Friday, March 30, 2012

Psychic attack- you don't need anything special

Going through my email (something you do when you don't feel well I guess). I have a request to talk about psychic attack again. A reader said she was going to take a class on it, should she? Huh? If there is a class on how to do it, run like crazy, if it is a class on how to avoid it, don't waste your money. That is like taking a class on how to pray.

I have written about it before, but here it is again:

Psychic attack is when someone "gets into your head", your thoughts, and emotions.I do have to say "don't take this lightly", not because you are under psychic attack, but that most people that have this happen "out of the blue" (in other words you do not normally get strong intuitive direction or are clairaudient), are MOST times suffering from a brain tumor or schizophrenia. Psychic attack would actually be low on the list of true causes.

That being said, psychic attack is easily , VERY easily warded off. I have given this same instruction to people learning psychic development, or to people who are going to investigate places that are said to be "haunted" ,where the problem may not just be your average garden variety ghost. If you are a person who works and lives in the mundane world, you most likely will never come in contact with this issue .
The idea of someone or something being inside your head/ body, is scary to some people. However when you know how to get them out in a second, or better yet, not allow them in, in the first place, it isn't scary anymore. I have had it happen only one time to me where I currently live, and I tossed the offender out in about 5 seconds. She came back, and out she went again with the door slammed hard, never to return.

Everyone should use this technique, just to protect themselves. When you work in the psychic, healing, or ghost hunting arenas, you should do it, period. It is simple. You stand up, preferably outdoors, with your fingers pointed down to the earth. Close your eyes and keep them closed. Take a deep breath and relax. When you feel you are ready, call in all angels, guides, helpers, God and Goddess. Now this has to be important to you, not just the Universe, it does not care what you call it, so call in Creator, the Universe, doesn't matter. Tell them that you want to cleanse and set up a white light of protection around you. Tell them to drain off any harmful or negative energy and to ground you. You should feel your fingertips tingle, or become heavy as the energy drains into the earth. When that sensation ends (usually after a minute or so). Ask that any repairs that need to be made on your aura are done now. It is also VERY rare for holes or tears to be in auras. Be aware though that people with substance abuse issues MANY times have damaged auras. You will begin to feel positive and energetic. Picture a healing "pink light egg" around your whole body, and ask that it do its' work to ready you for ultimate protection. When you feel warm, comfortable and safe, picture a white light around you. Tell the powers that be that this white light is for protection against evil, negativity and psychic harm, and that it is to remain around you always. Never to diminish or disappear.

Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

You are now protected. There are strange things , like demons, something else you will never come in contact with, that can batter through these defenses if you allow them. People sometimes challenge the negative by saying things like "come and get me", and then you have to repair the light. Once you INVITE something in,all bets are off. Also be aware that if you are an energy worker, you may sometimes need to open that door a bit to get information. Make sure you have a gatekeeper (something you can learn in my psychic development class). Do not abuse drugs or alcohol as it causes the aura (our natural protection against these things) to weaken, tear and form holes.

The average person with a healthy aura has no fear of any type of psychic attack. When you go into dark places, then that is a different story. You need extra protection. Do NOT confuse psychic attack with picking up on other people's negativity. Psychic attack is done on purpose. When you are near a negative person, just picture a wall of white light between you and them, or a white light around yourself and the negative feelings will diminish or end.

Sometimes a psychic attack can be physically felt. It is like an icepick going into your head, a very fine pinpoint. Simply shout into your head the words:"GET OUT", if it is a psychic attack it will stop immediately. Then picture a door closing over the area where the pain was, and a seal going over that door. The person may try to get into another area, do the same thing, but then visualize a mirror around you, and it will bounce back. I generally, for the sake of Karma, don't bounce stuff back to people unless they are persistent, then, no holds barred. I have an arsenal of things I don't ever use, or use rarely, and believe me, it is so tempting sometimes to not whip out the biggest, baddest weapon I have.

We have to trust Karma to take care of problem people to a certain extent. We need to remedy , but not to seek revenge. Karma will do that part. Meanwhile, if they keep sticking ice picks in your head, mirror it back , as it gets annoying and painful.

Again.Please remember that it is extremely rare for people to come under psychic attack. When things seem amiss, and easy energetic remedies do not work, seek medical attention.

Make sure that you are getting help from trained and accredited people (ask to see their certification and degrees), we are out there. There are way too many people doing "metaphysical" work, because they need the money and don't have a clue as to what they are doing. They are coming out of the woodwork these days. Some are simply rip off artists and fakes.Some just read a book or took a class and decided they know enough to teach. Not true by a long shot.

Some people also believe that protecting themselves from psychic attack will not allow psychic readers to read them, not true. These protectors block NEGATIVITY, not information flow. You cannot (and should not) EVER make it impossible for a reader to get in, as the Universe WANTS AND NEEDS us to have that connection, it is a lifeline, and a connection to the Universe, it is not meant to be ever closed off entirely. It wasn't put there for readers per se, but becasue we are all connected, and that is the connection origin. It is a primal part of us and our original connection to the godhead. Anyone who tells you it is OK to shut that off is guaranteeing your spiritual death, and you need to stay far away from people like that. The idea is to keep out the negative and harmful, period, nothing else.We are all connected, and the Universe will always make sure we are connected, that psychic antenna and signal is part of that, those who try to shut it down are not doing the work in the light. Be careful of people that make you fear anything and then want to teach you how not to fear for a few bucks.There is a person out there who is telling people they have beings attached to them, and she can get them off. I just know Karma has a huge smack in the head for people like that.

Make sure you have quality teachers. When you are not sure, ask me, I can refer you, or let you know if I teach that class. There is no monetary bonus in it for me, so I will be honest with you. I also, as you can see by this blog, give away free info to help others.

Don't fear psychic attack, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning...twice!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, March 29, 2012

It is all the same

I am still not feeling well today, and I was going to see if there was an interesting blog to re-post. After reading in this morning's paper that there will not be an annual event (a blessing of the legal system to put it simply), because Catholic members and a bishop did not want to allow people from other faiths to read during the service. Apparently there is usually a Jewish Rabbi and other Christian denominations who participate.

This sort of things pisses me of to say the least. Until we get over the "my way is the only way" attitude in this world, we will have no harmony, and sadly the Church is the worst offender. So that being said, today is a day for a repeat of "It's all the same".


Every belief system tells you to be a good person, to not harm others, and that there is a reward for that behavior. That is it, every major religion in a nutshell. Then we get all tangled up in who said what, when they said it, who's book is THE book, and all that dogma.

There is no "The" book, or religion. Those are man made objects meant to teach you lessons. My English book when I was in school is different from the kid's books today. They both teach English and you don't see anyone stupid enough to get in a fight or war about that, but bring into it a genre that is SUPPOSED to be about peace and love, and we get war.

Who cares who your savior is??? Really? I could care less if you worship Jesus, or Buddha, as long as you are a good person, who does good things; is respectful to yourself, your friends, family and people around you; harms none. It should NEVER matter what a person's belief system is. When you are leading a good life, doing the right things, for the right reasons, God really doesn't give a crap if you go to church or not, or what the name over the door is. You can be Wiccan, Pagan, Buddhist, Taoist, Christian, Jewish...HE DOESN'T CARE! As a matter of fact, there were no churches when people started believing in a higher power, they were thousands of years in the future. There was no Bible, no censure, no anything. Yet these are the exact things that get people's blood boiling.

Some of the WORST people I have ever met in my life have been "church people". You know, the Church Ladies that criticize everything and everyone, all in the name of God. Let me be clear, not everyone that goes to church is a bad person, however, not everyone that goes to church is a good person either. Some people wield church like a battle ax. You aren't a good person if you don't go to church; you are evil if you are a Pagan, Jew, Christian, whatever; you are a bad person if you haven't found God (found him? I didn't know he was lost!).

The Highest Power is in each of us, and we all need to cherish and celebrate that in our own way. Pagans were here before just about anyone else. The church gave them that moniker "pagan" to say they weren't one of the enlightened ones. PULEEZE....first, and they sure have a beautiful nature based religion. Buddhists, Taoists, and many other Eastern religions are the most peaceful bunch of folks. We need to learn about other religions and accept them. Many think Islam is a hateful religion, not true at all. We are unduly influenced by all the crazies who happen to be Islamic (and that seems to be more by geographical accident than choice).The Native Americans have beautiful belief systems, different from the Church, but it still has the same tenets.

People are people, good and bad, their religion does not make them a good person, and their religion does not make them a bad person.


Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2011 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Bad things will with them and move on

Many times I hear the question, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"
There are many reasons. The Universe DOES have a plan first of all. There is also the reason that this is school. School can sometimes be difficult, not always fun, every day all day is not recess.
The Universe does NOT punish! It does TEACH but does NOT PUNISH. When "bad things" happen people ask what they did wrong. Sometimes there are ways that need to be changed and the Universe is teaching you by pushing you along another path. This causes "bad things" to happen. The answer is to look hard and long at the situation and see if there is a better way to handle it.

When bad things happen repetitively, over the same situation, we may need to CHANGE the situation. The Universe is trying to influence you to go off in another direction. Change direction and see what happens. It is always a better turn of events.

Something that is very hard for many is the death or severe illness of a child. They too teach us things in their short lives. It could be compassion, or to live our lives more fully. It could be to bring attention and focus against abuse; it could be to have a parent pick up a banner and run with it. There are laws in this country like Megan's Law (sex offenders must register), and one where trailer homes must have weather radios. The only reason these laws exist is because a child died. The death may not be so far reaching, but have reasons closer to home. Sometimes we will not realize the reason until later on.

We are all sent here to fulfill a purpose in someone's learning process, and to learn ourselves.We are part of that 112 person soul group.  We all have the goal to reach a higher level of human life. Sometimes illness is sent to slow us down and make us pay more attention to ourselves or our families.Sometimes we make ourselves ill. People who are always angry manufacture a chemical that causes cancer, this is a scientific fact.It has also been scientifically shown that our bodies become ill and heal themselves many times before we even know that something is wrong. When we allow the Universe to flow, we have energy, happiness and success.

The Universe and Gaia also know that they are in charge of population control. We cannot all live to a ripe old age. We have a hard enough time to feed, and provide clean water for the world. What if everyone lived a long life? What if there were no wars, or accidents? We would all starve to death and have no clean water. There is a reason for every MAJOR thing that God/Creator/The Universe put on this earth, if he thought it was "bad" and served no purpose, it wouldn't exist.

There is also the yin and yang of the world. The pendulum MUST swing. The good would not be known as "good" unless we had the "bad" to compare it too. Even if all were always good, we would be bored and dissatisfied.

Life is a series of tests. The response we have to each situation is what we are graded on. Do we despair and say "God, how could you do that to me?" , or do we learn from it, move on and prosper? Are we angry every day, repetitively posting to the internet , writing emails, and raging against an issue? There is a limit to complaining. Once it is done too often, no one listens.

Those who fail to learn, come through Earth lives again and again. We all however do many trips to live all aspects. We all get to be male and female, rich and poor, die young, die old....Some souls however take longer to learn the lessons and enjoy what the Bible calls "Heaven".

Our job is to learn and grow, to REALLY help others (that doesn't mean throwing money at a problem or doing something to boost our self esteem). We are here to learn from our mistakes, not try to push off the blame on others. We are here to thrive, and be abundant, not waste and live beyond our means. We are here to inspire others, to help others, and to grow ourselves.

When something "bad" happens, you are not being punished, you are being guided, taught, or used to help another. We all come in a soul group, and all the actions of the people in our soul group effect the others, and are meant to. We form soul groups over many lifetimes, and agree to help (and yes sometimes suffer), to assist in the whole group moving up and on. We are all in a group to give each other the situations we need to have in order to learn our life lessons. There are 111 people counting on you. You may be in their lives for a day, or for decades, but you are there for a reason, good or bad. You are purposefully here to interact in some way, again, good or bad.

Make sure that you do not despair over "bad" things. Trust that the Universe knows exactly what it is doing.The way you process and react to "bad things" is what banishes them from your life, or increases them. When you have nothing but bad things happen to you all the time, it is time to make serious changes.

As a reiki master, I learned to go into a healing with the intention of providing what was for that person's highest good. When they are in pain and ill, their highest good may be to pass. Some may not see that as a healing, but to be on the other side, young and healthy, sure sounds like a healing to me!

Death is not hard for the dying, it is hard on the ones left behind. We don't want to see people go because we know they will be missed. When you think about it, it is selfish, it really is. Yet, we are humans, and cannot help but have that emotion. However, when it comes down to it, death , even of the young, is NOT a punishment, but a reward for completing a job and moving on to the next life.It is a soul that completed their work early on.

There is so much to all of this, and if you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, March 26, 2012

Find your happiness

Colleagues and I often discuss how people sometimes use us as their punching bag. Life is sometimes difficult, but yet the difficulty is always brought on by them, or exacerbated by them. They then need to take it out on someone and frequently we are the "someone". The reason we are "the someone" is that the ones who maybe would listen, ran away eons ago. We are just a phone call away,  so easy to grab a hold of.

That is bad enough. Then yesterday my husband and I were looking at a social networking site while finishing up breakfast. We noticed how there are people that don't use the site for social networking at least not in the traditional sense. They use it to constantly gripe, complain, rant and rave. Society is against their (fill in group here), or they never have a good day (or at least don't ever post about it). They post things that have about 2% truth in them and 98% BS. They always post drama, and never a funny, witty or cute remark.

Life should be a balance. It should be sharing successes and failures. The successes should outweigh the failures. If they don't, you are doing something wrong. Then I thought...why do I allow these people to invade my positive energy everyday with their crap....good question. I feel sorry for them. I generally eventually weed out their misery and hate by blocking them entirely (so they don't see what I wrote either), or blocking their threads so I don't have to read their constant "downers".

I wrote something on my page about "if that is the worse thing that can happen to you", and got an email on how I was lucky to have a perfect job, health and job is FAR from perfect. I have tech issues regularly, but face them and fix them. I talk to many who are outright , clinically insane, hateful, and depressed. I don't get a day off. It isn't easy. But I am doing what I  do, in the hopes that I help people. I know I do help people , so I weed out the hateful as much as possible and move on. Healthwise, I am not perfect either. I take medications , have a couple of lifelong issues, take various meds each day, get mysterious migraines from time to time, and have food allergies (including lactose intolerance which truly drives me nuts, living without pizza and ice cream stinks). However, I do not dwell on any of that. Here is what I dwell on...I have good health, a wonderful husband, great kids, adorable pets, and a decent income. I have a nice roof over my head, and a pretty piece of property that I can play on, relax in, and entertain friends in. Speaking of friends, I know some of THE most awesome people in the world. I do not need drugs to relax, or to make me feel better about myself. I am smart, strong, and wise. I have great kids, and great family, real and extended.

I get to travel to wonderful places and luckily my husband loves them as much as I do. He loves all of it as much as I do. I am still learning things, and comfortable in my own skin. I don't feel I need to be skinnier, younger, smarter, richer, more attractive, more popular, or more anything. If there is anything I want more of, it is jokes, laughter, and witty people.

I have the ability to walk away from people and situations I do not like, and the courage to speak up about it. I am me, and confident in myself and my life. I am willing to work for whatever I want, and I usually succeed.

When people surround themselves with drama, upset, and stormy political issues. They have a drama filled, stormy, upset life, filled with issues. Then they wonder why. When you surround yourself with that type of thing, you are telling the Universe this is what you like, and it delivers!  We all have a sprinkling of the bad in our lives, it is how we handle it that dictates what happens. When we deal with it well, and even resolve it, good things happen. When we sit and complain and moan, we get more to complain and moan about.

I have friends with all kinds of serious health issues. I have friends that think they have serious health issues, but they are quite lucky compared to those who have cancer, fibrosis, and hepatitis. They don't get it, never will. What they will get is sicker, unhappier, and stuck. Heck, they are already stuck.

No one has a pain free life, but when you see someone that you think has a pain free life, they are the ones who have mastered how to get along in this world. They don't deny the pain though, they accept it and deal with it.

What you choose to do with your day is up to you. Choose wisely as it does effect how future days go.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, March 23, 2012

No blog today

I have been on the phone for over 2 hours, constantly doing readings, and have people waiting in line.
That is a good thing, but won't give me the time to write a blog today.

May you all have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Window of opportunity

Sometimes there are opportunities in our readings that just last for a certain amount of time. This happens with jobs, friendships, relationships, trips, and just about any great opportunity you can find. It is the same in your everyday life. Sometimes a store has a sale, or a restaurant a special dish. Sometimes you have to jump on things as there are a limited number of them available.

There is ALWAYS work of some sort attached to manifesting and making things happen. I have said many times that you cant have the top spot job until you have the education, the training, the experience, and then the opportunity.

