Thursday, October 24, 2013

The major religions and then some.....

The last few days I have been having an email discussion on religion. Religion in general, not dogma. Dogma is what starts wars , which is just about as ridiculous as we can get as a world population, but it is so. Dogma really is what sets each religion apart, but it is also what always gets in the way. When you clearly look at all the religions you see that they are all basically the same. They all tell you to make sure you do good things, share good things, love others,  and that there is an afterlife.

Then the rules, names, and interpretations step in and negate all that wonderful teaching. I think that today the societies that evolved from the religions are even more accepted, more powerful and teach more, they don't have such dogmatic restrictions.

When I was studying for my second degree and becoming an ordained minister , our school made us learn about each religion. We of course wouldn't have the time to be too in depth, but we had to at least have a working knowledge. We didn't for example, delve into each Christian religion (for example the Protestant, Episcopal, or Catholic ways of Christianity), in depth, but we did look carefully into major differences. We also took into consideration societies that didn't have a religion per se. Many had a "way of life", that was what it was. They did not consider it a religion, and it really was not. An example is the American Indian ways of life. Today some American Indians have become Christian, a religion that was forced upon many, but openly accepted by others, however Christianity is not the "official" American Indian relgion.

The major world religions are Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity,  and Islam. There is also Bah'ai, and Taoism along with spiritual belief systems like Wicca, and Paganism. Then you can add in the organized teachings of spiritual growth like Rosicrucianism and the Order of The Golden Dawn. Esoteric systems that help people today in growth and spirituality. There are also more centralized or "local" religions , like Mormonism. There are different ways of looking a major religions like Gnosticism. It would be a very long list indeed to get into all the options out there.

They all are full of wonderful teachings. Some reached out to, or developed into secret societies like the Masons or Golden Dawn. All have their own structure, teachings, and tenets. Some are more strict than others, and some are more organized than others, yet there is not a bad teaching among them. All the original ideas go back to the same root. Love, grown, help, and learn.

Unfortunately we have people that take these religions or systems and twist them, people like Muslim Extremists, the IRA and satanic worshipers. Those are people who kill, harm, and use others for their own selfish ways. Please do not look at these people as religious people. They use religion as an excuse to act abhorrently , like the Westboro Baptist Church.

I was asked if reiki were a religion. It is not, it is an energetic healing modality that can be used by anyone trained and attuned to the energy.  They can be Christian, Islamic or Jewish and still learn and share reiki healings.Today many hospitals are allowing, teaching, and accepting reiki as part of their programs, and methods. Doctors have figured out that it doesn't matter how it works, it works.

I remember giving reiki to a friend in the hospital who was hooked up to monitors of all sorts. You could clearly read everything going on with those brightly lit screens. A nurse asked if she could watch us, and we said "of course". She just wanted to see what it was about. When we were finished I turned to see her staring with her mouth half open at the monitors, all the readouts had improved. Blood pressure had dropped, heart rate dropped and smoothed out. She said "Well I guess that really works". We said "Of course it does". (I don't consider a fun night one that includes a I am there for a reason).

There are so many ways and so many options open to all who want to try to find a way to guide them. I am not a fan of major organized religion as I think the dogma just drags it down into the muck. It makes it too restricting. Just tell people to "do unto others" and leave it at that. The belief systems, and organized societies do a better job in my opinion. They actually teach people how to be better people, how to grow, how to see beyond what is right in front of us. They teach meditation, they teach acceptance, they teach exploration, they teach love of nature and internal spiritual development. They accept all races, sexual preference and differences and this makes them rich in learning other traditions and development. They consider the individual and their levels and needs. They don't raise the bar so high no one can attain achievements and personal growth.

Organized religion, is not such a good thing, but there are good things that have come from it. Religion restricts. Spirituality fosters growth, and acceptance. Pick one and explore it. Start with one that is not a major world religion and see if something resonates in there for you. Look at Paganism (which is NOT devil worship), Rosicrucian teachings, or the Gnostic Bible. Love nature? Try the Wicca way.There will probably be something in there that strikes a cord for you. Remember, spirituality is basically accepting that there is something bigger than you, and that there is a life after this one where your conscious continues. Knowing those things , really knowing them, will enable you to live a good life in this phase.

