I was asked yesterday about how to get messages. It is difficult at first, but once you master it, it is amazingly EASY!
This is a topic that is very hot with many people now. It is a good "hot topic" especially since messages will get easier and easier to obtain as we approach 2012. There are actually two parts to it. How do we get messages for our highest good, and how do we know they are genuine?
First let me say that the Universe loves it when people open up to it, and it doesn't mind being asked to "confirm" a message. The messages however are usually subtle, or happen over a length of time, so they are harder to see. The Universal voice speaks to us more softly than our loud Ego, so we have to move beyond Ego, and listen carefully.
Sometimes we get messages without asking or trying. Let's say that you keep trying to achieve something and failing time and again. The message is "don't do it". What if every time you are with a group, you feel badly. You may feel unhappy, physically ill or tired, or upset in some way. The Universe is saying, "Time to leave this group behind". When we are always rushing around, and we find that when we rush all kinds of things go wrong to slow us down, traffic jams, closed roads, flat tires, slow moving trucks, make us later and later...the message is SLOW DOWN, or simply to start leaving earlier. Whenever we are uncomfortable, angry or frustrated, there is a Universal message there!!
Before you go through the "attempts", there are a few things you need to do first:
Lose any fear about it. Just think of it as prayers being answered, as essentially it is the same thing.
Be sincere about it. Use it for YOUR HIGHEST GOOD, nothing else. These are important messages for you, not the winning lottery numbers, or what a boy thinks about you. These are life messages, and are on a much higher level. They are guidance for you.
Be consistent.
Accept and act on the knowledge when it comes.
The other pre-work is that you should use an affirmation daily, if not several times a day, to advise the Universe you are serious about this and need its' help. The affirmation can be:
I am ready to accept and act on Universal wisdom and direct messages sent to me. I will receive them, accept them and act on them. I ask the Universe to assist me in this now. The Universe will assist me now.Only messages from the light and for my highest good will come through.
This is the Pre-work, and is necessary for success.Part I is DOING the message gathering. There are a couple of parts to the process and we will talk more about those in the coming days.
There are a few ways to obtain messages, but the best way is to try to connect by way of meditation. The only method of meditation is NOT sitting cross legged in a dark and quiet room. That is wonderful if it works for you, but not everyone can clear their mind so easily. The reason this is best , is that you can do it at just about any time. When you get good at it, you can do it in a crowded room.
If you can sit and relax your whole body, and not think any thoughts, use that method. If you can't do it the first time, don't give up. It sometimes takes a lot of practice. The "quiet" is sometimes actually a deterrent. When you can't stop thinking, try the peaceful state with some new age, non invasive music, steady quiet drumming (you don't need an actual drum), or nature sounds (waves or rain). Total non thinking is your aim.
So, make your space as quiet and relaxing as possible. For some that is a dark, warm, totally quiet room. For others it is in the great outdoors , or in the bath. Blank your mind, you may have to try a few times. When you can't, don't get frustrated, but stop, and try another day.
There are other ways to alter your brain waves. When you go into this meditative state, you are taking the brain's electronic function to a different level. Zoning out so to speak. You are here, but you aren't.
I find that walking a familiar route is magic for me. If I have a question, I go for a walk, and get all kinds of solutions. It is just WALKING...not sight seeing, or window shopping, and it is best done alone. Long drives do it for a lot of people. I don't recommend trying to zone out while driving, but how many poeple have been on long highway drives and suddenly said, "Here's my exit! How did I get here, I don't remember a thing!" It is separating your conscious mind (that is still driving the car), from your subconscious mind (that was elsewhere). Some people are able to do this with a moving mediation like tai chi. Tai chi is performed through muscle memory, and does not require you to think, leaving your mind to roam, much like driving along the quiet and boring highway.
Find the right method that works best. When meditating, don't be afraid if you find yourself falling asleep. It is actually a good thing, You are relaxing. Many get messages just before they fall asleep.Work with it to stay "in between" for longer periods.
Another method is to ask for messages while you sleep, and to remember them. Obtaining messages while we sleep is the easiest way, and they do not appear as dreams, but sounds, or ideas given to you as you nod off. The HARD part is remembering them, so ask to remember them before going to sleep. Sometimes they will make you sit bolt upright in bed with their suddenness and clarity.
Other methods include psychic tools, like tarot, but they require training and interpretation. You can muscle test and use pendulums, but they give limited answers and I have seen too many people MAKE it move without realizing they are moving their hands.
To sum up Part I, do the affirmations, find the medatative method that works best. Before each session ask, "Do you have any messages for me that I need to know?" The answer may be nothing , as there are no messages for you, you are doing fine. So don't let silence deter you! The next session ask a more specific question, like, "How can I do better in my financial life?" The next session ask something along the lines of, " What would you like to teach me, even if there is nothing I need to know right now".
Write down ANYTHING you get. It may be one word, an image, a smell, a sound. Write it down.
Tomorrow, we will go into Part II!
Start practicing!!!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Let's talk about Icky
A friend and I were chatting about things yesterday and she was commenting on how being around certain situations and people lately, made her feel like she was under attack. I said, I don't see you being under attack, but when you are around people/situations that no longer fit your energy, you will feel icky. She said, "That's it, a new term for the blog, icky!"
I have probably used "icky" before, although I am not sure....but as I have written previously, we will start to see people's true colors, and when we cannot , we will still be directed away from them. When you like someone, it is hard to persuade you to "stay away". So the Universe steps in and provides "icky".
The people who belong together won't feel icky, or angry, or frustrated with each other, they will be all fine , happy, and clueless as to the rest of the world. People who don't belong in the group, will feel uncomfortable around these people. The discomfort may not be the squirming in the seat kind(although it may!), but it will be an undercurrent in the room that doesn't feel right. A feeling of static or ungrounded energy.Some will even feel headaches around certain people, and even icky stomachs.
We will run into "icky" more and more these days as the groups form, and un-form. As like attracts like, not on an intelligent or logical basis, but on an energetic one. Your head may say "I like this person.", but your energy will say "run away!". People who try hard to "fake it" will slowly, but surely, not be able to do so anymore. Your logical mind always gets in the way of your instincts unless you have learned to use and trust them. The mind may say "but he seems like a nice guy", and your stomach says "RUN RUN RUN", then go with the stomach. It isn't a bad burrito you ate, especially when it happens more than once.
Read the roadsigns. When you find that every time you are with a group you feel badly, are upset, even angry; when you are in a place or with a group, and always end up sick, hurt, depressed or angry later on; when you find that after being with a certain group you are confused, and your energy feels scattered; when you are with a certain group and feel "icky", it is a sign from the Universe to get back on your path, and your path is not with the "icky".
Learn to read Universal messages, it make life so much easier!
Do the right things for the right reasons!
Peshaui Wequashimese
NOTE: I also had an email yesterday from a lady who wanted to make a remark, but was afraid that "God's good people" would attack her. She said that she was amazed that when I said that much of the NA community doesn't like their creation stories called "myths", that people tried to justify calling it such by semantics. She said "This isn't about semantics, if someone says our culture looks at that as a bad thing, just say thank you for telling me, I am sorry , I didn't know, then don't do it anymore."
I have to say that I have been attacked by people who go to church every Sunday and apparently don't comprehend a word that is said there. I understand her reluctance. I think it is sad that people are afraid to speak up. I did tell her that the people who were discussing it were good people, and they mean no harm, and I am sure they get it, and that is what discussions are for.
Silence is deadly. Never be afraid to speak out. If people want to act like they are in high school, good. They just show their true colors. We are all entitled to our beliefs, and if anyone tells you are wrong , or are going to rot in hell, then realize THEY are the ones who need the most "saving". Say a prayer in whatever way you belief system allows for them, and MOVE ON!
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I have probably used "icky" before, although I am not sure....but as I have written previously, we will start to see people's true colors, and when we cannot , we will still be directed away from them. When you like someone, it is hard to persuade you to "stay away". So the Universe steps in and provides "icky".
The people who belong together won't feel icky, or angry, or frustrated with each other, they will be all fine , happy, and clueless as to the rest of the world. People who don't belong in the group, will feel uncomfortable around these people. The discomfort may not be the squirming in the seat kind(although it may!), but it will be an undercurrent in the room that doesn't feel right. A feeling of static or ungrounded energy.Some will even feel headaches around certain people, and even icky stomachs.
We will run into "icky" more and more these days as the groups form, and un-form. As like attracts like, not on an intelligent or logical basis, but on an energetic one. Your head may say "I like this person.", but your energy will say "run away!". People who try hard to "fake it" will slowly, but surely, not be able to do so anymore. Your logical mind always gets in the way of your instincts unless you have learned to use and trust them. The mind may say "but he seems like a nice guy", and your stomach says "RUN RUN RUN", then go with the stomach. It isn't a bad burrito you ate, especially when it happens more than once.
Read the roadsigns. When you find that every time you are with a group you feel badly, are upset, even angry; when you are in a place or with a group, and always end up sick, hurt, depressed or angry later on; when you find that after being with a certain group you are confused, and your energy feels scattered; when you are with a certain group and feel "icky", it is a sign from the Universe to get back on your path, and your path is not with the "icky".
Learn to read Universal messages, it make life so much easier!
Do the right things for the right reasons!
