that would mean not walking my talk. So was there a choice "C"? As usual, there was.
The world is not black and white. It is grey. The yin and yang have a little dot of the opposite color in the taiji. There is good in the bad, and bad in the good. There is male in the female and female in the male.
So where was that speck of the other color in my situation. I found it, and I was able to do what I "should do" without doing it in a way that was requested. To me the request was not proper.
Can you find the middle ground in every situation? Most likely. Every situation would be tough, especially when there are others involved, but it is there most of the time. Doing the right thing isn't easy, and sometimes what others request of us, isn't what is best and we need to modify things a bit. We also have to make sure we don't enable people and that we are honest with ourselves and our intent. It all sounds simple, and on a rare day it is, but usually it is not simple at all.
Choices are sometimes made for us, but not always. When something doesn't sit well with you and you have valid reasons, do not go ahead with it. It may be in a personal choice, help for another, or request from someone who you don't hold close to your heart. Put the people in the front row in your life more than the ones you have tossed in the basement.
Some well meaning folks say to let others be. We all have an obligation to try to teach. We all have an obligation to help. Do you let a child molester be? A wife beater? Someone who is cheating a friend out of their life savings? That "let others be" is pure Bliss Ninny. It keeps you from having to make hard decisions or have difficult discussions. That is NOT what life is all about. It is about having those, learning from them, and hopefully teaching others from them.
When someone's life decisions are truly non-harmful to anyone else, you can let them be. Otherwise it is your duty to speak up, correct, teach, help...depending on what the situation is. When the other will not learn, it is not on you any longer, but on them. The way to resolving things then takes other requirements. People don't have to like the way you do something, but it is not up to them to force you to change, unless you are harming yourself or others. It would be so easy to say "let Karma take care of it", but many times Karma works through humans.
DO the right thing for the right reasons......sometimes I have to stop and think a bit, but I always do.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
First I vented along the lines of "you have got to be kidding me, I am not your PR department". Then when I was finished with that I was able to think a little more clearly. The conundrum was still the same, I wasn't going to do choice "A", and it wouldn't be right to do choice "B", that would mean not walking my talk. So was there a choice "C"? As usual, there was.
The world is not black and white. It is grey. The yin and yang have a little dot of the opposite color in the taiji. There is good in the bad, and bad in the good. There is male in the female and female in the male.
So where was that speck of the other color in my situation. I found it, and I was able to do what I "should do" without doing it in a way that was requested. To me the request was not proper.
Can you find the middle ground in every situation? Most likely. Every situation would be tough, especially when there are others involved, but it is there most of the time. Doing the right thing isn't easy, and sometimes what others request of us, isn't what is best and we need to modify things a bit. We also have to make sure we don't enable people and that we are honest with ourselves and our intent. It all sounds simple, and on a rare day it is, but usually it is not simple at all.
Choices are sometimes made for us, but not always. When something doesn't sit well with you and you have valid reasons, do not go ahead with it. It may be in a personal choice, help for another, or request from someone who you don't hold close to your heart. Put the people in the front row in your life more than the ones you have tossed in the basement.
Some well meaning folks say to let others be. We all have an obligation to try to teach. We all have an obligation to help. Do you let a child molester be? A wife beater? Someone who is cheating a friend out of their life savings? That "let others be" is pure Bliss Ninny. It keeps you from having to make hard decisions or have difficult discussions. That is NOT what life is all about. It is about having those, learning from them, and hopefully teaching others from them.
When someone's life decisions are truly non-harmful to anyone else, you can let them be. Otherwise it is your duty to speak up, correct, teach, help...depending on what the situation is. When the other will not learn, it is not on you any longer, but on them. The way to resolving things then takes other requirements. People don't have to like the way you do something, but it is not up to them to force you to change, unless you are harming yourself or others. It would be so easy to say "let Karma take care of it", but many times Karma works through humans.
DO the right thing for the right reasons......sometimes I have to stop and think a bit, but I always do.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, May 4, 2012
Hiking the mountains & the unseen in our lives
One of the most rewarding and fun things I have ever done is hike the high altitudes around Sedona, and Yellowstone. The views are so amazing you almost do not notice the lack of oxygen....the town of Sedona itself is in the valley (Still at a high altitude), but the trails, mountains and sides of the canyon go well over 6000 feet. Denver claims to be the "mile high city", but that is nothing in comparison to other areas of the west. The house I lived in in NM, at Blue Water Lake near Thoreau (pronounces through), was at almost 9000 feet. It was about a mile or so from the Continental Divide.