Don't let some church or other organization dictate what you HAVE to do. I have heard more horror stories about how people were treated at church, than how they were treated at a bus stop. This isn't a contest, and this isn't a popularity contest. Learn, grow and move to another teaching. Never stop. To stop is to stagnate and spiritually die. When you think you know it all, you have reached rock bottom. Upward, onward and forward!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Would you be YOUR friend

  A reader asked me, " How do I know if I am not being a good friend, I mean I don't have many. And how do I change that?"

First ask yourself  "Would you be your friend?" Think about it really hard. When the answer is "no" you probably already know why you wouldn't, so make those changes. As I told someone yesterday, it will not happen overnight! Get working on those things right away! The sooner you start, the sooner you accomplish the results.

I hear people often say they know they are not a good friend, and they are sorry. "Sorry" doesn't walk the dog. People get tired of "sorry" with repeated bad experiences. The REAL meaning of "sorry" is that you did not mean to do that and will not do it again, so if you are saying "sorry" for the same thing over and over, you are NOT sorry!

When there are a couple of close friends , or even one friend in your life, invite them out and ask them their thoughts on things. Tell them you really want honest answers and help. Tell them to be totally honest and frank, and LISTEN. DON'T argue. (Of course you don't think you are being a jerk, or you wouldn't be doing it). Just listen. Take notes , then thank them and think very hard about why they said. Have them give examples of situations if they can. Don't negate what they say. People's perception of you is their reality with you. Keep them as a friend and don't treat them any differently. You need that friend, and if you take suggestions you just may have a few more!

Work on those things. Honestly and truly WORK on them, because if you do not, you will go through "friends" like Kleenex. Make sure that you know the meaning of "friend" first. They are people who share with you, do things with you,help you, communicate with you, and think of you when fun stuff comes up. They invite you places, they call you just to chat. When disaster strikes they are there, in person, ready to help. They honestly tell you when they disagree with you or they feel that you have screwed up. They do it in a nice way, but they TELL you. Friendship is a two way street. Your phone may accept calls, but it sure dials out too.

When people don't bother with you, they don't want to be bothered with you. Make your changes and then put out the olive branch...."I know I wasn't a good friend, I have really been working on myself and would like to get back to being friends. How about we ________" (fill in the blank with something you know they would enjoy doing.)

Don't hold on to friends that you really don't like because you think they are a necessary evil. When you have friends through a group or group endeavor and need them for that, don't build up a "pseudo friendship", just because you "need" hands, or brains.....participate with them in that function, and then live the rest of your life separately. When you are so desperate that you need that girl who flirts with your partner; that person that doesn't know when to shut up; that angry confrontational person; that "Drama Mama" in your life, YOU have a problem. Dump them and MOVE ON. When you move troublesome people out of a group, usually several more nice people say "thank goodness those jerks are gone", and then they come and join in.

I have had to remove people from my life because they thought I was a free Magic Eight Ball. The only calls I would get from them were when they had a disaster and wanted free psychic information. That won't work with me. There are some people that do that, but my work tires me out at the end of the day, it will any good psychic or medium that puts themselves into their work wholeheartedly. I work 15 hours a day, I don't need "friends" asking for help all the time, at all odd hours, for free. I don't mind helping in disaster situations, but little issues become disasters to some people, and they think that it  is OK to relieve their anxiety by all odd hours, ringing me on both phones repeatedly...guess where that gets you???? This goes for anything that makes you a "super desirable" friend. Do you have money, power, influence, a foot in a door?? Don't allow people to use you, they AREN'T friends.

We have to weed our garden from time to time as I said (years ago now). It is OK to pull the weeds and plant new seeds. Sometimes people are not meant to be our best friends for life. They are just there for the interim. It is OK. When things fade away, allow them to fade away. When friends leave, only a jerk carries on like an idiot bad mouthing them, threatening them, and carrying on looking for attention. When you act like that, you don't need to even begin to ask why people walk away from you, it is patently obvious.

