Thursday, June 28, 2012

Master Healer Stones

Those crystal questions just keep on coming!

Part of my reiki training that I give includes work with crystals. I had an email question about zeolite (the reiki stone), and if it is all that is needed. First let me say that no crystals or stones are "needed" for reiki healing. Anything that will help focus the healing however helps. Why not have a little extra energy flowing? It certainly cannot hurt at all!!!  When all you have is a piece of zeolite, you are more than ready to go!

These are what I consider the "master healer" stones. They stay charged and clean and they cover the most varied areas without carrying a hundred stones with you.

Quantum Quattro
Ocean Jasper
Tourmaline (removes blocks)

 I would add Apophyllite for relaxing the receiver,  lepidocrocite (bridges the spiritual and mundane and assists with hands on healing), and zeolite (the reiki stone). Then throw in a piece of Citrine for a little extra cleansing, or maybe a piece of carnelian (protector stone) charged for cleansing.

Some of these are easily obtained, some are more difficult or a little expensive (like quantum quattro). Each person I have given reiki master training to has received a piece of quantum quattro, it is a very powerful healer. That being said, you can get a small piece of each one of these stones for a total less than $75. It is a great investment if you are going to charge for reiki sessions. Remember that you don't have to buy them all at once either!

Part of the advanced reiki training I give lists issues and the stones to use for each.

Many of these harder to find stones are available on the internet. There are some great sellers on EBAY where your purchases are guaranteed, and also Mom's Minerals. You don't need huge pieces. Gem and mineral shows are great ways to get harder to find items, at great prices. Those of you in the Evansville area, there is a show on the weekend of October 27 where you will be able to get great buys.

Some people said they would love to collect stones, but don't have the money. Yes you do! Please do not be taken in by huge stores that charge outrageous prices. Even stones like ruby, garnet and sapphire do not cost much, as you do not need the high quality clarity that people want for designer jewelry. I have ruby, sapphire, garnet , all that I got for a couple of dollars. I have a chunk of garnet that is rough, right out of the ground that cost us $15. I think it weighs about 15 pounds. If I went to a fancy metaphysical store, I probably would have paid over $100 for it. Matt just bought a quartz piece with hundreds of little points, it looks like frost and ice. It is about 20" by 10". It cost him $10 at a gem and mineral show.

Buy the stone by size and quality for its' value as a stone, not a metaphysical tool. Rough and unpolished works just fine. You don't need it to look "pretty". You can also collect stones for their pretty, polished selves, and that is OK, they just cost a bit more for the labor and tools used for cutting and polishing.  You will get a much better deal from rock hounds, than "metaphysical" shops! Then there is the ultimate fun, there are many places that allow you to rock hunt. You pay a fee, rent tools if you need to, then off you go. What ever you collect is yours. We mined herkimers and had a blast. You will have to travel to where the stones are, but it is still worth it. Sell the extra you bring back and pay for your trip!

Happy crystal hunting!!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Cleaning and charging crystals.

The crystal questions keep coming in. The most popular question is how to clean crystals. The answer depends. People have their own little ways and tricks to cleaning crystals, but they are basically the same when it comes down to it.

The first time you get a crystal, especially if you have not dug it up yourself,  clean it. The best way to clean MOST crystals (NEVER do this with malachite, or a crystal with small delicate formations, like druzy) is to dip them in the ocean. The earth's natural energy and salt water will take any negativity out of the stone. You cannot clean the stone's natural attributes out of it, so no worries, this just cleans what may be clinging to the outside.

(Research your crystals, if they are noted as "friable" that means that water will make them come apart, do not get them wet).

Many of us no longer have an ocean available, so the next best thing is to get some room temperature water and salt in a bucket or your sink, and just swish them around. They don't need to be scrubbed, they are used to being dirty, they are don't get crazy on them. Just rinse off negativity and any useless scattered energy.You don't want to damage the crystal, just "dust it off". For friable stones, I recommend using sage.

Next you have to charge them. This is a two step process. One is powering them up, the other is telling them what you want them to do. It is ALWAYS best to use a stone that has the attribute naturally. So do not allow someone to talk you into a similar crystal just becasue they don't have the desired one in stock. You can charge most crystals with sun or moonlight. Again, a little research is needed because certain stones will fade color in the sun. Leaving amethyst in the sun turns it from purple to clear. No need to fade that beautiful coloring, just use a full moon. You can recharge them , or change the direction of the stone a bit under a new moon (new beginnings!).

What I mean by changing direction is that maybe you originally directed a stone to bring abundance, but now you have more friends than you can handle and need a social secretary. Clean and recharge the crystal to bring more abundance in the manner of health, financial prosperity, or creative ideas.

Keeping a piece of quartz with the stone you are using will keep it charged, and keeping citrine with it (citrine NEVER needs to be cleaned) will keep the stone always ready for use. Carnelian also works well to keep stones cleaned (it is a great protector), but will need to be cleaned itself from time to time.

You do not have to clean your crystals every week. When they are sitting in s pretty cabinet in your home, they are probably good for a long time, unless you have a lot of issues in your home. When you do healing work with them, you need to clean them after each session. When you take them with you to do work outside the home, clean them when you get home. When you have them on you, and there is a emotional, or in some way upsetting event, clean them at the end of the day.

Part II of charging is to tell the stone specifically what you want it to do. For instance, Malachite amps up energy. That means it can amp up good energy, and it can amp up bad energy. You may want to tell the crystal that you want it to amp up good energy only, if that is indeed what you want. Some people do not mind the negative being amped up. The reason for that is that they want to bring up issues in their life, get them out into the light, deal with them, and move past them. Malachite will NOT bring new negativity (nor new positive energy) into your life, it is just that the energy that is there will be given more power.

Here is an unusual use for it on the negative energy side (becasue most people think "why would I want to ramp up negative energy!?"). I had a ghost hunting friend back east. He was told that there were negative energies in a home. They never, in any way presented themselves when he was there. We were talking about it one day, and I told him to bring malachite to the house. The first time there was a little activity like doors slamming, then he went back and it was a crazy night. But he was then able to effectively evaluate the situation, locate the source,  and get the energy out of the house. People think amping up negative energy is a bad thing, it isn't always. Remember we live in the yin and yang, we need positive and negative.

This is why it is important to buy those Judy Hall books if you are going to work with crystals. It would be very hard to memorize all the information, it is better to have the books on hand to research the uses , dos and don'ts.

Now your stone is cleaned, charged and ready to go. Even if you do not intend to keep it on you all the time, keep it on your person for at least a few days so it becomes familiar with whom it is working for. It cannot bring you abundance if it doesn't know who you are.

Remember to clean them from time to time unless you keep them with citrine, or in a protected area, like a showcase in a positive and abundant place.

Some people like to add prayer or sage to the cleansing and charging process, use whatever resonates with you, because when it resonates with you, it works better, it is a form of manifesting. Never hand your crystals to someone that you feel is troubled, or has serious issues, unless you intend to clean it immediately afterwards. Do not place that stone back with others until you do so.

Another thing to keep in mind is to adopt stones that call to you. I have a thing for blue/green stones. I love chrysocolla, malachite, turquoise, shattuckite, lapis, blue moonstone...I also have a thing for just the right orange. Orange calcite and carnelian are favorites. When those stones call to you, get them. You don't need a giant piece. Huge stones cost a bundle and most frequently overwhelm a space or another smaller stone near them. There is no need to have something that you need to reinforce the floor to display. A small polished stone that fits in your closed fist will do the job just as well as a $4,000 amethyst geode.

