Tuesday, January 31, 2012


February first is a celebration called Imbolc on the Celtic calendar. The Celts were a strong, intelligent and proud people.

Imbolc was a time to honor the goddess Brigid who was later also honored as a Christian saint. Brigid is honored on February first , as that was when the lambs were said to begin lactating and bringing life back into the world. The Church at first took her day and changed it to February 2, and honored Mary at Candlemas (the blessing of the candles, bringing light back into the world). Later she became St. Brigid in her own right.  Both days and ladies were honored as part of spring returning and the world going back to being light and productive. The timing is just about half way between winter solstice and spring equinox.

Imbolc is one of the four cross quarter days (half way between solstices and equinoxes), of the Pagan calendar. The others are Samhain, Beltane and Lughnasadh. The day was celebrated with butter, milk, bonfires, and weather prognostication (which we still do on the second of February for Groundhog Day). That day is said to be the day that the hag (witch), will go out to gather her firewood for the rest of the year. If she wants winter to last much longer , she will make the weather beautiful on February first so as to have fine weather to gather her wood all day long. If she wants a quick end to winter, she will allow nasty weather as she won't need to be out long gathering wood, and will sleep most of the day.

Brigid is the goddess of poetry and healing. She is also associated with holy wells and sacred flames. Candles are lit to bring warmth and light on her day to welcome in the light and warmth of spring. Light a candle today for Brigid!

Happy February!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, January 30, 2012

Always take on a new challenge

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young".
Henry Ford

Life is a series of lessons, but that doesn't mean that you need to sit back and wait for one to hit you square between the eyes. You can take on new things, and learn ahead of the lesson so that the lesson is not so hard. Most things that we learn from good parenting will serve us well through life, if we always keep in mind what our good parent would say in any situation. The problem is, that not everyone had good parenting.

There are also things that on the surface may seem more like "fun" things to learn. Classes that take just one or two days total, or a few months. Things that you learn for fun. Fun is an important part of life and the positive energy that you put into it. It is also full of value you may not see on the surface. Who did you meet in that class? What wisdom did they share? What other doors did it open for you? Was it something that had a huge impact, it could be! Not every moment has to be spent doing fun things, but we can make mundane things as fun as possible.

We need to always be learning, and achieving. Once we meet goals and challenges, it is OK to move on to other things. People can sometimes get stuck and overdo things. Think about it. How many figurines can you collect? How many miles can you run? How many dogs can you own? How many events of the same type can you attend for how many years? You stop learning, you get bored, you run out of room, you harm your wallet, you harm your body, and the worst part is you stagnate your spirit.

I used to collect things, it was the thrill of the hunt, but after a while you wonder where you are going to put it all! I used to run 6 miles , twice a week, then I thought....what am I going to do when I reach 10 miles? Where do I find the time? What am I doing to my knees, ankles, and ladies...seriously...breasts. It isn't good for you in that sense, and lord knows there are a bunch of other cardio workouts that are kinder on the body. It was better for me to "keep it fresh", and I did. I sold many of the collectibles , and took up cardio kick boxing (which is much more of a cardio workout than running). I used to know everything there was to know about Fords, especially Mustangs, I was a judge for the national Mustang group in several categories. I haven't take a car to a car show in years. I studied dance for 20 years, and even took guitar and piano lessons. I met some awesome, talented people. There is just so much to learn, know and do!

The wonderful thing about life, is that there are options. Check them out, see what they have to offer, learn something new.

Learning is the only way to stay fresh, young, alive, and to grow. That means taking on new things. This doesn't necessarily mean that you have to get rid of the old. You may have to drop some of the old things that aren't working for you anymore. You many have to make room for the new, figuratively and literally.

Life is about the energy that surrounds you. You want it to be healthy, positive, inquisitive, open, abundant, honest and FRESH. We don't want to walk around saying "all is good", nor do we want to walk around saying "the sky is falling", as I have written before, all things in moderation!

Part of that energy is a flow of learning. There is so much new coming to light during 2012. Be part of the wonderful new energy, not the stagnant old energy! Be fresh, energetic, new and abundant. Be wise.

Learn, research and grow!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wold.May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, January 27, 2012

Obsessions can equal negative energy invasion

Obsessions are those things that control your life. They are things that if you do not do them, you have an increased amount of anxiety or guilt which disrupts your life. People are obsessed with many things, like people, food, exercise, and repetitive motions , to name a few.

There is a difference between really wanting to do something and NEEDING to do something. There is also an issue when the need is increased constantly. When two glasses of wine isn't enough, when one hour in the gym isn't enough, when hearing from your partner five times a day isn't enough...you have a problem.

Yesterday I watched Dr Phil talk about anorexia. Anorexia is all about control, any easting issue is. When I first learned of it back in high school it was talked about as simply an eating disorder, and yes, all about control. Today doctors realize there are other ways of having anorexia besides eating and vomiting. Some carefully count calories to a point where they are obsessive about it, and end up starving themselves. When they don't know the calorie count (maybe they are out eating with friends to put on a front), they vomit or take laxatives.It depletes not only protein , but iron, and other nutrients as the intestines never get a chance to absorb the iron and a whole set of other issues arises. There are sugar issues, and more and more and more physical problems arise. They also exercise themselves to death. Too much exercise and too little food doesn't build muscles, the opposite happens, the body eats its' own muscle. Ever see a person who diets excessively, works out every day and they have no muscle tone? Baggy eyes? They are slowly devouring themselves.

Obsessions are things that the person who has them,  cannot see them for what they are. There are usually people around them though. They can be a help or an enabler. Enabling is terrible, and there are even websites now encouraging your girls to become anorexic. Seriously a sad state of affairs. The enabler is usually a parent, and sometimes a spouse as eating disorders and control issues are now popping up more and more in people over 30.

The 2012 Universal changes include taking better care of our bodies. It doesn't mean running a half marathon each day (like one anorexic on the show did until she got to the point where she was hospitalized). Don't over do things, ever. The key in life is moderation. In everything. It will be what keeps you stable. Don't overeat, over drink, over exercise, over do it in any way. When you go into the extreme energy, you are an open door to that energy which will and can take control of you. People ask how you can open yourself to negative , harmful energy, or even demonic invasion. This is the easiest way. Overdo things. Now, if you had a day where you worked too hard in the yard and your muscles ache, that isn't going to do it....but when you become obsessed, or worse yet, dependent on something that alters your behavior and way of thinking , you open the door to that "bad energy".

When people seem crazed by drugs and alcohol, that is a sort of possession. Not like "The Exorcist", but it is bad enough where their lives are controlled and they are not making rational choices that are good for themselves. The girls starving and exercising to the point where their muscles are eating themselves, is an invasion of energy that wants to harm you. You open the door wide to those things that are out there which are harmful to the body, mind and spirit. They never lived on this earth, and they don't live in "hell", but they do exist. They love to mess around with people.

