Yesterday's great question of the day was one that came from a person that I am helping to mentor (she lives far away), who was once a client. She wanted to be able to find answers for herself (something we all can do), so I pointed her in the right direction. It helps to have a higher natural ability, seriousness, faith, and time to work at it. She had all of those. There are times when there are emotionally charged situations however, that we should not try to answer ourselves.
She took several classes in her local area. She was making progress, but didn't have the teacher available to her. Her question was, why wasn't she getting a clearer picture of things. Things would come in symbols, sometimes just a color. There would be different ways those would come. She had a person ask her to verify the woman she was speaking of by telling her the person's birthdate. She couldn't , and he said "well how do I know it is real then"?
OK , first of all , for all of those of you who are receiving readings....get real. First of all, we cannot and SHOULD not know every little detail. Because we shouldn't (it is a little too much like invasion of privacy at that point), and neither should you. Spirit tells you what YOU NEED to know, not what you necessarily WANT to know. So asking how many times your ex has sex with his new love is none of your business. Imagine asking that of God. What you be crass enough to do that? Then don't do it with psychics, their emissary goes to the higher power's emissary for an answer. You are technically asking God. He?she isn't amused.
Spirit will NEVER spell out exactly all your directions in life. That is YOUR job. Spirit will help, but it will not give you a play by play so that you never have to make a choice, a decision, or suffer a bad day. Bad days are what this little planet called "SCHOOL" is all about. Cheating on every answer of the test isn't allowed.
People will find that if they become psychic addicts and get into trying to make the Universe give them all the answers, the psychic answers will be "off" more and more and more. The cheating ability is taken away, then the helping ability is impaired .Psychics cannot know everything, our little heads would explode. We are given the message you are to be given. Period. We aren't where the information comes from. We don't know everything about the person and select what to pass along. We pass along what we are given to pass along.
The other point to this, is that things come in symbols. It is hard for Spirit and even harder for humans to communicate at a vibration that is not natural to our state of being. Psychic communication can wear you out. When you have a difficult, disturbed or outright nasty client, it wears you to a nub and makes you want to take a shower.
The symbol communication between a psychic and their guides for instance, gets quicker over the years. There are times when we see a symbol for the hundredth time that has never had a multiple meaning (and many symbols do), and we immediately know the scenario. They may show us a client we had 2 years ago. Does that mean you will have the same scenario? Will you actually meet this person? We have to dig and try to figure that out.
Not every psychic has the same abilities. There are people who are sensitives. They know how a person feels or will feel about something, but don't ask them when you will find a job. They will know if you will like it or not, but not when you will get it.
There are different abilities, styles, and depth of communication that exist with each psychic. Just because one is good at dates for instance , doesn't mean she can tell you how someone feels about you. That doesn't make her good or bad, just that she is able to do certain things well, and not others. Just like real life! When a person uses a tool (crystal ball, tarot, pendulum), doesn't make them less of a "psychic" than one who does not. She may actually get more information, more quickly , and more clearly. It is like putting on a pair of reading glasses. Sometimes just taking these tools out or touching them turns on a switch . This way she is not walking around all day with useless information filling her head. I use a switch, when I was young I knew things about everyone who passed me on the street. Sounds like fun? It isn't.
What we do as psychics is play a game of telephone. Remember how that worked? You would pass a message along and by the time it got to the end of the line of people, it was totally different? Well the good news is that it is passing through only one person, so that doesn't happen. But she needs to interpret it, and tell you in a clear way, then you have a job. That job is not trying to make it fit your situation, or to hear what you want to hear.
Many times I tell a client that they will get the job IF THEY (fill in the blank). They never do the "fill in the blank" part, don't get the job, and then say...didn't you say I would get the job? (NOPE). I remember telling another that her daughter would get a spot on a dancing team if she practiced enough. She didn't get it. That means she didn't practice enough. Mom says (even though she is hundreds of miles away), "she practiced every day". Ok, are you sure, and for five minutes or five hours a day??
The beauty of that type of message is it gives you a way to control your destiny. When people do not use that awesome control, it is such a waste! People waste that tool all the time. There is also a window of opportunity. Spirit won't keep Prince Charming in a closet for 5 years while you build up the guts to leave your ex. You have a short period of time to get your act together, when you don't, others are released from their contract.
Are you understanding why psychics can never be right 100% of the time?
When a psychic asks you why they are seeing a certain object. Be honest, if you aren't sure, then note it. You may not realize what it is at first, but a few days later have an "AHA" moment when you see the object or remember its' significance. When you can, contact the psychic back and let her know what it was in connection to, it may help her understand a new symbol in her spirit "language".
Meanwhile, pay attention to symbols in your own life. Is there an old song that you have heard more than once today? Was there an unusual happening that keeps occurring? Does the same name keep popping up?
I had a client taking college courses and having a hard time balancing work, school and home. She thought about quitting school. I told her absolutely not to , school was important for her, to find a way to make the time fit. That day she spent dropping things all day long. Car keys (that landed under the car), her lunch on her skirt, her laundry....and that night she met with her counselor at school to talk about rearranging her schedule. The counselor told her she could drop a class and still graduate in time. Drop two, and take a summer class if she needed even more time. BINGO...DROP a class!!! (The Universe does have a strange sense of humor by the way).
Symbols are in our lives every day. Every day. We just have to pay attention to them. Spirit communicates in symbols. Now, that doesn't mean everything is a "sign", but it does mean to pay attention to the unusual when it is reoccurring. Then you just have to figure out what it means, like the rest of us (oh its not so easy any more is it!).
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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