You may want to use shapes and weights that work well with what you are trying to accomplish. Many who do healing work prefer heavier stones, so people can feel the weight and energy, or wands to focus the energy. Clairvoyants want clear, shiny surfaces to gaze into and see visions. The reason for the stone's use should determine its' size. You may simply want a pendant, ring, or some other piece of jewelry, so that you can wear it. Many times I wear protective stones into places with negative energy.

Sometimes you just can't lug a huge 5 pound piece around with you everywhere you go!

Enjoy your crystals and watch them work magic for you!!!
Happy crystal hunting!!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

More crystals...healing & grounding

I received 2 emails on the crystal topics. They were both a request for specific crystals, so I will put the information here in case others have the same questions.

Healing- First of all there is a specific crystal for every ailment and every part of the body. You would have to check to see which one pertains to the specific ailment that you are addressing. General stones for healing are Amethyst, Quantum Quatro (I have a piece it is beautiful, it is a mixture of stones growing together), Zeolite (the reiki stone, also a mixture of stones), Fluorite,Aqua Aura (lab made quartz), and Citrine for its' cleansing properties.  Then add the stone or stones that corresponds to what you are trying to accomplish.

Without knowing all the stones specifics, you can use healing stones by their color. These are just some colors and some attributes:

Red- Blood cells, reproductive areas

Yellow- Mental and nervous system.

Green- Heart and eyes

Black and Brown - Detoxify

The other question was what to use to help keep a person grounded. There are many, but I recommend Amber (not technically a crystal), Bloodstone,Galena, Magnetite, Unakite, and some agates.

The best thing to is to go outside and ground yourself first, then cleanse and add the stones to your pocket, pouch, or for us gals...bra. Many of us have walked about with stones in our bras when we didn't have pockets on what we were is funny, but it works.

Be careful and know what you are doing before adding crystals to your life. Some stones may excite or aggravate other issues when used. You should know as much as possible about a particular stone before adding it to your life. Judy Hall has three books out on crystals that are very helpful. There is much to know, it isn't as simple as adding amethyst will help you heal.

Malachite , for instance, is beautiful and a wonderful stone for grounding, protection and healing. It is one of the "super stones". It amplifies both positive and negative though. It is a stone that should never be on your person as you fall asleep , or you will have some really outrageous dreams. There is much out there that we don't normally see and experience. If you read the blog regularly, you know I say there is more out there than ghosts, demons, and angels. You will experience them with malachite if you fall asleep wearing it. It sounds exciting, but it is disturbing. I accidentally fell asleep wearing malachite earrings once, I won't do that again.

Herkimer diamonds should not be worn as earrings. They can make your head literally buzz and will cause insomnia. Women should not wear moonstone during the full moon. Malachite should never come in contact with water.

There is much out there to help in the crystal world, and there are many combination stones out there with the convenience of one stone for super powerful results, like Zeolite.

Make sure that you use the best stone for you, and research the stone before using it in any way!

Happy Crystal Hunting.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission


Monday, June 25, 2012

Psychology and the Psychic

I always thought that my degree in psychology came in handy in my metaphysical work. It was what I thought of as a strange mix....but it really isn't. Psychology is a branch of studies which still is considered pretty" non scientific". You would think that after Skinner and Pavlov , the scientific community would embrace psychology, but it is still a liberal arts degree, not a BS or MS. I earned my BA as a psychology major back in Montclair NJ. I loved the school and some how managed to work 38 hours a week, carry a full load, have a good time and keep my grades up.

I not only use my psychology teachings to help those I am reading for who have issues troubling them, but I have used it a few times on figuring what is going on in a "haunted" house, and how to best work to cross some personalities over, or why they don't want to go in the first place.

I thought it was very interesting the other night when Amy Adams suggested to a homeowner to get a medium with a psychology background to help cross over some children filled with fear.

I have said it many times. "Ghosts" still retain their personality, fears, wants, and ways of dealing with things that they had in life. Until they cross all the way over, they can have strong personalities.

I never thought I would use the psych degree except to have a college education on my resume (which did help me not only obtain jobs, but move up more quickly). Then when I decided to work for myself, I took metaphysical classes here and there. I became a reiki master, and dabbled in some other things, although none of them took prominence. I then found IMM and was able to complete a divination degree and metaphysical sciences degree. It was MUCH more fun than the first degree!

My Master's thesis was written on Carl Jung and his contributions to the metaphysical. I always enjoyed Jung. When on vacation earlier this year, my husband was forced to read some Jung as he left his books at home. He is now very interested in Carl Jung. Jung was a "mystic", and his way of looking at the world was different from mainstream psychologists. Not all his writings reflect that, as he had to be very careful to not lose the respect of his colleagues. Today many are writing about metaphysics from a scientific approach.

Jung the Mystic is an excellent book to start with if you want to learn more about his way of seeing beyond what was accepted in the world. His work on the collective unconscious is a good start to understanding Jung and how he sees us as all connected. Other good books are The Nature Writings of C J Jung, Psychology and the Occult, and Memories, Dreams, Reflections.

Meanwhile I suppose fate played a role in my life back when I started college, and I was finally able to take a couple of years and finish up my studies in a genre I really use daily, from a school in my beloved Sedona.....

Circles, the world is made up of circles!

Learn, research and grow.
Never stop learning!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Not always what you say.....

When we go through life, we can make it easy or hard. Hard is OK, if you choose it to be that way, but then don't complain about how hard it is. One of the things that you hear often, is that it is not what you say, but how you say it. True.

There are times in life when we need to change things, direct people, even report issues to a higher authority. That in and of itself can be uncomfortable. It can range from teaching your children, to dealing with difficult co-workers. Recently a client had a problem come up. Certain employees were making a mistake that was causing a big problem. It had to be corrected, and quickly. This happens all the time in the world of work. She went to them , told them what they were doing incorrectly,which is fine, but then caused things to go sideways. She told them that when blame came down for this she was going to make sure that management knew they screwed up big time.

The employees fixed the issue, but then the proverbial stuff hit the fan. Meetings, discussions, reprimands, more meetings. Why? Because of the way it was handled. This won't end here. Employee memories are long when someone comes down hard on them. This woman will always be the enemy. Less cooperation, help, and friendliness will come her way.

This went from a situation that would be an ordinary workplace snafu, to war. Just because a few words were uttered that did not need to be said.

We can correct people without threatening their jobs, calling them idiots, or making them feel two inches tall.

We can correct situations without pointing fingers. It was actually a directive in one place I worked. You could explain the event and where it went sideways, but not name names. Sometimes it was apparent, and of course if you are the screw tightener and the screws are never tight, someone would talk to you....but it kept that ruthlessness out of the workplace. More problems were solved , more quickly, and without fallout over the next several months.

People respond to "let me show you how we need to do this from now on" better than "You are an idiot and better do it my way or else".

Most people don't want to make a mistake,  and are grateful for information. Some people DO need a big knock on the head to get the message, but make sure that you are the person who should do it. DO NOT go over board to the opposite side. Don't be all Bliss Ninny because someone will get their feelings hurt, when they don't care about what a mess they are making. Speak up! The "Fix It Fairy" won't come and tap them with her magic wand. Bliss Ninnies sometimes say that Karma and God will take care of them. Really? With what, a lightening bolt? Karma and God work through people. We are responsible for dealing with issues, not hiding from them.

So ...say something, be clear, and be as nice as you can....That will depend on the situation of course. When you see a person being mugged , don't say...Excuse me sir, could you please unhand that fine woman?