We also hiked in Yellowstone near the Continental Divide, again at 9000 feet, almost twice the altitude of Denver. We hiked a trail that was so steep that it had stairs, and I though poor Matt was going to drop by the time we got to the top (he went all the way to the bottom, I stopped three quarters of the way down becasue I knew I had to climb back up). Our cabin was at over 6000 feet.
The beauty of the world around you at this altitude is worth it. The views go for miles and miles, the air is crisp and clear and the lack of oxygen invites you to slow down and take notice of things.
The unseen (air pressure drop in this instance), makes plastic containers expand and the first time you open a squeeze bottle, most of the contents will come shooting out into your hand....The point? The unseen changes our lives every day. When in the mountains, it changes your view, heart rate, capacity to breathe, smells, your need for water and yes even plastic containers. There is unseen in your life everyday.
The Ultimate being, whether you call him/her God, Creator, Allah, Buddha, the Universe, it doesn't matter. There are guides, spirits, energy all around you. All the time. Your energy creates your environment, just like the unseen lack of oxygen and lower air pressure change everything in the environment, so do your actions, thoughts, feelings, and words, affect your environment.
The reason things always go a certain way, is that you are always steering them in that direction. Yes, we are born with major life lessons and things we cannot change, but that is a mere speck of our total life experience. It really is. It is not what happens to us, but how we handle it that matters.
When we invite pain, we get pain. Even in physical things. I danced, kickboxed and ran for 30some years altogether, total pain from it in that time, at the most, seven to ten days.....Seriously. The idea is not to invite pain, it is to take yourself to a limit that is reasonable, not to do damage to your muscles, tendons and joints. People think that they have to make themselves suffer to achieve things. Not so, suffering is sometimes part of our lives, but the Universe didn't put us here to make ourselves suffer. Did God ever say "Go and make sure you are in pain before you stop", no not ever. When you invite suffering, you get suffering. Pushing yourself invites injury and damage, and eventually it won't ever go away.
People like to invite pain into their lives, not just physical, but emotional, and mental pain. They do the same things over and over, compounding the unseen energy and making their lives miserable. They then wonder why the "universe is punishing them". The Universe never punishes, it sometimes teaches, and the lessons can be tough depending on what the lesson is, but it does not punish.
People who invite in drama, have drama. People who are cold and unfriendly do not have any true friends who are warm and loving. People who cause harm eventually have harm come to them.
I have people ask when someone will suffer for what they have done to them. First of all, it is when the Universe thinks is the opportune time that it MAY distribute some Karmic lessons. Second of all, wishing retribution on anyone will not cause them harm, but will cause YOU harm. Third, they may already be suffering and that is why they are acting out, you don't know what inner "demons" haunt them day and night. Four...the Universe doesn't punish!!!
Remember the unseen, it is there, all the time. It is active all the time. You do create your own reality. You reinforce your own reality. When you understand it and know how to work with it, you live a happier life. When I hike in the high altitudes, I slow down, I drink extra water, I pay attention to my body, and I eventually return to lower altitudes. You can do the same with your thoughts, words and deeds. Control, monitor and adapt them to a happier, better life.
You are totally in control of your life. There is NO ONE else to blame or thank you YOU.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
We also hiked in Yellowstone near the Continental Divide, again at 9000 feet, almost twice the altitude of Denver. We hiked a trail that was so steep that it had stairs, and I though poor Matt was going to drop by the time we got to the top (he went all the way to the bottom, I stopped three quarters of the way down becasue I knew I had to climb back up). Our cabin was at over 6000 feet.
The beauty of the world around you at this altitude is worth it. The views go for miles and miles, the air is crisp and clear and the lack of oxygen invites you to slow down and take notice of things.
The unseen (air pressure drop in this instance), makes plastic containers expand and the first time you open a squeeze bottle, most of the contents will come shooting out into your hand....The point? The unseen changes our lives every day. When in the mountains, it changes your view, heart rate, capacity to breathe, smells, your need for water and yes even plastic containers. There is unseen in your life everyday.