Peshaui Wequashimese
NOTE: I also had an email yesterday from a lady who wanted to make a remark, but was afraid that "God's good people" would attack her. She said that she was amazed that when I said that much of the NA community doesn't like their creation stories called "myths", that people tried to justify calling it such by semantics. She said "This isn't about semantics, if someone says our culture looks at that as a bad thing, just say thank you for telling me, I am sorry , I didn't know, then don't do it anymore."
I have to say that I have been attacked by people who go to church every Sunday and apparently don't comprehend a word that is said there. I understand her reluctance. I think it is sad that people are afraid to speak up. I did tell her that the people who were discussing it were good people, and they mean no harm, and I am sure they get it, and that is what discussions are for.
Silence is deadly. Never be afraid to speak out. If people want to act like they are in high school, good. They just show their true colors. We are all entitled to our beliefs, and if anyone tells you are wrong , or are going to rot in hell, then realize THEY are the ones who need the most "saving". Say a prayer in whatever way you belief system allows for them, and MOVE ON!
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Native American Creation stories
It took over a year, but I finally managed to get my hands on the Hopi book I bought at the Grand Canyon. Matt was slowly reading it (as he had time), and our lovely Taiji had munched the back pages, so that I had to go to Amazon.com and get another copy.
Native American creation stories (please don't call them myths), are so very interesting and show a keen understanding of the world around them. The Hopis were, and are, a fascinating people with a very structured and easy to understand belief system. I knew the basics of the Hopi, after living near them, and personally knowing some Hopi while in New Mexico.
From their beautiful ceremonies to the awesome kachinas (we have a beautiful Hopi made Wolf kachina), I just fell in love with the people. They are really a wonderful and beautiful group. I never had a chance however to learn much about them ( I was near and hiring people from nine tribes, and needed to be familiar with their ways). When we were in Sedona in 2009, we went to a few sites where there were Hopi pictographs including a calendar that was about 20 feet tall carved in the rock. There were many groups that used this rock to commemorate important events. Learning that the Hopi knew the world was round well before Copernicus, I wanted to know even more about them. They knew the seasons, the planets, and so much that most of the world didn't have a clue about. They were obviously keen observers. This sparked my interest to learn even more about them. I knew little bits and pieces, but not how it all fit together, I was so excited to have my new book.
After a long day of hiking we settled in one night, Matt had forgotten to bring his book, so I handed over the Hopi to him....he held them hostage for over a year. Now I have them firmly seated on my nightstand, and I started reading about their creation story last night. This book that I have is not just their creation story, but their history as well, and I already know that is also a fascinating one.
Most creation stories in the Native American world have many "gods", and even some "minor" deities or messengers (like the kachina). There is no dogma, nor Savior (they didn't need one, they asked for forgiveness and help constantly), and there was a reason for everything that happened. The Hopi even knew why their ceremonies didn't always work (someone was not thinking the right thoughts as the ritual progressed). They are a very simple, yet complicated people. Their culture is rich, and they are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of acres called the Navajo Nation. They and the Navajo were not always friendly, and yes some cultural aspects leaked over from one to the other, but they somehow maintained their autonomy.
When you understand the Native American way of thinking , you will understand much. It is different than other groups, and it is way that is wonderful, loving, and a life of learning, respect and humbleness. Pick up a creation story. It doesn't matter which one, there are several out there. However if you want to read about a highly intelligent, brave, skilled, and still vibrant Nation, pick up The Book of The Hopi by Frank Waters. You will be amazed at how well advanced the Nations of the Southwestern area of Turtle Island were, and are.
Those who can step back and shed their way of modern thinking and what has been drilled into their heads for a lifetime, will honestly have a new perspective that shows a way that needs none of the modern beliefs to live a well structured and wonderful life. These people had a great way, and still do! Once you understand Native American thought and beliefs you can better understand rites and rituals. You will know why it is improper to some things that are held sacred by the NA community, and why they must be done a certain way in some circumstances. You will know why you can't leave out bits and pieces and what is really important in life.
When in AZ, travel to the Navajo and Hopi reservations, they rugged land in beautiful, and so are the people.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Native American creation stories (please don't call them myths), are so very interesting and show a keen understanding of the world around them. The Hopis were, and are, a fascinating people with a very structured and easy to understand belief system. I knew the basics of the Hopi, after living near them, and personally knowing some Hopi while in New Mexico.
From their beautiful ceremonies to the awesome kachinas (we have a beautiful Hopi made Wolf kachina), I just fell in love with the people. They are really a wonderful and beautiful group. I never had a chance however to learn much about them ( I was near and hiring people from nine tribes, and needed to be familiar with their ways). When we were in Sedona in 2009, we went to a few sites where there were Hopi pictographs including a calendar that was about 20 feet tall carved in the rock. There were many groups that used this rock to commemorate important events. Learning that the Hopi knew the world was round well before Copernicus, I wanted to know even more about them. They knew the seasons, the planets, and so much that most of the world didn't have a clue about. They were obviously keen observers. This sparked my interest to learn even more about them. I knew little bits and pieces, but not how it all fit together, I was so excited to have my new book.
After a long day of hiking we settled in one night, Matt had forgotten to bring his book, so I handed over the Hopi to him....he held them hostage for over a year. Now I have them firmly seated on my nightstand, and I started reading about their creation story last night. This book that I have is not just their creation story, but their history as well, and I already know that is also a fascinating one.
Most creation stories in the Native American world have many "gods", and even some "minor" deities or messengers (like the kachina). There is no dogma, nor Savior (they didn't need one, they asked for forgiveness and help constantly), and there was a reason for everything that happened. The Hopi even knew why their ceremonies didn't always work (someone was not thinking the right thoughts as the ritual progressed). They are a very simple, yet complicated people. Their culture is rich, and they are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of acres called the Navajo Nation. They and the Navajo were not always friendly, and yes some cultural aspects leaked over from one to the other, but they somehow maintained their autonomy.
When you understand the Native American way of thinking , you will understand much. It is different than other groups, and it is way that is wonderful, loving, and a life of learning, respect and humbleness. Pick up a creation story. It doesn't matter which one, there are several out there. However if you want to read about a highly intelligent, brave, skilled, and still vibrant Nation, pick up The Book of The Hopi by Frank Waters. You will be amazed at how well advanced the Nations of the Southwestern area of Turtle Island were, and are.
Those who can step back and shed their way of modern thinking and what has been drilled into their heads for a lifetime, will honestly have a new perspective that shows a way that needs none of the modern beliefs to live a well structured and wonderful life. These people had a great way, and still do! Once you understand Native American thought and beliefs you can better understand rites and rituals. You will know why it is improper to some things that are held sacred by the NA community, and why they must be done a certain way in some circumstances. You will know why you can't leave out bits and pieces and what is really important in life.
When in AZ, travel to the Navajo and Hopi reservations, they rugged land in beautiful, and so are the people.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. RM Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, June 27, 2011
I was recently sent an email asking, what exactly is channeling. People seem to think it is a new phenomenon, but as usual, it isn't. It is what was called previously "trance mediumship". Channeling is a person entering a light hypnotic state and allowing another entity to speak through them. The other entity can be what we call angels, nature spirits, or other beings. A true "channel" does not channel the dead, but a medium may use trance as a method to bring those who have passed into voice.
Then came the harder question, "How do you know if they are real?". That is the tough one. Look for changes, not just in how they sound or act, but finer points. What about their facial expressions (they should actually LOOK different), their selection of words, sentence structure, gestures and appearance. This is of course easier if you have had conversations with the person prior. A very good actor can fake even that.
Listen to what they say. The channel will never put down or single out anyone in the room, to reprimand, or scold. They will just talk about Universal teachings and how our lives intertwine, our growth as a species, and what we are capable of as a group. If the "channel" starts telling someone they know in the group, that they don't dress well for example, that isn't Universal channeling, that is the person hiding behind the "channel".
A channel will never have to pause and think, answers will flow smoothly. There will be no contradiction in anything they say and there will be a theme to the channeling that will not digress nor go off on a tangent.
A channel will not remember anything they talked about earlier,(in certain circumstances a hypnotist can tell them to remember). They are freely giving over themselves to another being and are no longer "there" as part of the proceedings.
The messages must always be of quality and higher thought. It isn't about anything mundane.
The channel is always showing and teaching.
Generally people can be easily taught to self hypnotize. It is an excellent way of enabling oneself to grow, overcome boundaries, manifest, and find answers to issues. It is also a way to meditate and relax. Just because one can do this,(self hypnosis), does not make one a channel. It can help clear their thoughts and make them able to better present themselves later, but the actual act of self hypnosis, does not a channel make!
There are a ton of fake channels out there, and some real ones. It is easy to just BS for half an hour and say you are channeling the angel so and so. Actually research has found that angels don't have much to say, it is more along the lines of Universal teachers in the form of a collective thought or state of being. You may speak to a "spirit" of wisdom, love, truth. These are vast and deep topics and representations of them, that speak. The information that is" collected wisdom" over the centuries is what channels tap into , not a person who lived on this earth as a human being.
A channel will never tell you to do something bad, harmful, or negative. They won't tell you to give them money, cheat, steal or lie.
They won't have an interesting accent or tell you about their life, they never had one on this earth. This happens when mediums channel the dead, not channels who are channeling higher conscience. Higher conscience doesn't have an accent.
Many researchers are now finding that channels are rarely channeling, and have even found a couple of cases of multiple personalities. This is a psychological disorder, not friendly beings from another dimension.