People think being spiritual is being all nice all the time, it isn't. It means listening to spirit. We are not told by spirit to give in to bad things. We are not told by spirit to allow bad things to continue to happen. We are not told by spirit to hug a wife beater or child molester.

Take care of issues, but in a responsible manner that does not include ulterior motives!

Be strong, and do the right things for the right reasons.....

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wold, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Spirit speaks in symbols

Yesterday's great question of the day was one that came from a person that I am helping to mentor (she lives far away), who was once a client. She wanted to be able to find answers for herself (something we all can do), so I pointed her in the right direction. It helps to have a higher natural ability, seriousness, faith, and time to work at it. She had all of those. There are times when there are emotionally charged situations however, that we should not try to answer ourselves.

She took several classes in her local area. She was making progress, but didn't have the teacher available to her. Her question was, why wasn't she getting a clearer picture of things. Things would come in symbols, sometimes just a color. There would be different ways those would come. She had a person ask her to verify the woman she was speaking of by telling her the person's birthdate. She couldn't , and he said "well how do I know it is real then"?

OK , first of all , for all of those of you who are receiving readings....get real. First of all, we cannot and SHOULD not know every little detail. Because we shouldn't (it is a little too much like invasion of privacy at that point), and neither should you. Spirit tells you  what YOU  NEED to know, not what you necessarily WANT to know. So asking how many times your ex has sex with his new love is none of your business. Imagine asking that of God. What you be crass enough to do that? Then don't do it with psychics, their emissary goes to the higher power's emissary for an answer. You are technically asking God. He?she isn't amused.

Spirit will NEVER spell out exactly all your directions in life. That is YOUR job. Spirit will help, but it will not give you a play by play so that you never have to make a choice, a decision, or suffer a bad day. Bad days are what this little planet called "SCHOOL" is all about. Cheating on every answer of the test isn't allowed.

People will find that if they become psychic addicts and get into trying to make the Universe give them all the answers, the psychic answers will be "off" more and more and more. The cheating ability is taken away, then the helping ability is impaired .Psychics cannot know everything, our little heads would explode. We are given the message you are to be given. Period. We aren't where the information comes from. We don't know everything about the person and select what to pass along. We pass along what we are given to pass along.

The other point to this, is that things come in symbols. It is hard for Spirit and even harder for humans to communicate at a vibration that is not natural to our state of being. Psychic communication can wear you out. When you have a difficult, disturbed or outright nasty client, it wears you to a nub and makes you want to take a shower.

The symbol communication between a psychic and their guides for instance, gets quicker over the years. There are times when we see a symbol for the hundredth time that has never had a multiple meaning (and many symbols do), and we immediately know the scenario. They may show us a client we had 2 years ago. Does that mean you will have the same scenario? Will you actually meet this person? We have to dig and try to figure that out.

Not every psychic has the same abilities. There are people who are sensitives. They know how a person feels or will feel about something, but don't ask them when you will find a job. They will know if you will like it or not, but not when you will get it.

There are different abilities, styles, and depth of communication that exist with each psychic. Just because one is good at dates for instance , doesn't mean she can tell you how someone feels about you. That doesn't make her good or bad, just that she is able to do certain things well, and not others. Just like real life! When a person uses a tool (crystal ball, tarot, pendulum), doesn't make them less of a "psychic" than one who does not. She may actually get more information, more quickly , and more clearly. It is like putting on a pair of reading glasses. Sometimes just taking these tools out or touching them turns on a switch . This way she is not walking around all day with useless information filling her head. I use a switch, when I was young I knew things about everyone who passed me on the street. Sounds like fun? It isn't.

What we do as psychics is play a game of telephone. Remember how that worked? You would pass a message along and by the time it got to the end of the line of people, it was totally different? Well the good news is that it is passing through only one person, so that doesn't happen. But she needs to interpret it, and tell you in a clear way, then you have a job. That job is not trying to make it fit your situation, or to hear what you want to hear.

Many times I tell a client that they will get the job IF THEY (fill in the blank). They never do the "fill in the blank" part, don't get the job, and then say...didn't you say I would get the job? (NOPE). I remember telling another that her daughter would get a spot on a dancing team if she practiced enough. She didn't get it. That means she didn't practice enough. Mom says (even though she is hundreds of miles away), "she practiced every day". Ok, are you sure, and for five minutes or five hours a day??

The beauty of that type of message is it gives you a way to control your destiny. When people do not use that awesome control, it is such a waste! People waste that tool all the time. There is also a window of opportunity. Spirit won't keep Prince Charming in a closet for 5 years while you build up the guts to leave your ex. You have a short period of time to get your act together, when you don't, others are released from their contract.

Are you understanding why psychics can never be right 100% of the time?

When a psychic asks you why they are seeing a certain object. Be honest, if you aren't sure, then note it. You may not realize what it is at first, but a few days later have an "AHA" moment when you see the object or remember its' significance. When you can, contact the psychic back and let her know what it was in connection to, it may help her understand a new symbol in her spirit "language".

Meanwhile, pay attention to symbols in your own life. Is there an old song that you have heard more than once today? Was there an unusual happening that keeps occurring? Does the same name keep popping up?

I had a client taking college courses and having a hard time balancing work, school and home. She thought about quitting school. I told her absolutely not to , school was important for her, to find a way to make the time fit. That day she spent dropping things all day long. Car keys (that landed under the car), her lunch on her skirt, her laundry....and that night she met with her counselor at school to talk about rearranging her schedule. The counselor told her she could drop a class and still graduate in time. Drop two, and take a summer class if she needed even more time. BINGO...DROP a class!!! (The Universe does have a strange sense of humor by the way).

Symbols are in our lives every day. Every day. We just have to pay attention to them. Spirit communicates in symbols. Now, that doesn't mean everything is a "sign", but it does mean to pay attention to the unusual when it is reoccurring. Then you just have to figure out what it means, like the rest of us (oh its not so easy any more is it!).

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


I received and email about crystals yesterday asking what ones to have depends on what you are trying to do! There are some awesome books out there called the Crystal Bible book 1 and 2 by Judy Hall. You can get them on Amazon for a great price. They cover just about every crystal and then some. There are stones in there that you will never see!

I do want to say first that I use the term "stone" for all these minerals. The reason is, that people thought that they had to get a certain form, or have it all shiny and pretty to make it work because of the word "crystal" They also thought glass crystals did something (they don't, but they look pretty), and there are non crystals, like amber. The rough form is actually the best, so don't worry about the "prettiness factor".

I have some different and unusual stones, but the coolest ones to me, are the ones I found and/or mined myself. That makes them special and it makes them genuine. There are many lab created stones out there, and then there are people who try to sell you the stone's attributes instead of the value of the stone itself. Don't pay high amounts for them, there is no reason to.

People are even creating turquoise in the lab now as it is so popular. I was told years ago that there was no more turquoise available and the mines were tapped out. Not true. Not only is it still available and in the mines, but there are many people still making beautiful jewelry with it. When someone tells you "the price is high because"....then shop around. igh prices stones are diamond, larimar, and things you would buy in jewelry shops, like rubies. However, non polished rubies, garnets, emeralds and the like are VERY inexpensive.

Even rough diamonds are inexpensive. The stone in its' natural state is even better for its' metaphysical uses. It has not been altered or through anyone's energy. It hasn't been abused and cut, and tumbled. It is what it is. Don't spend more than you have to as you will want to have one of each!

