Friday, March 30, 2012

Psychic attack- you don't need anything special

Going through my email (something you do when you don't feel well I guess). I have a request to talk about psychic attack again. A reader said she was going to take a class on it, should she? Huh? If there is a class on how to do it, run like crazy, if it is a class on how to avoid it, don't waste your money. That is like taking a class on how to pray.

I have written about it before, but here it is again:

Psychic attack is when someone "gets into your head", your thoughts, and emotions.I do have to say "don't take this lightly", not because you are under psychic attack, but that most people that have this happen "out of the blue" (in other words you do not normally get strong intuitive direction or are clairaudient), are MOST times suffering from a brain tumor or schizophrenia. Psychic attack would actually be low on the list of true causes.

That being said, psychic attack is easily , VERY easily warded off. I have given this same instruction to people learning psychic development, or to people who are going to investigate places that are said to be "haunted" ,where the problem may not just be your average garden variety ghost. If you are a person who works and lives in the mundane world, you most likely will never come in contact with this issue .
The idea of someone or something being inside your head/ body, is scary to some people. However when you know how to get them out in a second, or better yet, not allow them in, in the first place, it isn't scary anymore. I have had it happen only one time to me where I currently live, and I tossed the offender out in about 5 seconds. She came back, and out she went again with the door slammed hard, never to return.

Everyone should use this technique, just to protect themselves. When you work in the psychic, healing, or ghost hunting arenas, you should do it, period. It is simple. You stand up, preferably outdoors, with your fingers pointed down to the earth. Close your eyes and keep them closed. Take a deep breath and relax. When you feel you are ready, call in all angels, guides, helpers, God and Goddess. Now this has to be important to you, not just the Universe, it does not care what you call it, so call in Creator, the Universe, doesn't matter. Tell them that you want to cleanse and set up a white light of protection around you. Tell them to drain off any harmful or negative energy and to ground you. You should feel your fingertips tingle, or become heavy as the energy drains into the earth. When that sensation ends (usually after a minute or so). Ask that any repairs that need to be made on your aura are done now. It is also VERY rare for holes or tears to be in auras. Be aware though that people with substance abuse issues MANY times have damaged auras. You will begin to feel positive and energetic. Picture a healing "pink light egg" around your whole body, and ask that it do its' work to ready you for ultimate protection. When you feel warm, comfortable and safe, picture a white light around you. Tell the powers that be that this white light is for protection against evil, negativity and psychic harm, and that it is to remain around you always. Never to diminish or disappear.

Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

You are now protected. There are strange things , like demons, something else you will never come in contact with, that can batter through these defenses if you allow them. People sometimes challenge the negative by saying things like "come and get me", and then you have to repair the light. Once you INVITE something in,all bets are off. Also be aware that if you are an energy worker, you may sometimes need to open that door a bit to get information. Make sure you have a gatekeeper (something you can learn in my psychic development class). Do not abuse drugs or alcohol as it causes the aura (our natural protection against these things) to weaken, tear and form holes.

The average person with a healthy aura has no fear of any type of psychic attack. When you go into dark places, then that is a different story. You need extra protection. Do NOT confuse psychic attack with picking up on other people's negativity. Psychic attack is done on purpose. When you are near a negative person, just picture a wall of white light between you and them, or a white light around yourself and the negative feelings will diminish or end.

Sometimes a psychic attack can be physically felt. It is like an icepick going into your head, a very fine pinpoint. Simply shout into your head the words:"GET OUT", if it is a psychic attack it will stop immediately. Then picture a door closing over the area where the pain was, and a seal going over that door. The person may try to get into another area, do the same thing, but then visualize a mirror around you, and it will bounce back. I generally, for the sake of Karma, don't bounce stuff back to people unless they are persistent, then, no holds barred. I have an arsenal of things I don't ever use, or use rarely, and believe me, it is so tempting sometimes to not whip out the biggest, baddest weapon I have.

We have to trust Karma to take care of problem people to a certain extent. We need to remedy , but not to seek revenge. Karma will do that part. Meanwhile, if they keep sticking ice picks in your head, mirror it back , as it gets annoying and painful.

Again.Please remember that it is extremely rare for people to come under psychic attack. When things seem amiss, and easy energetic remedies do not work, seek medical attention.

Make sure that you are getting help from trained and accredited people (ask to see their certification and degrees), we are out there. There are way too many people doing "metaphysical" work, because they need the money and don't have a clue as to what they are doing. They are coming out of the woodwork these days. Some are simply rip off artists and fakes.Some just read a book or took a class and decided they know enough to teach. Not true by a long shot.

Some people also believe that protecting themselves from psychic attack will not allow psychic readers to read them, not true. These protectors block NEGATIVITY, not information flow. You cannot (and should not) EVER make it impossible for a reader to get in, as the Universe WANTS AND NEEDS us to have that connection, it is a lifeline, and a connection to the Universe, it is not meant to be ever closed off entirely. It wasn't put there for readers per se, but becasue we are all connected, and that is the connection origin. It is a primal part of us and our original connection to the godhead. Anyone who tells you it is OK to shut that off is guaranteeing your spiritual death, and you need to stay far away from people like that. The idea is to keep out the negative and harmful, period, nothing else.We are all connected, and the Universe will always make sure we are connected, that psychic antenna and signal is part of that, those who try to shut it down are not doing the work in the light. Be careful of people that make you fear anything and then want to teach you how not to fear for a few bucks.There is a person out there who is telling people they have beings attached to them, and she can get them off. I just know Karma has a huge smack in the head for people like that.

Make sure you have quality teachers. When you are not sure, ask me, I can refer you, or let you know if I teach that class. There is no monetary bonus in it for me, so I will be honest with you. I also, as you can see by this blog, give away free info to help others.

Don't fear psychic attack, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning...twice!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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