Prince Charming won't be held in abeyance for 10 months while you get over your ex. The great job won't be held for you for 3 months while you get off your butt to apply. Things are available at certain times. When a reader says "there will be a man coming in in June", you get your butt out and about in June. You don't sit in your living room waiting for him to fall through the roof. If I told a deer hunter a deer would be in those woods , at this time, you can bet that deer hunter would be there in those woods waiting from dusk til dawn, not home in his garage cleaning his gun saying...I wish I had some venison stew.

Get up, get moving. Timelines are clues. They tell you when the movie starts so you can be there to see it, not so you can be asleep and miss it.

Once the window of opportunity closes, then you have to wait for circumstances to be arranged so it can happen again. When this first begins there will be a few opportunities close together. Then after you miss the first 4 or 5 events, the Universe doesn't rush to make things happen for you anymore.

It isn't going to move heaven and earth so you can sit there and have a million excuses why you can't move yourself out the door and take advantage of what it gives you.

 Take advantage of all your opportunities and life will be good. Pass them by too often and they will be few and far between!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Crystals , or really any natural element that is in a form that is solid (like copper), are great items for use in healing, protection , and growth. You can carry them in your pocket, or a small bag.You can wear them as jewelry. You can set them around your home or office. You can place them on a person's body while doing a healing.

Different "stones" have different natural attributes. We know that places built on limestone and quartz tend to have more active hauntings. We know that people who wear them daily, tend to have things more under control, including their health.They are pure and direct channels to the earth energy, and besides, they are beautiful to look at.

I was asked by email yesterday where crystals can be obtained at reasonable prices. The answer is "just about anywhere". They should not be expensive unless they are bigger than your fist. The crystals we buy raw are rarely gem quality (that is why we have them, and not the jewelers), and they work perfectly. The magic isn't in their physical perfection, but in their earth essence.

I have a chunk of selenite that is about 7"x5", and it cost me $5. There are many places to get such bargains from stores owned by rock hounds to gem and mineral shows. There are certain rare stones that will be more expensive, like opal, but generally prices are low enough that you can bring home several treasures.

Stay away from the fancy metaphysical shops. They aren't selling the stone, but the properties. In other words they are trying to sell health, success, and popularity. People will pay anything for these things.These places know it. I have a piece I bought when I was new to the game for $60.00, then found the same quality piece that was larger for $15.00. That wasn't unusual, I know now not to overpay. You can also buy in bead form and make your own jewelry.

Be careful where you buy, but gem and mineral shows are great, you will also learn a lot. The best way to find out what attribute is in which stone, is on the net or through the Crystal Bible by Judy Hall (there are two books, the second is all new crystals not included in the first). Don't try to substitute stones. Sometimes that works, many times it does not. I was helping a friend not too long ago and told her what stone to find. She couldn't find it, and was told another stone would work just as well. It didn't work at all. I got her the right stone (for less money in 2 days) , and all went well after that.

When you get your stone home, clean it (unless it is a stone that is friable),cleanse it (salt water, reiki , prayer) and place it in direct moonlight to charge it up. You can place it in sunlight, but certain stones fade in sunlight (like amethyst). Then hold the stone in your left hand, and tell it what you want it to do. Keep in line with the stone's natural attributes. Let's say that you want some negativity to be absorbed that is around you. Jet (which is actually petrified wood) and obsidian are best. Hold the stone in your hand and tell it to please absorb the negativity from around you to be dispelled back into the earth and transmuted to positive energy. Then keep the piece on you or around you. This works with jewelry also.

There are usually several stones that will do the job. Pick one or pick them all, it is up to you!

Remember to clean and cleanse the stone every now and then, or place a piece of carnelian with it (it will constantly cleanse it),  and a piece of quartz will constantly charge it .Placing these two powerful stones in your jewelry box is a good idea. If you loan out a piece of jewelry, cleanse it as soon as it returns to you. When you have a little bag of crystals, keep these two stones in that bag and it is totally maintenance free.

Do not be afraid to buy stones on the internet, some rare stones may only be able to be obtained that way. There are quality dealers out there like Mama's Minerals. Some people will tell you that you can only get the right stone for you by holding it. Hogwash. That is fine to do and fun to do, but don't you think the Universe in all its' power is capable of getting the right stone to you? Overpriced dealers will have all kinds of excuses to make you think that you must buy "hands on" from them.You do not.

You and the Universe put the power and intent into that stone, and can make it a very powerful thing. It doesn't matter if you bought it hands on, tripped over it, mail ordered it, or found it on EBay. The key is to not overpay. Overpaying for the stone puts a value on it that it does not want nor respond well to. Free stones are the happiest, but there are things like opals that are not just lying around in your back yard.

The funny part is that my daughter found amethyst behind her house, and tons of quartz. I found aquamarine while digging a hole for a tree. It is the size of a grapefruit. My husband seems to be the geode finder of the world (geodes are round stones that contain agate). There is quartz all over the place in and on the ground.

Take a look around and see what you find!

Meanwhile the Crystal Bibles are available for great prices on



Look for local Gem and mineral shows. There will be one within driving distance before you know it! Not to mention that you will get to learn much, see much, spend less, and meet others with the same interest.

Enjoy the bounty of Mother Earth!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Ignorance -Don't judge a Native American by their braids......

A Canadian friend of mine asked me to reprint this. She has it hanging on her wall apparently.  She went to an event this past weekend in the US where some ignorant idiot argued her "Native American background", because, "there aren't any Indians in Canada, they live in the USA".

Ignorance is rampant these days, and when I originally wrote this article it was because a Native friend was told to "prove" she was Native. She told the person, I don't have too, and she was right.The only time you need to do that is when you are selling goods marked "Native American Made", or collecting any Federal Government benefits of some sort. You are what you are. A card doesn't make you anything, what is in your veins and heart does.

Reprinted by request from a Canadian Indian! (You go Girl!)

I was asked over the weekend about Native American ID cards. There are different types, and for different reasons (work, benefits, production of goods). Some people, even some Native Americans, believe that without a federal ID card, you aren't Native American. I think it is pretty obvious that that isn't true at all, and pretty sad that an NA person would say such a thing.

I am all about doing things the right way, respectfully, and correctly. But if I saw what looked like a lily white person , correctly loading a pipe, singing the songs, and correctly performing the whole ceremony, I wouldn't say..."Hey, let me see your card!" I have seen some folks do it incorrectly, and I know they don't have a card, so I wasn't too disappointed, just pissed off. But the CARD isn't the factor here, although some people make it out to be.

The first side of this is that you can obtain an ID card , and it is necessary for some things, such as certain rights given to Native Americans, and to take advantage of certain programs.  It is not necessary to have it to walk around the US and live the way you want to. It is required to prove your ancestry to sell goods marked Native American made or to carry certain feathers.

There is a negative side to this. There are many complaints about being a "Carded Indian". Those complaints come from some Native Americans.

Native Americans are the only people required in this country to prove their bloodline.
 Many Natives think this is unnecessary and discriminatory.

There are groups that are Native American to the core, but cannot possess such cards from the federal government as they were recognized tribes BEFORE the US Government existed. The tribes of my ancestors are examples. We were recognized by the Crown before there was a US, so we are state recognized. It doesn't make us any less "Indian".

Another issue is that the requirements (percentage of blood ancestry needed), are different in different tribes. It is easiest to be a Cherokee ( It is 6.25%), than any other tribe. You can be of another tribe, have a higher percentage of  Native blood in your veins than a "carded" Cherokee, and not be able to get a federal ID card. This isn't putting down the Cherokee, but the system itself.

Most Native Americans living off reservations couldn't give a crap about an ID card. They look at it as an insult. Why do they have to prove they are Native? Why should anyone have to prove their background on a general basis? No one should. The Native Americans are the only ones in this country that sometimes have to prove their ancestry.

It has become a game of who is more Native than whom.The saddest part is that there are Natives attacking Natives of the Federal Government telling them who they are. How pathetic is that!? There are some people that look down on others (which happened to 2 people I know this weekend) just because they don't have long black braids, and their eyes are blue.

So there are Natives who won't have a card, because not enough of their blood is Native for their particular tribe!  It is very difficult to find a 100% Native blood person, unless you live next to (or on), a reservation. There are state recognized Natives who have more Native blood than some Federally recognized Natives. The whole thing is a mess.

So why bother with it......if you need a certain percentage of Native blood for making and selling goods, that is excellent, it keeps things on the up and up, but to have a card just to identify you as Native just for no real reason, is ridiculous and prejudicial. You can get a document from your tribe if you are on the tribal rolls. That makes more sense.