So to be a better friend, ask the people around you what you need to do better. Then do it. When there is no one to ask, the task is a little harder, but start with the "would I be my friend?" question and work out from there. When there is someone who has recently pulled away, ask them why. It is NOT up to them to tell you why they are pulling away, it is up to YOU to ask "what have I done wrong".

I accept friendships, I reject them. I sometimes even try to be friends with difficult people. It rarely works out for the long run, but I know that. I have even been friends for a while with people just because they were friends of friends. That doesn't always work out too, but that is OK! We are not here to be everyone's best friend forever. It is impossible. Be cordial to others, but you don't have to move them into your space, your heart, your plans, your life. Don't be desperate. Wait for the good ones for you come along. When you have problem people in your life, weed them out or tell them they are difficult. Maybe they will listen, maybe they will shut the door on you, either way, you benefit.

Would you be your friend?????

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduces without prior written permission.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fakes- A reprise

There is a lot of talk lately about fakes. They have always been there. Think of the stereotypical woman in long skirts, with a kerchief holding your palm telling you that you will meet a tall , dark, handsome get the picture. Today we have that and more. Many of the "fakes" today are actually the emotionally and mentally ill. There are still the outright scam artists , and there is one so close I could throw a rock and hit them, but today the ones who are useless and who can harm you and your wallet include the ones who don't know they are fakes.

I wrote the following blog Feb.14, 2013, and after so much discussion over the past week on fakes, and scammers, I thought I would re-publish it. Hopefully it helps at least one person!



My all time favorite question came this morning. It is one that no one has asked that I can remember, but I know I have somewhat addressed it in the past. The email states that there are many psychics, energy healers, and people with their webpages out there. How many of them did I think were sane people, and how many are not. I was told to forget the scammers , but just think about "not in touch with reality".

Tough question, no one has done a study. The lucky part for me is I have a great BS meter built in. I recently read a page a person has on the net that gives information supposedly channeled through them. I have seen and known people who were channels. The key to the real ones....they don't remember a thing they say during channeling. Now this doesn't mean that when your guides speak to you, you won't remember the messages, otherwise what would be the point, but an actual channel has no cognizance of the communication. Someone has to record it in some way for them. Even a conscious channel does not remember and their personality goes away during the channeling. The personality, speech patterns etc. of the channel emerge, not the person channeling. Sometimes people call themselves "channels" when they are something else, like a medium or psychic, and to me if they don't even know the "Metaphysical 101" terms and what they are, you don't need to be "learning" from them.

There are ways , even without a great BS meter to tell the real from the fake, the crazy from the sane, and the scammer from the honest person. It takes discernment and a drop of skepticism. It also usually takes a few communications with the person. Make sure that when you get info, you also get it from someone who gets out into the world in real life and does what they teach, speak, or write about. Many people hide behind webpages and don't read for the public or help out in the local world. I actually like local readings in person better than online or long distance!

I write about psychics (I give many psychic readings every day), the other side (I have been on many investigations, have received messages from the dead and lived in two very haunted houses for most of my life). I have been around authentic mediums and channels, although I profess to be neither.  I know the real thing when I see it, from seeing the real thing and the not so real thing. Forty some years of experience does teach you a lot.

It is hard to put a percentage on something that has never been researched, but I will say that in my personal experience, MOST of the people who are out there with webpages, and in little storefronts are not authentic. Yes, most. Some really have themselves fooled, some are honest to goodness schizophrenics and hear voices for sure, but not from a higher being. Some are scammers, and that is to me , the minimum of the bunch.

Being psychic, mediumistic, etc. is HOT now.  It is the thing to be. It is cool, it is hip, and in real life it stinks. It is work, it is having to deliver messages people sometimes do not want to hear. So every young person who wants attention or has issues has suddenly become gifted in some way. There are things that are so easily faked. Giving messages, not answers, but messages, is the most faked, so channeling. The number two is palm readings. Number three is mediums/psychic information. That is something that has been VERY obvious in my experience. Think about how easy it would be to sit and say "the Universe says this" or "my guide says that". No one can prove it, dispute it, or negate it. It is impossible. You can say whatever you want. People will listen and give you attention. Once you get to psychic information it is harder to fake , and mediumistic information is very difficult to fake.