Everyone can carry some basic stones, but it is important to remember to carry some particular to what you do and where you go. Your life circumstances will make your little group of stones different from another person. You can charge a stone to do a job other than its' natural job, but why would you? There are genuine stones available in many places, and do not be afraid to buy from places on the internet, like Mother's Minerals, or from local gem and mineral shows where you will get the best bargains from rock hounds. They aren't selling health, protection, and love, but amethyst, turquoise and rose quartz. A small stone will work. Mother Nature is very powerful, don't try to carry 10 pounds of stones around with you!

It is also important to remember to clean, cleanse and charge the stones before using them. Carry them with you where they can be in contact with your body in a small pouch or pocket.

Everyone needs a piece of quartz. The quartz will keep the other stones charged. You can also have a piece of carnelian or citrine charged to constantly cleanse the other stones, this way you don't have to remember to cleanse them once a week or so. Then I always recommend jet or obsidian to absorb negativity, they can also be charged to reflect it back to the sender. Some people think that is not all that nice, but the Universe does it naturally. I would rather direct it back where it came from, then have the stone weighted down with absorbed negativity, or floating around out there for an innocent person to bump into.

Add a protection stone, there are many. My favorite is turquoise, but there are several (there are several for each mission or purpose you give the stone). These days it is good to carry a piece of smoky quartz as it absorbs electromagnetic "smog". The gunk all around us that flows from computers, cell phones, and other electronics.

Then think about what you want to add. Do you have a physical problem? Want to increase psychic abilities?  Trust you intuition? Be more creative? Be more assertive? Be calmer? There is a stone for that!

Here are some basic uses of popular stones. Each stone usually has more than one use. Obtain the stone that resonates with you. So if you don't want turquoise for protection, you can use amber (also grounds you),angelite, carnelian, jasper, kunzite, and many more. You can wear it as jewelry, or carry it in your pocket.

Agate- Grounding
Amber - Grounding (not a crystal , but solidified tree sap, comes in several colors)
Amethyst- Healing
Aquamarine- Calming
Bloodstone- Blood cleanser and general powerful healer
Chrysocolla-(one of my favorites!) Calming, helps in communication and meditation
Citrine- Cleanser and regenerator (good one to have in your pouch too)
Diamond- Brings light into your life
Emerald- Patience and inspiration
Garnet- Cleans and regenerates the chakras
Jade- serenity
Kyanite- Attunement and meditation
Labradorite- Protection
Moonstone- New beginnings
Onyx- Gives strength
Opal- Helps connect with cosmic consciousness
Peridot- Keeps away evil spirits and protects the aura
Rose quartz- promotes self love
Ruby- Energizes
Sapphire- Wisdom
Selenite- Clarity of mind
Sodalite- Unites logic and intuition
Tiger's Eye- Unites spiritual and grounded energies. Increases psychic energy
Zoisite- Transmutes negative energy to positive energy (another good one for your pouch)

Please feel free to email me if you need to know what stone to use for a particular task, or if you have a stone and are not sure what its' attributes are.

As with any metaphysical tool, use them wisely, and please don't substitute one stone for another. There are many that do the jobs naturally , and there is no need to do so. Look through jewelry ladies and see what you have, you may already have something that will be useful to you!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Sage isn't enough

When you cleanse your house each season (or more often if you prefer), you may use sage to do so. Burning sage is an excellent way of removing negative and scattered energy. Is it the cure all? No. People hear things that go bump in the night and think that burning sage will make it stop. Not necessarily. Burning sage can do absolutely nothing and actually make things worse if you don't know what you are doing.

When we do a house cleansing, burning sage in every nook and cranny, is simply step one. I use the sage burning with a combination of a ritual wording I was given years ago, and reiki. That is simply step one. When there are strong negative spirits in the house we sometimes have to concentrate on them and give them a little "push". There are a few ways to do that, and to be successful you have to know what you are dealing with. They were people once. Are they happy, sad, old , young, mentally unstable, ill ??? It will all effect how you ask, coerce, or entice them out.

Positive, good spirits CANNOT be removed with sage. Sometimes they will then feel unwanted and leave anyway, and sometimes they just ignore you. They are not all lost and confused, some are just comfortable in that space and mean no harm. When spirits are lost and / or confused there is an easy way to cross them over. I recently encountered a mentally handicapped spirit that needed help and I had to use a simple process to getting him help to cross.

Then there is the non human stuff. Please do not equate non human with "demonic" or evil.  A prime example is angels. They were never human and cannot become human. They are positive beings of course that you most likely won't want to chase from your home, but they have opposites. Half formed looking creatures are an example. Some black shadow people are another example (some forms of black shadow people are simply spirits that cannot or do not want to manifest to a recognizable degree). Sometimes the "spirit" is a construct, a thought form, an animal, or many other things! There aren't just dead people and demons lurking around people's closets.

These beings need more force and there are methods to that, which include sage, but sage is a very small part of the process. The process may need to be repeated (one fellow light worker likened them to ants in your kitchen every rainy season). There is dark energy that can accumulate in homes from people living there who are bad, mentally ill, or frequently under the extreme influence of drugs or alcohol. People who live in clutter frequently have "negative" energy accumulate in all those little hiding places. It is comfortable for that energy. When you can, clean the house first (or have your client clean and unclutter their home).

Then there are the demons. I doubt you will ever run across one. Sometimes the answer to that little issue is to let it be. Sometimes there is no way to remove them without the person who welcomed them in being part of the process. Once you get to that level, all bets are off, and it is complicated, difficult, time consuming, and sometimes dangerous.make sure that you know what you are doing.

People sage and wonder why things like footsteps still continue. It is because Aunt Harriet can't understand why you keep stinking up the house, not because a powerful demon lives there. Sage is a nice step one, but it is not always the answer.

You also must consider (and this is another reason why you need to know what you are doing), if you know what kind of "spirit person" is in the house. If an atheist died there are you march around yelling "in the name of God", he is just going to laugh at you. There is no set of magic words or process for cleansing. None. You need to make sure that you have a person with a good grasp of the metaphysical world, and all the beings in it. You need a person with more than one process and an understanding of the way to deal with each type of "haunting". You need a thorough knowledge of what is there from a psychic or medium. Just burning sage may backfire on you and actually make things worse.

Use people with knowledge, experience and skill. They won't miss anything the first time, and they will always make sure that they help until there is no option left, except maybe to move. That VERY rarely happens no matter what you see on TV.

Most of us, especially those working in fields where they frequently come in contact with disturbed, angry, confused, or ill people, should use sage regularly, and crystals to guard their home. Those working in the metaphysical should always have protection set up around them (and permanent protection is is already in place to a degree, but there are ways of increasing that protection). Make sure that you use salt to block areas except for one for "escape" of the negative energy and then seal that opening at the end.Remember that a person can bring that negativity into the house on a daily basis, so just because it is cleansed once, it may not be cleansed forever! That is why it is important for those who work in fields where they come in contact with that energy daily, use a process from carrying jet or obsidian, to "brushing off" before entering the house.

On the flip side.

NEVER go to a place and just cleanse it becasue you want to. Never go to a place and set up your ways or belief system around it. That is taking away the free will of the place and the WORST thing that you can do. We had a friend who was in a reiki class with us. He and another person always went around "chasing away" spirits. He took it upon himself to cleanse and set up angels everywhere he went. This is a HUGE energetic and metaphysical WRONG. Say for example you are at a Native American burial area. You may not even realize you are. Do you really think setting up angels is a good idea? It is not. You may think you are doing good, but forcing your version of spirituality and dogma on a spirit, is totally out of bounds. Never do anything that takes free will away , not even if you think it is "good".