Then there is the one thing that is the REALLY important point here. What is it that you do and how do you do it? Do you honor and respect the NA way, or play at it? There are a couple of white people that I know who honor, respect, and live the NA way a thousand times better than some with NA blood. They are the ones who should have not cards, but gold embossed certificates hanging around their necks, and the disrespectful ones should have their cards shredded. It is what is in your HEART, not in your VEINS that counts when it comes to anything! Your religion, belief system, way of life, where you live.....Not what some government or people tells you that you are allowed to be. Then there are many white people who are an insult to the NA way, playacting , or using their sacred rituals as fun or to make money (James Ray and sweat lodges). These are the people that make Native Americans distrust others who say they are Native but don't look it. They suffer for the actions of people who step over boundaries. There are people calling themselves "elders" who are not elders. Being an old Indian doesn't make you an "Elder", it makes you an old Indian. Elders are consulted by the tribe or nation. They are respected and hold a place in tribal decisions.

My tribal members look like all kinds of things, from Afro American (and have AA blood),blonde hair, red hair, black hair; they have blue , hazel, brown and green eyes. They HONOR their way and actively participate (hundreds of them), in their traditions many times a year. Not all of us look "Indian" , but then many people who don't live in the desert southwest won't fit your description of what an  "Indian" looks like. We watched too many westerns to get our incorrect information on Native Americans. This wonderful woman I know, was questioned by a person who had a card, but LESS Native blood than my friend ( a few folks knew her and provided this information, apparently this is what she does to people). She showed her tribal affiliation and information from the state proving she was a Native American and was told, "Oh sorry I didn't know there were such tribes." A Native American that doesn't know about Natives, challenging a Native American's bloodline just for the heck of it. My friend wasn't selling anything, or doing anything , but wearing her regalia.

Asking a person for their card is rude, crass and ridiculous, the only people who have a right to ask are the government, it is THEIR card, not Native America's.

Be what you are in your heart, but do it RIGHT. Don't PLAY at it, do not degrade or disgrace it, do not go beyond what you are allowed to do, and respect the feelings of the NA community, or any community you are taking part in. When you do that , you are OK. That goes for Native blood or not. And let's not play "I am more Indian than you". That is purely disgusting. It is NOT the Native way.

No matter who or what you are, you do not have to prove yourself to anyone, but you best be doing things the right way, and respectfully, no matter what the group is, Native, Jewish, Buddhist, German, Swedish.......

....and one more thought from a friend who was involved in all of this.....Beware of people with braids, they aren't all Indians.....(In other words, don't judge a book by its' cover).

Be respectful of other people's belief system, but if their way is degrading yours, lessening yours, and insulting yours, correct them. Have the courage to speak up, Creator gave you a tongue, use it....but use it wisely!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, March 19, 2012

Guides for information

I wrote the other day about how some people contact me almost daily for information. This weekend several called more than once a day. This isn't where your head needs to be. Once a quarter is the MAXIMUM you should be consulting a psychic.

When you have a dilemma, before dialing the phone, try to sit and be calm. Try not to think about the issue. Center yourself and be calm. Relax all your muscles and be in a very "zoned out" place. When you feel that you are relaxed and ready, ask (either out loud or in your head), "What should I do?" Then you will hear / know and answer. Don't try to second guess it or change it. Just think about it. NO EXCUSES!

So many people get good , viable answers, and the next thing out of their mouth is an excuse as to why they can't. The excuses are all nonsense. It is not that they can't, but that they "can't be bothered". They want the world to magically get better right now, but don't want to change or do the work. You have to make changes in your life to make your life change. The more diligent and active you are about work and change, the faster and bigger the change will be!

When you go through life never making changes, you cannot make different things happen. Your life will be the same. There may be little changes, but big , life changing events happen to those who make them happen. Like the saying goes "God helps those who help themselves".

You have to act quickly. For example. When there is a partner for you, and you do not make the changes, moves and actions to find them, then guess what? The Universe doesn't have him standing on the corner for the next 4 years while you get your act together. He moves on. He gets his reward out of action. Then another whole set of circumstances needs to be set up for another person. When you don't act, you will miss that one too! After a while, the Universe gets slower and slower sending you opportunities as you don't act on them, so let's send these wonderful partners to people who are ready for them!

All of this information is available through your guides. You won't get a narrative at first, sometimes just an image or word that will be significant and point you int he right direction. You need to take that, honor it , AND ACT ON IT. Getting info from a psychic and not acting on it is a waste of time, energy and money.

You are responsible for your life. When it is unhappy, YOU have the power to make it different. no one else. No one is there to "complete you" only YOU can complete you!

Trust in your higher self, your guide, and keep moving forward!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, March 16, 2012

How much is too much????

There are times when I speak to the same client every day or even several times a day. Just like anything else, psychic help should be dished out in moderation. Guidance is fine, but we are all here to make our own decisions. Especially as we get older. Think about it. As a child you had a million questions each day for the adults around you. Now you don't need to ask things like  "Why is the sky blue?" or "Do Lady Bugs have Daddies?"

Our questions thin and change as we go older and we think, experience, learn and intuit for ourselves. It is OK in times of stress to ask for help, but times of stress shouldn't be every day.

When asked if there is a certain period of time that people should ask for psychic help, the answer is approximately once a quarter. Now, new upsets and issues may happen in the meantime, but every time life hands us an issue we shouldn't be running to a psychic to tell us what is going to happen. The answer really is, what you make happen. There are very few things in life that are cast in stone. Many more are totally in your control.

You also frequently have to ACT on the information. For instance, say a psychic tells you that you will find a job. That means that you have to look, apply, be persistent. You may get clues individual owns the business; it is a helping business; you need to contact a service; headhunter; you need to look in another state.....but then you need to ACT on those clues. Not sit around and wonder why the job never comes.

When I asked a medium once how ofter they see clients, if it is the same, they said no, it is more like once. I said "once?" The answer is yes, once to see that they (those who passed), are OK and see if there is anything that they feel the need to pass on to you. Something left unsaid, or a mystery being solved.  That made sense. I asked if would they do more, they said only if the dead knocked on their door and asked for a message to be passed. They went on to say that the dead are in their rest time. Their relaxing, no pain, time. They are not there to worry about your issues and to solve them for you. They aren't psychic just because they died. They can see some things going on that you cannot, yes, because they can be everywhere at once. It is their time, their reward, not time to continue to solve your issues. That made sense to me. We go on to our eternal rest, not our back to advising the family and friends from the other side, where it actually takes more energy and is harder to do.

Please use psychics and mediums as you would use any help or assistance. Do not allow them to be a crutch, and most certainly do not call them every day.You are responsible for your happiness, your decisions, and your growth. Just you.

This is school, and you are here to learn, make decisions, make growth happen, and move forward.Not to have someone else tell you what to do all your life. It is OK to see the school counselor (but doing that via your guide/Higher conscience is the preferred way) , but you can't spend all day and night in the counselor's office. You have to attend class, and take your own tests.

Live life.
Learn and grow!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) 2012 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, March 15, 2012


Yesterday's blog was about guides, so today we will go to the guide's "boss", the angel. They are not the pretty , fluffy, winged creatures you imagine them to be. They are the most powerful thing ever next to the Supreme Being.

I wrote this blog 2 years ago, and it pretty much says it all, so I am reprinting it for all those who want to know all about the angels....

It took me a while to realize what these large, powerful, serious, beings were. They, of course, do not call themselves "angels", and they don't have wings. Man put wings on them in the Biblical style art because they needed to make the trip from Heaven to Earth. How else would that have been possible without wings? Well today we know that we have the ability to travel in the same way. Maybe not always on demand, or with ease, but we can. We know we don't need wings.We know the Supreme Being is everywhere , but we never depict him with wings...they are not needed, so why angels with wings...artistic license.

I know that others who have developed these psychic abilities, or frequently work with the dead, have seen these beings we call "angels", and have seen them in the same "physical shape". They are quite large. I would estimate them at anywhere from 8 to 10 feet tall. They look very humanoid, but resemble manikins more than humans. They are too smooth, too perfect. They always have a very serious look on their faces, and radiate light all around them. I have only ever seen ones with lighter hair, skin, and eyes. They have piercing eyes, and carry a great sense of power with them. To be honest, they are intimidating. Take a look at a Rider Waite "Temperance" card , and take away the wings, and you have a pretty good picture of what an angel looks like.

You may remember that I told you guides are like "advisers". Well, angels are like the Dean of the college. They are there to make sure you get your learning done. They are there to make sure you complete all you have to do. They are very single, logically minded (sort of like Spock on Star Trek). Nice, positive, but very "by the book". They take their job very seriously. They don't abuse their power, or make things happen, just because they think it is a good idea, or even just because you asked. They do it simply because it is the right thing to do. They take "do the right thing for the right reason" to the extreme.

They may somehow, magically pull you out of a burning wreck, or a sinking boat, and that is our romantic vision of them. The guardian angel, but they do not wait around for you to get into a disaster. They do need to get your butt back on firm ground to complete your studies. It isn't all out compassion, it is their job, given to them by the Divine (whatever term you use for that Highest Power), and they are going to make sure it gets done. We humans with our free will, must drive them crazy.They are actually most active around those who are getting ready to pass to the other side.

They are protectors in a way, they do keep evil away, and have no tolerance for it at all. They are all powerful against it. They are also part of what holds the space when someone is dying to prevent unwanted energy from getting near the soon to be freed soul that has completed its' learning on this earth.

They stand in corners of a room, away from things. Walking through them can feel unpleasant, and they seem to know that so they stay out of normal "paths". They are always off to the side. It is not that they are "bad" that makes you feel strange passing close to them or through them, but they are very powerful and it can set you back on your heels. They give goosebumps, dizziness, and disorientation to those who pass too close. Just like EMF (electromagnetic fields) can make you feel sick, scared, or like someone is watching you, angels do the same type of thing. They are a HUGE source of power and energy.

They are the taskmasters in your learning process and work with the guides. They are sort of like a guide supervisor, and don't let them get too lenient with you. They will never desert you, but will stand back at times hoping that you "learn your lesson". They are very serious and single minded.

All that being said, if you are in a serious situation, call on them...I only call on them when I am in a situation where there is negative energy, never for anything else. It is sort of like this, if you have a rip in a new pair of pants you bought, you go back to the store and exchange them, you don't go to the main office of the manufacturer and march into the President's office and demand a new pair of pants.

There are angels for everything, sort of like saints or kachinas. Everyone has a job. You don't need to know names, just say "any angels who help with "_____" I need your help. Again, don't call on them for a stubbed toe. Call on yourself, your doctor, a reiki therapist....but not an angel.

It is funny what "man" has depicted angels as, and what that has perpetuated in society, but they are nothing like it. I do have to say that many angel pictures, you won't see them smiling, so maybe they got something right.....

So if a VERY large, light being who exudes "power" stand in your corner, head way up past the ceiling....say "hello angel". Once I realized what these beings were, I understood why some people who die may not completely cross over. Imagine dying and being greeted by a 10 foot tall, serious, unsmiling, silent could scare the daylights out of just about anyone... I wonder how many have turned tail and ran at the sight of one of these magnificent beings!

Many times we see , in the energetic area, and in real life, what we expect to see. I am sure that those who were meditating or praying to see angels, see smiling, beautiful beings....but they are beautiful in the way something large and powerful is beautiful, like the Hoover Dam. Another tidbit, I have yet to see what I would term a "female" angel, they all seem to be male, but that said, I believe they are androgynous. They have no reason to be otherwise. They don't procreate, and were all directly created by the Godhead.  The size of them may be what makes us think "male". However, not one that I have seen had anything I would attribute to femininity.

So, if you really want to see an angel, give it a shot, but be prepared for a very large, serious , powerful being, not a pretty lady with wings, playing a harp!

There is a book of angels that tells you what each one has for a "job", but we all also have one that their only job is to watch over us, and make sure we make it through life, and our lessons we have promised to learn this Earthwalk.

The best thing to do with angels, is leave them alone, and let them do their job, unless you are face to face with evil, yucky stuff....and the chance of that happening is very rare. They are watching, they never take their eyes off of you for a moment. They never slack off, or even blink. So there really is no need to call.

Nice to know someone always has your back!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


The subject of guides has come up a few times in the past couple of weeks, so let's go over who, or what they are.

 Communication with guides usually happens without us knowing it. Sometimes we may say it is our conscious guiding us. Sometimes we ask for an answer to a problem and wake up with it the next morning. This is part of our guides at work. They also try to get us to have faith, but realistic expectations. They advise us , cheer us on, try to cheer us up, and protect us.

Our guides hear (and see) us quite clearly, it is just a matter of remembering to contact them, and having faith in our guides to be there. We need to tell them what our questions are. We need to ask for guidance, inspiration, and understanding.

Start by just asking out loud. Just state clearly what you want to know. Guides are not there to grant magical wishes, or give you the winning lottery numbers. They are there to help keep you on your path, they are like the advisers that you had in school. They are there to try to make it all a little bit more clear. They are there to help you find the answers.

Good guide questions are things like "Why am I not finding the right job?"; "What path should I follow for a career?"; "What can I do to help make this project better?";"Why do I keep failing at this?",  or any metaphysical question.

Then you need to look for the answers. They can be sent in songs on the radio, stories told to you by others, news stories,dreams,  a life situation being acted out in front of you. Repetitive circumstances are messages, especially when they are unusual. Look for the link, if you can't see it, ask someone you trust.

Ask for signs that you are right. Say something like "You want me to take a career in the health field, right? If I am correct , please show me deer in my yard three days this week.". Three is a good number for making sure that something is really there. Also pick things that are not too unusual (three rhinos in the yard won't work unless you live in Africa), or too commonplace (like , "let me see a bird today"). You may want to put some thought into your validation before asking your questions. Change the validation request from time to time. This is obviously a way of life for people who are very honest with themselves. They don't seen signs in everything that happens, yet they understand when a message is being sent. This won't work for skeptics or bliss ninnies (another good reason not to be one). You will fool yourself either to seeing signs where they don't exist, or not seeing what is put in front of you becasue you don't want to believe.

One way is to sit quietly and ask for your guides to come. You may need to so this several times, as they want to see that you are dedicated and serious. Once a being comes, ask their name. Ask three times, when something will not give its' name, tell it to go away, and that you banish it from ever coming around you again. Guides will never refuse to give a name. Make sure the name is the same all three times. Guides may have strange names, they may be in another language, like Native American names, or ancient Greek names. You can then say, I cannot pronounce that or remember it well, can I call you "----". Your guide will always say "yes". I do a guided meditation for meeting guides and other helpers, and it works wonders, sometimes you may need a hand with someone to facilitate that meeting for you.

Some people ask who their guide is, that is not up to me. I can pass on messages I get from your guide, but it is not my job to talk to them, it is your job. They will pass messages, short and sweet when you need to know something, but if you connect with them, they will contact you frequently, and certainly whenever you need them.

Matt and I met his main guide when I was doing Reiki on him. I saw the guide and told him about the person I saw and his name. Matt turned white, a "man" with that name had "introduced" himself a few weeks ago, looking the same as described, and Matt told him to go away, as he didn't know he was a guide, and the guide surprised him. So, energetic work sometimes brings in guides.

The other avenue is one I have discussed before, dreams. Your brain goes into another state of brainwaves making connection easier. That also goes for deceased loved ones, or receiving psychic information.

A psychic or a medium may be able to get you in touch with your guides, however, the best way is to do it yourself. They want to see you try, to see that you are willing to put the energy into it, and that you are willing to form a personal bond. When you have tried and were not able to connect, it is OK, but don't automatically take the easy way out. I have had other people's guides say , tell them I am always here, but not my name. I think having a psychic or medium find your guide for you is like buying a mail order do the work, and if you just can't after trying and trying, get someone to help you, but try all the methods above first.

The whole idea is to be able to speak to your guide right away any time you need help, not to spend time and money on psychics or mediums. The guides have that information for you, and are willing to help.

The guide connection usually takes months when you are just learning. It usually comes in little bits and pieces, but sometimes it is easy, visual, and auditory. Guides sometimes appear in the craziest outfits, it is what your interpretation of a guide will be, sometimes they are dressed as you like to see people dress. Maybe a ballgown, a tux, a doctor's lab coat, or a monk's robes. The most common is robes. You can ask them to appear dressed as they did in life and see a multitude of "costumes" ( they lived many lives). They appear generally as you expect them to appear (just like the law of attraction, we have the kind of day we EXPECT to have).

So start with talking out loud. Give it time, and be serious about it. The more dedicated and serious you are, the faster you will get messages.

Peshaui Wequashimese


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Misinformation- Keep it!

I am all about learning, checking things out, investigating, and knowledge. There are lots of things that float around the information superhighway that are just plain garbage.

Over the past 4 days I have received 6 email that were flat out crap, from fairy tales to scare tactics, to "pass this on or you will have bad luck". Things people could have easily spotted as junk, or have taken 2 minutes to check out and find out it is false. This stuff makes me nuts. If you send me anything that is pure internet junk mail, I will send it back with the link to Snopes or for you. I'll do the work for you, but I trust you to then email every one back and say "ooops, my bad!", the story was a hoax!

I have written about hoaxes, and scare tactics so many times, I would think people would know why it is energetic suicide to pass that crap on, so I won't reiterate, but please check things out BEFORE you pass them on. That means looking to see if they are false, not looking to see if other gullible people think it is true.

I can tell you that Hershey's has not moved to Mexico, there are no robbers walking around with babies to use as bait, and if you don't pass that email on...nothing will happen. Mr Rogers was not in the Special Forces, and Captain Kangaroo was not at Iwo Jima. Facebook doesn't want your social security number.

The biggest (latest) scam is that Obamacare will require people to be implanted with microchips. Seriously people. WAKE up!!!

People make this stuff up to see how well it gets circulated. And you are the Candid Camera victim.

The other thing that popped up again the other day was that "squaw" is a derogatory word. Well, my tribe was the authenticator of that word. It never was a bad word to them. They also came up with moose, skunk, succotash, papoose, wampum, and pow wow (pauwu). People (French), started to say it meant something else entirely, and others ( especially Natives) , believed it. They didn't speak Algonquin and were told it was a bad word, so they believed it. There is a movement today to get the word recognized as what it really is and means.

Why do people want to create and perpetuate untruths? Sometimes is is malicious, but most times they just don't know and don't check.Why we want all this drama in our lives is beyond me.
We pass along "warnings" about how people are out to do us harm, and say we do so in the name of protecting people. Why not check it out first instead of creating a society of people who walk around suspicious and scared all of the time of untruths? Why upset people for no reason? Need the attention? Get a dog.

People pass around stories of missing children who aren't missing. There was one going around about a child who shot themselves with a nail gun (which by the way, is impossible), and needed prayers. It goes around every few years. It started over 5 years ago. People like to see how gullible you can be, and laugh at you all the way to their next computer scam.

Don't pass anything negative around at all. EVER! If you can't take the time to check it out the right way, DON'T PASS IT ON. The worst is of course politics, the second worse, scare tactics about crimes. Don't be part of the negative energy creation that most people try to escape. Don't spread misinformation.

If spreading that crap makes you feel better. You have a problem. When you feel good if you put down someone else (even if they are a political figure), spread around tragedy, spread around need help. Seriously.

Only spread the truth AFTER you check it out carefully, even if it seems like good stuff, like Mr Rodgers was a Green Beret...

Do the right thing FOR THE RIGHT REASON!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Mercury retrograde...fact or SFP

Mercury retrograde is one of those things that astrologers feel very strongly about. I am not an astrologer, nor do I want to be one. My Mother was one and very good at what she did, but she did things from a long ranger perspective, natal charts and the like.

I had not heard of Mercury retrograde until a few years ago, and to be honest there are times when I wonder if the world has gone crazy. People act all weird and say the strangest things. Astrologers say "Mercury retrograde!". Then I noticed something. When they sneak up on me (and they do, as I am not one to follow astrological events), they blow past without me noticing. I realized that much of the "power" of Mercury retrograde was me looking for mix ups. We always find what we look for. Always. We don't find truth, unless we are really neutral observers, and few are rarely that, when they have a stake in things (like their beliefs being proven true or false).

There are people that get so drastic as not signing papers during retrograde, which is totally unnecessary (just read them several times and have someone check them...but you should be doing that ANYWAY). 

So I did a little experiment. I kept track of the number of times there was a miscommunication issue with clients and people in their lives and successful communication. Guess what? There was no difference between Mercury Retrograde dates and non retrograde dates. I watched for schedule changes and electronic breakdowns too, still no discernible difference.

We are simply looking for and making the old "retrograde excuse" for things during retrograde time. I noticed that people who didn't have a clue about MR had no issues during that time, they didn't know they were supposed to be having issues, so they did not!

So I can't say that MR is a real factor in lives. If MR does effect us , the effect is so small that it is impossible to discern from normal life going haywire here and there. People who stay positive and really live and choose their days each day, never have a MR issue. Those that give up control to the stars do. I guess we as humans are energetically more powerful than the stars (thank goodness).

To me astrology is a lot like tarot. It gives us ideas of the path we are most likely to take. Yet, we can make a conscious choice (ah FREE WILL), and NOT take that path. It works not only well, but very easily.

We are currently in MR, it starts today, and I will be keeping track again to see if the results of the past two retrogrades hold true (that being that they really do not change things at all). Keep in mind the solar flares that have been effecting electronics and will continue to do so, don't chalk cell phone, radio, computer issues  up to MR. Chalk it up to the real culprit, solar flares.

Make sure that you never become a victim of any negative self Fulfilling Prophecy!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Beware the self fulfilling prophecy

One of the things we learned about in psychology class way back when, was self fulfilling prophecy. The metaphysical world puts a different label on it, although they probably don't think of it that way, but it is called manifesting. What we will begin to see in 2012 is more and more of a meld between what we used to term fact and supernatural. The metaphysical is becoming more and more scientific. We can now measure things we didn't even admit existed a couple of decades ago. We have accepted things into our lives that many would have denied years ago. We have TV shows, books, and even classes on the metaphysical.  There are even several accredited institutions where you can get a degree in metaphysics, and even more in parapsychology than back in the day.

What self fulfilling prophecy is :

"The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false  definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour (sp) which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning."

People sometimes consciously alter their behavior because they have to "make it true", and sometimes unconsciously do so. We see small examples of it all the time. The people who go to haunted houses, have something totally UNsupernatural happen and call it a ghost; people who walk around saying how fat they are, slowly gaining weight until they are obese; people who read their horoscope every day and find that it matches their day exactly, even if they have to "make it match"; people who have terrible things happen to them every Friday the 13th; people who say they will never find a partner, are all alone for years. It isn't a fact of nature, it is a circumstance they are creating.They make it very difficult for those of us who study, believe and use metaphysics daily, as people see them in their extremes, pronounce them "crazy", and then label all of us as a bunch of nuts. They harm metaphysics in their enthusiasm. Anyone who is in a metaphysical field needs some skepticism in their being in order to create a healthy life.

The problem with metaphysics today is that we have gone from a nation of NONbelievers to a nation of people that will believe ANYTHING that is told to them. Take the Mayan prediction of 2012, and the world ending. First of all the Mayans never said the world was ending, second of all, it is a minor mark that was read, made on an obscure temple. More of a footnote than a warning.  We have built it up to the level of people hording food and ammo, just like 1999.

Why is it that only believers see Bigfoot? Why is it that astrologers suffer more from planetary alignments than non astrologers? Why is it that people who really believe wholeheartedly have things come to pass? The answer in the old days " self fulfilling prophecy", today...manifesting. What happens to us is what we BELIEVE will happen to us. (Read past blogs for more on that, but make sure you don't get into the loop of SFP.)

There are people walking this earth that won't step outside the door without consulting an astrologer, psychic or numerologist. There is fact to these things, but not everything is a sign.  Your whole day is NOT predetermined. YOU are in control of your day. There are certain major life events that are predestined to happen to you, but your actions and inactions, due to free will, change those much of the time. Your life is NOT cast in stone, so there is no magic to tell you every day what your day will be like. Not every day is a major day in your life, and not every day is a day that you need to know from start to finish before you live it. As a matter of fact, if you cannot let go and LIVE, you are slowing yourself down for a lifetime of relearning everything. These genres are for insight, not a map for each step you need to take during the day. People need to make decisions, and the LAST thing anyone should be doing is living and reacting out of fear. People fear living their life without someone, or something to tell them how to do it each day. They have a serious issue.

People have taken good things and overdo them. They live not by their God conscious (intuition), but by some other human's words, the stars, or signs. It isn't the way to be. When the Universe wants to get a message to you, it will. For those of you who believe in messages, consider this one. Live your life, and don't spend every day with your head in the clouds and you nose in the horoscope column of your favorite newspaper....because you have become a SFP. I make my living advising people on what to do , so I know what I am talking about. You should not consult ANYONE every day on how to live your life, or what to expect. Part of your life lessons is seeing how you react to the unexpected. Skipping class every day will get you nowhere. Trust your intuition and use consultants to help make decisions, not to tell you what to do!

Don't live a chiche' , live a life so you don't have to do it all over again.

Live in reality, live in moderation.

Sometimes three deer standing on your porch are just three deer staying out of the rain.

Be realistic, be reasonable, and remember the yin and the yang.EVERYTHING in moderation.

Be free from anything that holds you in fear.