Arthur Hastings PhD was asked in an interview whether people should open themselves to channeling, here is what he said:
There are several problems. One is, if people are interested in doing channeling, my suggestion is don't do it, because anytime you are changing your conscious level of awareness you are in a sense opening a door, and the door might be open to parts of yourself that you don't like. It might be open to spirits, if that's what's going on, that might be dangerous. A Ouija board is sort of like opening your door on a dark night. You don't know who might come in. So that's one thing. A second thing is that you can be possessed by your enthusiasm for channeling. I know of some people who channeled, who were doing channeling, still are doing channeling, who get totally fixated and caught up. They are listening to their other voice, they are listening to the voice of the channel, they can't wait to get back to it. Like some people get addicted to computers, some people get addicted to chocolate, some people get addicted to being channels.
There are so many kinds of entities out there, higher consciousness is just one of hundreds of thousands. Would you be able to tell a being who never lived on this earth, and who is just a thought form, with no value ...a thing that wants to play a game with your voice and body, from a higher conscience? The answer is "no". The same reason we don't use Ouiji Boards is the same reason we don't throw our doors open wide to the ether. You can also open yourself to partial possession or walk ins.
I have protections in several forms that I use on simply doing psychic readings and healing. Whenever doing any metaphysical work, use protection. Spiritual celebrations etc., do not require such, as they are automatically connecting with God, Creator, the Universe and have the ultimate protection without even asking. Make sure that your space however and participants are cleared, cleansed and ready to go. When doing any ritual it is of ultimate importance that all participating are constantly thinking positive thoughts during the ritual/rite. Just one person not doing so, WILL deflect or minimize the results. That is why it is so important to not open your doors on anything serious and important to all to participate.
Be very wary of channels, or so called channels, it is easy to get caught up in it, even addicted to it, as Hastings says. Being hard to prove, it is also dangerous. You have a person giving you direction who may be confused or mentally ill.
There are so many ways to obtain information and Universal spiritual teachings, from something as easily obtained as a holy book, like a Bible, to forming a link to your guide. Just like the Bible and your guide don't make predictions, neither do channels.
Many people took on the "channeling" bug in the 70's through 90's. At that time, it seemed everyone was a channel, and as I wrote earlier, it is hard to disprove. Channels will not predict the future, or play silly games with you, they have much more vast and important things to do. Today be very careful and skeptical of channels. Make sure that you study them carefully, their mannerisms, what they say, and their messages.
Some so called channels are even fooling themselves. They self hypnotize and bring back past life memories, personal messages, and forgotten thoughts, they then proceed to call them channeled messages for all, when they are nothing of the sort. They don't mean harm, they are just confused, and maybe needing a little extra attention!
Research any channel, there are very few genuine ones in the world.
Never be taken in by a smile, a nice personality, a promise. There are more charlatans in the metaphysical and spiritual world than anywhere else.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Then came the harder question, "How do you know if they are real?". That is the tough one. Look for changes, not just in how they sound or act, but finer points. What about their facial expressions (they should actually LOOK different), their selection of words, sentence structure, gestures and appearance. This is of course easier if you have had conversations with the person prior. A very good actor can fake even that.
Listen to what they say. The channel will never put down or single out anyone in the room, to reprimand, or scold. They will just talk about Universal teachings and how our lives intertwine, our growth as a species, and what we are capable of as a group. If the "channel" starts telling someone they know in the group, that they don't dress well for example, that isn't Universal channeling, that is the person hiding behind the "channel".
A channel will never have to pause and think, answers will flow smoothly. There will be no contradiction in anything they say and there will be a theme to the channeling that will not digress nor go off on a tangent.
A channel will not remember anything they talked about earlier,(in certain circumstances a hypnotist can tell them to remember). They are freely giving over themselves to another being and are no longer "there" as part of the proceedings.
The messages must always be of quality and higher thought. It isn't about anything mundane.
The channel is always showing and teaching.
Generally people can be easily taught to self hypnotize. It is an excellent way of enabling oneself to grow, overcome boundaries, manifest, and find answers to issues. It is also a way to meditate and relax. Just because one can do this,(self hypnosis), does not make one a channel. It can help clear their thoughts and make them able to better present themselves later, but the actual act of self hypnosis, does not a channel make!
There are a ton of fake channels out there, and some real ones. It is easy to just BS for half an hour and say you are channeling the angel so and so. Actually research has found that angels don't have much to say, it is more along the lines of Universal teachers in the form of a collective thought or state of being. You may speak to a "spirit" of wisdom, love, truth. These are vast and deep topics and representations of them, that speak. The information that is" collected wisdom" over the centuries is what channels tap into , not a person who lived on this earth as a human being.
A channel will never tell you to do something bad, harmful, or negative. They won't tell you to give them money, cheat, steal or lie.
They won't have an interesting accent or tell you about their life, they never had one on this earth. This happens when mediums channel the dead, not channels who are channeling higher conscience. Higher conscience doesn't have an accent.
Many researchers are now finding that channels are rarely channeling, and have even found a couple of cases of multiple personalities. This is a psychological disorder, not friendly beings from another dimension.
Arthur Hastings PhD was asked in an interview whether people should open themselves to channeling, here is what he said:
There are several problems. One is, if people are interested in doing channeling, my suggestion is don't do it, because anytime you are changing your conscious level of awareness you are in a sense opening a door, and the door might be open to parts of yourself that you don't like. It might be open to spirits, if that's what's going on, that might be dangerous. A Ouija board is sort of like opening your door on a dark night. You don't know who might come in. So that's one thing. A second thing is that you can be possessed by your enthusiasm for channeling. I know of some people who channeled, who were doing channeling, still are doing channeling, who get totally fixated and caught up. They are listening to their other voice, they are listening to the voice of the channel, they can't wait to get back to it. Like some people get addicted to computers, some people get addicted to chocolate, some people get addicted to being channels.
There are so many kinds of entities out there, higher consciousness is just one of hundreds of thousands. Would you be able to tell a being who never lived on this earth, and who is just a thought form, with no value ...a thing that wants to play a game with your voice and body, from a higher conscience? The answer is "no". The same reason we don't use Ouiji Boards is the same reason we don't throw our doors open wide to the ether. You can also open yourself to partial possession or walk ins.
I have protections in several forms that I use on simply doing psychic readings and healing. Whenever doing any metaphysical work, use protection. Spiritual celebrations etc., do not require such, as they are automatically connecting with God, Creator, the Universe and have the ultimate protection without even asking. Make sure that your space however and participants are cleared, cleansed and ready to go. When doing any ritual it is of ultimate importance that all participating are constantly thinking positive thoughts during the ritual/rite. Just one person not doing so, WILL deflect or minimize the results. That is why it is so important to not open your doors on anything serious and important to all to participate.
Be very wary of channels, or so called channels, it is easy to get caught up in it, even addicted to it, as Hastings says. Being hard to prove, it is also dangerous. You have a person giving you direction who may be confused or mentally ill.
There are so many ways to obtain information and Universal spiritual teachings, from something as easily obtained as a holy book, like a Bible, to forming a link to your guide. Just like the Bible and your guide don't make predictions, neither do channels.
Many people took on the "channeling" bug in the 70's through 90's. At that time, it seemed everyone was a channel, and as I wrote earlier, it is hard to disprove. Channels will not predict the future, or play silly games with you, they have much more vast and important things to do. Today be very careful and skeptical of channels. Make sure that you study them carefully, their mannerisms, what they say, and their messages.
Some so called channels are even fooling themselves. They self hypnotize and bring back past life memories, personal messages, and forgotten thoughts, they then proceed to call them channeled messages for all, when they are nothing of the sort. They don't mean harm, they are just confused, and maybe needing a little extra attention!
Be careful, smart, and always take on EVERY aspect of metaphysical and spiritual study with a good dose of skepticism (something our bliss ninny friends can't seem to do). If you are in a vulnerable state or are a person who is gullible, stay away from this genre. Focus more on organized religion. Although to me, it is not what it makes itself out to be, it if much safer and protects those who would otherwise give fortune teller their life savings.
Never be taken in by a smile, a nice personality, a promise. There are more charlatans in the metaphysical and spiritual world than anywhere else.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Inpertretation, skill and quality
I had several callers ask over the past few days how it is that my readings are different than others. How do I pick up on people , their feelings, their true motivations, even when they may not know them themselves.How do I KNOW the person so well they are calling about? Well, Iam psychic, but I know what they mean. They obtain readings telling them all kinds of things, but never people who tell them about what the person is like, as I do.
The answer is complicated , the most important part of that however is interpretation. Most of these folks receive tarot readings. You can find 100 different readers who read the cards a hundred different ways. There are people with a book on tarot and a deck that get about 30% of the information. Then they color it with their world. The way to do any reading is to be able to step out of your world, and your experiences, and give just what comes from Spirit. When you sit to do a reading, your personality really has to go into a closet, and you allow God, Creator, your guides....to take over. That gives the best readings.
The other part of that is experience. I learn things from my cards all the time. I see new and innovative ways that work to get correct information.
Then I have other aspects that help , first, I have been psychic all of my life. The skill is strong when I set it loose, although for most of my day , I keep it under wraps. The constant flow of information is NOT entertaining. I have learned how to set boundaries to send me only what I need to know, and throw those boundaries aside when I do a reading.
There are important aspects to that which help with people reading. That is I am clairsentiant (clear feeling) and claircognizant (clear knowing). I know the answer and feel as the person feels that you are asking about.