Percentages....hmmmmm. I will say that most of the "not gifted" believe they are real. Most as in about 90%. Are they insane? That is putting too much on it, emotionally unhappy, probably most of them. Wanting attention? All of them.

The fakes never last long, they won't make it to my 40 plus years, but they do sometimes hang on for years. So let's call the other 10% scammers. Now of the total of all those who work in the metaphysical, I would say that many of them have some talent. After all we are ALL psychic, some just have bigger antenna and know how to use the ability. Having a big enough antenna to help others, I would say that about 25-30% of the population has that ability strong enough to use. That doesn't mean the rest of the population are fakes, they just know they don't have talent, or don't believe the talent exists in the first place.

You will bump into people who aren't so great at the psychic biz before a scammer, but the scammers are out there. You will bump into a person who believes they have talent and don't have any, most of the time you meet a "channel" , "psychic" or "medium". 

I asked one friend who isn't a psychic how she determines who is a fake by their webpages, she says, "Easily, the first giveaway is glamor shots, and many pictures of the "psychic". The second is statements like "100% accurate", and " famous TV and radio psychic" when I have never heard of them. I have to say that her perception is accurate. They have to "lure" you in, and those are the top three ways of doing it! Remember the ones who don't know they aren't talented want attention, the scammers want money.

Those who truly have contact with the other side know that it isn't about glamor or fame or money. It isn't about sexy or mystical looking pictures on your webpage, it isn't about popularity. It is about getting people to think, to react, to even be shaken up a bit. People don't learn until you show them something they have not seen before.

So, how many are people you can't trust for whatever reason? Unfortunately, most of them. That doesn't make them bad people, just disillusioned. Trust your instincts, not fall in love with a sexy photo of a beautiful (or handsome) head shot.

Be careful out there!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Energy goes the way of the Light...always

There are times when things can go haywire for a moment, and sometimes longer, in order to make a change or teach a lesson. However the Universe always sends out energy to put things to right, and it always goes to the light. Always. People do not understand that whether it be politics, workplace, relationships, things happen because they are SUPPOSED to happen. The Universe has everything in divine order. ALWAYS.

You may not like the divine order of things. It may make you uncomfortable, but most times, discomfort is a learning process. It is a way of putting things to right, teaching a lesson, showing you another way that you NEED to see.

When you sit back and watch for a while you will see the energy start to turn things. Some times it is swift and sure, sometimes a process. Sometimes it is serious Karmic energy that makes for a hard lesson, sometimes it is a gentle persuasion, but it is always there. When people try to counteract that, they always suffer. The Universe doesn't punish, but it sure is a strict teacher when it needs to be.

It is easy to stay out of those pitfalls. You simply remember two very easy things.

 1) It isn't all about you.
 2) Do unto others.

That is pretty simple isn't it.

Revenge is not an answer. Taking power or ability away from another is not the answer. harming another is not the answer. Ultimatums are not the answer. Damaging property or welfare of others is not the answer.

Never impose your ways, your will, your situation on another human being. When you want to do it (and it is legal ), go for it, but harm no others in your actions or words.

I have seen energy begin to move in the right way when people do wrong. I watched just last weekend when an event was less attended because of ego and unfairness. Some were told they could not be included in the event as it wasn't to a particular group's ways. The result, many backed out and went to a similar event being held that same weekend. The other event was bursting at the seams with people, not only attending but participating. Energy moves from demanding, hateful, prejudicial people, it moves towards, love, acceptance, and honor.

Never allow someone to hold you hostage literally or figuratively. Always be strong and ready to be independent. Know your stuff and stand strong. There are an awful lot of stupid, hateful people out there who shout loud and strong. They demand to be heard, but you really don't want to hear what they have to say.

DO the RIGHT things for the RIGHT reasons, and Do unto others....and you will never go wrong!

The energy will always go to the light, make sure that you are always in the light.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission