Many times I see people who are "new" to investigating hautings, imitate the popular shows out there. Shows like Ghost Hunters or Ghost Adventures. There really isn't anything wrong with that,to a point. These folks are using experience and trying new things to see what works. Remember that there is a lot of behind the scenes and editing that goes on. There isn't a ghost instruction manual written by the other side that is full of "how to s".
Remember, they are trying things too, and you can look back at the first episodes and notice that there are things that they do and don't do, from the earlier shows. It is all trial and error, and much of it takes a few nights tromping around in the dark to really figure out. The other aspect of that is that just because it works one way in a certain place, doesn't mean it will work the same way in another, or at all!
So, don't take the activities of the shows as gospel, even they don't. They know they are trying things out and strive for better and better ways to do things.Make sure part of your ghost hunting studies is to talk with someone who does connect with the other side. A medium or psychic that understands the energy of things on both sides of the veil. They have wonderful information and have seen and experienced more that you may be able to imagine. Also use seasoned ghost hunters, and by that, I mean more than 10 years of investigations, to learn from. They have most likely seen most , if not all, there is to see.
Don't provoke. I know Zak does it, but it doesn't always work, it can cause issues, and if you are in someone's home, then then have to live the night out with a pissed off spirit. You can try to get a spirit to respond if you want, by using reverse psychology ("Guess you are afraid to talk to us"), or by trying to bargain ,( "if you talk to us, we will leave"). Please don't get all nasty and use curse words. How would you like it if someone came into what you think of as your space, and started shouting at you to talk to them, called you names, and acted like a half crazed psycho? You wouldn't talk to them, would you? Except maybe for a "get out!".
Don't take down walls, dig on the property, or move things unless you have specific permission to do so. Make sure that the person who owns the property is OK with it, and totally understand what you are doing.
NEVER use K2 meters or flashlights as communication devices. There are many reasons for this. K2 meters can pick up other than ghostly phenomenon, and twist off/on flashlight WILL arc. They will flash on and off all by themselves without ghostly intervention. You can be rattling off questions and the flashlight is arcing, and you think you are talking to a ghost. Why do you think the only electrical item used in "communicating" with ghosts is a twist flashlight? Because it has a tendency to turn itself off and on! Anyone who knows basic electricity will know that flashing flashlights are the farthest thing from paranormal activity. Now, get the old slide switch type or push button, and you have a better shot at it (still NOT recommended). They also can arc, but it is much more difficult. There are many skeptics in the world, don't give them ammunition they have enough!
We also have MANY tools that ARE communication devices, use one of those.
The other aspect of this is, let's say an entity is communicating with you. How do you know it is what it says it is? It may answer it is a 12 year old boy (two flashes), and be a 50 year old woman laughing her butt off at you. It may be one of those beings that were never human, they are stronger than "dead people" and can more easily manipulate things, so how do you know you aren't "speaking" to one of them? At least an EVP will help you identify young, old, male , female. When you have a flashing light, and no EVPs...all you have is an arcing flashlight."Ghost Hunters" stopped using the twists for communication a few years ago. They use push buttons...although as I said, this should be the last option of communication.
Do not bring anything into the house that carries any type of spiritual power. No voodoo dolls, crosses, ouiji boards. I laugh at the use of trigger objects. I have been in so many actual haunted places, with stuff going on , and no one ever brought anything into the house. When a place is actually haunted, you don't need trigger objects.Never bring in anything that is of a religious or energetic nature, unless the homeowner requests it. NEVER bring in s Ouiji board or other "communication" object. Many haunted sites that allow tours will specifically say not to bring these items in.
Do not move things around. I remember going on an investigation and thinking something moved. A person in the group who was new to ghost hunting moved it, and several other objects. Then we had to go back and figure out where everything was, and make sure that they didn't move anything else. If people are moving objects all over, how do you know the spirits aren't? Take pictures or video of the whole area first and that way you will be sure things moved or not, but people shouldn't move ANYTHING! When you DO have to move something, let everyone know (as in , "I was rolling a ball to the spirit, and he rolled it back!").
Your approach to a building, can make a haunting more active , or not. Your tools, and your methods will make it more successful or not. Doing things the right way will make sure you get authentic evidence. Here is an example. Zak and friends went to Villisca and got just about nothing. They had maybe 5 EVPs, no video. We went, and went with a much softer approach, and I have 48 EVPS, we had an unexplainable photo, a video of a camera getting spun around, two BSP on film, (one indoor, one outside), one person had scratches on her, and one have a blanket tug of war. We had an investigation a million times more successful. We also had spirits talk to us that were not part of the axe murder, a few were from a woman with a very marked southern belle accent.
Your method, and your attitude go a long way. Don't be upset if you don't get anything, that happens. Sometimes they just don't want to come out and play. Make sure that you limit yourself to getting good results in an authentic way, and no one will ever be able to doubt any of your findings. Also, never publish something as evidence until you can totally verify it. Another very important thing is make sure that you have a homeowner's written permission to not only be on the property, but to publish and release any pictures or video of their home.
There are so many places to go, many cost a few dollars, but it isn't terribly expensive if you don't want it to be! Make sure that you are prepared, have the right tools, and use them the right way. make sure that you know what you are doing, and if everything you know about ghost hunting, you learned from Zak Bagans, you still have a TON to learn. He is fun to watch, and gets results, but his style isn't what you should be doing when you walk into a haunted space, especially someone's home.
Happy Hunting!
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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