The Ultimate being, whether you call him/her God, Creator, Allah, Buddha, the Universe, it doesn't matter. There are guides, spirits, energy all around you. All the time. Your energy creates your environment, just like the unseen lack of oxygen and lower air pressure change everything in the environment, so do your actions, thoughts, feelings, and words, affect your environment.
The reason things always go a certain way, is that you are always steering them in that direction. Yes, we are born with major life lessons and things we cannot change, but that is a mere speck of our total life experience. It really is. It is not what happens to us, but how we handle it that matters.
When we invite pain, we get pain. Even in physical things. I danced, kickboxed and ran for 30some years altogether, total pain from it in that time, at the most, seven to ten days.....Seriously. The idea is not to invite pain, it is to take yourself to a limit that is reasonable, not to do damage to your muscles, tendons and joints. People think that they have to make themselves suffer to achieve things. Not so, suffering is sometimes part of our lives, but the Universe didn't put us here to make ourselves suffer. Did God ever say "Go and make sure you are in pain before you stop", no not ever. When you invite suffering, you get suffering. Pushing yourself invites injury and damage, and eventually it won't ever go away.
People like to invite pain into their lives, not just physical, but emotional, and mental pain. They do the same things over and over, compounding the unseen energy and making their lives miserable. They then wonder why the "universe is punishing them". The Universe never punishes, it sometimes teaches, and the lessons can be tough depending on what the lesson is, but it does not punish.
People who invite in drama, have drama. People who are cold and unfriendly do not have any true friends who are warm and loving. People who cause harm eventually have harm come to them.
I have people ask when someone will suffer for what they have done to them. First of all, it is when the Universe thinks is the opportune time that it MAY distribute some Karmic lessons. Second of all, wishing retribution on anyone will not cause them harm, but will cause YOU harm. Third, they may already be suffering and that is why they are acting out, you don't know what inner "demons" haunt them day and night. Four...the Universe doesn't punish!!!
Remember the unseen, it is there, all the time. It is active all the time. You do create your own reality. You reinforce your own reality. When you understand it and know how to work with it, you live a happier life. When I hike in the high altitudes, I slow down, I drink extra water, I pay attention to my body, and I eventually return to lower altitudes. You can do the same with your thoughts, words and deeds. Control, monitor and adapt them to a happier, better life.
You are totally in control of your life. There is NO ONE else to blame or thank you YOU.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Thursday, May 3, 2012
How can I be a better friend?
My blog is written primarily for my clients. They are the ones who tell me their issues each day and some ask....What should I do? My long time clients do want growth and change in their lives.
(The blog is distributed through several sites and my own distribution so it gets into all kinds of places. It works for all, so take it or leave it....but there will always be a gem in there somewhere that will benefit you.)
Yesterday a "non client" asked me, " How do I know if I am not being a good friend, I mean I don't have many. And how do I change that?"
First ask yourself the question at the end of yesterday's blog, "Would You be your friend?" Think about it really hard. When the answer is "no" you probably already know why you wouldn't, so make those changes. As I told someone yesterday, it will not happen overnight! Get working on those things right away! The sooner you start, the sooner you accomplish the results.
When there are a couple of close friends , or even one friend in your life, invite them out and ask them their thoughts on things. Tell them you really want honest answers and help. Tell them to be totally honest and frank, and LISTEN. DON'T argue. (Of course you don't think you are being a jerk, or you wouldn't be doing it). Just listen. Take notes , then thank them and think very hard about why they said. Have them give examples of situations if they can. Don't negate what they say. People's perception of you is their reality with you.
Then work on those things. Honestly and truly WORK on them, because if you do not, you will go through "friends" like Kleenex. Make sure that you know the meaning of "friend" first. They are people who share with you, do things with you,help you, communicate with you, and think of you when fun stuff comes up. They invite you places, they call you just to chat. When disaster strikes they are there, in person, ready to help.Friendship is a two way I said yesterday, your phone may accept calls, but it sure dials out too.
When people don't bother with you, they don't want to be bothered with you. Make your changes and then put out the olive branch...."I know I wasn't a good friend, I have really been working on myself and would like to get back to being friends. How about we ________" (fill in the blank with something you know they would enjoy doing.)
