I had a couple of folks write over the long weekend about the difference between psychics and mediums.There was also some personal discussion on the subject. I have included a blog written in March, but I will expand on it , since it was a quick Friday blog. So don't be surprised if some of this sounds familiar.
The basic difference is that a psychic obtains messages about your past, present and future. They can even access past lives, find lost objects, and get messages from your guides. They can help you find where you need to focus and pass on warnings. They can also obtain information on buildings, objects, and those who have passed. They can sense energetic issues and can use psychic abilities in performing healing work.
A medium is a person who readily and easily sees and converses with those who have passed over. They can bring in spirits to them to obtain answers. However, the spirit has to be willing to show up and talk. They cannot get information from a spirit if the spirit isn't willing to show up and converse with them. They can't force information (or even force the spirit to show up). They bring clear and succinct messages from friends and relatives who have already "passed beyond the veil".
Can a psychic be a medium a and a medium a psychic? Theoretically yes, but in real life,no. There are people who try to do both, but one skill is always below par. I have yet to meet a person who does both well. The reason is that there is a totally different skill set and use of (and type of), brain waves, used in conducting conversations with the other side, predicting the future, and just sitting in your chair in this dimension. The difference is night and day , and being a natural psychic does not make you a medium, even if you can obtain information about those who have passed ( you should be able to do that as part of your psychic abilities). Being a medium doesn't make you psychic, and the dead are not psychic just because they died, so they cannot pass on psychic information.
Psychics can sometimes access info on those passed by using Akashic records, guides, etc. They also can gather that information from that energy that has "passed on", all psychic information is outside this dimension, so are spirits, it is just taking the right road on the right vibration to get to the place that you need to go (information or spirits who have passed). Psychics can also readily converse with other energies, like guides. It is actually a prime source of information. Mediums can sometimes get information from those who passed about what you need to do differently, or see a broken pipe in your basement, that you can't. But generally, speak to a medium to converse with those who have passed about their relationship with you or their environment, and a psychic for explaining events, paths and the future. Being a medium does not automatically make you a psychic. The term "psychic medium" has been thrown around a lot in the past few years. It is actually a human that very rarely exists. I have only known one lady who could do psychic and mediumistic work well. People assume they are psychic if they can talk to the dead. That must be psychic work , right? Not at all, it is mediumistic work, and totally different. Sometimes people can "dabble" ,but the skill set is different. Different wavelengths, areas of the brain, and the way the information is sent and received occur. Both psychics and mediums work in the metaphysical world, but they are two completely different skills. It is like a carpenter and an electrician. They are both tradespeople, but you don't want your plumber putting a new breaker in your panel.
People assume that since someone can talk directly to the dead that they can obtain psychic information that is more clear. Not true at all. Dead people are not psychic. Dying does not make you psychic. The dead person may see your spouse hiding money for example, so they can tell you that bit of information, however they may also not have seen this happen. They may not have been present for the event, so they cannot tell you about it. The dead do not know more than us, they just sometimes see things people do when they think no one is watching.
A person asked if she should consult a psychic or a medium this weekend. It depends on what your goal is for your reading. Do you want to check in on Uncle Joe who passed away last year? Call a medium. Do you want to see what your best path is for career? Call a psychic. Got a haunted house? Call either! It is important however to remember that people who are mediums cannot converse with residual energy. There is no one actually there to talk to, so when you are not sure what kind of energy is in a haunted house, consult a psychic. They still will be able to get information on the dead ,they just use a different process. Then you can, if needed, have a medium talk to this soul for more information. Please remember that you can directly talk to the dead by just talking. If they are there, they will hear you loud and clear. They do not have the issues hearing that we do. The other side is full of miracles, like full health (unless the spirit is still in its' death state). So if you just want to say something to dear Uncle Joe, just say it, you do not need a psychic or medium for that task.
Sometimes we need closure with a death, then we need to consult a medium. Sometimes we need to find the car keys, then we need a psychic. So who you call all depends on what you are trying to achieve. Want to know where Uncle Joe hid the will? Call a medium (and that is if Uncle Joe wants to tell you, or not). Want to know if your house is haunted? Call a psychic. They will sense energies like black shadow people, nature spirits, angels, and others who never lived and died in this plane.
I was reading a book by Raymond Buckland this weekend and he reminded me of another fact. Spirits can lie. They are who they were in life. You need to have not only the skills, but an inner system set up to know when spirits are lying to you. Just becasue they are dead , doesn't make them truthful. They are who they were in life, keep that in mind when receiving mediumistic messages. Also remember that no one is 100% accurate, but accuracy rates need to be over 95% for a person to be considered psychic. Psychic information is meant to guide and help, not spy on your ex, or get the winning lottery numbers. Use the information wisely and you will have an abundant and wonderful life. When you see a psychic or medium that has a mess of a life, then walk away to another adviser.
As I say with reiki. Don't use a screwdriver to tighten a nut, use the right tool, and the right expert.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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