Peshaui Wequashimese

Someone has asked the other day what I do and my education. I have a BA from Montclair State, and PhD from IMM studying under Dr Masters. I am an ordained minister, and have been doing readings for over 40 years. I have been psychic all of my life and have studied under several psychics and mediums. I also have taken many classes and courses including a Parapsychology Correspondence course way back in the 70's, while still a teen. I was in several college level courses while still in high school in psychology and parapsychology (Stamford and William Patterson College) I graduated 10th in my class of 498 students. I continue my education to this day including a reiki aster program , in person, not on line or from a book. I have a healthy dose of skepticism...and use it daily.

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf , may not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Ultimatums are meant to be carried out. They are not a tool that should ever be used, as they are bad enough as they are, but when people use them as weapons without ever meaning to carry out the threat, that is beyond evil. When you simply speak them and do not carry them out, they are at the very least "game playing", but to me, they are pure manipulation. They are cruel posturing that is childish and results in only ill will at the very least.

I have several clients who thought it was somehow a good idea to tell the person they were involved with, to "never speak to them again", or some similar threat. The most serious "if you show up here, I will do this..." resulted in an arrest.None of them got their way, as a matter of fact, they all got dumped.

You CANNOT threaten a person with bodily harm or harm to their property, no matter how much you don't like them. It is illegal.

Giving someone an ultimatum if you truly mean it, is up to you, but you must be ready to suffer the consequences. In every example yesterday the person who was given the ultimatum did what they wanted to do, and were fine with the "never speak to me again" part.  Now the people who gave the ultimatums want to know when they will be contacted by the people they told to "never speak to me again". Really? Seriously? Guess what! The ultimatum worked!

I don't know what planet everyone is living on where they think it is OK to control others through threats, innuendo and ultimatums. It isn't OK.People tend to run off at the mouth way more than is good for them. When you walk around spouting garbage and hate, it comes back to you in the end. ALWAYS.  If anyone ever tries that with me they are going to find themselves on a very sorry end of their words.

You can't threaten a person , ever, and you certainly can't threaten and then want to take it all back because the threat did not work to control the person. You aren't here to control anyone but yourself. Period.

Game playing in relationships never works. People either realize it right away and refuse to be manipulated; find out later and hate you; you have to play the game all your life to keep things from going sideways. It never has a happy ending. Never.

Some people will tell you to play "hard to get", that only works with certain relationships and personalities. When your partner is slow moving forward as they have been hurt, cheated on, and abused, "playing hard to get" will just get you left behind as you make them feel unsure and insecure.

Make it easy on yourself and others. Don't play games.

Outside of the relationship arena....don't threaten, don't try to impose your will on others, don't hate, don't put yourself above others, and don't give ultimatums! When someone gives you an ultimatum, tell them to have a nice life.

Do unto others......

Do the right things for the RIGHT REASONS!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Being positive

Every person who called yesterday had the same basic issue. They were unhappy , they wanted other people to change,  so their lives could be better. First of all, you cannot change others, you can only change yourself. This just isn't going to happen. So what is Plan B?

 There is a way to achieve whatever you want to. It is called "being positive". Yet, that really isn't all there is to it. It is believing that being positive will change things for the better. What happens in your life isn't necessarily what you try to manifest. People try to manifest all kinds of things, fail, and say "Manifesting doesn't work". It works. Perfectly. It just does exactly what you believe it will do, not what you verbally tell it to do.

There have been times when I have seen people who are in huge holes of unhappiness in their lives dig out of it simply by finding the manifesting tool, and using it properly, well, and correctly . They truly believe this new tool will work, they have no excuses, and they achieve great success.

I have seen so many people fail because they have an excuse for not giving it their all. A million excuses actually. They want perfection that is not possible in this natural world, and don't achieve it. After all , you can't have a green pony. They also want something they are so picky about that the Universe has to move mountains to get it to them. This takes a lot of time. They want it now, so they give up and declare manifesting to be a thing that doesn't work.

You get exactly what you believe that you will get, when you believe that you will get it. If you say out loud every day "I will get a promotion", and then say in your head a hundred times...I won't get it, they always put people in that position with a degree, they never take anyone from my department into that position, I won't get the promotion, my boss doesn't like me.....

Which do you think will happen? DO they get the promotion or not? NOT!
They "Manifest" something all the while giving a hundred excuses why they won't get it. They are right, they won't get it.

Manifesting requires:

An obtainable goal in a reasonable amount of time. Be realistic.

A goal that does not go against the rules of nature

A goal that does not harm another

Availability of that goal (if you and a starving mother of three are going for the job, the starving mother may just get it because she truly needs it more).

Remember , others are manifesting for the same thing, you have to work harder even at the manifesting.

A positive attitude.No excuses.

A belief it will happen.

Work towards the goal


Not being too picky where the Universe has to bring you the one and only of its' kind, and needs to move mountains for 10 years to do so.

The Universe will not perform magic tricks to drop George Clooney in a Mercedes into your driveway with a trunk load of cash . It just is NOT going to you really cannot manifest "anything". There are rules, and they are pretty much listed above. You also have to be ready to receive your gifts. Let's say you are manifesting Prince Charming, and you are a mess. You are an unhappy , broke, miserable person who doesn't have one nice thing to say to people. Do you really think you get Prince Charming? Really? No, you don't . You need to be Princess Charming first. Get the bills paid, be happy in your life, and then you will be ready. The Universe doesn't punish, it isn't going to drop the perfect man into the arms of the perfect mess.

Manifesting is work despite what some New Age Gurus will have you believe. The people who don't think it is work , fail. The people who do all the prep work, believe, and work towards the goal, always achieve it.

The main thing to remember in this life is to be positive. It will bring better things to every aspect, automatically, every day. This is something that you have to do all the time, no excuses. People ask "What if I had a bad day?" Especially if you had a bad day! You choose how to react to your day. Having a pity party for yourself just makes your energy that of a person who fails a lot and needs to be pitied. Is that what you want your energy to be? I have bad moments sometimes, but I can't tell you the last time I had a bad day. I choose not to have them, and I don't. The energy I bring around me keeps the good flowing in.

Every time things start to go sideways, don't bitch , complain, gripe, cry, yell, point the finger, scream....none of that is allowed. When you do that, you show the Universe you don't have the belief, the strength, the ability to accept and see the positive. When you are in an unhappy relationship, home, job,  situation. LEAVE. I know it isn't easy,who said it was ???? Sometimes it takes time and planning, but DO IT. Don't plan to leave for 5 years and still be stuck and miserable.Plan and carry out the plan!

Talking to 30 people a day who want to do nothing but complain about others, and wonder why their lives are miserable, is a good excuse for me to say "life sucks, I don't want to listen to that crap all day". But I do.  I do it in the hopes that ONE person will get it. Just one, and then I will work on two. Some days I have to take a break and do something else so I don't scream, and then after the break, I am back at it. When I have clients turn their lives around, it makes me so happy. I am thrilled, all of it is not a waste of time and energy. I make all my days positive, can you?

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Adventure...haunted houses.

I am getting the opportunity next month to go to a classic haunted house. It is a little farm house in Iowa where an ax murderer killed a family. The Villisca Ax Murder House.

What is nice about this trip is that this is a place that is genuinely haunted, has no hype or games going on, and where we will be left to investigate without anyone trying to influence our experiences. It is a classic in the sense that the people involved are still said to be there, at least most of them. It has all the makings of a great 50's B movie. A family goes to church, brings home some neighbor children to spend the night, and they are all killed while sleeping in their an ax murderer.  People think they know who did it, and someone even confessed, yet no one was ever formally charged.

The house has been on TV shows, and isn't for those who don't like creepy feeling places, but that is fine with me. I don't mind the drive (you all know Matt and I tend to drive 12 hours stretches just for fun), and it is a chance to really see an "icon" up close. I have been to "icons" before, but this will most likely be the smallest with the most punch. Brave people I know have gone there and were unable to get themselves to enter the attic. I promise...we are going into the attic!

There are so many haunted locations that you can rent out these days. It is easy to spend the night in a haunted location, and many do. Just make sure that you leave your bags packed in case you want to make a hasty retreat!!

Just a reminder, if you want to get into paranormal investigating,do it with people who have expertise and DO NOT use your own home as a lab. It needs to be your sanctuary. Those of us who work in the metaphysical field spend time protecting and cleansing our homes so we can sleep at night. There is absolutely no reason to invite it all in. 

The first ghost walk of the year is March 31, if you are interested, let me know. It is a good way to get your "feet wet".

Happy haunting!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The "look at me" weekend.

This weekend was full of people that wanted attention. I think it is sad that people have to try so hard to get people to talk to them, or include them. I think it is disgusting that some people do things or say negative things about what they are doing or are going to do , to call attention to themselves. They disguise it as doing the right thing or being in ceremony when all they are doing is being hateful and all they are being "in" , is their own ego.