Unhealthy habits should be avoided, that is common sense. Repetitive unhealthy habits can lead to a person swimming in energy that is beyond unhealthy, even to the point of danger. People who spend their lives drunk and high are open doors for partial and even full possession. It sounds crazy, but unfortunately it is true.

Do not allow your wants or desires to dictate your day. If you feel that you MUST do something, it is time to quickly wean yourself off of it, or it will take control of you. Good things like dieting, exercise, cleaning, working, and even religious worship , can becomes obsessions or reach an extreme that is unhealthy and dangerous.Just think of the religious extremists who bomb innocent people.  Just because something is good for you, doesn't mean it is still good for you in excess.

Moderation is the key.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Veil is getting thinner

The veil between this world and the next has always been thin to some of us. We are able to reach beyond and see, hear, and feel things that are not known on this side of the veil. There are some that can clearly converse with others on the other side and bring back information that is based on personal knowledge.

Part of the energetic change of 2012 is that the veil is getting thinner. It is believed to be thinner at certain times of the year like Samhain (Halloween), but this energetic change is part of the natural change for 2012.

I personally have noticed that some information that was not so easily accessible to me in the past, is more readily available. I have seen three "dead people", ghosts, apparitions, whatever you want to call them, in the past few months. Before that , I hadn't seen one in about 6 years. They are flashes that appear just long enough for me to get a clear picture and then they are gone. I am sure their appearances will be clearer and longer as time goes by.

People we know are coming to us either excited or nervous about some newly discovered abilities to "know things". Some of those who have been trying to increase their psychic muscles have told me that things really seem to be moving along now.

...and it is only January.

The other side of the veil is a place of not only those who have passed, but those who never were, and those who never lived in this dimension.It has familiar and unfamiliar, black shadow people for example, as part of its' domain.

There will be a lot of exciting new things this year, intuitively, energetically, and scientifically. It will be a wonderful time to be on either side of the veil!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How not to make people like you.

Yesterday was a day of people asking why they didn't have friends or a mate. They start off by giving what they think are the reasons, and those are very telling. They will regale you with how wonderful they are. The qualities they list tell you a lot about them and what is important to them.

When they don't have friends it is because those things that drive us can be over the top. Some people don't just do well at work or school, they excel, but not in a humble, hard working way. It is more along the lines of an invasion, a tromping of the competition and then a gloating, followed by a constant reiteration of how wonderful they are. Then we want to know why no one hangs with us around the water cooler or locker......Really?

Then there are the ones who had personal tragedies. We all heal in our own time, but when every time people see you or a certain situation comes up, they hear about when you had your surgery, your house burned down, your sister lost her infant baby, your husband died and left you penniless, your husband left you for that (insert nasty adjectives here) people get sick of the downer story . People cannot avoid conversations and about divorce, children, money, or accidents just because you are in the room. The "Oh woe is me" crap gets old REAL fast.

One ranted about the newspaper and missing people stories, her family member is missing, that is so very sad, but that means the local newspaper has to stop printing missiong person's stories??? Really?  They bother you?  DON'T READ THEM. People don't care to listen to ranting, crying and a diatribe about reopened wounds. When they keep reopening like that, you need COUNSELING. You will eventually have no friends, they feel sorry for you, but when you are a downer all the time, they won't want to be around you. People cannot constantly walk on eggshells trying to keep in mind what issues everyone in the room has, we would have to ban all conversations!

Then there was a person who was upset as when she went to parties someone always brought a food she was allergic to. She went on and on about how they could kill her. PULEEZE, when you have allergies that bad, eat before going, watch everything you put in your mouth. I have a food allergy that makes me very ill, none of my friends have made me sick , and apparently haven't killed me yet....But when you go to parties and tell everyone off about what food they brought, don't wonder why you don't get invited anymore. Did you really want to go? Of course you did, it gives you an audience to rant at!

Another person demands her boyfriends have a certain standing financially (this is a hot topic lately). That includes amount of investments, savings, credit score, earnings (there is a minimum for each), type of vehicle, and size home. Let me tell you about successful men who have those things...they don't allow a woman to tell them they have to have something, or a certain level or rating. They are independent, successful and strong and will find a pretty, sweet woman who thanks them for everything they give them, not a woman who has every gift appraised. The woman who says she was more and he has to make it to past her level, will be left lonely.

Friends, real friends are not people who you see at weekly functions , or are on your Facebook list. They are people that have been to your home, and you to theirs. They have laughed with you, cried with you, and know all about your story so you don't have to tell it to them ad nauseam. They hear things from you other than complaints, and they certainly don't hear the same complaint over and over. They are careful about your feelings, but do not wrap you in bubble wrap and sit you on 10 mattresses like the Princess in the The Princess and The Pea.

There are tragedies in every life. You don't always hear about people's tragedies, as some choose not to share them, and others know that sharing them constantly doesn't help, nor does it make people want to be around you. The world is not going to change for you just because you had something bad happen to you.That is not our job, God's job, the media's job, or your spouse's job. It is YOUR job. Everything happens for a reason, even bad things do. Every time. We need to deal with them, and move on. Some move on by being able to tuck it away, others move on by establishing altruistic organizations that help others faced with the same tragedy. Whining about it, does absolutely nothing productive. When the hurt just won't go away, you need help with that, and there is nothing wrong with getting counseling. You will be happier and the people around you will be happier.

When you want to know why you have no friends, partner, or anyone period in your life, then look hard at yourself. Are you scaring them away? Do you ramble on about your terrible thing that happened to you, compete with them to the virtual death, complain constantly about how nothing is good enough? Do you use your friends instead of being a friend?

The world is not here to pamper you. You are solely responsible for your happiness. You have choices always, you may not like them, but you do need to deal with them. People have compassion, but when that compassion is requested every time a situation comes up, it is time for you to learn how to not need that constant compassion.

There are people in wheelchairs playing basketball, and women with no arms taking care of their kids. There are millions of people missing family members due to unnecessary deaths like being the victims of drunk drivers. God isn't punishing you, he is challenging you, and when you do nothing but whine, you fail at the challenge.

People say "walk in my shoes", that works for a short while, then it becomes....if those shoes suck so much, why do you keep wearing them and complaining about them? Change them, and EVERY situation can be dealt with and changed.That is a cop out. We can feel your pain, but that doesn't mean we need to swim in it. Compassion doesn't mean enabling you to be a person who does nothing by cry their life away and wanting everyone else to do something to change it. YOU change it, or don't wonder why you have no one around you anymore. When you know you are hard to like, change what it is about you that makes you hard to like. All these people realized they were hard to like, but wanted others to change and adapt and like them. It doesn't work that way.

We all have bootstraps to pull ourselves up by.......do it, you will be amazed how much better you will feel and how many people come around to congratulate you!

Put on your big girl panties and deal! (Roz Van Meter)

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Abortion. A personal choice.