My place, and the place of other light workers, is not to force our version of "good" and "right" on the world. The Christian view doesn't work for many. There are millions of souls out there who were not Christians. There are plenty of places out there that are non Christian. They aren't "bad" or "evil" either. They may be Native American, Jewish, Islamic, Taoist, Buddhist or even an atheist place, and we are remiss when we set up our version of spirituality . They may have held a place of worship that wasn't bad nor Christian. A group of people who were neither bad, nor Christian, etc.

So, the only cleansing you need to do is your own space and a space you are asked to cleanse. Be aware that cleansing does not mean that you then need to set up anything at all for that space. 

 When things get to the point of needing powerful work (like leaving guardians), see if you can find out the beliefs of the homeowners (and be aware they if they don't believe it, it won't work, conflicting energy will be set up making things worse), or the place itself. Was it an Indian village, a Jewish temple, a Celtic altar? Then keep the angels and saints out of things. There is no reason to call in anything for a simple cleansing.

Be mindful also of the sage you use. Many "sage" products are not actual sage. They are called "sage" as they look like it, and smell close to it, but it isn't sage. We actually grow our own sage to keep from having low quality, or misrepresented sage in use when cleansing a place.

Everyone doing the cleansing should have a positive mind set and be aware of what is going on around them. They should be able to find problem areas, and spirits.

It is a good idea to cleanse at least once a season, and if you do not like the smell of sage, use this Asian method. Leave a large bowl of water with orange peels in it in the house over night.
The next day take that bowl outside and slowly pour it into Mother Earth asking her to please transmute and negativity. This will not work on powerful spirits, etc., but it will work on negativity and will cleanse the energy of the house. It smells good too.

Time for summer solstice cleansing! be ready , and enjoy!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Filtering friends...weed the garden!

Yesterday was a day when emails came in on the topic of groups and friends. There were actually two "thank you!" messages as these people were involved in the group setting I wrote about. Then there was the email from people I do not personally know who read the blog.

It is interesting how much people do not want to put up with difficult people for the sake of having them in the orbit somewhere. I kind of picked at the topic with people yesterday and found that there are so many "like" people getting together at this stage, that the quality need is outpacing quantity need.

 There are some unfortunately, that are "alone" and will remain so as they fight to be with groups that are not "like" energy, but different energy. People who are on their path (be it good or bad), have those around them that are like minded, and to be more exact, have similar energy.

The reason is clear. They don't have to put up with anyone's nonsense as they have a multitude of real friends, associates and colleagues, AND people are realizing more and more that there are some people who will not grow. We are more and more accepting that some people are stuck.

I remember that one of my mentors said to me (about two years ago), that my tolerance for bull and people who didn't want to learn and grow was waning, and that it would be gone. This is not being non compassionate, these people have a choice.

She was right, about my growth to NOT put up with nonsense, and that there are people out there who just want to be miserable, nasty jerks. They excel at it, and are comfortable being it. They are now however being weeded out more and more.

I no longer have a tolerance for fakes, for nasty, miserable people, or for bullcrap. I was always a person who wouldn't put up with it for long, but now I don't put up with it for a moment. We can't make people be nice, be good , be mindful, be compassionate. We can't make egotists be humble. We can't make Haters be friendly to those different than themselves. We can't make people who don't know how to speak plainly but kindly, do so.

It isn't our job. We can try to teach, but there is a time when we have to aren't getting it, have a nice life...and that is OK!

What we are here to do, is be the best we can be. We are here to look at ourselves, and see what we can do to grow and learn. When you are alone, have no friends, no partner, and life stinks, YOU are the common denominator and have to figure out what is wrong, then DO SOMETHING about it. I had a person say they now hang around with nicer people than they used to, but it isn't working. I told her she needed to BE a nicer person than she used to. That set her back, but I think she had an "aha" moment.

I am lucky enough, or on the right path enough, to have a large group of varied, fun, loving individuals around me. There are one or two that will probably end up on the outside of my life, but I recognize them for who they are, and know that they will never be close and may not be around long. I do not allow them to negatively influence me. I had to weed the garden yesterday, and it was a person that I thought long and hard about allowing in. I knew it wasn't going to work. It didn't. Her very first direct comment to me ever, was smart ass, sarcastic and nasty...and that wasn't even the first affront. Long story. I am not even going to begin to go down that road. Don't have the time for it, and I have plenty of other people to talk to. A friend recently weeded her garden and although it was tough, she realized it needed to be done.

Don't hold yourself hostage.

The Universe is sorting people into groups, allow it to do its' job and things will flow.

Do the right things FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. That doesn't mean to find excuses, loopholes, and hearing things to mean what you want them to mean. That doesn't mean saying something is OK, because other people are doing worse things. That doesn't mean it is OK because you interpret something your way becasue you want to. It means treating people and talking to people the way you would want people to treat you and talk to you, no excuses. It means being honest, teaching, and not enabling. It means actually DOING the RIGHT things for the RIGHT reasons....when you do, life will become a much happier, abundant and productive place.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Group efforts

Reminder: I have added a few classes to my schedule for the summer, and other events. I have had several people inquire about them over the past week. Our class space is limited. If you are interested, see the schedule at, and use the menu on the left to go to the events page. Thank you !


Yesterday was a big change, almost an end to a group of people who always helped out in a time of need. They helped when people needed healing of any sort. The originator decided to disband the group, as it was not following the basic idea she set down years ago. Fortunately someone else picked up the ball and ran with it, although it will now be a different group with some different guidelines and people.

Groups are funny things. They usually start out with 100% enthusiasm, energy, and good intent. They rarely can sustain that for long periods of time. We are humans, it happens. I know I felt like I was still on day one enthusiasm, and others were almost nonexistent in their group participation.

It is the nature of groups. So I backed out. It was not a hard decision, as I had experienced the same frustrations as the leader for a while now. I also understand the "leaving behind" energy that is going on in the world, and the need to be with some groups, and the need to leave others. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and that there is always a "time" to everything. Sometimes we need to hold on, sometimes we need to let go. I needed to let go. My heart was still in it (and in it more strongly than some others who caused the frustration in the first place), but once the leader left, there was no reason for me to be there any longer. I didn't need the group to do the work.The energy work still gets done, and there is more and more demanding my attention each day.

Do not be afraid of change when it enters your life. Don't try to make a group of people be something other than what it is. Groups add and subtract members from time to time. They need to! Many times a member has to be removed due to issues that would harm the group or the group's reputation in some way. Sometimes , as what happened here, people just get tired, or never really had the original purpose firmly cemented in their minds. Sometimes there is a clique issue, or people trying to take over. I have seen clients try to hold on, they don't want to see their dream mutated, lost, or taken over.

I get it, but when there needs to be a huge fight about it, move on.

I will tell you something my Mom said. She said it to a person who was complaining about a president a long time ago (you thought you were all doing something new and innovative right?). This process works for any situation. Presidents, small groups, workplace, partner....

 She said to this person " I want you to think about what this president (again use it for any situation), has done that has personally affected YOU in a negative way. I mean directly, and obviously, honestly effected you in a personal way that you can attribute to him".

They couldn't. It made them think. Instead of spouting off rhetoric, they had to think, and it actually changed his mind. I am so glad my Mama taught me to think for myself. More people should try it.