Then the next to last aspect. Training and education. I have studied the tarot, psychic skills and development, and honed my skills. I have also a PhD in metaphysical sciences and a bachelors in psychology. I can get at it from every angle.
The final aspect? Practice, practice, practice. People who dust off their cards once a month to do a little read just aren't sharp. Psychic skills do diminish with lack of use or by using them incorrectly or in a nonspiritual way. Drugs, alcohol and other practices can block that skill.
Research, Learn and grow.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The answer is complicated , the most important part of that however is interpretation. Most of these folks receive tarot readings. You can find 100 different readers who read the cards a hundred different ways. There are people with a book on tarot and a deck that get about 30% of the information. Then they color it with their world. The way to do any reading is to be able to step out of your world, and your experiences, and give just what comes from Spirit. When you sit to do a reading, your personality really has to go into a closet, and you allow God, Creator, your guides....to take over. That gives the best readings.
The other part of that is experience. I learn things from my cards all the time. I see new and innovative ways that work to get correct information.
Then I have other aspects that help , first, I have been psychic all of my life. The skill is strong when I set it loose, although for most of my day , I keep it under wraps. The constant flow of information is NOT entertaining. I have learned how to set boundaries to send me only what I need to know, and throw those boundaries aside when I do a reading.
There are important aspects to that which help with people reading. That is I am clairsentiant (clear feeling) and claircognizant (clear knowing). I know the answer and feel as the person feels that you are asking about.
Then the next to last aspect. Training and education. I have studied the tarot, psychic skills and development, and honed my skills. I have also a PhD in metaphysical sciences and a bachelors in psychology. I can get at it from every angle.
The final aspect? Practice, practice, practice. People who dust off their cards once a month to do a little read just aren't sharp. Psychic skills do diminish with lack of use or by using them incorrectly or in a nonspiritual way. Drugs, alcohol and other practices can block that skill.
So to get the best reading, use a person who knows their stuff, has been doing it a long time, has a natural talent, can remove their ideas from the situation, and who uses the skills regularly. This doesn't just go for a reading, but for anything that you need help with. Search out quality. Quality people have been plying their trade for a long time (almost 40 years for me, since I was a child), with SUCCESS. People who have been struggling at it for years don't meet the QUALITY criteria.
Research, Learn and grow.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Words...when in Rome...
Quite a while ago I was talking to Matt about some thing or other, and he said that he was taught that squaw was a bad word. Huh? Squaw is a word in my ancestor's language. It is Algonquin and was used by both my Pequot and Narragansett ancestors, among others. A week or so ago I heard the same thing from another friend.
There are many Algonquin words that made their way into the language, and across the US as the Natives ran away from the settlers, and the settlers ran away from the big cities. Pow wow (from the word pauwau) , succotash, wampum, and yes , squaw are all examples of those words. They weren't bad words, or slurs towards anyone. Native Americans didn't have slurs they called people. They may describe a group in a certain way, but there was not a maliciousness to it as in some of the words we have today. We can thank the Europeans for that.
Squaw simply means a female. I was taught it meant a young female who was of marriageable age, not a child. As the word moved to the Plains, it became a slur, a put down , with negative sexual connotation. So if you are in an Algonquin setting it isn't a bad word. It is their word, so to me, it isn't a bad word. Never was. I suppose if you are in a Plains tribe's camp, it is a bad word, but apparently they don't know the real meaning of the word.
We cannot become overly sensitive allowing people who are not native speakers of the language to tell us that it is a bad word. That is like me going to France (and the French are FAMOUS for renaming and redefining Native tribes and words, just ask the Sioux or Nez Pearce), and telling them "femme" is a bad word.
Squaw isn't a bad word, the Algonquins used it when talking about women in their tribes. Women they loved , honored and respected.
The damage was done in the Plains a long time ago, so I guess you need to remember the adage "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", but take the time to educate folks that it is NOT a bad word, nor a nasty slur.
Learn, research, grow!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There are many Algonquin words that made their way into the language, and across the US as the Natives ran away from the settlers, and the settlers ran away from the big cities. Pow wow (from the word pauwau) , succotash, wampum, and yes , squaw are all examples of those words. They weren't bad words, or slurs towards anyone. Native Americans didn't have slurs they called people. They may describe a group in a certain way, but there was not a maliciousness to it as in some of the words we have today. We can thank the Europeans for that.
Squaw simply means a female. I was taught it meant a young female who was of marriageable age, not a child. As the word moved to the Plains, it became a slur, a put down , with negative sexual connotation. So if you are in an Algonquin setting it isn't a bad word. It is their word, so to me, it isn't a bad word. Never was. I suppose if you are in a Plains tribe's camp, it is a bad word, but apparently they don't know the real meaning of the word.
We cannot become overly sensitive allowing people who are not native speakers of the language to tell us that it is a bad word. That is like me going to France (and the French are FAMOUS for renaming and redefining Native tribes and words, just ask the Sioux or Nez Pearce), and telling them "femme" is a bad word.
Squaw isn't a bad word, the Algonquins used it when talking about women in their tribes. Women they loved , honored and respected.
The damage was done in the Plains a long time ago, so I guess you need to remember the adage "when in Rome, do as the Romans do", but take the time to educate folks that it is NOT a bad word, nor a nasty slur.
Learn, research, grow!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Have to have the negative. Shamanic wise words
After having another conversation about Bliss Ninnies yesterday, I picked up a book I have been reading off and on. It is a book about some of the most powerful healers in the world. These healers never went to medical school, and heal the way that their people have for thousands of years. They are totally giving and heal whomever comes to them, but there isn't a bliss ninny among them.
I realized that each one of them says the same thing, in different words. The same thing I, and many others have been saying.It doesn't matter if they are Native American, African, Asian, they all say the same thing. We can't have just all good (or all bad for that matter). When we do, we are no longer in this dimension. We are in "heaven", or whatever word you want to use. It is like living on the North Pole and praying for 90 degree weather. It isn't going to happen. It is against the rules of nature, and we cannot manifest what is beyond the natural rules of our Universe.
People of the Bliss Ninny genre, act all nicey nice to everyone and think that makes a peaceful little corner. It doesn't . Many times the people they are all being so nicey nice to, know exactly what they are doing, and that creates more resentment than just honestly staying away. One person said it is like the old westerns where the man pats the woman on the head and says something like "anything to amuse the little lady". Not to mention it is being a total hypocrite, and how anyone thinks that being a hypocrite and trying to fool others, brings peace to the world, is beyond me. It is flat out dishonest. Maybe they are hoping we are all idiots. Maybe they added being phoney and lying to "good things" we should do.
The most recent words I read, were from a Balian named I Gusti Gede Raka Antara, who says, "If you learn about the right side (good/positive), you must also learn about the left (negative, evil). ...The left and the right sides, or good and bad, are always joined. You must learn from their interaction and not be over concerned with either maximizing or minimizing either side. This is the way of wisdom. It is also the secret to power and the very essence of the deepest love and compassion.
Another healer from the area states,"What is right is that they follow their natural way. Some must follow the left side (negative). That is not wrong....We think of good and evil in a different way than Western Philosophy. We believe that God can be evil if he makes something "bad". On the other hand, we recognize that evil can make something good. when that happens, evil becomes good.(That is why there is evil in the world, not only do the powers that be want it, but of course they CREATED it).
These healers realize that we do not know better than God, Creator, the Universe. We cannot walk around all the time "loving" everyone every moment. It doesn't help a thing. Flowing with their natural tendencies however, CAN make a positive change. When we are told to "love" others, we are told to "do them no harm", not to act all fake in their faces and to treat them badly. Bliss ninnies have a misguided definition of the word love. They must, as I have seen them repeatedly do the most hateful things.
She goes on to say that "we learn good is always bad from some point of view and bad is always good from another perspective".
The truly wise never live in an extreme, it is not natural. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Bliss ninnies pave that into a 4 lane highway every day.
There always needs to be a balance. A yin and yang, a positive and negative, the good and bad, the black and white. Without the other we cannot ever really know either one. Really loving someone means being honest with them, and being forthright with them, not hiding behind the word "love" and fake hugs.
No one who always sees positive in the world can ever be totally trusted. Everything they do, even when harmful, will appear to them to be a good thing...sort of like the people who blow up abortion clinics, killing people. We already have too many extremists in the world from Muslim extremists who blow up innocent people, to the Westboro Church in MO. Bliss ninny world is an extreme, unnatural and more harmful than good, but of course they will never see it that way....
When you live in this dimension, you need to live to its' laws (or bang your head against the wall all of your life). When you live in the "heaven" dimension, bliss ninny all you want to.
Denial solves nothing.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
I realized that each one of them says the same thing, in different words. The same thing I, and many others have been saying.It doesn't matter if they are Native American, African, Asian, they all say the same thing. We can't have just all good (or all bad for that matter). When we do, we are no longer in this dimension. We are in "heaven", or whatever word you want to use. It is like living on the North Pole and praying for 90 degree weather. It isn't going to happen. It is against the rules of nature, and we cannot manifest what is beyond the natural rules of our Universe.
People of the Bliss Ninny genre, act all nicey nice to everyone and think that makes a peaceful little corner. It doesn't . Many times the people they are all being so nicey nice to, know exactly what they are doing, and that creates more resentment than just honestly staying away. One person said it is like the old westerns where the man pats the woman on the head and says something like "anything to amuse the little lady". Not to mention it is being a total hypocrite, and how anyone thinks that being a hypocrite and trying to fool others, brings peace to the world, is beyond me. It is flat out dishonest. Maybe they are hoping we are all idiots. Maybe they added being phoney and lying to "good things" we should do.
The most recent words I read, were from a Balian named I Gusti Gede Raka Antara, who says, "If you learn about the right side (good/positive), you must also learn about the left (negative, evil). ...The left and the right sides, or good and bad, are always joined. You must learn from their interaction and not be over concerned with either maximizing or minimizing either side. This is the way of wisdom. It is also the secret to power and the very essence of the deepest love and compassion.
Another healer from the area states,"What is right is that they follow their natural way. Some must follow the left side (negative). That is not wrong....We think of good and evil in a different way than Western Philosophy. We believe that God can be evil if he makes something "bad". On the other hand, we recognize that evil can make something good. when that happens, evil becomes good.(That is why there is evil in the world, not only do the powers that be want it, but of course they CREATED it).
These healers realize that we do not know better than God, Creator, the Universe. We cannot walk around all the time "loving" everyone every moment. It doesn't help a thing. Flowing with their natural tendencies however, CAN make a positive change. When we are told to "love" others, we are told to "do them no harm", not to act all fake in their faces and to treat them badly. Bliss ninnies have a misguided definition of the word love. They must, as I have seen them repeatedly do the most hateful things.
She goes on to say that "we learn good is always bad from some point of view and bad is always good from another perspective".
The truly wise never live in an extreme, it is not natural. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Bliss ninnies pave that into a 4 lane highway every day.
There always needs to be a balance. A yin and yang, a positive and negative, the good and bad, the black and white. Without the other we cannot ever really know either one. Really loving someone means being honest with them, and being forthright with them, not hiding behind the word "love" and fake hugs.
No one who always sees positive in the world can ever be totally trusted. Everything they do, even when harmful, will appear to them to be a good thing...sort of like the people who blow up abortion clinics, killing people. We already have too many extremists in the world from Muslim extremists who blow up innocent people, to the Westboro Church in MO. Bliss ninny world is an extreme, unnatural and more harmful than good, but of course they will never see it that way....
When you live in this dimension, you need to live to its' laws (or bang your head against the wall all of your life). When you live in the "heaven" dimension, bliss ninny all you want to.
Denial solves nothing.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Spiritual phenonema or "self"?
There seems to be an influx lately of people that are fooling themselves. You may say this happens all the time, and it does, but for some reason (maybe all the metaphysical and supernatural TV shows), people are thinking and believing that they have abilities or ghosts in their house. Don't get me wrong, I love those shows, they are bringing so much valuable information into the light. Remember however, that these folks are still learning new things as they go, and the authentic ones are a valuable resource to the metaphysical community.
There have always been people who have said to me something along the lines of, "I know I am intuitive and know that ____" (fill in the blank with some wonderful thing). The so called "intuition" is always somehow telling the person EXACTLY what they want to hear. That is not intuition, that is subconscious or ego. When your "intuition" always agrees with what you want, you are only fooling yourself. Separating that psychic voice and higher self from Ego is the HARDEST part of developing psychic abilities. We have to interpret messages , and that is always next to impossible when we have an investment in the answer.
One should NEVER try to answer a question for themselves when it has an investment attached to it, especially an emotional investment. Psychic abilities are a gift "to give" to others, not to use for ourselves. We all have intuition to guide us and we can all use that freely , yet we need to know when it is intuition and when it is Ego.
I am talking about the Freudian "ego" here, that "self preservation ego", but of course that "I am the greatest" attitude can get in the way also.
NEVER "read" for yourself. If you have to ask the Universe if he is the one, he isn't. Many times what we think is a message from the Universe is a giant crush or obsession . When the man says "stay away from me", stay away, don't say to yourself that your guides told you he is the one. He isn't the one when he says a strong "no". People have tried to validate people saying no to them by convincing themselves that "soulmate" connections are never easy. Bullcrap."Soulmate" connections are facilitated by the Universe. Soulmates are people put in our path to help us through an important time in our lives, usually a life lesson time. They can be a sister, mother, best friend, boss, clergyman. They rarely are lovers. That is all new age romance stuff made up in the past 40 years.When they say "no", stay away before you get a stalking charge against you.
The other side of this coin is that people are now thinking that there are bad entities all over the place. There are people who believe there are demons all over the place. Most of it stems from TV, and I have to say that most of that stems from "Paranormal State". It seems like every haunting they go to the word "demon" pops up. Do you know how difficult it is to find a real demon in this world? First of all , you must seek them out. Like the vampire lore, you have to "invite them in". Sometimes the inviting is non intentional like having an angry and mentally ill person around. Other times it is intentional, like dabbling in the black arts. It is still VERY difficult to get a "demon" to come and possess someone.
There are negative entities out there. People who were bad people in life are bad people in death.People who had anger and mental issues in life, also have them in death too. When they do not cross all the way over, they stay in between dimensions and wreck havoc with the weak, the ill, and those who welcome hate and upset. People mistake nasty dead spirits for demons. There are also entities, of a vast number, that live in the ether who were never human. Many do not have the ability to cross into our dimension, nor communicate in it.
There are also black shadow people. An abundance of them. There are different types of them too. Even though they are black and scary, doesn't make them evil. They are energy of a form different than ours. There are BSP (Black Shadow People) who are all over haunted areas, and are actually protectors. There are also BSP who seem intently interested in us and our lives, as much as we are in ghostly phenomenon, we are also being "investigated" by another dimension of "Ghost Hunters". The third type is spirits who try to manifest and cannot manage to get to a full form with detail and color. That takes a lot of energy.
That being said, none of these are "bad". They can be scary, but they are not evil, nor are they demonic. They are just different, and yes, can startle or scare people, although I don't see that as ever being a "goal" of theirs. Running very quickly, hiding, and disappearing are what they do best, not walking up to you to say HELLO or involving themselves in your life.
I have sadly seen a bunch of mental illness lately ( I knew that psych degree would come in handy one day), that people are assuming is demonic, or a haunting. There is also a lot of mental illness that makes people believe that the voices they are hearing that their handsome friend is obsessed with them , even though he is happily married, are psychic voices, when they are nothing of the kind.
There are ways of telling the difference between hauntings, mental illness, and possessions. It takes experience, training, and intuition. Not everyone should dabble in psychic or ghostly phenomenon. It may be popular right now, but it certainly isn't for everyone. To be a part of that life, you have to emotionally, mentally and spiritually strong. No exceptions. Otherwise you will get into hairy situations that will harm you and others. Being weak in those areas, and going into negative situations will cause you to act out inappropriate and possibly even dangerously.
Helping prove ghostly phenomenon, helping people cross, helping people whose lives are disrupted by hauntings, helping people get information to guide their lives. Only truly helpful people (not egos) need apply. Be careful where you dabble, you can get hurt, and it won't be a demon who hurts you.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
There have always been people who have said to me something along the lines of, "I know I am intuitive and know that ____" (fill in the blank with some wonderful thing). The so called "intuition" is always somehow telling the person EXACTLY what they want to hear. That is not intuition, that is subconscious or ego. When your "intuition" always agrees with what you want, you are only fooling yourself. Separating that psychic voice and higher self from Ego is the HARDEST part of developing psychic abilities. We have to interpret messages , and that is always next to impossible when we have an investment in the answer.
One should NEVER try to answer a question for themselves when it has an investment attached to it, especially an emotional investment. Psychic abilities are a gift "to give" to others, not to use for ourselves. We all have intuition to guide us and we can all use that freely , yet we need to know when it is intuition and when it is Ego.
I am talking about the Freudian "ego" here, that "self preservation ego", but of course that "I am the greatest" attitude can get in the way also.
NEVER "read" for yourself. If you have to ask the Universe if he is the one, he isn't. Many times what we think is a message from the Universe is a giant crush or obsession . When the man says "stay away from me", stay away, don't say to yourself that your guides told you he is the one. He isn't the one when he says a strong "no". People have tried to validate people saying no to them by convincing themselves that "soulmate" connections are never easy. Bullcrap."Soulmate" connections are facilitated by the Universe. Soulmates are people put in our path to help us through an important time in our lives, usually a life lesson time. They can be a sister, mother, best friend, boss, clergyman. They rarely are lovers. That is all new age romance stuff made up in the past 40 years.When they say "no", stay away before you get a stalking charge against you.
The other side of this coin is that people are now thinking that there are bad entities all over the place. There are people who believe there are demons all over the place. Most of it stems from TV, and I have to say that most of that stems from "Paranormal State". It seems like every haunting they go to the word "demon" pops up. Do you know how difficult it is to find a real demon in this world? First of all , you must seek them out. Like the vampire lore, you have to "invite them in". Sometimes the inviting is non intentional like having an angry and mentally ill person around. Other times it is intentional, like dabbling in the black arts. It is still VERY difficult to get a "demon" to come and possess someone.
There are negative entities out there. People who were bad people in life are bad people in death.People who had anger and mental issues in life, also have them in death too. When they do not cross all the way over, they stay in between dimensions and wreck havoc with the weak, the ill, and those who welcome hate and upset. People mistake nasty dead spirits for demons. There are also entities, of a vast number, that live in the ether who were never human. Many do not have the ability to cross into our dimension, nor communicate in it.
There are also black shadow people. An abundance of them. There are different types of them too. Even though they are black and scary, doesn't make them evil. They are energy of a form different than ours. There are BSP (Black Shadow People) who are all over haunted areas, and are actually protectors. There are also BSP who seem intently interested in us and our lives, as much as we are in ghostly phenomenon, we are also being "investigated" by another dimension of "Ghost Hunters". The third type is spirits who try to manifest and cannot manage to get to a full form with detail and color. That takes a lot of energy.
That being said, none of these are "bad". They can be scary, but they are not evil, nor are they demonic. They are just different, and yes, can startle or scare people, although I don't see that as ever being a "goal" of theirs. Running very quickly, hiding, and disappearing are what they do best, not walking up to you to say HELLO or involving themselves in your life.
I have sadly seen a bunch of mental illness lately ( I knew that psych degree would come in handy one day), that people are assuming is demonic, or a haunting. There is also a lot of mental illness that makes people believe that the voices they are hearing that their handsome friend is obsessed with them , even though he is happily married, are psychic voices, when they are nothing of the kind.
There are ways of telling the difference between hauntings, mental illness, and possessions. It takes experience, training, and intuition. Not everyone should dabble in psychic or ghostly phenomenon. It may be popular right now, but it certainly isn't for everyone. To be a part of that life, you have to emotionally, mentally and spiritually strong. No exceptions. Otherwise you will get into hairy situations that will harm you and others. Being weak in those areas, and going into negative situations will cause you to act out inappropriate and possibly even dangerously.
This isn't about drama. It is about helping.
Helping prove ghostly phenomenon, helping people cross, helping people whose lives are disrupted by hauntings, helping people get information to guide their lives. Only truly helpful people (not egos) need apply. Be careful where you dabble, you can get hurt, and it won't be a demon who hurts you.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Summer solstice
The beginning of summer is Tuesday, June 21, at 17:16 Universal time (locally we are usually -6 hours during standard time and -5 hours during day light savings time). We celebrated a few days early on Saturday and mark every seasonal change with a celebration and a "thank you" to the highest power.
The summer solstice has the most daylight hours of any day in that given year. Celebrate the light, and nurture your life's endeavors.
There are times in this world when just stopping and taking stock of our lives helps us focus. Are we headed in the right direction? Just because we love the direction we are headed in , doesn't make it the right direction. When we repetitively fail at a particular thing, or it repetitively fails to come about, the Universe is sending us a message. There is an old saying that "three times is a charm". Use that to analyze the steps you are taking on the path. When you try to do something three times and are turned away; it never happens; it fails , then don't keep trying. It is the Universe gently trying to tell you "don't do this".
There are many times that we try to do things and wonder why we are having a hard time. When we try and it doesn't work well, we adjust and try again, if it still doesn't work. Scrap it. When you try the first time and have a total failure or inability to get something off the ground, and the same happens again, move on. A total failure the first time, with no wiggle room to change things, means "don't bother trying again".
People waste so much time trying to achieve great things, that are not on their path. They WANT to , may even feel they NEED to, but the Universe still says "no". Sometimes things just are not ours to do, sometimes it is another person's endeavor, sometimes it is just totally something we have no business doing.
When there is something that keeps failing or can't get started, STOP. Use the summer to tend to and nurture that which IS on your path, that which needs attention and is something you should be doing. Don't waste this season doing something and trying to be something which you are not.
Summer is a time to grow. Trying the same thing and failing repetitively is not growing, it is insanity. Summers are precious times, every minute of ours lives is. Don't waste it.
Use the new moon on July 1 to bring new aspects to your endeavor or to take it to a higher level.When you have been banging your head against the wall, then start a new aspect of your life on that day, it will be twice as powerful.
Life is too short, get on the right path and flow along with the Universe!
Do the right things for the right reasons, and you will never have to worry about repetitive failures!
Have a productive week!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The summer solstice has the most daylight hours of any day in that given year. Celebrate the light, and nurture your life's endeavors.
There are times in this world when just stopping and taking stock of our lives helps us focus. Are we headed in the right direction? Just because we love the direction we are headed in , doesn't make it the right direction. When we repetitively fail at a particular thing, or it repetitively fails to come about, the Universe is sending us a message. There is an old saying that "three times is a charm". Use that to analyze the steps you are taking on the path. When you try to do something three times and are turned away; it never happens; it fails , then don't keep trying. It is the Universe gently trying to tell you "don't do this".
There are many times that we try to do things and wonder why we are having a hard time. When we try and it doesn't work well, we adjust and try again, if it still doesn't work. Scrap it. When you try the first time and have a total failure or inability to get something off the ground, and the same happens again, move on. A total failure the first time, with no wiggle room to change things, means "don't bother trying again".
People waste so much time trying to achieve great things, that are not on their path. They WANT to , may even feel they NEED to, but the Universe still says "no". Sometimes things just are not ours to do, sometimes it is another person's endeavor, sometimes it is just totally something we have no business doing.
When there is something that keeps failing or can't get started, STOP. Use the summer to tend to and nurture that which IS on your path, that which needs attention and is something you should be doing. Don't waste this season doing something and trying to be something which you are not.
Summer is a time to grow. Trying the same thing and failing repetitively is not growing, it is insanity. Summers are precious times, every minute of ours lives is. Don't waste it.
Use the new moon on July 1 to bring new aspects to your endeavor or to take it to a higher level.When you have been banging your head against the wall, then start a new aspect of your life on that day, it will be twice as powerful.
Life is too short, get on the right path and flow along with the Universe!
Do the right things for the right reasons, and you will never have to worry about repetitive failures!
Have a productive week!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Friday, June 17, 2011
The only vice that cannot be forgiven is hypocrisy. The repentance of a hypocrite is itself hypocrisy.
William Hazlitt
A reader emailed yesterday and said that the ladies who approached my friend in yesterday's blog , were not only bliss ninnies, but hypocrites. He is right, and most bliss ninnies are! It is in fact hypocritical to agree with everyone. It is impossible to love and hug Joe who believes in abortion, and love and hug John who believes in Right Life, unless you are simply going through the motions and mouthing the words. Being a bliss ninny is an extreme not based in reality. It will never make sense.
The hypocritical part comes in when they want the people who disagree with them to love , hug and be their best buddies, after they treat them like dirt. Yes, hug then at 2 PM in public, and talk about them like they are dirt at 3PM in private. You know, the people who sit in church pews and whisper nasty rumors about the lady three rows down. The ones who call their spouses or family members and say things like "I just think you should know this..." , and call it " helping".
I grew up in a rough neighborhood, and I can tell you that THE nastiest people whom I ever met were not on the street at 1 PM, but the "spiritual" folks who walk around hugging every one (one of my friends likens it to a horny dog that just can't pass up a leg), then stabbing that same back hours, days, months later. Always with an excuse that defies all reason. I call it bliss ninny prejudice, if you don't allow them to get away with murder , then you are the bad guy. You have to be one of their crowd to make them like you...here we are back to hypocrisy.
They do things half way, the lazy way , the unauthentic way, becasue otherwise it is just to hard and takes the bliss out of the day.
So yes, bliss ninnies are rarely truly nice people. But they sure can smile, hug, and say "love" and "peace" with the best of them. They are hypocrites , yes, and living in a state of blissful unreality.
So as they float down the river of Denial....have a great weekend avoiding them.
William Hazlitt
A reader emailed yesterday and said that the ladies who approached my friend in yesterday's blog , were not only bliss ninnies, but hypocrites. He is right, and most bliss ninnies are! It is in fact hypocritical to agree with everyone. It is impossible to love and hug Joe who believes in abortion, and love and hug John who believes in Right Life, unless you are simply going through the motions and mouthing the words. Being a bliss ninny is an extreme not based in reality. It will never make sense.
The hypocritical part comes in when they want the people who disagree with them to love , hug and be their best buddies, after they treat them like dirt. Yes, hug then at 2 PM in public, and talk about them like they are dirt at 3PM in private. You know, the people who sit in church pews and whisper nasty rumors about the lady three rows down. The ones who call their spouses or family members and say things like "I just think you should know this..." , and call it " helping".
I grew up in a rough neighborhood, and I can tell you that THE nastiest people whom I ever met were not on the street at 1 PM, but the "spiritual" folks who walk around hugging every one (one of my friends likens it to a horny dog that just can't pass up a leg), then stabbing that same back hours, days, months later. Always with an excuse that defies all reason. I call it bliss ninny prejudice, if you don't allow them to get away with murder , then you are the bad guy. You have to be one of their crowd to make them like you...here we are back to hypocrisy.
They do things half way, the lazy way , the unauthentic way, becasue otherwise it is just to hard and takes the bliss out of the day.
So yes, bliss ninnies are rarely truly nice people. But they sure can smile, hug, and say "love" and "peace" with the best of them. They are hypocrites , yes, and living in a state of blissful unreality.
So as they float down the river of Denial....have a great weekend avoiding them.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Being "nice" to everyone isn't being spiritual
Being spiritual is being genuine, truthful, brave, outspoken, strong, caring, honest, and living as good a life as possible. Doing the right things for the right reasons.
It isn't how many people you hug, or how many people you say "I love you" to. It isn't about spending one's day talking about "peace". It isn't about going to church every Saturday. It isn't about doing good deeds to cover one's butt.
A reader friend yesterday was confronted by what we call bliss ninnies. She loved the phrase when she first read it here, and I have to thank a different friend for coining the phrase...although I wish I had thought of it. They tried to tell her she was a bad person because she had an issue with someone who was abusive, nasty, and actually endangering others. Apparently these bliss ninnies see "speaking up" as a bad thing. It isn't.
If trying to right wrongs is a bad thing, then we need to fire all our police force, clergy, lawyers, and people who fight for causes. Does that make much sense? Bliss ninnies don't take on the authentic wrongs like telling a local person they are doing a bad thing, no they don't want to be shunned by the other bliss ninnies who supposedly "love" everyone. Instead they take on crusades. Usually not local. That way they are in the limelight and can tell you all the good they have done without you seeing their mistakes.They see whom they think is a weaker person, and tell them they need to be nicer, or more loving, and call that "righting wrongs". They don't right the wrong, they attack non bliss ninnies.
Bliss ninnies do not take reality into consideration in their lives. Like any extremist, they are living in a world of non-reality. A place of denial. A place that really just concerns themselves. It doesn't mean that they don't do good things, but they do them for the wrong reasons, to make themselves feel better about themselves, make others like them, get attention, gain praise, cover their butts in the afterlife because of some other bad things they have done. It isn't about doing the good thing, just to do it. It is about trying to fill the world with fuzzy bears, unicorns, and knights in shining armor. Great idea, but it isn't, and never will be , reality.
When told that this lady needs to love everyone , her response was, as has been written here many times before, "So , should we love child molesters?"
We aren't here to hand out absolution, that is up to your clergy and the higher power. It isn't your job, why? Because as humans we get in our own way and would make a mess of things. If the bliss ninnies were in charge, child molesters would run free...if they weren't running free, than the bliss ninnies really are just mouthing their words of unconditional love. They can't have it both ways.
Loving someone means saying, "You are wrong.". Did your parents not love you when they reprimanded you? REALLY loving someone means saying things like "you are wrong", and
trying to help others to learn and grow. Allowing people to stumble down a bad path is not loving them. Allowing people to harm others, is not loving them. Turning a blind eye to a person who is saving the whales , but having sex with her friend's husband, is not loving them.
No extreme is good, ever. The pendulum always swings and tries to come back to center. We cannot manifest, pray or change the world to take it out of balance, even when we see it as in a "good way". There will always need to be the yin and the yang. We cannot know the good without the bad.
Living in denial never helped anyone is the long run, and actually harms.
Live in reality.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequshimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
It isn't how many people you hug, or how many people you say "I love you" to. It isn't about spending one's day talking about "peace". It isn't about going to church every Saturday. It isn't about doing good deeds to cover one's butt.
A reader friend yesterday was confronted by what we call bliss ninnies. She loved the phrase when she first read it here, and I have to thank a different friend for coining the phrase...although I wish I had thought of it. They tried to tell her she was a bad person because she had an issue with someone who was abusive, nasty, and actually endangering others. Apparently these bliss ninnies see "speaking up" as a bad thing. It isn't.
If trying to right wrongs is a bad thing, then we need to fire all our police force, clergy, lawyers, and people who fight for causes. Does that make much sense? Bliss ninnies don't take on the authentic wrongs like telling a local person they are doing a bad thing, no they don't want to be shunned by the other bliss ninnies who supposedly "love" everyone. Instead they take on crusades. Usually not local. That way they are in the limelight and can tell you all the good they have done without you seeing their mistakes.They see whom they think is a weaker person, and tell them they need to be nicer, or more loving, and call that "righting wrongs". They don't right the wrong, they attack non bliss ninnies.
Bliss ninnies do not take reality into consideration in their lives. Like any extremist, they are living in a world of non-reality. A place of denial. A place that really just concerns themselves. It doesn't mean that they don't do good things, but they do them for the wrong reasons, to make themselves feel better about themselves, make others like them, get attention, gain praise, cover their butts in the afterlife because of some other bad things they have done. It isn't about doing the good thing, just to do it. It is about trying to fill the world with fuzzy bears, unicorns, and knights in shining armor. Great idea, but it isn't, and never will be , reality.
When told that this lady needs to love everyone , her response was, as has been written here many times before, "So , should we love child molesters?"
We aren't here to hand out absolution, that is up to your clergy and the higher power. It isn't your job, why? Because as humans we get in our own way and would make a mess of things. If the bliss ninnies were in charge, child molesters would run free...if they weren't running free, than the bliss ninnies really are just mouthing their words of unconditional love. They can't have it both ways.
Loving someone means saying, "You are wrong.". Did your parents not love you when they reprimanded you? REALLY loving someone means saying things like "you are wrong", and
trying to help others to learn and grow. Allowing people to stumble down a bad path is not loving them. Allowing people to harm others, is not loving them. Turning a blind eye to a person who is saving the whales , but having sex with her friend's husband, is not loving them.
No extreme is good, ever. The pendulum always swings and tries to come back to center. We cannot manifest, pray or change the world to take it out of balance, even when we see it as in a "good way". There will always need to be the yin and the yang. We cannot know the good without the bad.
Living in denial never helped anyone is the long run, and actually harms.
Live in reality.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequshimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
More drum questions
My goodness, I sure got a lot of drum questions, ones I knew, some I had an idea, then there was the mystery question. The one I said, "Huh?" when it was asked. It took some research, official tribal pages, and talking to some people that I will call "experts". Yet, it was FUN, I learned a lot, was referred to some awesome places for information.
The question that came was if I knew anything about a gourd dance/song/drumming. I said, "No, but I will find out". The answer is, it is a Kiowa dance that began in the 1940's, so as dances go, it is new. The drumming for the dance is high energy with double beats and a lively dance accompanies it. The only people who are to do this drumming/dance are the Kiowa or a tribe they have gifted the dance to. The dance is supposed to only be performed before Grand Entry when it is in a pow wow setting and is for the dancers. It is sometimes used to honor a tribal member.
Here is an example of a Kiowa Gourd Dance:
Traditional or original songs are to be gifted to drums, tribal groups, etc. In other words, it isn't OK for someone to take a ceremonial song and perform it without the permission of the person they learned it from. Some other songs, not ceremonial are the same way. Social songs are usually different, but if they are original, you still need permission. Think of it this way, you cannot perform a Beatles song because the copyrights will be infringed upon. Songs are for sharing, but in a certain way. The only way you should be singing a song that is NA, is when someone allows you , by teaching it to you and gifting it to you. When you want to learn a song, ask in the proper way. The answer may be "no", and that is OK! Now, traditional inter-tribal songs...songs everyone and anyone in an area knows, you can sing...sort of like not needing permission to sing "Row row row your boat."
I really like the gourd dance, but it isn't one I will ever see in person , unless I do some traveling.Certainly one I will never drum or sing.
The other major question was, what was the difference between a northern drum and a southern drum. I found that there is a lot of confusion about that , even in the NA community. Some thought if you were from the south, you were a southern drum. That would make sense, but it isn't that simple. Many NA groups moved from one place to another, they brought their ways with them, and sometimes melted into the groups they came in contact with. The northern/southern drum is an example of that. It doesn't matter where your original tribe lived, or where you live now. It is a style. You can live in Alabama and be a northern drum.
So, style not location. What does the style mean? This wasn't easy. I found that many groups are a mixture or don't even know there are "styles", the "big dogs" in the drum world know though, people like the Black Lodge Singers , and Bear Claw who do national pow wows.
Northern style is sung in a higher voice or pitch. It is loud and proud. The beats are a bit faster and livelier. The songs are louder and sung to get the dancers moving. There are women allowed to sit at the drum, but tribal differences apply here. Some tribes will not allow women at the drum ever, or if they are on their moon. Northern drums will be outside the sacred circle, but next to it, with the host drum (there can be several drums at a pow wow) in the best position.
Here is an example from Black Lodge Singers:
Southern style is sung lower and slower. They use honor beats frequently, although northern drums sometimes use honor beats, especially when doing southern songs. No women can sit at the drum, however they may sit behind the drum and sing harmonies, but never on the first two push ups (or rounds). Southern style drums have four posts, each representing and facing the cardinal directions.
Here is a southern drum example, the voices are much lower, and lots of honor beats in the song. A great example of a southern drum by Bear Claw Singers. You can hear the women in the background, but will not see them seated at the drum. They stand to honor the song, while the men are seated at the drum.
First I want to say THANK YOU to the folks who sent in these great questions! It made me think, research, and find some knowledgeable resources that will always be good to have.
Remember, you cannot just take a song and sing it in most cases.
No, a woman should not touch a drum, or any other sacred object like a pipe, when she is on her moon .More on that point. No woman on her moon should be in the same room as the drum, under the arbor with the drum, in the dance arena, nor any other area where there are sacred objects!
Drums traditionally have seven to eight people surrounding the drum. A little fact I found while researching this, is that the average drum is 26" wide.
In Oklahoma the drum is in the center of the dance ring.
Traditionally each song has 4 rounds or push ups, they can increase if there is a request by a dancer (who may fan, whistle or wave a staff over the drum), to continue so they can dance more. Quotes from dancers, from those who enter contests, to those who dance for fun and to honor their traditions all say the louder, more energetic, more enthusiastic the drumming, the more they want to dance and dance well. It gets the energy flowing. One dancer said"..all slow drumming does is make me want to take a long nap until the pow wow is over. I will dance as it is respectful, but you most likely will not see my best dancing."
Drums should not sing in only one language. A pow wow for instance, is a gathering, and all groups should be honored. Ceremonial drumming may take on one language reflecting the ceremony's origin.
There is more, of course, and some of it was already written about in the blog, but I found out some interesting things.
That was a fun journey, and I am sure that it is only beginning. Keep the questions coming on any topic!
Peshaui Wequashimese.
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf . May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
The question that came was if I knew anything about a gourd dance/song/drumming. I said, "No, but I will find out". The answer is, it is a Kiowa dance that began in the 1940's, so as dances go, it is new. The drumming for the dance is high energy with double beats and a lively dance accompanies it. The only people who are to do this drumming/dance are the Kiowa or a tribe they have gifted the dance to. The dance is supposed to only be performed before Grand Entry when it is in a pow wow setting and is for the dancers. It is sometimes used to honor a tribal member.
Here is an example of a Kiowa Gourd Dance:
Traditional or original songs are to be gifted to drums, tribal groups, etc. In other words, it isn't OK for someone to take a ceremonial song and perform it without the permission of the person they learned it from. Some other songs, not ceremonial are the same way. Social songs are usually different, but if they are original, you still need permission. Think of it this way, you cannot perform a Beatles song because the copyrights will be infringed upon. Songs are for sharing, but in a certain way. The only way you should be singing a song that is NA, is when someone allows you , by teaching it to you and gifting it to you. When you want to learn a song, ask in the proper way. The answer may be "no", and that is OK! Now, traditional inter-tribal songs...songs everyone and anyone in an area knows, you can sing...sort of like not needing permission to sing "Row row row your boat."
I really like the gourd dance, but it isn't one I will ever see in person , unless I do some traveling.Certainly one I will never drum or sing.
The other major question was, what was the difference between a northern drum and a southern drum. I found that there is a lot of confusion about that , even in the NA community. Some thought if you were from the south, you were a southern drum. That would make sense, but it isn't that simple. Many NA groups moved from one place to another, they brought their ways with them, and sometimes melted into the groups they came in contact with. The northern/southern drum is an example of that. It doesn't matter where your original tribe lived, or where you live now. It is a style. You can live in Alabama and be a northern drum.
So, style not location. What does the style mean? This wasn't easy. I found that many groups are a mixture or don't even know there are "styles", the "big dogs" in the drum world know though, people like the Black Lodge Singers , and Bear Claw who do national pow wows.
Northern style is sung in a higher voice or pitch. It is loud and proud. The beats are a bit faster and livelier. The songs are louder and sung to get the dancers moving. There are women allowed to sit at the drum, but tribal differences apply here. Some tribes will not allow women at the drum ever, or if they are on their moon. Northern drums will be outside the sacred circle, but next to it, with the host drum (there can be several drums at a pow wow) in the best position.
Here is an example from Black Lodge Singers:
Southern style is sung lower and slower. They use honor beats frequently, although northern drums sometimes use honor beats, especially when doing southern songs. No women can sit at the drum, however they may sit behind the drum and sing harmonies, but never on the first two push ups (or rounds). Southern style drums have four posts, each representing and facing the cardinal directions.
Here is a southern drum example, the voices are much lower, and lots of honor beats in the song. A great example of a southern drum by Bear Claw Singers. You can hear the women in the background, but will not see them seated at the drum. They stand to honor the song, while the men are seated at the drum.
First I want to say THANK YOU to the folks who sent in these great questions! It made me think, research, and find some knowledgeable resources that will always be good to have.
Remember, you cannot just take a song and sing it in most cases.
Some other drum stuff from questions sent in......
No, a woman should not touch a drum, or any other sacred object like a pipe, when she is on her moon .More on that point. No woman on her moon should be in the same room as the drum, under the arbor with the drum, in the dance arena, nor any other area where there are sacred objects!
Drums traditionally have seven to eight people surrounding the drum. A little fact I found while researching this, is that the average drum is 26" wide.
In Oklahoma the drum is in the center of the dance ring.
Traditionally each song has 4 rounds or push ups, they can increase if there is a request by a dancer (who may fan, whistle or wave a staff over the drum), to continue so they can dance more. Quotes from dancers, from those who enter contests, to those who dance for fun and to honor their traditions all say the louder, more energetic, more enthusiastic the drumming, the more they want to dance and dance well. It gets the energy flowing. One dancer said"..all slow drumming does is make me want to take a long nap until the pow wow is over. I will dance as it is respectful, but you most likely will not see my best dancing."
Drums should not sing in only one language. A pow wow for instance, is a gathering, and all groups should be honored. Ceremonial drumming may take on one language reflecting the ceremony's origin.
There is more, of course, and some of it was already written about in the blog, but I found out some interesting things.
That was a fun journey, and I am sure that it is only beginning. Keep the questions coming on any topic!
Peshaui Wequashimese.
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf . May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Love a rainy day
I was going to answer some questions today, but the rain sidetracked me. Despite all the rain we have had lately, I am happy to see it again. I love the rain. I grew up where spring meant rain, and lots of it. Days of it at times. There were weeks when you thought that you would never see the sun again.
So, being me, I decided to see what I could find out about rain, besides the meteorological stuff that is.
I always thought that it was unusual that Aquarius was not a water sign (and something like a scorpion was). Maybe the literature got mixed up years back and we are doing it all wrong. When I was looking for mythological or metaphysical rain facts, I learned that the Greek god of rain was Hyas, a spirit (and the Greeks called them daimons) of the seasonal rains. He was said to be a man killed by a lion that the gods brought into the sky. He became the constellation Aquarius. Some will say Zeus is the god of rain since he rules the sky. Zeus is the ruler of the gods, and yes in the sky, but rain wasn't his specialty. For the Romans, Jupiter was the rain god. He was also a ruler of the sky.
In China, Yinglong, a winged dragon, is the god of rain. He is also known as "Responding Dragon". Yinglong flies through the sky bringing rain. He was also known to help control floods and channel waters, so a very friendly rain god.
The Aztecs had Tlaloc. They had other rain gods also, but he is the primary one. He is also the god of fertility. Many fertility gods have connotations that link them to things that make the crops grow and animals mate.
Among the Hopi, there is a storm kachina, and a sun kachina. Kachinas are small figures to represent messengers to the gods. Several tribes have them, all in the same area (lkike the Navajo and the Zuni). The messengers live in the San Francisco peaks near the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff. The kachina however that rules the rain is the deer or antelope (depending on your translation) kachina. The antelope dances to increase its' numbers, and to do that, it needs to bring rain, Rain brings food, food enough to support more antelope. The Hopi were amazingly ahead of their time, there are books out there about the Hopi ways and creation story, they are GREAT reading.

So, being me, I decided to see what I could find out about rain, besides the meteorological stuff that is.
I always thought that it was unusual that Aquarius was not a water sign (and something like a scorpion was). Maybe the literature got mixed up years back and we are doing it all wrong. When I was looking for mythological or metaphysical rain facts, I learned that the Greek god of rain was Hyas, a spirit (and the Greeks called them daimons) of the seasonal rains. He was said to be a man killed by a lion that the gods brought into the sky. He became the constellation Aquarius. Some will say Zeus is the god of rain since he rules the sky. Zeus is the ruler of the gods, and yes in the sky, but rain wasn't his specialty. For the Romans, Jupiter was the rain god. He was also a ruler of the sky.
In China, Yinglong, a winged dragon, is the god of rain. He is also known as "Responding Dragon". Yinglong flies through the sky bringing rain. He was also known to help control floods and channel waters, so a very friendly rain god.
The Aztecs had Tlaloc. They had other rain gods also, but he is the primary one. He is also the god of fertility. Many fertility gods have connotations that link them to things that make the crops grow and animals mate.
Among the Hopi, there is a storm kachina, and a sun kachina. Kachinas are small figures to represent messengers to the gods. Several tribes have them, all in the same area (lkike the Navajo and the Zuni). The messengers live in the San Francisco peaks near the Grand Canyon and Flagstaff. The kachina however that rules the rain is the deer or antelope (depending on your translation) kachina. The antelope dances to increase its' numbers, and to do that, it needs to bring rain, Rain brings food, food enough to support more antelope. The Hopi were amazingly ahead of their time, there are books out there about the Hopi ways and creation story, they are GREAT reading.
Eschetewuarha- The Great Spirit's wife and bringer of rain in the Chamacoco tribe of Southern Brazil. Many cultures have females (fertility again) as the rain bringers.
There are hundreds of rain deities. You can spend all a rainy day researching rain.
The metaphysical side also says that hunting ghosts is easier int he rain (as long as you are not out in it). Water is an excellent conductor of psychic energy, and may be why water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are seen as the most powerful psychics. I have had some clearer EVPs on stormy or rainy days and nights, so there may be something to the rain/ghostly phenomenon connection. I have also heard many bathroom stories, and experienced them myself, where toilets, showers , bath tubs and sinks and involved in ghostly phenomenon. All that water in one place. They love it.
Rain also washes our world, makes our plants grow, clears the air, spreads seeds, and gives animals and birds a drink and a bath. It is Mother Nature doing some cleansing.
So , when it rains, turn on your favorite lamp, and take out a book or laptop, and see what rain gods you can find.
Oh, and about thunder, my Grandfather said it was the angels bowling. Makes sense to me!
Enjoy the day!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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