This was a topic on the front page of the newspaper today. It is a hot button with many people, especially those from the Roman Catholic church. It, like any topic of such seriousness, gets people's blood pressure up. It gets mine up, but not because I see abortion as a terrible thing, but I see the local diocese wasting tens of thousands of dollars trying to tell other people what to do based on a religion that they may not even belong to.

Like most large life issues, abortion isn't black or white, good or evil. It is grey. There are times when it is even a medical necessity. The Catholic church will have you believe it is a sin, always, and you are a very bad , evil person if you have or perform an abortion. Apparently however it is OK according to the actions of the RC Church , and actions always speak louder than words, that we can kill, maim, torture, in the name of Catholicism. Have wars in the name of it.Force people off of their land and into religious schools and churches, separating families, and destroying cultures that were a million times more spiritual that the people beating them when they refused to recite catechisms. Turn away people who need help because they aren't Catholic, or better yet, prosecute them for being Pagans.  Deny help to the Jews and others, because after all the Holocaust apparently never happened( according to the RC Church). It's also apparently OK to allow people to get away with rape and molestation of children. So far, I wouldn't allow the Church to decide what day to celebrate Christmas on.

I find it hard to think that God looks at these actions as doing his good works. I really don't think God believes the RC Church has a track record of good decisions and behavior.

Whether you  believe that abortion is a good idea or not, a sin or not, is up to you and something that you need to hold sacred in your life. It is NOT however something a religious institution should be deciding for the whole country. We have Catholics here and we are all more than happy to not bomb your homes or kill your OBGYNs so that you can have all the babies you want. Please return the favor. There are Muslims, Protestants, Baptists, Taoists, Jews, Buddhists, Atheists, Shintoists, Native Americans, and every other belief system and religion on this planet living in this country. Know why? Because we founded this country on separation of church and state.  Whether you are for it or against it, I really don't care. I care that people are able to practice their beliefs in peace, but the Catholic Church always has that "Holier than Thou" attitude which attempts to not allow others to practice their beliefs in peace.

The Church needs to keep its' nose out of politics because everyone in this country is not Catholic. People have their own accord with their Supreme Being.

I know two people in my life who had abortions. I totally agree with their decisions. One was totally unable to healthfully have the child, basically it most likely would have killed her. The other had a pregnancy where the child had many physical and mental defects which would have prevented a quality of life. The child was better off on the other side with God where it would be healthy, and the woman, thank God she is still with us. She runs a battered woman's shelter in another state.

To me it isn't about pro or anti abortion, to me it is about a religious institution shoving its beliefs down other people's throats. It is about taking away the very platform this country was built on, and it is about an institution who's track record sucks, trying to tell the rest of us how to live.  They talk about saving babies lives, is that to make up for the 125,000 tortured, many to death, during the Spanish Inquisition, or maybe the 11 to 17 MILLION killed during the Holocaust (who were not just Jews by the way) that the Church refused to recognize was happening. Maybe it is to make up for the 60,000 children of "savages" that they felt needed to be removed from their Native American families,and "educated" . That doesn't include missionary work all over the world, or the fact that just about every war fought on this globe was based in religion. Now, not every was a Catholic war, but many were. Is it about making up for the 4,392 priests and other church members that molested children (and each molested multiple children, multiple times, so that number doesn't represent the number of molestations, it is much higher)?

The point is that the Catholic Church is the last institution that should be in charge of anything, or making decisions for large groups of people. The point is the Catholic Church has a bad habit of sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong, and then if you don't go along with their bad decision they will torture, kill, remove, or rape you.

Now please, all you Catholics out there, don't waste time telling me that you will pray for me, or that your religion is wonderful. I am sure that you think so, or you wouldn't be part of it. But please allow the rest of the world the same courtesy.  Keep your nose out of people's private lives, as long as they are not storming your churches, burning your altars, bombing your diocese, or any other things that you have done to abortion clinics, (see the world gives you the respect you don't give them!), then leave them alone. Practice banning abortion in the Catholic Church, but leave the rest of the world out of it. God will straighten the rest of us out.

There are a lot of wise and good people on this planet who are put in very difficult situations on a daily basis. People don't have abortions because it seems like fun. People have abortions because they are put in situations that don't leave other options for them, and before you go off on adoption as an option, there are already 129,000 children in the US alone awaiting adoption. Feel free to fill out an application and become part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

Let people make decisions about their bodies based on their relationship to the world and to their belief system, not yours.

Always stand up for your rights, but never to shove them down another person's throat.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, January 23, 2012

Doing the right thing.....

I had an online discussion yesterday with two colleagues about doing the right thing. To some people that means what boils down to "covering your ass". They aren't the same thing. Doing the right thing means going to the mat. To do what needs to be done, no matter how difficult, time consuming, disrupting or unpopular. Covering your ass means doing the minimum to make sure that when things go sideways, and they always will eventually, you have an excuse. Not a reason, an excuse to show you tried. You gave it a shot, not your best, but you gave it a shot. Excuses are NOT good enough. Neither is covering your ass.

Doing the right thing doesn't mean doing a popular thing, or a fun thing, or taking the easy way out. It may mean a big mess for other people , some who may be friends, but it is always the right thing that needs to be done, not the "half way thing".

When people get caught, it is amazing the energy they suddenly put into things. Energy that should have been spent in the beginning of things, that would have made it all right. We have noticed in four different incidences over the past few days , how people when caught out, act so ridiculously.I watched adults make nonsensical statements, repeat the same thing over and over (that is when you know that the person doesn't have a good argument or a leg to stand on), then resort to personal attacks (that is always when you know you have them), and then when you say, OK, I am getting nowhere, they make a big deal about how righteous they are to stop the discussion that is getting out of hand (they still want to look like the hero AND get in the last word). I saw grown men act so dramatic, nasty and over the top I had to wonder what their mental state was....and we all know you can't argue with a crazy person or an idiot.

It always worries me when I see fanaticism in people. They stop thinking, they don't want to see, they just spew, and spew. They make no sense, and they lower themselves to anything in order to make themselves feel better by reiterating a moot point. They tell you how stupid you are about a point yo uare well aware of, but know means nothing. They hold on to any thin thread they can to make themselves feel better.

Then there is the other way you know the person is a total idiot not worth arguing with, they resort to things like "F You", or something else that just comes out of anger, not a thinking human.

The old me would then pull out all the stops and verbally pummel an idiot into the ground making them scream for mercy, the new me knows it doesn't do a lick of good , but give me personal satisfaction.  I, like everyone else, have to answer to a higher power. So I take the High Road. It sometimes seems that you didn't get any sense across, but when people start doing the repeat and personal attack things, you know you hit a nerve, and that they got the message, even though they don't want to admit it. They may rationalize it away, which is simply their loss, or they may actually have a little light bulb come on over their heads in a few days. We can only hope for the latter.