Use this thought process in any situation where there is an emotional reaction or involvement. Be honest with yourself about it. Only use direct things that you personally saw or heard, not third party. You will be surprised how many things you change your mind about when you step back and think rationally about only proven facts. Pretend to be Mr Spock from Star Trek for a moment. It is OK to change your mind. It is OK  to leave or join a group. It is OK to walk away from people or to people, especially at this important time energetically.

Group efforts always begin well, but don't always end well. It is OK, go and start over. Maybe with two groups working from opposite ends of a problem, it will get solved.

Energy is changing around us. Use you head and your intuition. The Universe is always smarter than you are, so when in doubt, let the Universe take over. Be the best you can be, and do the right things for the right reasons.....

(I actually witnessed a person doing something illegal yesterday, and his excuse was it was OK because everyone else did it. It is NOT OK, and it is NOT doing the right thing for the right reason).

Groups come and go, but your participation in them in up to you....make sure that you know what the group is really all about before joining it. Make sure you are ready , willing and able to participate. Don't enter in with the idea of changing the group for (what you think is) the better. Give 100%. When you can't do any of that anymore, walk away.

To paraphrase Cody Wingfield, the group is only as strong as its' weakest link .
Don't be that weakest link.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 Bill Engvall would's your sign!

I did a blog on this topic a while back, but I just HAD to do it again. The ammunition that is handed us daily, makes it almost impossible not to.

I start with a comment made by someone about the national debt..."the president is spending money, because the debt climbs every day". Really? You mean those pesky government employees want to get paid for work, and have their lights lit? The fact of the matter is that most of the daily increase is interest on money we have borrowed from other countries.....but seriously, any government has to spend money, unless people are working for free in dark buildings, and we stop social security checks...and and and........ Here's your sign!

"we shouldn't have national health care , it doesn't work in Canada". I asked why (I know several Canadians and they love their national health lives here most of the year, and returns there for surgeries, he is an ex pro hockey player).
Canadians sneak into this country to get medical care (wow, did that come out of the National Enquirer?).
Me-Really? I never heard of such a thing and it makes no sense....
Yes they come into Minnesota for health care. you mean they go to the Mayo Clinic (one of the premier hospitals, the largest in this country, and the one on the cutting edge of treatment , no pun intended).
Me-Well that is because it is one of the premier hosipitals in the world, if I were rich ,I would go there too if I were seriously ill.
I never heard of it.
       Here's your sign!

Mitt Romney refuses to release his tax returns because Obama will use them to show he makes money.
Mitt, I don't know how to tell you this, but the secret is out, we already know you are stinking, filthy rich! Here's something else for you....Here's your sign!

A woman in Colorado called police because she couldn't find her remote control, and thought she was burglarized. The police went to her home and found it in a kitchen drawer. She says she never misplaces things.....Yes honey, people break into houses all the time just to steal remote controls! Here's your sign!

Comment spotted on a live cam at Cornell where three young hawks are flying and learning to hunt...."those poor things are stuck up on that roof in the wind".
They are hawks, not groundhogs. They have wings. They were born to be in the wind.....if they don't like it up there, they will fly down. Here's your sign !

...and if I hear how Captain Kangaroo was a Iwo Jima hero one more time...... he wasn't. He joined after Iwo Jima and missed most of the war. Oh, and Mr Roberts was definitely NOT a Navy Seal. If you still believe either of those's your sign!

...and finally in the news today. A KKK group wants to adopt a road. They are willing to create a stretch of road in Georgia and authorities are trying to figure out if they should allow them to do so or not. Are you kidding! First of all, it would be the first productive thing they have done for the community, and second of all.....let us all know the exact location. We will be happy to leave all kinds of stuff for them to clean up! Atlanta, here's your sign!

Life is full of idiots.....don't be one.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, June 11, 2012

Manners......politics doesn't have them.

Every now and then I write about manners. I sometimes touch on manners as related to the net, but today I want to mention something specifically about the net. Those that know me, know that I don't like politics. I am happy to research and discuss any topic. I like facts that have back up, and it amuses me how the "other side" can always take something with a word or two saying "black" and turn it into a news story saying "white". The media is the worst enemy to political freedom in this country.

I have a friend who posts little placards on Facebook from time to time making statements in different ways from funny, to enlightening, to firm. Usually the former. She is educated, works and supports herself, and has a good head on her shoulders. She is a person who is a good person, and able to see good in everyone. I think the fact that we grew up in such a diverse city, with good parents who wanted us to get educated and get out (of the city, not their home), helped.

She posted on her page, a little placard the other day and a firestorm broke out. I have two issues with politics, one is that people rarely research their "facts" before regurgitating them, and the other is that they get so emotional about them. Politics is an excuse for them to fight, and feel better about themselves, because they are "right" and you are "wrong". They are positive they are right, not becasue they did any brain work, but becasue the news, political party, or trusted friend told them so.

  I wrote a little one liner to her post, agreeing with her, and moved on through my day. I came back to paragraphs from people I never knew, and who certainly don't have a clue about me, calling me "the most insulting" , "racist",  "all that is wrong with the left" and some other choice words. WTF? There are opinios I have that are left, and some are not. I am certainly the farthest thing from a racist, and I had not even started to be insulting yet.....that I can do pretty well.

 I said "people who know me know I am not racist", and made a comment on how their remarks were so off base, and said...I am not going to waste time on this, and went off to do my million other things (maybe they needed something to do too), including flying to PA to pick up Scott.

When I returned, I was going through my email and see paragraphs attacking me. I barely skimmed them, deleted them, and went on to more important things. I am never going to change their minds, or get them to stop being rude, or over emotional. A therapist may, but I am not interested. I also noticed the original poster saying she wasn't going to post things any more because she was attacked. Her real friends told whatever you want. It is your page, your views, go for it.

I agree. Post what you will on your page. People will accept or reject. When things are too over the top, (sometimes their are too many F bombs and pro drug comments on Facebook for my kids to read), you will get deleted, blocked, or your comments hidden. Then you have to decide if that is OK, or not. When all your friends block you, you probably have overstepped the line! Yet, your page should be a place where you can say what your opinion is! Then like in REAL LIFE, people will either not ever "talk " to you again, or you will continue on as always. They space and sometimes anonymous nature of the net gives some people the "muscles" to say things they would never say to your face.

When people outright attack, resort to name calling, and tell you what you can say and think, it is time to hit the "unfriend" button. People have no right to try to bully you into taking back remarks. People have no right to then attack your other friends that they don't know at all in the process. I was told (after refusing to continue the conversation), that my "debating skills were terrible"...LOL, Ummmmm that is the point, I am refusing to debate with you. I'm sorry, was my secretary supposed to set up a time for a debate, is it televised? Let me get a new dress.....

I had so many things I could have said, but unlike these "ladies", I didn't. I still hear my Mom's voice back there somewhere keeping me on the right track.

What is up with people? When your life is waking up each day and seeing who you can get into an argument with to prove how right you are, you need serious psychological attention.
Politics is way too many people spewing nonsense with red faces and a voice above fever pitch while they think "moron" about the person they are fighting with.

I think we should remove all political parties. All of them. We will do like we do in the workplace. Come up with ideas, solutions, and decide which are best, then implement them. We won't worry about what the media says, what our "party" members say, or pissing of the party because we see flaws in their statements . Having a party system means intimidation. It is not physical, well most times anyway, but it is there. Tow the party line or else!No thanks. I have a brain, I know how to use it, and no one, especially a political party, is going to tell me what stance to take on something.

And no one, no matter how many words they type into a paragraph insulting me, will get me to change my mind to their way of "thinking". After all it isn't thinking at even the rudimentary level, it is anger, frustration, and hate. I don't hang with people full of those things.