Don't hold on to friends that you really don't like because you think they are a necessary evil. When you have friends through a group or group endeavor and need them for that, don't build up a "psudofriendship", just becasue you "need" hands, or brains.....participate with them in that function, and then live the rest of your life separately. When you are so desperate that you need that girl who flirts with your partner; that person that doesn't know when to shut up; that angry confrontational person; that drama Mama in your life, YOU have a problem. Dump them and MOVE ON. When you move troublesome people out of a group, usually several more nice people say "thank goodness those jerks are gone", and then they come and join in.
I have had to remove people from my life because they thought I was a free Magic Eight Ball. The only calls I would get from them were when they had a disaster and wanted free psychic information. That won't work with me. There are some people that do that, but my work tires me out at the end of the day, it will any good psychic or medium that puts themselves into their work wholeheartedly. I work 15 hours a day, I don't need "friends" asking for help all the time, at all odd hours, for free. I don't mind helping in disaster situations, but little issues become disasters to some people, and they think that it is OK to relieve their anxiety by all odd hours, ringing me on both phones repeatedly...guess where that gets you???? This goes for anything that makes you a "super desirable" friend. Do you have money, power, influence, a foot in a door?? Don't allow people to use you, they AREN'T friends.
We have to weed our garden from time to time as I said (years ago now). It is OK to pull the weeds and plant new seeds. Sometimes people are not meant to be our best friends for life. They are just there for the interim. It is OK. When things fade away, allow them to fade away. When friends leave, only a jerk carries on like an idiot bad mouthing them, threatening them, and carrying on looking for attention. When you act like that, you don't need to even begin to ask why people walk away from you, it is patently obvious.
So to be a better friend, ask the people around you what you need to do better. Then do it. When there is no one to ask, the task is a little harder, but start with the "would I be my friend?" question and work out from there. When there is someone who has recently pulled away, ask them why. It is NOT up to them to tell you why they are pulling away, it is up to YOU to ask "what have I done wrong".
I accept friendships, I reject them. I sometimes even try to be friends with difficult people. It rarely works out for the long run, but I know that. I have even been friends for a while with people just because they were friends of friends. That doesn't always work out too, but that is OK! We are not here to be everyone's best friend. It is impossible. Be cordial to others, but you don't have to move them into your space, your heart, your plans, your life. Don't be desperate. Wait for the good ones for you come along. When you have problem people in your life, weed them out or tell them they are difficult. Maybe they will listen, maybe they will shut the door on you, either way, you benefit.
So let's start off where we left off yesterday...Would you be your friend?????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
(The blog is distributed through several sites and my own distribution so it gets into all kinds of places. It works for all, so take it or leave it....but there will always be a gem in there somewhere that will benefit you.)
Yesterday a "non client" asked me, " How do I know if I am not being a good friend, I mean I don't have many. And how do I change that?"
First ask yourself the question at the end of yesterday's blog, "Would You be your friend?" Think about it really hard. When the answer is "no" you probably already know why you wouldn't, so make those changes. As I told someone yesterday, it will not happen overnight! Get working on those things right away! The sooner you start, the sooner you accomplish the results.
When there are a couple of close friends , or even one friend in your life, invite them out and ask them their thoughts on things. Tell them you really want honest answers and help. Tell them to be totally honest and frank, and LISTEN. DON'T argue. (Of course you don't think you are being a jerk, or you wouldn't be doing it). Just listen. Take notes , then thank them and think very hard about why they said. Have them give examples of situations if they can. Don't negate what they say. People's perception of you is their reality with you.
Then work on those things. Honestly and truly WORK on them, because if you do not, you will go through "friends" like Kleenex. Make sure that you know the meaning of "friend" first. They are people who share with you, do things with you,help you, communicate with you, and think of you when fun stuff comes up. They invite you places, they call you just to chat. When disaster strikes they are there, in person, ready to help.Friendship is a two way I said yesterday, your phone may accept calls, but it sure dials out too.
When people don't bother with you, they don't want to be bothered with you. Make your changes and then put out the olive branch...."I know I wasn't a good friend, I have really been working on myself and would like to get back to being friends. How about we ________" (fill in the blank with something you know they would enjoy doing.)
