Monday, March 5, 2012

The "look at me" weekend.

This weekend was full of people that wanted attention. I think it is sad that people have to try so hard to get people to talk to them, or include them. I think it is disgusting that some people do things or say negative things about what they are doing or are going to do , to call attention to themselves. They disguise it as doing the right thing or being in ceremony when all they are doing is being hateful and all they are being "in" , is their own ego.

I had several people over the weekend come to me and tell me what they were going to do, all things they have no business doing. All of it was for attention or they were just being hateful (guess they didn't read Friday's blog). The maliciousness out there is ridiculous. So many people make veiled threats to others, but not to the person they are threatening. Why is that? Simple, posturing, wanting attention, and flat out being a jerk.

There are so many unhappy, jealous, lonely people out there who want attention and will do negative things to get it. Do they think that works out well? It doesn't.

I have said it a million times and I will say it again...when you have a problem with someone, speak to them about it. No one else. Don't wish revenge on an ex. Don't appoint yourself supreme high ruler of the Universe (or anything for that matter), and make decisions or take matters into your own hands. Do not talk ill to others, about others,  as I guarantee it will get back to the person you are maligning. You will have a ton of explaining to do. Have a problem with the way something is done? Discuss it with the person in charge, don't mouth off about what you are going to do about it.

When you are not involved in a project or event, then keep your opinion out of the mix.

There are so many hateful people out there who flap gums just to seem powerful. Remember one word, Karma. I grew up in a bad neighborhood . There aren't many people who scare me. I think the mixture of a couple of warrior tribes and an Irish temper also makes for me easily taking people who attack me in any way by the scruff of the neck. Sometimes literally. Yet, I don't threaten nor wish ill will on anyone. I don't like them, I walk away. I put them in the basement. They speak to me, I am cordial, but I do not pretend to be their friend. It is easy. very easy. It doesn't get you as much attention as being a jerk and spouting off to everyone what you are going to do, but it is much more effective.

Be honest and up front with people. Speak your truth and allow them to speak theirs, if you can't come to terms, walk away from each other. Go down your own separate paths. Keep your issue amongst yourselves. Don't wish ill will on the person nor try to cause them harm. Karma comes back threefold.

We are supposed to be moving toward a better place. We are supposed to be moving toward taking the "me me me" out of things. Too bad there are many out there who just don't get it yet.

Focus on how what YOU say and do effects others.
Worry about cleaning YOUR life up before worrying what someone else is doing.
Worry about your actions day to day, not just where you feel the spotlight is on you.

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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