Messages come in many forms. They usually come in flashes, and are usually symbols. They can be seen, heard, smelled, felt, and just "known". They can come while awake, while asleep, while in a trance state.They can come on their own, or in response to a question. They can come on their own or through tools like crystal balls, tarot cards, pendulums, and runes.They can come from guides, those who have passed, the collective unconscious, and the Universe itself. They can come through processes like automatic writing or psychometry. No way is better or worse than any other way. Some ways just work better for some people.
The hardest part of psychic or medium work is discernment. How do you know it is a message and not your own self? How do you know the message has validity, or that it isn't coming from a problem spirit playing with you? The answer is complicated. It involves first validating what you get (this should be done in the beginning of any psychic journey), checking with your guide, and by experience knowing how your messages come. After years of experience you know the process and validity. You use your psychic talents and guides to make sure that spirits are telling you the truth, and there are methods , again though helpers like guides , to make sure you are really talking to a valid spirit, or receiving valid information.
People think it is simple and precise (thanks Hollywood!). It isn't. A client may ask what profession is best for them. I may get that they need to use their artistic talents for example. However, I may not know if that is painting or sculpting. Then there is the other part to this. Should they work as an artist on their own, or for an ad firm, a movie company, Disneyland?
I often wonder how answers help. I have had callers ask to describe the next man in their life. Really? Why? I can say, about 6 foot, darker hair and eyes, dresses well, athletic build.he works in an office and lives nearby. How many humans does that describe??? Now if there is a group of two to three people you are dating and you want to know which one is best, that may help, but otherwise my description may lead you off on many wild goose chases.
Psychic information is for guidance. Not to tell you what to do. Not to give you a set of directions for life , but a road map showing options. It is not to tell you that you will be moving to 101 Main St, East Nowhere , Alaska on a Tuesday in 2014. What would be the point? that kind of information can be harmful. You may decide sometime in 2013 to not pay the mortgage because you know you are moving soon, and where will that get you (except maybe declined for the house in Alaska)?? It can alter your decision making in the meantime, and also be changed by your free will (you decide to move back in with the ex in Florida because he has quit drinking and found God).
People want decisions made for them, and that is not what we do. Meanwhile back to the messages. It is frustrating to people who are learning psychic development. They want the descriptions and addresses that they think seasoned psychics never get. They allow the misleading messages to take them down the wrong path in the enthusiasm of "getting something". The way to work it all out is to use validation. When there is another person involved, ask them if they know why you would get a message for them about a house in Alaska. See what they say. It will help you hone your skills. Meanwhile, if you are just learning, don't charge people for readings, just do them for friends and family and get feedback. If your accuracy is low, wait, practice and try again later.Reading for yourself is next to impossible to do accurately, your brain and ego will constantly interfere.
Messages come easily in the beginning in dreams. That is a similar brain state to trance and an easy path to psychic information. You have no fears, no brain saying "it can't be true", and no "am I going crazy" moments while asleep. The messages have easy access. Have a pad and paper by the bedside and write them down, you WILL forget them in the morning. Then see if you can validate them. It may take a while, so be prepared to wait.
The whole process of psychic development takes a while. A good thing to have is "psychic friends".People that maybe you have taken a class with. Sometimes people form a psychic circle, you can give info and see if anyone resonates with it. You can have a person record it on paper and see if it gets validation in any way. You can practice getting and giving messages. I was thinking of forming a circle locally, we will see how that goes!
Accept your messages, the more you accept them and check on them, the more will come. Learn discernment and take the time needed. You will never be 100% correct, but need to be over 95%.
Time is the hardest thing to predict because time is a man made thing and does not exist on the other side.
Messages come all the time, learn to accept, discern, and use them well!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C) 2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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