Don't hold on to friends that you really don't like because you think they are a necessary evil. When you have friends through a group or group endeavor and need them for that, don't build up a "psudofriendship", just becasue you "need" hands, or brains.....participate with them in that function, and then live the rest of your life separately. When you are so desperate that you need that girl who flirts with your partner; that person that doesn't know when to shut up; that angry confrontational person; that drama Mama in your life, YOU have a problem. Dump them and MOVE ON. When you move troublesome people out of a group, usually several more nice people say "thank goodness those jerks are gone", and then they come and join in.
I have had to remove people from my life because they thought I was a free Magic Eight Ball. The only calls I would get from them were when they had a disaster and wanted free psychic information. That won't work with me. There are some people that do that, but my work tires me out at the end of the day, it will any good psychic or medium that puts themselves into their work wholeheartedly. I work 15 hours a day, I don't need "friends" asking for help all the time, at all odd hours, for free. I don't mind helping in disaster situations, but little issues become disasters to some people, and they think that it is OK to relieve their anxiety by all odd hours, ringing me on both phones repeatedly...guess where that gets you???? This goes for anything that makes you a "super desirable" friend. Do you have money, power, influence, a foot in a door?? Don't allow people to use you, they AREN'T friends.
We have to weed our garden from time to time as I said (years ago now). It is OK to pull the weeds and plant new seeds. Sometimes people are not meant to be our best friends for life. They are just there for the interim. It is OK. When things fade away, allow them to fade away. When friends leave, only a jerk carries on like an idiot bad mouthing them, threatening them, and carrying on looking for attention. When you act like that, you don't need to even begin to ask why people walk away from you, it is patently obvious.
So to be a better friend, ask the people around you what you need to do better. Then do it. When there is no one to ask, the task is a little harder, but start with the "would I be my friend?" question and work out from there. When there is someone who has recently pulled away, ask them why. It is NOT up to them to tell you why they are pulling away, it is up to YOU to ask "what have I done wrong".
I accept friendships, I reject them. I sometimes even try to be friends with difficult people. It rarely works out for the long run, but I know that. I have even been friends for a while with people just because they were friends of friends. That doesn't always work out too, but that is OK! We are not here to be everyone's best friend. It is impossible. Be cordial to others, but you don't have to move them into your space, your heart, your plans, your life. Don't be desperate. Wait for the good ones for you come along. When you have problem people in your life, weed them out or tell them they are difficult. Maybe they will listen, maybe they will shut the door on you, either way, you benefit.
So let's start off where we left off yesterday...Would you be your friend?????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Ok this isn't difficult...create your reality
You create your reality. You create your own happiness (or lack thereof). You determine what your day will be like each day. You can learn from it, or get upset by it. You can let it out and let it go, or stew in it.
The "oh poor pitiful me" stuff that comes from people is so tiresome. There are people with REAL issues. People I know have seriously ill children, handicapped children, their homes destroyed, and more. Yet others who claim to be good people do nothing but voice words , and then tell you about their issues. Their issues are dust in the wind compared to the real issues people have. Do they lift a finger to help the ones who have serious issues????....not a pinky rises from the computer or lounge chair.
I have friends that have helped MY friends that they don't even know! Send money, give people they DON'T KNOW...yet others who are "good friends" of people in real distress, do nothing but flap their gums.
People ask "why" a lot. The "whys" are very easy to see from the outside looking in. My favorite lately was "no one ever bothers to call me and tell me....". (That has been like a repetitive message from all over lately, 4 times in the past week.) Really? Does your phone not dial out???? Mine does, I am sure yours does too. People sometimes don't "call" because they already heard your "oh woe is me" ,tale 400 times. People don't call because you just bad mouth others the whole time you are on the phone. People don't call because they know that you talk behind other people's backs and don't want to be a part of the knife sticking out between someone's shoulder blades, or the next victim. People don't call because they really don't want to talk to you.....the old joke "He never liked you", comes to mind. People don't call becasue you don't know when to stop talking. When no one calls you, you are the common denominator. Why don't people want to talk to you???
People were not put on this planet to serve other people. Even if you do have a hangnail and the dog peed on the carpet that morning. Who cares? Stuff happens, it happens to everyone. It is the people who handle it well that have friends around them. People who call them, text them and email them, visit them and help them.