Arguing with idiots just wastes time and energy that you could use doing something else. It is comical to me when I step away and they keep going on and on for hours. That is when I know I won that battle. So our little group laughed at the mindlessness that we had found in peoplelately, shared our stories, and a national story or two, and then went on and had a great day while others continued to bang their heads into the wall.

You cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. You cannot change a fanatic's mind because their mind is not functioning at all in the matter. You are just wasting your time telling people something they DON'T want to hear. 

The fun part of this was as psychics, to tune into the situations, and try to get at hidden truths. We all came back with similar unknown information on the different subjects we were having arguments with unarmed people about. Being that we all came up with the same information makes it intriguing. We can't check with the people involved , they would have to incriminate themselves, and some are beyond my reach to verify, I would need a medium....but then it makes sense. We are psychic, duh, so it would make sense that the concept we had about something was right. We are all also college grads, two of us PhDs, and we know how to research, and find info with our heads instead of our hearts.

But besides taking the high road, there is one more little tidbit to remember. Karma. It can be a bitch. I think it played a huge roll in one person's life that we were discussing yesterday. Actually I am sure. Then there is the ultimate Karma, in the end, we all have to answer for our actions. Everyone. No matter how powerful, rich, successful you were in this life, you are right there with everyone else in the end. No perks.The Universe doesn't care about your success, it cares about how and why you achieved it.

No matter who you were.

Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, January 20, 2012

Calling bad things "OK" is not good....

We as a country have been forced into a place of political correctness. There are instances in life where people needed to be a little more polite and understanding, but we have gone the way we always do, WAY overboard.

Why can't we just use our brains, speak clearly and be honest? Why do we have to pretty up ugly things to not offend and offender?

We don't.

There are a couple of very important issues that have taken on a whole new level or have resurfaced lately. There was a huge movement for the Paris runway to stop using anorexic models , Paris listened and things got better for a while, then we slipped back into seeing waifs model clothing. These "models" cause young girls to have a distorted idea of what healthy is. If it were just looks that were effected, then so be it, after all we have some strange folks wandering our planet today. But it isn't just looks. It effects self esteem, body image (mental and emotional health), and worse yet, physical health. It effects their well being in every area, and even when they get on a healthy diet, their hearts usually give out years before they would have.

The other is drugs. Drugs have again become popular in some groups. People's lives are effected not only physically, but emotionally, and financially. Take a good hard look at a meth addict. They may look 55, but they are probably 25.

Part of the 2012 energetic change is to be healthier, as healthy as you can. That means respect your body, and help it be better. Not skinnier, not more worn out , but healthier.  That doesn't mean that you run to the gym every morning for 2 hours of grueling workouts. If God wanted us in the gym every day , he would make them free. But seriously, when we over strengthen muscles, we wear them away, we damage them, we break them down. You can exercise too much.  I had a weight lifting friend named Brian who blew out his knees three times before he realized there was no need to lift all that weight, it wasn't making him any healthier.

A woman's natural body make up has hips and a belly...yes a belly. Now it shouldn't be the size of something that came off of the back of an 18 wheeler, but the natural healthy woman has curves. She is built to do certain things (like give life), and that is her natural , healthy shape.

People run themselves into the ground, and wonder why they feel like crap. Others opt for forced evacuation of food, either through vomiting or using laxatives. All it does is harm the body each and every time. If I even have to start to explain to you how drugs harm your body, you are never going to get it. The best thing for your body, and that includes "cures" is food. Wholesome, healthy food. It can lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar. But you have to eat. we are made to eat, we are omnivores. We weren't put here to starve ourselves and take drugs.

Calling runway models anything but "too skinny", and in any way glorifying drugs, makes us unhealthy and a society that spirals downward. We are one of the unhealthiest nations today, we made ourselves that way. Use the Universe's instruction to get healthy. Healthy doesn't mean overdoing it, it doesn't mean taking drugs to look skinny or feel happy. It means being healthy by eating right, getting moderate exercise and having a healthy body image.

Respect the body that the Universe gave you , and don't be afraid to look at a runway model and say "this isn't the example we want for our children". Don't be politically correct to your determent, and don't overdiet/overexercise yourself to poor health. The key in everything is MODERATION. That goes to food, religion, relationships....everything. When you do all in moderation, you will be healthy, happy and live a stable life.

Don't call bad things "OK" to look spiritual, you just look cowardly and stupid...yes really.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Psychic attack- don't fear it!

I was trying to figure out what topic to write about today when a request was in my mailbox. I have written about this topic before, but it is one of those things, that doesn't happen often, and the information gets forgotten.  I did talk to a client about this a few days ago also, so I guess it needs repeating.

Psychic attacks are first of all a VERY rare occurrence, like winning the lottery. A person who could even begin to worm their way into your head not only has to have the knowledge, and the ability, but a natural talent. A rare combination to start with.

Psychic attack is when someone "gets into your head", your thoughts, and emotions.I do have to say "don't take this lightly", not because you are under psychic attack, but most people that have this happen "out of the blue" (in other words you do not normally get strong intuitive direction or are clairaudient), are MOST times suffering from a brain tumor or schizophrenia. Psychic attack would actually be low on the list of true causes, that is how rare it is!

That being said, psychic attack is easily , VERY easily, warded off. I have given this same instruction to people learning psychic development, or to people who are going to investigate places that are said to be "haunted" ,where the problem may not just be your average garden variety ghost. If you are a person who works and lives in the mundane world, you most likely will never come in contact with this issue .

The idea of someone or something being inside your head, is scary to some people. However when you know how to get them out in a second, or better yet, not allow them in, in the first place, it isn't scary anymore. I have had it happen only one time to me where I currently live, and I tossed the offender out in about 5 seconds. She came back, and out she went again with the door slammed hard, never to return.

Everyone should use this technique, just to protect themselves. When you work in the psychic, healing, or ghost hunting arenas, you should do it, period. It is simple. You stand up, preferably outdoors, with your fingers pointed down to the earth. Close your eyes and keep them closed. Take a deep breath and relax. When you feel you are ready, call in all angels, guides, helpers, God and Goddess. Now this has to be important to you, not just the Universe, it does not care what you call it, so call in Creator, the Universe, Allah...it doesn't matter. Tell them that you want to cleanse and set up a white light of protection around you. Tell them to drain off any harmful or negative energy and to ground you. You should feel your fingertips tingle, or become heavy as the energy drains into the earth. When that sensation ends (usually after a minute or so). Ask that any repairs that need to be made on your aura are done now. It is also VERY rare for holes or tears to be in auras. Be aware though that people with substance abuse issues MANY times have damaged auras. You will begin to feel positive and energetic. Picture a healing "pink light egg" around your whole body, and ask that it do its' work to ready you for ultimate protection. When you feel warm, comfortable and safe, picture a white light around you. Tell the powers that be that this white light is for protection against evil, negativity and psychic harm, and that it is to remain around you always. Never to diminish or disappear.

Take a deep breath and open your eyes.

