Thursday, May 31, 2012

Paying it forward

Someone mentioned yesterday doing a favor for a random person . I told him it's called "paying it forward". It is a concept made popular by the movie of the same name. If you haven't seen it, please do, and make sure that you have a box of tissues at your side.

Even if you missed the movie, you may have seen the commercial for Liberty Mutual where people see a person do something good for a stranger, and then follow their lead by doing a favor for another stranger.

When someone is truly spiritual, they do good things with no expectation of a person returning the favor. You do the good thing because you know it is the right thing to do, not for thanks, kudos, fame, or a pat on the back. You do it (or are supposed to) , because you know that is what is needed. Not so you can hold that person hostage for a return favor later on. You also try to do these things anonymously as much as possible. That is true giving.

The movie "Pay it Forward" (with Kevin Spacey , Helen Hunt, and Haley Joel Osment, the boy who told us "I see dead people" in  The Sixth Sense), was about a very special young boy and his teacher. The young man thought that if we all "paid it forward" , eventually the world would be a better place as everyone would participate. He was almost right. The problem is we do unfortunately have greedy, egotistical, mean spirited, people on this earth, not to mention crazy ones. That shouldn't stop us however, because if enough people pay it forward, the world will be a better place.

Many people do it without knowing they are, it is just their nature. Some make a conscious effort to do it everyday. Some never heard of the concept. Don't worry about returning the favor to a friend, worry about passing it on to a stranger. Wonderful things have happened from the "paying it forward" way of life. Give it a try.

Check out the official website and beware of imitators!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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