Keep your spewing rhetoric off other people's pages. You don't rule the world (thank God!), and you can disagree all you want. Make a comment, but don't include spewing hate and nonsense. When things get too bad, say "this isn't the person for me" and move on. Don't stay and try to make their life miserable because you feel you are right.

Meanwhile, in everything you do, THINK FOR YOURSELF. You read something? Research it...really research it. Politically, that means that it says "Bob Smith created 51 jobs", go find the place he did that. THAT means if he is a republican, throw out ALL republican sources because of course they will say the same thing.

This goes for anything. I remember a person who always tells us how smart he is, researching a teacher by reading all the teacher's publicity, his organization's information, and his students comments that he has teaching. OK, without going through all that research, what do YOU think those things said? Of course they said he was great. Does that make him great? Heck no!

Mama taught you manners, and she did not tack on the end "unless you are in a political discussion then you can be as rude, nasty , and stupid as you please. Make sure you get in the last word, and show them that only you are right.". I know she didn't!

Attack the issue, not the people.

Do unto others.....
Do the right things for the right reasons....

...and by the way, the Universe is in control, so acting all fiery political is sincerely waste of your time. Yes it is....

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Haunted objects....not really.

My husband and I were watching Haunted Collector last night. It is like a train wreck. You don't want to watch, but you just have to. We sound like those two old men in the balcony on the Muppet Show when we are watching, and we are usually doing something else at the same time (Matt was making beaters, and I was doing all kinds of running around the house).

When the one client said he had swords from the Crusades, I thought...yep, you are gullible, you have just the right people investigating your house. Swords from the Crusades, really? Let's see that would mean they are worth millions a piece. Sell them and buy an "unhaunted" house.

When they ripped up his carpet and started making all kinds of noises about what was painted on the floor, I looked at my husband and said "This should be good, that is a positive symbol". It was, but they tried to make it into a positive one that was used for bad.PULLLEEEESE. Stop already.

It is amusing to me on one hand, but on the other, I think of all the people out there hungry for info that are hearing this crap and taking it to heart. I can't stand fakes in any way, shape or form.

Can objects be haunted? I wouldn't call them "haunted", but they hold energy. EVERY object holds energy, good, bad and indifferent. People with higher, more vibrant energy (good or bad), impart more of it on their surroundings. Psychics with the ability call psychometry can pick up the object and "read" it. Circumstances imprint more energy too. Objects will be able to absorb more from high energy, high emotion, places and people, just because it is there to be had!

Now, should you start selling family heirlooms, throwing out second hand items and list all your antiques on EBAY? No, of course not. I said to my hubby last night, if all that stuff is so haunted in John's basement, the house should be rattling off the foundation. Don't toss or sell items that
you have , second had, old, used....keep them.

When you get an EVP, at a location and that is about it, the house is far from haunted. If I went to each and every house in my city, I could get an EVP. There are spirits all around us, all the time. Guides, family members checking on us, old energy in residual form, and yes, haunting ghosts. An EVP plus an heirloom does not a haunting make. Many of these people aren't living in a haunted house in the first place, so removing an item just leaves it as NOT haunted as it was to begin with.

There are so many people who get into ghost hunting and see "evidence" around every corner. I am the opposite. I KNOW for a fact that there are hauntings, ghosts, spirits (good and bad), energetic phenomenon, all over the place. But I also know that the popularity of ghost shows has made people see "evidence" like so called orbs, shadows, and mists that are quite ordinary.

Now, I want to shift to another topic from the show, and add one more very important note. The cast of Haunted Collector SUPPOSEDLY found a Native American knife buried under the floor of an old factory. When you find such an item, you don't get to keep it. You notify authorities. It goes to the local tribe, an the site is investigated (it may be a burial site). You don't just dig up stuff, take it to your museum and complete construction/destruction. That being said...the Native Americans did not make metal knives that are cut and shaped for the handles before the 1800's. It was touted as a "scalping knife".  The people of the time had knives. They didn't have a butcher's block in the kitchen of the wigwam with 14 knives in it. They each had a knife. It served many purposes. The women had different knives than the men,for different purposes, but they didn't run around with several in their belt, and one specifically for scalping. My people scalped with an axe /tomahawk, or used knives they took from the British. They would scalp you with a sharp rock if they felt like it.

Either way, it was a disaster. You never dig up and take NA items. You never continue work on a site where they are found until an inspection is done. Any for goodness sake, not every house that has issues (or not) is haunted by an object. That is about the rarest form of haunting, yet Haunted Collector seems to find them every week.

Please just watch this train wreck for entertainment purposes only! 

Quality above quantity....remember that Sy-fy.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why meditation?

Students frequently ask why meditation is such a big component in psychic work. It honestly is not something that everyone NEEDS to do, but it helps. Some people have such a natural strong connection, or are easily able to quiet their minds, that there is no need for meditation.

Meditation quiets the mind so that you can experience messages, feelings and inspiration from other dimensions. They can comes from guides, passed souls, or even the Universe/God/Creator.
The information that is passed to us for our personal use is very important and that is why it is given, but many either don't recognize it,  or choose to ignore the messages.

When we meditate we close out the chatter of the Ego, the conscious mind, and allow the other messages to come through. The Ego and conscious mind are loud, the intuitive self is not, it is a quiet voice coming from another vibration.

Meditation is a good first step for anyone trying to delve into psychic, medium, or healing work. People who really never needed it in the first place, drift away from it,  and people who benefit from it, embrace it. It isn't easy, and many say they just can't do it. I have a hard time myself. I don't need to do it, so maybe that is why I don't try hard enough, but I will say that when I do, I immediately benefit from it.

When doing my BS and MS in metaphysics, I had to meditate daily. It was part of the coursework. It greatly helped, there were things that happened that have not happened since childhood. I still kept my "closed" sign up for my daily life, but more information was forthcoming when I asked for it. Walking around "open" all the time is not healthy, and is not what we are meant to do. It is the reason many feel uncomfortable around some psychics. They feel like all their dirty little secrets are there to be seen and known. Anyone with psychic ability should be "closed" when they are not "working" as otherwise it is like peeking in someone's windows. Never give unsolicited advice, unless Spirit demands so. When you are "closed" and a strong message comes through, you know it is one you are supposed to deliver.

Meditation will help you ascertain which messages are those important ones and which are not. You will know where they comes from, and if they are urgent. You will know when it is just a "radio signal" you are picking up on, or an important message. Rarely is something so important that we are sent the message to pass it along. Many times silly little messages are just to help boost our faith in the fact that we have an ability.

So, try meditation, if anything, it will help you to relax a little in this crazy world. You may then be able to solve problems and answer questions that come your way through being more in tune with your higher self and therefore the Universe. You will more easily see solutions to issues in your life and be more patient about letting some work themselves out. You will also be more brave about dealing with others head on.

I have a guided meditation that I do that many people benefit from. There may be a person or recorded guided mediation available to you to use, if so, give it a try!

Meditation only takes 5-10 minutes of your day, and may turn you into an open channel!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Messages, messages, messages

Messages come in many forms. They usually come in flashes, and are usually symbols. They can be seen, heard, smelled, felt, and just "known". They can come while awake, while asleep, while in a trance state.They can come on their own, or in response to a question. They can come on their own or through tools like crystal balls, tarot cards, pendulums, and runes.They can come from guides, those who have passed, the collective unconscious, and the Universe itself.  They can come through processes like automatic writing or psychometry. No way is better or worse than any other way. Some ways just work better for some people.

