Many times I talk about the metaphysical side of things, but this blog is about the metaphysical and the mundane. The energetic reasons why things happen, what to do and not do, how to ask for things, are the metaphysical we will make it simple to wrap everyone's mind around. We will look at the mundane side. What you do effects others either way you look at it.
Forget Karma for a moment (it is still there rolling away like a giant wheel), but let's just push it to the back of our minds. We are meant to be social. Now , that doesn't mean as in "party animal" it means we are a species that needs other members of the species to survive and thrive. We aren't meant to be in isolation. We frequently come in contact with one and other, even if only for a moment.What we do and say can have an impact on the others.
What brought this to mind was a couple of things that happened this weekend. One was a story in today's papers about a smoking ban that was recently put into law here. Most states have had bans for decades, we are a little slow here. I also feel like I live in THE worst ME ME ME place IS the worst place I have lived in anyways, and I have lived in 5 states 9 towns/cities.
Bars are saying their patronage is down due to the ban. The other states that have the ban (and that it more than half of the US), do not have bars closing because of the ban. If people want the camaraderie of the setting and none of those settings have smoking...they WILL go there.
Second hand smoke kills people, and not just the smoker. That is scientific fact. Just the smoke coming off the end of a cigarette causes issues, and the smoke exhaled by the smoker causes different issues. There are 7000 chemical compounds in cigarette smoke, 250 are harmful to the health of non smokers, and 69 cause cancer. These are numbers from the American Cancer Society. Not on this topic, but marijuana contains 50-70% MORE carcinogens than tobacco smoke (don't believe that propaganda that marijuana smoking is harmless, non addictive and all that crap).
When you smoke, you are releasing cancer causing substances into the air. For all of the self righteous smokers out KNOW that if your workplace was shown to release 250 harmful substances into the air, and 69 of them caused cancer, you would be screaming "lawsuit", and running for the door. So don't release that on others. It isn't all about you and your habit.
When you live in a household where there are non smokers, you shorten their lives everyday. Your kids, your pets, your friends. You open them to more illnesses every day. You open them to more health issues (like asthma), everyday. Is it worth it?
Think going outside helps? A little, but the smoke has found to seep in through walls ( it IS smoke you know), and go back in through the door with air flow, and you personally, as a transport. Many places now have signs saying "no smoking within... anywhere from 8 to 15 feet".
So instead of giving in to the addiction, drop it. I know it isn't easy, but my mother died of emphysema from smoking cigarettes, it isn't just lung cancer that can get you! You are ruining your home (non smokers generally don't buy the homes of smokers, they are yellow, nicotine stained and smell bad), your clothing, your pets, your family...and you.
We have so much data now that shows us how dangerous this is. If you live alone, have your own health care, and don't plan on moving...puff away.
The other thing that got to me this weekend was how drivers (and this is far from the first time I have seen this), locally ignored emergency vehicles. Emergency vehicles that were literally stopped a few feet from them, so they wouldn't run over them. I remember a few months back watching an ambulance try to get through a light for (I timed it), a minute. The whole length of the light, and then a left run signal running traffic in front of them. Does a minute mean a life? In an emergency situation, it can. But there is more to that. That was one light. I doubt it was the only light on the way to the emergency, and that people were more responsive at other lights.
When I lived in Las Vegas, people stopped immediately for emergency vehicles. They were able to drive at a quick and constant speed. They also had little sensors on the trucks that changed approaching lights green for them. They never had to stop, wait, blow the air horn, and be stalled by idiots.
This weekend I watched three people flying through a light not 2 feet from a serious traffic accident, immediate in front of a fire truck and police cars (with lights, sirens, and horns blaring). I watched a person who was staring at the accident while rolling through the light (not watching where he was going), almost run over an emergency responder on foot. What is wrong with people? I know we all want to get to where we are going, but at the expense of someone's life? We stopped to help, while others got as close as they could to take pictures and leave (and this was BEFORE help got there).
Again, these emergency responders ( a firetruck several police cars, ambulance and fire chief car), were all piled up on the other side of the road from the accident for about 20-25 seconds. It may not seem like much, but it literally can mean life or death. It also means lack of comfort for that time. There were three terrified children in the car bawling their eyes out. They were unhurt, or at least they seemed to be, but one lady had a serious head injury. Again, that was ONE light. So , let's say there were 10 intersections between the emergency responders and the accident. Ten times 25 seconds is 250 seconds or more than 4 minutes. Can 4 minutes without help make a change in the outcome from further damage to death? It sure can.
When an emergency vehicle comes up behind you, IMMEDIATELY pull over. Get out of the way. One lady did stop. Right in the path of the firetruck between it and the accident. I cannot even begin to think of where her head was at. If the world is that oblivious to her, she probably shouldn't be driving.
Emergency responders are wonderful angels in human form. They DAILY put their lives on the line for others. They are trying to get to where they can help others. This isn't about you getting to the store, your friend's house, or work. This is about someone's life. The timing is so important, every second counts. It may make the difference between the child who is drowning being saved with no issues, being saved with brain damage, and being dead. Stop for emergency vehicles, because it really is NOT all about you!
After this incident my husband and I drove a few miles to have dinner, we saw 3 people flat out run a stop sign without even slowing. I sometimes wonder what strange place it is that I live in! When we got home, we saw where there was an accident just down the road caused by a person running a stop sign and causing an injury. The firetruck that was coming to the accident that I called in...they were just leaving an injury accident 8 blocks away!!
AS I write this another serious accident occurred with a truck in flames. People of Evansville...WISE UP!
Please remember that every action you take, ESPECIALLY irresponsible or negligent ones, result in others being harmed in some way. Sometimes it is miniscule, sometimes it is major. Now let's bring our old friend Karma back in the picture....OUCH, makes it much worse, doesn't it.
Before you do ANYTHING think of others near you. Your rights exist but they come with a list of responsibilities and you do NOT get to exercise your rights without being responsible.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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