Tarot cards are excellent indicators. I wouldn't call them predictors, but that isn't really what they are supposed to do. They are connectors to archetypes that show what will happen if you stay on a path, and what is the best path to take. That is a little different, it is a guidebook.They are guides to better results. They are lists of pros and cons, and tell of people's personalities, views, and perceptions, their paths, and responses. We can manipulate them to tell us other things, but this is what they do naturally and do best.
They always connect, it has nothing to do with the reader, they key is to be able to interpret the cards well in relation to the situation. That is why the best tarot reading is one where specific questions are asked. The Universe is also very literal, and very exact. It tells us the best way to go, and what it will be like. The answers are not always what the querant will want to hear, but the blunt, honest answer of the Universe. It is very important to be honest in your question, as the interpreter / reader will misinterpret the answer when you present the situation as different than it really is. The querant may want to find out about how to better go about getting their rock band on TV, and the cards may be saying "you will make more money selling real estate, that is the path you are supposed to be on". Being a rock star would be much more fun, buy maybe it just won't work for you in the long run.
Tarot cards are naturally a link to your higher self and the collective unconscious. That is the door that they open. They do not connect to another person, or the devil (the cards were once called the Devil's handbook), they just connect to that information that is always flowing out there. They are made to do a specific job, and if you stick with that and trust them, you will have a more abundant, fulfilling and happy life.
I have looked at my cards for myself in the past and thought...."that can't be!"...but it was, and has been. The cards are a two way street. The querant has to be actively , and seriously seeking an answer, and specific questions are best. The reason for that is that we are dealing in archetypes (symbols), and that we have to decide what those symbols mean in that particular situation. Some cards have several meanings, and the meaning is effected by cards around it, and of course by the question. Some readers even have a particular meaning that goes with a card. When a particular reader sees a card it means something to her, that it may not mean to any other reader (this is why reading cards while the reader is, is not a smart thing to do).
The very important flip side to that, is that by changing your actions, you can change your reading, your life, and your success. Tarot puts much into your own hands.
Readers have different cards, layouts and systems that they find best to use in certain situations. I have several decks (OK I have many), and find that even though some very old and traditional decks work all the time, you can get deeper into readings for certain people by introducing another deck part way through the reading. There are decks, like the Goddess deck that works well with certain women, or Thoth that works good for people in darkness of some sort.
Tarot reading , and even readings in general, and not all done the same way. There are MANY ways, styles, and systems that readers use and have found best over the years , to get to the answers. Readers know how they get the answers best. Don't expect to see a Celtic Cross laid out every time you go for a reading, as a matter of fact, you will rarely see it, except in books. Don't ask the reader to put down more cards because you don't like the answer. Sometimes 5 little cards say volumes!
The cards get your answer, and show the reader the answer.The reader then interprets it, and passes it on. General questions get general answers. The answer doesn't change , but may have to be reworded, for example if you ask about what to do to help your career. I see indications of better things, more money, and this results from education. I say , take a class or go back to school, and you will get a promotion. Then the querant says, Oh, that is wrong, I work for myself. It isn't wrong, the answer has to be reworded. The answer is now that you need to educated yourself more about the business you are in and that there is more profit coming to you after you do that.
Tarot cards are symbols, they work through symbols, and readers interpret them, it is that simple. They always connect as they are of a higher power. They are excellent for people who are ready to take their life into another chapter, and be ready for change, and growth. Those who want to be stagnant, and not accept change will not like the tarot. When it says "you need to change", then you really need to change paths.
Tarot is just one tool. No tool in and of itself is evil, or bad. However, never use a Ouiji Board. The board is not evil, but it opens a floodgate, and unless you are a very powerful medium and can see all that is flooding in, recognize it , sort it, and stop what you need to, you have no business using a Ouiji Board. It is not evil in and of itself, but bad things can come through that wide open door. Do not play with the metaphysical unless you are VERY experienced and trained. Having a deck of tarot cards will not bring evil into your home. Be careful reading for yourself however, as you will doubt answers that are emotionally charged. Always have another person do those readings for you.
You can use a "card a day" type reading to give you guidance, or a "what shall I do next"? type of question. They are informative. It helps you have a leg up on things when you know what the best thing is to do that day. The message may be that no matter what goes on to be still, and let it flow around you, or it may be to act, and be strong.
Many readers collect old decks as antiques and works of art. There is a set of books on the tarot by Stuart R. Kaplan, it is expensive and some of the earlier volumes are hard to find these days, but it is an excellent encyclopedia of the tarot with pictures, history, and insight.
When you are ready for real answers, try the tarot!
(I do periodically give tarot reading classes locally, check my webpage for more information)
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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