Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Do you live a fear based life?

People who live fear based lives always make decisions based on what they think will be the safest decision for them. Fear skews that thought process to the point where they do not actually make the "safest" decision, and never make the best decision. This effects all parts of a person's life. The worst (and biggest), thing it does is keep them from having wonderful life experiences that many of us do have.

They do not have relationships (or at least fulfilling ones), because they are afraid to get hurt.

They don't go places that would be fun and interesting because they are afraid of what will happen.

They are afraid to try new things, and miss out on much, from food, to places, to experiences.

They frequently let others down as they rarely , if ever follow through on promises to do something or be somewhere.

They don't get to experience new cultures, people, geography, becasue they are afraid of some unknown "bad" thing happening.

They are afraid of getting emotionally hurt, ill, uncomfortable, lost, embarrassed, or a million other things. Their negative thinking not only limits them , but draws in more negative energy. They end up staying home, when others venture out.

When we stay all locked up and warm until the sun is up, the grass is green, and the weather is perfect, we miss much. We don't get to meet people we should meet, experience things we need to experience, and learn things we need to learn. We don't surround ourselves with positive energy. We limit the people around us to our issues and problems. They miss out too when they feel like they need to be at our side.

Many people venture outside the home without ever going anywhere new. Some go to the extreme of having email only relationships , and never meeting the person on the other end.

When you limit your exposure to anything, you limit your ability to deal with it properly. The best way to be resistant to germs isn't to lock yourself in your home, but to venture out and build up natural resistance. When you walk around afraid you are going to get get sick. This doesn't mean that you will never become ill, but it actually limits the times you will become ill, and the severity.

 There was an experiment done in England quite a few years back. Mothers who let their kids play outside and get dirty; get bumps, scratches, and bruises, raised  kids that got sick less often than mothers who cleaned the kids hands with anti bacterial soup 5 times a day; did not allow their kid by other sneezing kids; and watched every morsel they put in their mouth. Kids are kids. We are a resilient species, but only because we have developed that resilience by being out in those germs.

Fire and ice won't destroy this planet in the end, germs will, and the germaphobes will be the first to go. People running for antibiotics at every sniffle , and doctor's who gave them, have paved the path for super-germs. There are viruses out there that could easily wipe us all off the planet thanks to those folks. We have to stop being so phobic about things.

It is OK to use certain products in certain situations, but when you use them all the time , so that there is never a germ within your home, you are a weakened organism ripe for infection.

Living a fear based life is actually more harmful than good. It may remove the immediate fear, but it sets you up for missing out, being less informed than you think, having no new experiences, and setting yourself up for a medical issue. It removes fulfilling relationship partners from your life, and stifles you.

NEVER make a decision based on fear. When you decide to do or not do something based on fear of something happening to you, you have made the wrong decision.....every time. Weigh all the pros and cons, and if the pros win, and you still do not want to do it because you are afraid, then you are making the WRONG decision. This applies to every part of life.

SO just for today........NO FEAR BASED DECISIONS.

Peshaui Weuqashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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