Thursday, June 14, 2012

Filtering friends...weed the garden!

Yesterday was a day when emails came in on the topic of groups and friends. There were actually two "thank you!" messages as these people were involved in the group setting I wrote about. Then there was the email from people I do not personally know who read the blog.

It is interesting how much people do not want to put up with difficult people for the sake of having them in the orbit somewhere. I kind of picked at the topic with people yesterday and found that there are so many "like" people getting together at this stage, that the quality need is outpacing quantity need.

 There are some unfortunately, that are "alone" and will remain so as they fight to be with groups that are not "like" energy, but different energy. People who are on their path (be it good or bad), have those around them that are like minded, and to be more exact, have similar energy.

The reason is clear. They don't have to put up with anyone's nonsense as they have a multitude of real friends, associates and colleagues, AND people are realizing more and more that there are some people who will not grow. We are more and more accepting that some people are stuck.

I remember that one of my mentors said to me (about two years ago), that my tolerance for bull and people who didn't want to learn and grow was waning, and that it would be gone. This is not being non compassionate, these people have a choice.

She was right, about my growth to NOT put up with nonsense, and that there are people out there who just want to be miserable, nasty jerks. They excel at it, and are comfortable being it. They are now however being weeded out more and more.

I no longer have a tolerance for fakes, for nasty, miserable people, or for bullcrap. I was always a person who wouldn't put up with it for long, but now I don't put up with it for a moment. We can't make people be nice, be good , be mindful, be compassionate. We can't make egotists be humble. We can't make Haters be friendly to those different than themselves. We can't make people who don't know how to speak plainly but kindly, do so.

It isn't our job. We can try to teach, but there is a time when we have to aren't getting it, have a nice life...and that is OK!

What we are here to do, is be the best we can be. We are here to look at ourselves, and see what we can do to grow and learn. When you are alone, have no friends, no partner, and life stinks, YOU are the common denominator and have to figure out what is wrong, then DO SOMETHING about it. I had a person say they now hang around with nicer people than they used to, but it isn't working. I told her she needed to BE a nicer person than she used to. That set her back, but I think she had an "aha" moment.

I am lucky enough, or on the right path enough, to have a large group of varied, fun, loving individuals around me. There are one or two that will probably end up on the outside of my life, but I recognize them for who they are, and know that they will never be close and may not be around long. I do not allow them to negatively influence me. I had to weed the garden yesterday, and it was a person that I thought long and hard about allowing in. I knew it wasn't going to work. It didn't. Her very first direct comment to me ever, was smart ass, sarcastic and nasty...and that wasn't even the first affront. Long story. I am not even going to begin to go down that road. Don't have the time for it, and I have plenty of other people to talk to. A friend recently weeded her garden and although it was tough, she realized it needed to be done.

Don't hold yourself hostage.

The Universe is sorting people into groups, allow it to do its' job and things will flow.

Do the right things FOR THE RIGHT REASONS. That doesn't mean to find excuses, loopholes, and hearing things to mean what you want them to mean. That doesn't mean saying something is OK, because other people are doing worse things. That doesn't mean it is OK because you interpret something your way becasue you want to. It means treating people and talking to people the way you would want people to treat you and talk to you, no excuses. It means being honest, teaching, and not enabling. It means actually DOING the RIGHT things for the RIGHT reasons....when you do, life will become a much happier, abundant and productive place.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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