I have been talking a lot lately about psychic ethics. My students learn about it as part of the Psychic Development classes, and we actually go over it in each level of the class. It is important to make sure that you are on the "up and up" in psychic work, as we are teachers, and delivery people for messages from the Universe. Psychics and mediums need to live by a certain code.
There is a long history of the stereotypical "gypsy fortune teller" who tries to scam people out of money telling them they have a dark cloud over their heads. This is the most blatant psychic ethics rule breaker, but there are others.
We have to remember that we are messengers. That is it. We have to deliver the message as it is sent. We can rephrase things, but not to the point where the message is changed in its' meaning. We also have to impart the severity of the message. When people have been getting the message repeatedly and ignoring it, we have top let the person know if the Universe is getting ready to give them a warning.
Psychics also should not delve into that which they have not been trained for. Don't do a healing unless you are trained (never give medical diagnosis, it is illegal). Don't do cleansings unless you are trained, the best way to get in over your head is to deal with spirit types that you know nothing about or never knew existed. Do not cross over souls unless you have been trained (it isn't always as easy as saying "go to the light"). Do only what you are thoroughly trained and experienced in .
Many psychics ignore the warnings. They think that they are in some way "protected" from the ire of the Universe. Not so, they are even more answerable to it! When God/ the Universe/ Creator has a person playing games with its' messages, it is NOT amused. That includes making up messages, which brings us to another psychic ethic. You NEVER tell a person that you have a message for them and they need to have a reading. When you get important messages out of the blue for a client, you simply pass them on. You don't arrange a reading and expect payment. This is a huge "no no".
Another psychic ethic is that you do not impart any information about when a person will pass. We usually do not get that information. We sometimes get messages along the lines of "your client "Joe" needs to talk to his brother about that silly argument they had and fix it". This may tell you that the brother is not long for this world, but that doesn't mean you call Joe and say "I think your brother is going to die soon".
You always take care in how to phrase things. The area that psychics need to be very careful with is children and birth. Developed souls choose their parents. The soul can change their mind and pull back. Sometimes this just causes a switch in the child that no one ever knows about, or when there is not a ready soul , a miscarriage. You can predict a boy, and it will flop to a girl. This is rare, but it does happen. Also, I never answer baby health questions. Many Moms want to know if their baby will be healthy. What if the true answer is no? Psychic information is there to help you choose the right path. When you have a 6 month fetus in your womb there is absolutely nothing you can do about its' future health! I always tell newly pregnant women that they need to have a doctor's care, and that is true for many reasons. What if the child will grow up to be a failure? Does the Mom really need to know that? Can she change it (probably not)? These are questions unethical to answer.
Another thing to keep in mind. We are not here to make anyone rich. When a person is to have that path, the Universe will give it to them in the way it is meant to be. Do not give out lottery numbers or anything of that nature. The Universe will not only make sure it does NOT happen, but you will also be on the receiving end of the backlash. Psychic information is not there to give people advantage over others. It is there to help us make good choices and stay on our paths, not get rich quick, and that applies to all involved.
Remember that your gift is not there to make your rich, famous, or anything else. Some folks are so good at what they do that this happens to them, and that is fine, it is the Universe's choice to do that. When you try to get rich and famous, you get troubles galore.
Only pass on information that you get directly from spirit. You cannot pass on information that is from another as you do not know the source, quality, age of the information, or ability to interpret. When a person is given a message, it is their job to pass on the information. Taking another person's information and passing it on, is spiritual fraud. The Universe doesn't look kindly on people who do that. There is no glory in passing on good information, you aren't there for attention, kudos, fame and fortune, you are there to help only. Any other actions always meet in life going sideways at some point.
We also have to be very careful that we word things in a good way, when a good message is delivered badly, the recipient may disregard an important message out of anger.Make sure that you deliver the message well. Sometimes it is hard to find a "nice" way to say something and still get the message across, but it is part of the psychic's job. No one said this was easy.....
This shouldn't have to be said, but NEVER tell a person that they have a curse, black cloud, evil spirit, and that you can remove it for a price. All and every removal of a troublesome spirit, house cleansing or blessing should be done FREE of charge. Would you see a man drowning and tell him you will hold out a tree branch to him for $50? What do you think the Karma is in that?
Do not allow clients to be on a revenge or negativity focus. When a client asks things like "when will my ex get a disease for being such a jerk?". You need to try to get them to move on. The energy they will bring to themselves is terrible, and they need to let go and heal. The Universe will take care of any Karma that needs to be dished out. When the client will not move off that path, you need to move on from the client.
Never put down a person's lifestyle choices. That is pretty clear.
Never ask the client for more than is discussed up front. When you have an additional service you provide for a fee, let them know that before hand. When there are additional costs, tell them up front, not at the time of the reading.Sometimes people do not have the cash on hand to pay extra, and it is not legal, nor fair to hit them with additional charges at the time of service.
When you lose all ego and remember that you are a messenger of the Universe , you most likely will not even think about doing anything illegal, immoral, or unethical. Some people get so egotistical about themselves that they suffer for it personally and professionally.
When a client wants constant readings, let them know that they need to take a break. Yes, they may go elsewhere for their "fix" but that is OK, the Universe will get everything to be just the way it needs to be. You do not have to read for everyone , when someone is abusive or threatening to you as a reader, stop reading for them. Abusive relationships of any sort, need to end.
A friend once asked why there are so many readers with lives that are a mess? Messed up relationships, financial ruin, legal issues, and bad health. The answer, they play games with the Universe and it sends lessons.We geet lessons harder and faster than most people. Also remember to never , ever, wish ill will or cause issues to go to another. The Universe will send it back to you multiplied. It isn't worth it. That goes for everyone. When you and a client aren't getting along, walk away.
Don't ever be afraid to say "I don't know". That is a valid answer. Sometimes the Universe will not impart information. When you make up something to make yourself look better, you not only can make a mess, but the Karma for that isn't pretty either.
Make sure that you are walking a good path and doing the right things for the right reasons.
Be ethical above all else in all your dealings and treat others the way YOU would want to be treated. When you see someone doing wrong, call them out on it. They will either fix it, or walk off the deep end of a Karmic pool. Don't leave them to harm others.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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