The hardest part of psychic or medium work is discernment. How do you know it is a message and not your own self? How do you know the message has validity, or that it isn't coming from a problem spirit playing with you? The answer is complicated. It involves first validating what you get (this should be done in the beginning of any psychic journey), checking with your guide, and by experience knowing how your messages come. After years of experience you know the process and validity. You use your psychic talents and guides to make sure that spirits are telling you the truth, and there are methods , again though helpers like guides , to make sure you are really talking to a valid spirit, or receiving valid information.

People think it is simple and precise (thanks Hollywood!). It isn't. A client may ask what profession is best for them. I may get that they need to use their artistic talents for example. However, I may not know if that is painting or sculpting. Then there is the other part to this. Should they work as an artist on their own, or for an ad firm, a movie company, Disneyland?

I often wonder how answers help. I have had callers ask to describe the next man in their life. Really? Why? I can say, about 6 foot, darker hair and eyes, dresses well, athletic build.he works in an office and lives nearby.  How many humans does that describe??? Now if there is a group of two to three people you are dating and you want to know which one is best, that may help, but otherwise my description may lead you off on many wild goose chases.

Psychic information is for guidance. Not to tell you what to do. Not to give you a set of directions for life , but a road map showing options. It is not to tell you that you will be moving to 101 Main St, East Nowhere , Alaska on a Tuesday in 2014.  What would be the point? that kind of information can be harmful. You may decide sometime in 2013 to not pay the mortgage because you know you are moving soon, and where will that get you (except maybe declined for the house in Alaska)?? It can alter your decision making in the meantime, and also be changed by your free will (you decide to move back in with the ex in Florida because he has quit drinking and found God).

People want decisions made for them, and that is not what we do. Meanwhile back to the messages. It is frustrating to people who are learning psychic development. They want the descriptions and addresses that they think seasoned psychics never get. They allow the misleading messages to take them down the wrong path in the enthusiasm of "getting something". The way to work it all out is to use validation. When there is another person involved, ask them if they know why you would get a message for them about a house in Alaska. See what they say. It will help you hone your skills. Meanwhile, if you are just learning, don't charge people for readings, just do them for friends and family and get feedback. If your accuracy is low, wait, practice and try again later.Reading for yourself is next to impossible to do accurately, your brain and ego will constantly interfere.

Messages come easily in the beginning in dreams. That is a similar brain state to trance and an easy path to psychic information. You have no fears, no brain saying "it can't be true", and no "am I going crazy" moments while asleep. The messages have easy access. Have a pad and paper by the bedside and write them down, you WILL forget them in the morning. Then see if you can validate them. It may take a while, so be prepared to wait.

The whole process of psychic development takes a while. A good thing to have is "psychic friends".People that maybe you have taken a class with. Sometimes people form a psychic circle, you can give info and see if anyone resonates with it. You can have a person record it on paper and see if it gets validation in any way. You can practice getting and giving messages. I was thinking of forming a circle locally, we will see how that goes!

Accept your messages, the more you accept them and check on them, the more will come. Learn discernment and take the time needed. You will never be 100% correct, but need to be over 95%.
Time is the hardest thing to predict because time is a man made thing and does not exist on the other side.

Messages come all the time, learn to accept, discern, and use them well!

Peshaui  Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, June 4, 2012

When things go sideways

There is always a reason why plans go sideways. There is always a reason why "bad things happen", and it is NOT a punishment. It is just the way the Universe runs. Everything is effected by Universal Law. Universal law is constantly putting things to right. It is always adjusting and making things happen. There are times when we cannot see the reason, or times when we do not like the outcome, but there is always a valid Universal reason.

There is a way you can bring bad things to you directly and knowingly. That is wishing or causing ill will on others. When you wish for, pray for, or try to bring about bad things for someone, including trying to take away their free will, Universal Law sends it back to you...and depending on what belief system you subscribe to, either threefold or tenfold. Neither one is good!

No one can escape the power of Universal Law, it is impossible, and that is in the now, the past, the future, including different planes of existence. Universal law is completely unbiased, and literal. The unbiased attitude of the Universe is always fair, although we may say "life is not fair". "Fair" is a poor word to use, life is always exactly what it NEEDS to be. That is about as fair as you can get...

When we live in agreement with Universal Law we have complete control over our lives. You have to read and understand the first part of that sentence to really get the meaning. People read that sentence and believe that a life of financial wealth, any partner they want, and all they desire is available to them. That is not what it means. You have to live in agreement with Universal Law. The first part of that sentence rarely sinks in. That means that you live and walk YOUR life path. Not Donald Trump's, not some superstar, not any famous person. When you walk your path, the path is made easy, and life is happy. Everyone skips step one of manifesting, and that is making sure that something is part of your life path.

The way to have a successful life? Love for humankind (and that does not mean that we have to embrace people like child molesters, that is another huge mistake people make...they think that we have to be facilitating to "bad people" we do not) . This means we "do no harm". When someone is an issue, we deal with the issue. That means we call people out, we notify authorities, we remove disruptive and rude people from our situations and lives. We refuse to deal with liars, cheats, and thieves. We report crimes. Universal love is not allowing bad to happen,for allowing bad to happen is not loving to anyone or anything.

The pop culture of reading on the surface of these things that are deep, meaningful and difficult to truly understand has caused a bunch of New age zombies who cause more harm than good. They walk around mindlessly mouthing the words , like "love" and "peace" and never proliferate either.

The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, and that is happening even more today. The pull is more powerful than before, and that means that people are also being rejected and pushed away even more (to where they find "like" souls). People will be walking away or forced away. That is OK.

Our vibration levels (for those walking their path) will raise . That causes us to be more open to, and to see, hear, and understand Spirit more clearly. There will be a day when psychics and mediums are nothing but the average person. The veil isn't really getting thinner, the communication channels are getting closer. When people are walking their path, their vibrations are rising up.

Thoughts are manifesting our reality. When you believe something enough, it will occur. Don't walk around calling yourself anything negative like "fat", "dumb", or "worthless", as you become those things. What we manifest in life is what we expect to happen.

When we have a bad relationship and there is upset, even physical damage, it is the Universe telling us FIRMLY to "get out". When our boss is a jerk, it is the Universe telling us "there is a better job for you out there, find it". When we are alone we are learning to be independent. People who can be independent make the best partners! Remember there is a difference between being able to stand alone and being selfish, they are total opposites!things go sideways for a reason! The best thing to do is know the message BEFORE the Universe has to make your life go sideways to get your attention.The Universe starts off subtly and then gets firmer until there is a huge whack in the back of the head....energetically.

Be careful what you wish for. This is a very true statement. I have known more than one example of people manifesting "big money" to only manifest an accident and lawsuit. I have known a person manifesting their prescriptions to be gone.  They manifested themselves right out of a job and insurance and actually stopped taking them. Needless to say a bigger health issue ensued. Instead manifest a way to have all that you need, and better health. Be VERY careful what you wish for.

There are two very easy things to do to make life good. One is to "do unto others", the other is to "walk your talk", and make it a good talk. That means not only to do what you say you will, but to always strive to help others do so. It means that we teach, we help, and we do it all from (first law we talked about) love. There is tough love, there is honesty. Love isn't all kissy flowers and kind words. Sometimes the love words are more like "grow up".

When the Universe goes sideways on you, stop and look back. Find the pattern and be totally honest with yourself about why that is happening!

Do the right things for the right reasons, and walk your talk!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission