Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Why meditation?

Students frequently ask why meditation is such a big component in psychic work. It honestly is not something that everyone NEEDS to do, but it helps. Some people have such a natural strong connection, or are easily able to quiet their minds, that there is no need for meditation.

Meditation quiets the mind so that you can experience messages, feelings and inspiration from other dimensions. They can comes from guides, passed souls, or even the Universe/God/Creator.
The information that is passed to us for our personal use is very important and that is why it is given, but many either don't recognize it,  or choose to ignore the messages.

When we meditate we close out the chatter of the Ego, the conscious mind, and allow the other messages to come through. The Ego and conscious mind are loud, the intuitive self is not, it is a quiet voice coming from another vibration.

Meditation is a good first step for anyone trying to delve into psychic, medium, or healing work. People who really never needed it in the first place, drift away from it,  and people who benefit from it, embrace it. It isn't easy, and many say they just can't do it. I have a hard time myself. I don't need to do it, so maybe that is why I don't try hard enough, but I will say that when I do, I immediately benefit from it.

When doing my BS and MS in metaphysics, I had to meditate daily. It was part of the coursework. It greatly helped, there were things that happened that have not happened since childhood. I still kept my "closed" sign up for my daily life, but more information was forthcoming when I asked for it. Walking around "open" all the time is not healthy, and is not what we are meant to do. It is the reason many feel uncomfortable around some psychics. They feel like all their dirty little secrets are there to be seen and known. Anyone with psychic ability should be "closed" when they are not "working" as otherwise it is like peeking in someone's windows. Never give unsolicited advice, unless Spirit demands so. When you are "closed" and a strong message comes through, you know it is one you are supposed to deliver.

Meditation will help you ascertain which messages are those important ones and which are not. You will know where they comes from, and if they are urgent. You will know when it is just a "radio signal" you are picking up on, or an important message. Rarely is something so important that we are sent the message to pass it along. Many times silly little messages are just to help boost our faith in the fact that we have an ability.

So, try meditation, if anything, it will help you to relax a little in this crazy world. You may then be able to solve problems and answer questions that come your way through being more in tune with your higher self and therefore the Universe. You will more easily see solutions to issues in your life and be more patient about letting some work themselves out. You will also be more brave about dealing with others head on.

I have a guided meditation that I do that many people benefit from. There may be a person or recorded guided mediation available to you to use, if so, give it a try!

Meditation only takes 5-10 minutes of your day, and may turn you into an open channel!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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