Colleagues and I often discuss how people sometimes use us as their punching bag. Life is sometimes difficult, but yet the difficulty is always brought on by them, or exacerbated by them. They then need to take it out on someone and frequently we are the "someone". The reason we are "the someone" is that the ones who maybe would listen, ran away eons ago. We are just a phone call away, so easy to grab a hold of.
That is bad enough. Then yesterday my husband and I were looking at a social networking site while finishing up breakfast. We noticed how there are people that don't use the site for social networking at least not in the traditional sense. They use it to constantly gripe, complain, rant and rave. Society is against their (fill in group here), or they never have a good day (or at least don't ever post about it). They post things that have about 2% truth in them and 98% BS. They always post drama, and never a funny, witty or cute remark.
Life should be a balance. It should be sharing successes and failures. The successes should outweigh the failures. If they don't, you are doing something wrong. Then I thought...why do I allow these people to invade my positive energy everyday with their crap....good question. I feel sorry for them. I generally eventually weed out their misery and hate by blocking them entirely (so they don't see what I wrote either), or blocking their threads so I don't have to read their constant "downers".
I wrote something on my page about "if that is the worse thing that can happen to you", and got an email on how I was lucky to have a perfect job, health and job is FAR from perfect. I have tech issues regularly, but face them and fix them. I talk to many who are outright , clinically insane, hateful, and depressed. I don't get a day off. It isn't easy. But I am doing what I do, in the hopes that I help people. I know I do help people , so I weed out the hateful as much as possible and move on. Healthwise, I am not perfect either. I take medications , have a couple of lifelong issues, take various meds each day, get mysterious migraines from time to time, and have food allergies (including lactose intolerance which truly drives me nuts, living without pizza and ice cream stinks). However, I do not dwell on any of that. Here is what I dwell on...I have good health, a wonderful husband, great kids, adorable pets, and a decent income. I have a nice roof over my head, and a pretty piece of property that I can play on, relax in, and entertain friends in. Speaking of friends, I know some of THE most awesome people in the world. I do not need drugs to relax, or to make me feel better about myself. I am smart, strong, and wise. I have great kids, and great family, real and extended.
I get to travel to wonderful places and luckily my husband loves them as much as I do. He loves all of it as much as I do. I am still learning things, and comfortable in my own skin. I don't feel I need to be skinnier, younger, smarter, richer, more attractive, more popular, or more anything. If there is anything I want more of, it is jokes, laughter, and witty people.
I have the ability to walk away from people and situations I do not like, and the courage to speak up about it. I am me, and confident in myself and my life. I am willing to work for whatever I want, and I usually succeed.
When people surround themselves with drama, upset, and stormy political issues. They have a drama filled, stormy, upset life, filled with issues. Then they wonder why. When you surround yourself with that type of thing, you are telling the Universe this is what you like, and it delivers! We all have a sprinkling of the bad in our lives, it is how we handle it that dictates what happens. When we deal with it well, and even resolve it, good things happen. When we sit and complain and moan, we get more to complain and moan about.
I have friends with all kinds of serious health issues. I have friends that think they have serious health issues, but they are quite lucky compared to those who have cancer, fibrosis, and hepatitis. They don't get it, never will. What they will get is sicker, unhappier, and stuck. Heck, they are already stuck.
No one has a pain free life, but when you see someone that you think has a pain free life, they are the ones who have mastered how to get along in this world. They don't deny the pain though, they accept it and deal with it.
What you choose to do with your day is up to you. Choose wisely as it does effect how future days go.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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