I was asked several times over the past 5 days , "Why doesn't the Universe listen?" , in some way or another. It does! It listens all too well! The issue is, "do you know how to speak to the Universe?"
It is of course much easier to see things from the outside looking in. We have a hard time seeing ourselves as making mistakes or having faults, if we did and we truly were working to make our lives better , it would happen. Everyone who asked the question really thought they were doing things to make their lives better. They were reading all the books by the gurus like Dr. Wayne Dyer, and getting their messages for the day sent to their email boxes. Yet when it came to putting that all into practice, they fell flat. Why? Actions speak louder than words.
Two of the folks who asked for help wondered why a good man has not come. They both are making the same mistake. They are accepting in the ones who aren't what they want , and trying to tweak them into being the ones they want. It may be desperation, or impatience, or both. They are wasting time and energy taking men who are "so-so" accepting them into their lives for months and in one case, years, and then they keep sending them away because it isn't working. Then they are talking to them to tell them what is wrong, then taking them back. Guess what happens next? Finding faults, sending them away, taking them back. They kept repeating that pattern.
First of all, you cannot talk a man into being faithful, being in love, being different. Impossible. When they are working to fit more into a new mold of partner instead of single, you can coach them by telling them it hurts you when they do certain things (like stay out all Friday night with the boys each week), but you cannot take an unfaithful man and make him faithful by nagging him into it. Secondly, if it needs major work, it isn't the right relationship for you, move on.
The Universe happily allows what you accept, it MUST be what you want. You SAY you want better, but you keep accepting worse. These clients didn't understand why "not so nice people" seem to have better lives. Why do they qualify other people's lives as better? Because they have a husband. I am sorry, but there are tens of thousands of women out there that will tell you that they are having huge marital issues, from being sorry they married that particular man to being physically abused. When you see marriage as the goal, and not not what kind of marriage and to what kind of person, and then BE that person, guess what you get? A warm body. When your goal is marriage, you get married, but to what?
Just becasue some seemingly "evil witch" is married to a seemingly "nice guy", doesn't mean the reality is that her life is wonderful and she is happy (apparently she isn't or she wouldn't be such a witch). It also doesn't mean that she is an evil witch, or an evil with to him.
When you want quality, you have to wait for it, it doesn't drop out of the sky. When you want quality, you have to be it. The lady may seem like a crabby old witch to you,she may not be to him, or he may have simply asked for a marriage, and see what he got! You can't know the intricacies of the situation or what people were unconsciously manifesting since they don't even know!
Our unconscious manifesting is stronger than our conscious one, unless we are really cognizant of what we are doing, have total faith in it, and know how to ask for things. The reason is that our unconscious is very strong, it is what we really believe, and what we are to the core. It is powerful, constant and loud. It can speak over the conscious. That is why many ail at manifesting. There are may reasons manifesting fails, but the reason never is the Universe. It is never at fault, it does exactly what you tell it to do. When the conscious and unconscious are on the same page, miracles happen.
Remember that like attracts like, so be the best you can be, have total faith, be specific without being ridiculous (does her really HAVE to be over 6 foot if he is Prince Charming? Really?), be literal, and exact (don't say "send me a nice guy"). Don't settle, you MUST be able to be independent to get the best of the best. A partner is not there to COMPLETE you , they are there to COMPLIMENT you. You need to complete yourself. Be realistic. Be honest with yourself.Remember that these things take time (took me six years to find my wonderful hubby), and that relationship partners are the LAST thing that the Universe is looking to work with you on. There are much more important things in the scheme of things to be accomplished. We do need to procreate, and we sometimes need partners to help do the work in our lives (I mean spiritual work, not laundry), so partners are important, but although to you, having a romantic partner may be all consuming, to the Universe it is the last thing on the list. Working on YOU is the first thing.
So what are you really manifesting? When you accept any man, just to have one while you wait, you are showing the Universe you will settle. When you keep taking ex's back that didn't serve you well the first time, you are showing the Universe you are willing to keep recycling the old, even if it isn't working. You cannot trick, scheme and talk your way into a perfect relationship. It takes TWO people willing to flat out do anything for the other, without that, you have nothing. You cannot be totally enamoured with a person who is not totally into you and expect to be able to make it work, at least not for more than 5 minutes.
Be the best you can be, be patient, and look for a partner, not a movie character.
Peshaui Wequasimese
(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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