You are now protected. There are strange things , like demons, something else you will never come in contact with, that can batter through these defenses if you allow them. People sometimes challenge the negative by saying things like "come and get me", and then you have to repair the light. Once you INVITE something in,all bets are off. Also be aware that if you are an energy worker, you may sometimes need to open that door a bit to get information. Make sure you have a gatekeeper (something you can learn in my psychic development class). Do not abuse drugs or alcohol as it causes the aura (our natural protection against these things) to weaken, tear and form holes.

The average person with a healthy aura has no fear of any type of psychic attack. When you go into dark places, then that is a different story. You need extra protection. Do NOT confuse psychic attack with picking up on other people's negativity. Psychic attack is done on purpose. When you are near a negative person, just picture a wall of white light between you and them, or a white light around yourself and the negative feelings will diminish or end.

Sometimes a psychic attack can be physically felt. It is like an icepick going into your head, a very fine pinpoint. Simply shout into your head the words:"GET OUT", if it is a psychic attack it will stop immediately. Then picture a door closing over the area where the pain was, and a seal going over that door. The person may try to get into another area, do the same thing, but then visualize a mirror around you, and it will bounce back. I generally, for the sake of Karma, don't bounce stuff back to people unless they are persistent, then, no holds barred. I have an arsenal of things I don't ever use, or use rarely, and believe me, it is so tempting sometimes to not whip out the biggest, baddest weapon I have.

We have to trust Karma to take care of problem people to a certain extent. We need to remedy , but not to seek revenge. Karma will do that part. Meanwhile, if they keep sticking ice picks in your head, mirror it back , as it gets annoying and painful.

Again.Please remember that it is extremely rare for people to come under psychic attack. When things seem amiss, and easy energetic remedies do not work, seek medical attention.

Make sure that you are getting help from trained and accredited people (ask to see their certification and degrees), we are out there. There are way too many people doing "metaphysical" work, because they need the money and don't have a clue as to what they are doing. They are coming out of the woodwork these days. Some are simply rip off artists and fakes.Some just read a book or took a class and decided they know enough to teach. Not true by a long shot.Someone asked if they should take a class on psychic attack....PULLLEEEZE. This is like taking a class in how to use a Q-tip. Don't get sucked in to people who use fear to make money off of you.

Some people also believe that protecting themselves from psychic attack will not allow psychic readers to read them, not true. These protectors block NEGATIVITY, not information flow. You cannot (and should not) EVER make it impossible for a reader to get in, as the Universe WANTS AND NEEDS us to have that connection, it is a lifeline, and a connection to the Universe, it is not meant to be ever closed off entirely. It wasn't put there for readers per se, but becasue we are all connected, and that is the connection origin. It is a primal part of us and our original connection to the godhead. Anyone who tells you it is OK to shut that off is guaranteeing your spiritual death, and you need to stay far away from people like that. The idea is to keep out the negative and harmful, period, nothing else.We are all connected, and the Universe will always make sure we are connected, that psychic antenna and signal is part of that, those who try to shut it down are not doing the work in the light. Be careful of people that make you fear anything and then want to teach you how not to fear for a few bucks.There is a person out there who is telling people they have beings attached to them, and she can get them off. I just know Karma has a huge smack in the head for people like that.

Make sure you have quality teachers. When you are not sure, ask me, I can refer you, or let you know if I teach that class. There is no monetary bonus in it for me, so I will be honest with you. I also, as you can see by this blog, give away free info to help others.

Don't fear psychic attack, you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2012 May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission. Parts of this blog were published previously.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Psychic info isn't a crutch.

I have had clients ask me to do things, that first of all I will not do (ethically) and second of all, no one does. When I ask where they came up with that idea, the answer is usually a TV show or movie that put the thought into their heads.

The funny part is many energy workers make the same mistakes, so you have to wonder how good they are at what they do! There are people out in the world who think that clairvoyant means psychic. It doesn't . Being clairvoyant is a particular psychic talent.One of many. You don't need it to be psychic and being clairvoyant does NOT mean a person can necessarily access the future. Clairvoyance means "clear seeing" so it means the person sees something that is a symbol, archetype or clue to the answer.

As to predicting the future. I have found in 40 years or giving readings, that the future is not so easily read. Those who are honest will tell you that there are answers, but not cast in stone. The main reason for this is that people have free will and do exactly what you tell them NOT to do. The other reason is that they have to take a particular action and work towards it, and they get lazy and stop. People can alter the future sometimes.

Many times messages come out of nowhere, they are important and meant to be passed along. Then we have the questions people ask. They are many times unanswerable. For example, "will I find a better job?". First of all, will you look for one? Many times people ask this and you see that they never look. It sometimes is out of fear, or laziness, but they have been unhappy in their job for years, and never for a moment looked for a new job. The answer is , there are many new jobs for this person out there, but they need to get moving to get one. The answer may also be something like "yes if you stop drinking at work", and they never stop drinking at work.

Many times the answer to questions I get asked, are answers that are none of the querant's business. There is no need to know how many times you ex is having sex with his new girlfriend. There is no reason to know so many things that people ask. Questions should always pertain to the person asking, and only in situations where they are willing to make a change

Readings that are authentic usually come in this manner:

if you do "A", this will happen, but if you forget to do "part 1" you won't be successful. On the other hand if you do "B", then that will happen.

There are a few things in life that you can ask like "will I get married someday",  that will have the answer clearly seen. Then there are the questions that the person has to answer themselves. Many times people ask me to tell them what kind of business they should open and how it should be run. Uh, excuse me, not my job! It is YOUR business you are opening, not mine. The fact that a person doesn't have a clue, means they are not ready to run a business. A business is you doing what YOU LOVE. Otherwise it will fail, and it will be the worst job you ever had because you will have to take it home with you, and on vacation with you.....

I (many times) tell people clues so they can get thinking, and they don't think for a moment. They call me back later hoping "I will have more information". No, this one is strictly on your shoulders.That is like me telling you who your should love and spend the rest of your life with. That isn't my place nor the place of any psychic. We are here to tell you the pros and cons, to get to hidden information that may help you, and to guide you. We are not here to tell you what to do, or how to live your life.

Many think that if they live each day as a psychic tells them, nothing bad will happen. The first bad thing that happens is that they do not live. Their lives are a play every day. This is school, there are lessons to learn, and having another try to guide you around every lesson won't work, the first thing that will happen is that they will be given misinformation to give you! The lessons will be taught, there is no getting around that!

Many times psychic answers require you to do something or be somewhere. They also have a time frame that the answer is good for. For example, if there is a dream job, and you can't be bothered to look for it this month, then someone else will get that dream job. The Universe will not "punish" the hiring person and make them have to do without, because you are sitting on your butt an extra month. The same goes in relationships. When you are in a relationship and not sure if you should leave, Prince Charming isn't sitting alone at a bus stop for 6 months waiting for you to make up your mind about leaving the first person. Rarely does the Universe send a person around so you can smoothly jump from one relationship to another. There are not specific people we HAVE to be with waiting around for us, I don't care what New Age crap you read in your "soulmate" book.