I had several people over the weekend come to me and tell me what they were going to do, all things they have no business doing. All of it was for attention or they were just being hateful (guess they didn't read Friday's blog). The maliciousness out there is ridiculous. So many people make veiled threats to others, but not to the person they are threatening. Why is that? Simple, posturing, wanting attention, and flat out being a jerk.

There are so many unhappy, jealous, lonely people out there who want attention and will do negative things to get it. Do they think that works out well? It doesn't.

I have said it a million times and I will say it again...when you have a problem with someone, speak to them about it. No one else. Don't wish revenge on an ex. Don't appoint yourself supreme high ruler of the Universe (or anything for that matter), and make decisions or take matters into your own hands. Do not talk ill to others, about others,  as I guarantee it will get back to the person you are maligning. You will have a ton of explaining to do. Have a problem with the way something is done? Discuss it with the person in charge, don't mouth off about what you are going to do about it.

When you are not involved in a project or event, then keep your opinion out of the mix.

There are so many hateful people out there who flap gums just to seem powerful. Remember one word, Karma. I grew up in a bad neighborhood . There aren't many people who scare me. I think the mixture of a couple of warrior tribes and an Irish temper also makes for me easily taking people who attack me in any way by the scruff of the neck. Sometimes literally. Yet, I don't threaten nor wish ill will on anyone. I don't like them, I walk away. I put them in the basement. They speak to me, I am cordial, but I do not pretend to be their friend. It is easy. very easy. It doesn't get you as much attention as being a jerk and spouting off to everyone what you are going to do, but it is much more effective.

Be honest and up front with people. Speak your truth and allow them to speak theirs, if you can't come to terms, walk away from each other. Go down your own separate paths. Keep your issue amongst yourselves. Don't wish ill will on the person nor try to cause them harm. Karma comes back threefold.

We are supposed to be moving toward a better place. We are supposed to be moving toward taking the "me me me" out of things. Too bad there are many out there who just don't get it yet.

Focus on how what YOU say and do effects others.
Worry about cleaning YOUR life up before worrying what someone else is doing.
Worry about your actions day to day, not just where you feel the spotlight is on you.

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Variety, don't overdo, and spread yourself around a little.

The old saying is that variety is the spice of life. It is that and more. When we get ourselves stuck doing the same thing weekly, or worse yet daily, we get stuck in a deeper and deeper hole. Rut isn't even the right word. Groove is what it starts out as, rut is what it becomes, and hole is what it eventually is.

There is nothing that we should do in excess everyday, ever. Should we in moderation? Yes,of course. I mean you do have to eat and drink, but when people go to extremes, it is an issue. The other part of that is that people become addicted. They MUST do whatever the activity is , or they feel guilty, bad, unhappy. When you reach that stage, you are in trouble.Seriously. The next step is OCD.

I know many people who have professionally danced their way into surgery (it is especially hard on the knees), people who have played tennis to the point where they also needed surgery, several weight lifters with stomach, knee and shoulder issues (not to mention that for a while there the muscles were so big they couldn't scratch their own back), runners galore with knee, ankle, and even heart issues (YES heart issues), and climbers that had more sprains and broken limbs that anyone I have ever met. Then we go to the unhealthy side. The drinkers, drug addicts, gamblers, sex addicts, hoarders, and other spenders.

If you NEED to do it, do it every day, and feel bad when you don't, you have a serious problem. It isn't healthy, none of it, from daily hours of tennis to overspending on QVC, not when it reaches the previous criteria. Drug addicts and alcoholics always look 20 years older than they are. They wear away their lives second by second. Even health things are unhealthy in excess.

One friend said she could be an athlete and did a variety of things. I told her to take it easy. She was rail thin and could go all day. She ended up in a hospital in Las Vegas malnourished , with heart issues, and shin, knee and ankle issues. She had to stop. She was on her back for weeks. It made her miserable, but it cured her of her excessive behavior. All at the ripe age of 36.

Athletes have more than a "no pain, no gain" mentality. They have special diets high in calories and protein. They drink more fluids, and not just water, then you or I will even imagine. They also get taken care of by people who know how to attend to tight , sore, swollen muscles and other physical ailments before they become serious.

Does this mean don't climb, don't have a couple of glasses of wine with dinner? Of course not. Just remember the yin yang. The Universal balance. When you go too far out of it, on the bad side OR the good side, you disrupt the energy around you and make it so that you are not only out of balance literally, but energetically also. We need the two sides to be balanced. There is good in the bad, and bad in the good, and when we realize that, we are able to bring health, success, happiness to us without spending 6 hours in the gym and our life savings on drugs.

The key is to get out of that rut and be rounded, circuit training for the soul (and I suppose the body is part of that too!). It is making yourself do different things, not getting stuck, learning and growing, not becoming stagnant. It is about taking on new challenges not the same , safe,  old ones over and over. It is about stopping and looking around and seeing who needs a hard, information, or encouragement, not just focusing on some goal with tunnel vision.

It is about taking on new things, so you learn, grow and prosper, not staying with the old so that you get stuck in that hole or miss opportunities to find a new passion. People tend to not do new things as they get older. Why? It is the perfect time to learn. Your energy will increase, your knowledge will increase, your social circle will increase. You will find paths that lead to even new places. Variety.

You will become stronger in other areas of your body, mind and spirit. Most of all, you will have fun. Things won't be a chore, something you always did, something that if you mis sout will make you feel bad or guilty.

I have a few friends who had to pay a doctor's visit or hospital stay this week. Three were from "overdoing it" in some way, and only one from an illness she could not have prevented. Is it worth three people in medical care??? No. None of it.

Before you get stuck, branch out. When you are already stuck, wean yourself off, and if you seriously cannot, you have a serious problem with deeper issues. Be part of the Universe and its' energy flow in balance. Be in balance. Never act out of fear. People take drugs to hide from life, they exercise to hide or "insure" they won't die young (that doesn't work even, ask any parent of a child who died in High school sports practice), people drink to self medicate....all bad reasons. Nothing even done out of fear is done for a good reason.

Trust in the Universe, be well rounded, have variety in your life, and grow. It will be the happiest you have ever been. Remember the meaning of "namaste", and keep in balance.

Homework for this weekend...find and try something new! Who can take on the challenge!


Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Wishing ill

All I have heard over the past few days is, "I will make him/her pay". There have been so many times in relationships where I could have taken that road (and still can), but even before I had any "metaphysical" training, my mind never went there. I have been on the receiving end, but never handed out any revenge, even before I really understood the word "Karma".

Yesterday was a parade of people who think it is OK to try to ruin people's lives whom they have had long relationships with. Why? I learned long ago, the best thing to do is walk away. Close the door firmly and solidly, and walk away. It isn't our place to make anyone suffer, or to "pay". One person yesterday wanted to ruin  a person as he wasn't moving fast enough in their relationship, so she broke up with him. That is fine, a wise decision, however she then wanted to "make him pay"!


Who was with him in that years long relationship? We are responsible for our actions, and our thoughts. People treat us as we allow them to treat us.

It makes some people feel better for a few minutes to lie about others, defame them, or deliver our spin on things to the world as gospel, but in the long run, where does that get you?  I hope these people don't tell their new partners about the revenge tactics they participated in, that would scare away anyone. Many of them don't get that luxury however as Karma does step in, and then they wonder why they are alone for years and years.

When someone does that to you, just walk away. It is not even worth it trying to clear your name, no matter what you do, people want to believe the "bad" stuff, the good stuff is no fun! Just walk away, you won't change their minds. People who are upset or disown you because of what another person told them about you, have their own issues that they need to resolve. Take each person in your life and look at them through YOUR eyes. When you say "I just can't picture so and so doing that", go with that. Trust your instincts, not a hurt party's words!

Judge people by their actions that you have seen personally, not another person's word! The hurt, prejudice, and ulterior motives of a "hurt person" can take their perception way out of bounds either intentionally or unintentionally.

We need to never wish ill on someone. We do need to try to teach, and help others grow, but when they don't, we don't wish that "their new lover will do to them like they did to me". Revenge isn't sweet, it is bitter. It will ruin your life, not theirs.

I have people ask why the ex (who apparently was something like Attila the Hun), has a wonderful new relationship. Maybe because he wasn't Attila after all. Maybe because he learned something. maybe because it isn't as rosy as it seems. Don't worry about why, MOVE ON.

Move forward and onward, and if a story you heard about someone doesn't make sense, it probably isn't true. Don't pass on the hate and hurt.

Wish them well and move on!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission