Friday, March 9, 2012

Beware the self fulfilling prophecy

One of the things we learned about in psychology class way back when, was self fulfilling prophecy. The metaphysical world puts a different label on it, although they probably don't think of it that way, but it is called manifesting. What we will begin to see in 2012 is more and more of a meld between what we used to term fact and supernatural. The metaphysical is becoming more and more scientific. We can now measure things we didn't even admit existed a couple of decades ago. We have accepted things into our lives that many would have denied years ago. We have TV shows, books, and even classes on the metaphysical.  There are even several accredited institutions where you can get a degree in metaphysics, and even more in parapsychology than back in the day.

What self fulfilling prophecy is :

"The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false  definition of the situation evoking a new behaviour (sp) which makes the original false conception come 'true'. This specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error. For the prophet will cite the actual course of events as proof that he was right from the very beginning."

People sometimes consciously alter their behavior because they have to "make it true", and sometimes unconsciously do so. We see small examples of it all the time. The people who go to haunted houses, have something totally UNsupernatural happen and call it a ghost; people who walk around saying how fat they are, slowly gaining weight until they are obese; people who read their horoscope every day and find that it matches their day exactly, even if they have to "make it match"; people who have terrible things happen to them every Friday the 13th; people who say they will never find a partner, are all alone for years. It isn't a fact of nature, it is a circumstance they are creating.They make it very difficult for those of us who study, believe and use metaphysics daily, as people see them in their extremes, pronounce them "crazy", and then label all of us as a bunch of nuts. They harm metaphysics in their enthusiasm. Anyone who is in a metaphysical field needs some skepticism in their being in order to create a healthy life.

The problem with metaphysics today is that we have gone from a nation of NONbelievers to a nation of people that will believe ANYTHING that is told to them. Take the Mayan prediction of 2012, and the world ending. First of all the Mayans never said the world was ending, second of all, it is a minor mark that was read, made on an obscure temple. More of a footnote than a warning.  We have built it up to the level of people hording food and ammo, just like 1999.

Why is it that only believers see Bigfoot? Why is it that astrologers suffer more from planetary alignments than non astrologers? Why is it that people who really believe wholeheartedly have things come to pass? The answer in the old days " self fulfilling prophecy", today...manifesting. What happens to us is what we BELIEVE will happen to us. (Read past blogs for more on that, but make sure you don't get into the loop of SFP.)

There are people walking this earth that won't step outside the door without consulting an astrologer, psychic or numerologist. There is fact to these things, but not everything is a sign.  Your whole day is NOT predetermined. YOU are in control of your day. There are certain major life events that are predestined to happen to you, but your actions and inactions, due to free will, change those much of the time. Your life is NOT cast in stone, so there is no magic to tell you every day what your day will be like. Not every day is a major day in your life, and not every day is a day that you need to know from start to finish before you live it. As a matter of fact, if you cannot let go and LIVE, you are slowing yourself down for a lifetime of relearning everything. These genres are for insight, not a map for each step you need to take during the day. People need to make decisions, and the LAST thing anyone should be doing is living and reacting out of fear. People fear living their life without someone, or something to tell them how to do it each day. They have a serious issue.

People have taken good things and overdo them. They live not by their God conscious (intuition), but by some other human's words, the stars, or signs. It isn't the way to be. When the Universe wants to get a message to you, it will. For those of you who believe in messages, consider this one. Live your life, and don't spend every day with your head in the clouds and you nose in the horoscope column of your favorite newspaper....because you have become a SFP. I make my living advising people on what to do , so I know what I am talking about. You should not consult ANYONE every day on how to live your life, or what to expect. Part of your life lessons is seeing how you react to the unexpected. Skipping class every day will get you nowhere. Trust your intuition and use consultants to help make decisions, not to tell you what to do!

Don't live a chiche' , live a life so you don't have to do it all over again.

Live in reality, live in moderation.

Sometimes three deer standing on your porch are just three deer staying out of the rain.

Be realistic, be reasonable, and remember the yin and the yang.EVERYTHING in moderation.

Be free from anything that holds you in fear.

Peshaui Wequashimese

Someone has asked the other day what I do and my education. I have a BA from Montclair State, and PhD from IMM studying under Dr Masters. I am an ordained minister, and have been doing readings for over 40 years. I have been psychic all of my life and have studied under several psychics and mediums. I also have taken many classes and courses including a Parapsychology Correspondence course way back in the 70's, while still a teen. I was in several college level courses while still in high school in psychology and parapsychology (Stamford and William Patterson College) I graduated 10th in my class of 498 students. I continue my education to this day including a reiki aster program , in person, not on line or from a book. I have a healthy dose of skepticism...and use it daily.

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf , may not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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