A soulmate by the way is the person most integral in our current major life lesson. It can be a sister, mother, friend, or yes, spouse.

Psychic information is not there to give anyone an unfair advantage (and that my friends is part of why we psychics never know the winning lottery numbers). It is there to help,  guide, inspire, coach and help you make important decisions. It is not there to help you screw over another person, spy on your ex, or get life's rewards without lifting a finger. The Universe will not facilitate an unfair advantage, especially when used in a mean, hurtful and spiteful way!

It is so refreshing to me when people are making decisions and come for help, and then go out and DO something. The worst questions are "When am I going to be happy?" (When you decide to be so and make changes you need to make), "What will happen to me this year?" (Really, are you kidding me?). Sometimes people ask, "What will happen in my love life over the next 2 months?", and the answer is NOTHING. Put yourself in my shoes on that one.

Then there is the person who thinks of ways to ask the question to force the answer they want to hear. You aren't F Lee Baily and we aren't in court. A psychic saying it won't make it happen, so why waste your time and money???

There are two types of readings that are helpful and fulfilling, the first is the one we talked about a few sentences back where you are already on a mission and you want some help with it. Not for the work to be done for you, but help. The other is when we sit down and see what it that is important messages for you coming up. You have to be open (and you will get great info), because you may want to hear about an exciting love life that isn't in the cards, but there is some other really great stuff out there! Those readings take anywhere from 20-45 minutes. I get people that ask for those types of readings on the phone, but have paid for three minutes. Really? You want me to tell you important, specific information about your year in three minutes. That isn't going to happen.

People want a quick fix, magic wand. They want their thinking done for them, and they want no consequences. That doesn't exist. Period.

Each psychic has their own talents, ways of accessing information and style. Don't tell us how to do our readings, if you are such an authority on it, do it yourself. Seriously. You can buy tarot cards in any bookstore. I have had people say..."shuffle the cards really hard" (it won't make any difference, the answer is the answer). Shuffling the cards like a poker player is the sign of an amateur. Someone who wants to distract you so you think they are doing something. Tarot cards are to be treated like what they are, messengers from a higher power, not game pieces. When you shuffle them like a Vegas dealer, you scatter the energy. You disrespect the cards. The Universe lets me know when to stop shuffling, and it is pretty darn good at what it does,

Do not expect miracles, do not ask for information that really is none of your business, and ask for information that will help you. Then ACT on that information. Do not become a psychic addict , getting readings multiple times a day.You need to make your own decisions. And please don't tell the reader how to do their reading, especially when you got your information for a TV show or movie.

Never ask questions about a person's death date, even yours!

When used in the right manner, psychic information is a great help to people, when used incorrectly it is a train wreck waiting to happen!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wold, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Superhighway of misinformation

The misinformation superhighway. The internet. Yes, that same place that is supposed to be a wealth of information, is a wealth of misinformation. People, read or listen to things on line and take it, and pass it along as gospel. The first thing you should do is verify it is true, or what parts of it are true, and NOT with the author.

There is no monitor sitting there making sure that everything you read is fact. YOU are supposed to do that.

I saw a video last night that every line spoken in it was either entirely untrue or way off. EVERY line. The ray of sunshine in all of it is that there were a few comments on it that stated that things weren't right in the video.  Hopefully people read those comments and take the whole thing with a grain of salt, or better yet, toss it in the trash where it belongs.

Anytime there is information that is new, we need to investigate, and I mean this blog too! I encourage people to research, or to find out more, I even sometimes remember to give Friday homework. The reason for all of it is that I want people to learn to THINK for themselves, RESEARCH the correct way (don't just read it or watch it and swallow it wholesale), and make INTELLIGENT conclusions. I want people to LEARN MORE, go beyond the information given and see what else there is moving forward. We have become a country of sheep following unhealthy people and ways, easy ways, and then wondering why things don't go well.

The right path is rarely exactly as you want it to be. It is never easy, and it is often time consuming where dedication and persistence is needed.

True research means looking for misinformation, looking for an opposing view and proof either way of the facts. It means searching out truth, not just reading something on the internet. You find what you look for. Honest research requires that you have to look for what you DON'T want to see. Then you disprove it or change your knowledge.

I remember learning some things when I was a preschooler , from my NA grandma. I actually had someone try to tell me something else was true about the tribal ways, and that she was wrong. I researched to make sure Grandma wasn't putting her spin on things, she wasn't. It was the modern video on You Tube that was wrong (isn't that a shock). I didn't actually doubt Grandma for a moment, but I checked anyway.

Believing misinformation is bad enough, passing it along is much worse. Validate something before passing it on.That means not only looking to see if the information is true, but if it is false. I have so many clients fearing and walking incorrect paths because someone passed on some BS. Don't pass it on, quash it where it stands. Research , learn and grow, that is what you are here for!

Don't get stuck on the superhighway of misinformation, be the scholar, the source of good information and help others with it.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, January 16, 2012

How to write an affirmation

I offer prerecorded affirmations every week for people to use. Some folks want to know what to do when they need a particular affirmation for a specific situation and need it "right now". The answer : write one.

Many people think that you have to be a special person with special training to do all energy work. Not true. In essence, a prayer is energy work. You may have been informally taught how to pray, and what to pray for, but this isn't anything that takes a lot of concentration and thought.

Affirmations are "thank yous" for bringing about events that are yet to transform. it is thanking the Universe ahead of time for a situation. Like manifesting they are to be written with specific goals in mind that are obtainable and reasonable. You wouldn't say "plop a Mercedes in my driveway right now", you would say "help me find the way to obtain a good car that will meet and even exceed all of my needs, as soon as energetically possible". You then work towards that goal.

Affirmations and manifesting go hand in hand. Affirmations are a big part of manifesting, and when you affirm something well, it manifests. They are a large energetic circle. Yet the key with affirmations are the words "thank you". The other key is that the affirmation involves you and only you.

A bad affirmation (or any type of energy work) would be one where you attempt to take away another person's free will or will cause harm to another. A bad affirmation would be "take Joe away from his wife who doesn't appreciate him and give him to me". That will just get you into more trouble that you can afford.

A good affirmation would be something like" thank you Universe for bringing the right people into my life, including a relationship partner." You may then want to give some specifics like "a person who is an equal partner, who will be able to teach me things and learn from me", etc.
 Then at the end, say "thank you". Say it like it is already happening, as in the line above "thank you for bringing"...because they are already being brought to you.

Affirmations program you mind, soul, and the Universe, a very powerful group when they are all working together to bring about a result.

For an example of a new beginnings affirmation go to my recorded listing. It is $1 per minute, and you will hear the whole affirmation in a minute, if you listen to it repeat, it will be 2 minutes.


Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th!