I have chronically ill friends and I don't hear about their ills every day (thank goodness), and they don't hear about my problems. When there is an issue, I ask certain people what their take is on things, and go from there. The next day, it is over, I don't ask them 200 more times or expect them to call me every day and see what is up. Too many people need constant attention and even DRAMA in their lives. When you thrive on drama, the Universe sends you drama, obviously you like it, right? Some people have drama becasue they chose a hard path, they handle it well.You can see the difference.
I do check on friends, and they check on me. When you are a person that shouts from the rooftop everyday how bad your life is, do they really expect people to ask how things are going? They already know, and they really don't want a 3 hour conversation on who did what to who, and who didn't call, and who didn't talk to you at a party.....who cares???? Seriously.
Here is my complaint, I have done all I can for some people with out even a "thank you", or an "I got your package". I have had people who claim to be friends and even say they consider me family, who can't be bothered to say "Happy anniversary" or "Happy Birthday". Then they wonder where I am in their lives. I already put them in the basement. Relationships of any kind are a 2 way street. When people repeatedly take and never give, they aren't friends, they are ticks.
The flip side is people I have helped who manage to give me all I need... a "thank you". That's it. They are in touch, they participate in our lives. We have real friends that are there all the time. When we need help, which isn't often, we have it. When you cry and ask for help everyday and your life is not a disaster, people won't listen after a while. Remember the boy who cried wolf?
We have friends that call, not just when it serves their needs, or when they need to tell us how terrible their life is...but to talk, laugh, invite us places. We do the same in return. I have a standing date every month where I have lunch with friends.Just because we want to have lunch. We also have bonfires every month in the warmer weather, and invite our friends. We go places with groups to do things of common interest. These are things that friends do.We informally teach and learn. We share stories and laughter.
I know people have difficulties, but when you complain that no one is throwing you a pity party, you need to know that is the EXACT reason why there is no party. People aren't on this earth to make you feel better. There are times in extreme circumstances that immediate attention is needed. But when you want attention everyday because you broke your leg in 1990, you need to wake up and get over it.
If you want friends, you need to BE a friend. When people get tiresome, you move on. When you have to hold on to people who annoy, upset, and irritate you, then you really need to take a long hard look in the mirror. Why don't you have real friends? Why do you have to keep people around you that you really don't even like? Those aren't friends. Even if you have one person that you can depend on, and that person is not there to make you feel better every day, you are doing good. When you have a bunch of them, then you are rich.
I am that kind of rich, and that keeps me from beating on my chest for attention.
You create your reality. Create a good one. Creating drama, despair, upset, pity and anger, bring those things to you.
A special thanks to Anita, Michael and Karen for helping out this past week when we had a last minute snafu! You are the greatest, and again I say THANK YOU, not just for helping, but for being in my life. You are three very special people. Love you all!!!
I help others, not complain about my life to them. I joke, laugh, and give advice. I show up for their events as much as possible, and invite them to mine. It works much better than bitching about my life everyday to me. When your life stinks...TURN IT AROUND. Only you can do that. No one said it would be easy, but even when it's hard it can still be fun!
It isn't difficult. When people ask why they have issues or no fiends, I tell them...they usually don't like the answer...yet if it makes one person grow a little, it is worth it.
Ask yourself.......Would you have you for a friend?????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I have friends that have real issues every day. From children being hospitalized, to themselves being hospitalized. From people in severe chronic pain, to people who have chronic illness. It is OK to vent and update, but we aren't on this earth to check on you every day. We aren't our brother's keeper. If you need constant attention, you need to grow up.
The "oh poor pitiful me" stuff that comes from people is so tiresome. There are people with REAL issues. People I know have seriously ill children, handicapped children, their homes destroyed, and more. Yet others who claim to be good people do nothing but voice words , and then tell you about their issues. Their issues are dust in the wind compared to the real issues people have. Do they lift a finger to help the ones who have serious issues????....not a pinky rises from the computer or lounge chair.
I have friends that have helped MY friends that they don't even know! Send money, give people they DON'T KNOW...yet others who are "good friends" of people in real distress, do nothing but flap their gums.