There are those that have triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number thirteen. Today is a day that is marked as an "unlucky day", and a day feared by many. There is at least one a year, and there can be three Friday the thirteenths. It is a day that goes down in superstition history.

Many have a self fulfilling prophecy. They wait for something bad to happen on Friday the thirteenth, then say "See, I told you.", this isn't exactly how scientific research is done, but OK. There is a truth however that shows here, and that is "what you look for you will find". When you look for Friday the Thirteenth to be bad, it will be. There is another truth, and that is that you bring the energy to you that you expect to have around you! So when you are convinced you will have a bad day, you will have a bad day!

I never feared the day, which is surprising growing up in a household of Scot's Irish ancestry on one side, and Native American beliefs on the other. Both were cultures filled with mystery, unseen forces, and the unexplained. I was a psychic little girl, so the unusual was usual....yet there was never a fear of the thirteenth of anything.

As I grew older I started to notice a trend. Maybe it is my positive outlook on things, but I noticed that for me, Friday the thirteenth was always lucky. It usually involved cash. One year I was living in Las Vegas, flat broke, and not knowing what to do with myself. I decided that instead of sitting around moping, I would go on one of my long runs, after all that was free. As I was running I said..."Universe I need money for food and such, not much, but HELP!"  A couple of blocks later I ran over $35. Literally. Cash in the streets. Needless to say , I said "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Another time, also in Vegas, a friend was teaching me how to play roulette....with his money thank goodness. He was a semi pro gambler and new all the tricks. Roulette isn't a game where the odds are with you, but there are tips. I sat down and started giving him numbers. We hit so much the pit boss was looking me up down and sideways to figure out how I was doing it. It may have been psychic me, but psychic ability never helps us "cash in". I didn't cash in, becasue I didn't see a dime of that money, although I made my so called friend $1000.00 richer. He blew it all on college kids in town for the weekend.

Before that particular Friday the thirteenth of the run, and since, the day has always been positive, abundant and productive. It may just be that I manifest a good day, so I have one. We get what we expect to get out of life, and what we work towards. While trying to write this blog, I had to stop and give three on line readings. A productive day already!

Have an abundant and "lucky" Friday the thirteenth.

For those who have been asking for affirmations, I have a recording that I change every Friday morning. Today the recording is about newness and change. It costs $1 a minute, it is spoken twice so you have time to say it out loud with the recording, or jot it down.Everytime you call, the cost is $1 per minute. Here is the link:


Have a wonderful weekend and a lucky day!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, January 12, 2012

There is no class.....

An elder has written and asked me to go over something that he has seen resurface. I have written about this before, but apparently it needs to be restated.

 When it comes to Native American spiritual teachings, rites, rituals, and belief systems, even language in some instances , there is to be no monetary charge at all.

Whenever someone charges to teach these spiritual things, you will know that they don't have a clue as to the Native American ways, so they have no business teaching them. There was a group of people charging for classes to teach rites, and included attunements....there are NO native American attunements. None at all, not from North American, Central American, South America...nowhere. It is nothing but a money making opportunity.

When you really want to learn and immerse yourself in Native ways, you find a NA mentor and ask for their help. They may make you wait, or tell you flat out "no". They may ask you to show them why you should learn, or make you do mundane tasks to see how you handle your life. They will not charge you a fee. When you are dedicated and sincere, they won't care what your ancestry is. I have seen some non Native respect and honor the ways more than some born natives. That part really doesn't matter, what matters is where your heart is.

When you go into a classroom with a check in hand to learn rites, spirituality, and religion, you are being ripped off. You can pay to learn history, or arts, but not spirituality. There are no authentic classes that charge for such things. That also goes for becoming a shaman. You cannot go and pay a fee and have someone make you a shaman.Only Creator can make a shaman. He learns from humans, but he has a natural ability first. There are no shaman in most of North America . There are medicine men, holy men, and other tribal names, but not shaman. You can find them in Alaska, Hawaii, and South and Central America. Some Natives use the word now because white people (mostly "new agers" who are interested in all things Native), associate with the word "shaman", but that is not a term that was ever used in the area that became the continental US.

Being a healer, medicine man, or holy man, is something that chooses you, you do not choose it. To be authentic, you first have to have some sort of innate ability. You may be a natural healer, or be able to foresee the future, or communicate with spirits, both the dead, and those who were never human. You can't just become a shaman, just like you can't just become a person who plays piano by ear. You are born with it, or you are not.

This elder was upset as there are people charging for a class to make you a shaman, and to teach you the rituals of the medicine men. If you hear of such classes, do not take them. If you aren't sure, email me and ask, if I am not sure, I know people that I can ask.

These things are teachable, but only individually to the right person with the right demeanor, goals and attitude, and TALENT....and the cost is time, energy, dedication and respect.

Please remember that the first part of being part of that energy is respecting it. That goes for any belief system or religion.

Walk your talk!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Taking care of yourself

One of the more powerful instructions from the Universe this year is to take good care of yourself. That is something that people are either not doing at all or are going way overboard and trying to control themselves to such a degree that they are not living.

Not too long ago I wrote about people who are number obsessed. Their weight, their age, their waist size. They worry about a number. The idea is not to worry about a number, but to worry about being truly fit and healthy, and that includes mentally and emotionally. If you are obsessed with that number on the scale and spend each day counting calories , laps, and crumbs, you are not living as nature intended. Being morbidly obese isn't doing the right thing either, but why would people think really fat is bad, but really skinny is OK? It isn't.

I had a woman in tears call me yesterday. She was in tears because she gained 5 pounds over the holidays.....yeah me too, and all the other normal people out there who are actually living life.It isn't something you may WANT to do, but it isn't something to cry and wish yourself dead over either! There seems to be a trend afoot. No matter how hard women's groups are fighting to take "overly skinny" models off of the runways and teach girls healthy eating habits, there is always someone who wants to look like Twiggy after a week at a fat farm. This is purely ridiculous and unhealthy and sends a bad message to young women all over the world.

I have counseled those who are just this side of anorexic. They are playing things way too close to the edge. The key is that they think they look great. They wear skimpy clothing and while they have a body image of "I look awesome", strangers look at them and say "She (it most usually is a she) looks like she is sick". I had someone comment to me the other day that a person must secretly have cancer and be going through treatment. Actually she is fine as far as I know, but is on a "diet". She looks exactly like most people who over diet look. Too skinny, baggy eyes, no muscle tone, pale waxy skin, and hollow cheeks. I have seen more than one of these pseudo-cadavers lately.

The best measure is when friends ask if you are OK or make comments about how you look.When that happens alot, stop and wonder why. There is a reason for it, and no they aren't jealous.