People ask "why" a lot. The "whys" are very easy to see from the outside looking in. My favorite lately was "no one ever bothers to call me and tell me....". (That has been like a repetitive message from all over lately, 4 times in the past week.) Really? Does your phone not dial out???? Mine does, I am sure yours does too. People sometimes don't "call" because they already heard your "oh woe is me" ,tale 400 times. People don't call because you just bad mouth others the whole time you are on the phone. People don't call because they know that you talk behind other people's backs and don't want to be a part of the knife sticking out between someone's shoulder blades, or the next victim. People don't call because they really don't want to talk to you.....the old joke "He never liked you", comes to mind. People don't call becasue you don't know when to stop talking. When no one calls you, you are the common denominator. Why don't people want to talk to you???
People were not put on this planet to serve other people. Even if you do have a hangnail and the dog peed on the carpet that morning. Who cares? Stuff happens, it happens to everyone. It is the people who handle it well that have friends around them. People who call them, text them and email them, visit them and help them.
I have chronically ill friends and I don't hear about their ills every day (thank goodness), and they don't hear about my problems. When there is an issue, I ask certain people what their take is on things, and go from there. The next day, it is over, I don't ask them 200 more times or expect them to call me every day and see what is up. Too many people need constant attention and even DRAMA in their lives. When you thrive on drama, the Universe sends you drama, obviously you like it, right? Some people have drama becasue they chose a hard path, they handle it well.You can see the difference.
I do check on friends, and they check on me. When you are a person that shouts from the rooftop everyday how bad your life is, do they really expect people to ask how things are going? They already know, and they really don't want a 3 hour conversation on who did what to who, and who didn't call, and who didn't talk to you at a party.....who cares???? Seriously.
Here is my complaint, I have done all I can for some people with out even a "thank you", or an "I got your package". I have had people who claim to be friends and even say they consider me family, who can't be bothered to say "Happy anniversary" or "Happy Birthday". Then they wonder where I am in their lives. I already put them in the basement. Relationships of any kind are a 2 way street. When people repeatedly take and never give, they aren't friends, they are ticks.
The flip side is people I have helped who manage to give me all I need... a "thank you". That's it. They are in touch, they participate in our lives. We have real friends that are there all the time. When we need help, which isn't often, we have it. When you cry and ask for help everyday and your life is not a disaster, people won't listen after a while. Remember the boy who cried wolf?
We have friends that call, not just when it serves their needs, or when they need to tell us how terrible their life is...but to talk, laugh, invite us places. We do the same in return. I have a standing date every month where I have lunch with friends.Just because we want to have lunch. We also have bonfires every month in the warmer weather, and invite our friends. We go places with groups to do things of common interest. These are things that friends do.We informally teach and learn. We share stories and laughter.
I know people have difficulties, but when you complain that no one is throwing you a pity party, you need to know that is the EXACT reason why there is no party. People aren't on this earth to make you feel better. There are times in extreme circumstances that immediate attention is needed. But when you want attention everyday because you broke your leg in 1990, you need to wake up and get over it.
If you want friends, you need to BE a friend. When people get tiresome, you move on. When you have to hold on to people who annoy, upset, and irritate you, then you really need to take a long hard look in the mirror. Why don't you have real friends? Why do you have to keep people around you that you really don't even like? Those aren't friends. Even if you have one person that you can depend on, and that person is not there to make you feel better every day, you are doing good. When you have a bunch of them, then you are rich.
I am that kind of rich, and that keeps me from beating on my chest for attention.
You create your reality. Create a good one. Creating drama, despair, upset, pity and anger, bring those things to you.
A special thanks to Anita, Michael and Karen for helping out this past week when we had a last minute snafu! You are the greatest, and again I say THANK YOU, not just for helping, but for being in my life. You are three very special people. Love you all!!!
I help others, not complain about my life to them. I joke, laugh, and give advice. I show up for their events as much as possible, and invite them to mine. It works much better than bitching about my life everyday to me. When your life stinks...TURN IT AROUND. Only you can do that. No one said it would be easy, but even when it's hard it can still be fun!
It isn't difficult. When people ask why they have issues or no fiends, I tell them...they usually don't like the answer...yet if it makes one person grow a little, it is worth it.
Ask yourself.......Would you have you for a friend?????
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I have friends that have real issues every day. From children being hospitalized, to themselves being hospitalized. From people in severe chronic pain, to people who have chronic illness. It is OK to vent and update, but we aren't on this earth to check on you every day. We aren't our brother's keeper. If you need constant attention, you need to grow up.
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