One of the requirements of the Universe this 2012 is to be as healthy as you can be. Not too skinny, not too fat. To be able to do physical things that you need to do, but not to run marathons unless that is how you make a living. It is to eat right, not starve yourself, nor stuff yourself full of cake. It is about making sure that your body is happy. When it sends you signals that it isn't, get it checked. I knew a lady when I was teaching dance, who ended up in the hospital as she has totally destroyed her stomach by taking piles of aspirin a day. The reason she did that was she had bad headaches everyday and was afraid to get it checked. The headaches didn't almost kill her, but the aspirin did. A simple trip to the doctor would have kept her stomach intact.

There are so many people running around with grey auras. That is a a bad thing, forget 2012, it is bad. It means that your life is being sucked out of you. It is beyond being physically ill. When you have a cold , your aura isn't grey, when you abuse your body it is. People who do not take care of themselves from over eaters and over dieters to drug addicts and alcoholics, have grey auras.

One of the demands of the Universe this year is to be healthy. REALLY healthy. If your response to that is something like "I can bench press 300 pounds" or "I can run 5 miles", that doesn't mean you are healthy, really it doesn't. Don't forget the important aspect to it, you have to be mentally and emotionally happy. If you bench press 300 pounds and you are unhappy, you NEED to press more, you will go to any extreme to press more...then you need help. You can force yourself to run that fifth mile and feel like crap physically, but you can do it, that doesn't mean you are healthy.

The Universe (God, Creator) , expects us to take care of that temple he gave us, but that doesn't mean abusing it , even if you feel it is in a good way. Don't starve yourself, nor stuff yourself. Dress age appropriately. Get in shape (NOT in a size 0). Be emotionally healthy. If you fear adding a pound, a year, or an inch, get some professional help.

If you are a size 12, and your heart, BP and organs are fine, don't diet! If you are a size 5 and you are listless, achy, and unhappy, get your butt to the doctor! It isn't about numbers!

Life is here to be lived, like the saying goes:

 "Life is not a journey to the grave with the
intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW-- What a Ride!"

Enjoy the ride.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lessons, make them easy or hard.

I had a lady tell me the other day, that her life sucked and she wished the Universe would stop pissing on her head. Many times when people have a bad time of things, they right away have to place blame. Blame rarely gets placed where it needs to, and something "huge", usually gets the blame. That could be God, our leadership, the Universe, Mother Nature.

There are things that happen to us that are out of our control, but how do we get into those situations? Is the Universe that mean old God of the Old Testament, the one who hurls lightning bolts at will towards people that just happen to piss him off that day? Of course not.

Life is school. We are here for lessons, lessons aren't always fun, and how we react to them makes the result easier or harder to take. Lessons are inevitable. Remember, we are in school. That is what we do here. We all get them, some learn them before having to be smacked on the back of the head by the Universe, some do not. The ones that don't are the ones who wonder why the Universe punishes them, when all it is doing is teaching.

Here is an example. A person cannot get along with anyone at work. Everyone is, in their words,  a jerk. Each person who works there is somehow inferior to this person (in their mind at least). We will call this person Angel, because she thinks she is one. Angel thinks her boss is a total idiot and does not like the way she does things. She thinks that everyone else is an idiot and doesn't do half as much as she. She thinks that she is treated poorly and co-workers don't like her.

Let's day all this were true (it isn't). Is the answer for Angel to be insubordinate to her boss, rude to her coworkers, and not do things that she was assigned to do? No, it isn't. That is just what Angel did however, then wondered why she never got promoted. The answer , if she really were in as bad a position as she thought, would be to just go and look for a job in a place that is more along the lines of where Angel would feel comfortable. Now we all know that place will never exist, but when you are unhappy with work in such a big way, you move on, not sabotage the workplace to make yourself feel better. Not to mention eventually getting fired and tagged as "not eligible for rehire" doesn't help.

Angel made everyone's life hell. She basically was the person everyone tried to aviod, the boss stopped even listening to her selfish requests, and the co-workers were more than tired of her ego. She was shunned, written up and well on her way out of the door, when she decided to apply for a job that was a high profile position and more than doubled her salary. She didn't get it. Is anyone really surprised? Why would the Universe reward a person for being insubordinate, rude, egotistical and lazy (if she didn't think the task was a good idea, she wouldn't do it). The Universe would LOVE to get her out of there, but not to make her have a wonderful life that she didn't in any way deserve. It taught her a lesson....well it tried to, she saw it as the Universe being mean spirited.

The Universe, unlike many people, is not a mean spirited child. It puts people where they need to be. Maybe Angel needed to be in an environment to learn how to handle that situation in a positive way. She failed the test, instead of handling it well, she handled it like a spoiled brat and made everyone's life unpleasant to say the least. She constantly rebelled and acted like a two year old who didn't get to play with a favorite toy. Instead of trying to make positive change and at least doing her job, she choose to sit and pout and then wonder why she didn't get promotions.

It isn't the fault of the Universe, it is the fault of Angel, but she still refuses to see that. The Universe will try to get your attention. It starts in a subtle way that maybe only you will notice, then it gets bigger, and stronger. Before you know it , something huge and unpleasant is happening that you brought on yourself.

Life is a series of good and bad, Yin and yang, the Universe constantly fights for balance. When you react badly, take advantage, disregard others, or run on pure ego, then bad things happen. Then they happen more often and more strongly. The more you push the yin/yang out of balance by pushing for ME ME ME, the harder the Universe pushes back to CENTER CENTER CENTER. The Universe doesn't teach hard for honest mistakes, if you do something on purpose that you know is wrong, and say to yourself..."oops that was a mistake", the Universe knows better. When you DO make a mistake and then react to it badly (like trying to blame another person), the Universe will start lesson teaching, and you won't like it.

When we were small, we were told that one day when we died, we would have to stand in front of god and explain all our wrongs. It doesn't happen when you die, although there is a little counseling that goes on, it happens every day. The Universe is watching, it knows your true goals and motivations. It regulates, and if need be, teaches. When things get way over the top, you get a huge smack in the back of the head. Some call it Instant Karma.

When your life is THAT BAD, and no area of it is satisfying. Then you need to look really hard at yourself. When your life is THAT BAD, then CHANGE IT, don't make everyone around you as miserable as you. Listen to people you trust, and when they tell you something that you don't like hearing, they didn't just turn on you. They are being truthful. See if their opinion is a consensus. Your image of you may be totally off what others can plainly see.

Remember the one old adage, do unto others. It will keep you out of most trouble!

Peshaui Wequashimese

Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Flood stories

Hopefully everyone that asked for homework did it!

Here is a overview of flood stories. The fact that there are so many from all over the globe tells us that something happened that caused a great flood. Did it happen to a guy named Noah? Probably not.There are stories older than Noah. Did he manage to get every creature known to man on a boat within a short period of time and keep them from eating each other? Probably not. Did the flood cover absolutely everything? Probably not.

We do know that a great part of the world was under water , and even two miles of ice at different periods in the earth's history. We don't know everything that happened or exactly when, but we do know there were catastrophic events, and the flood is one of them. The fact there was a flood doesn't prove there was a Noah, but that there was a flood. Many cultures have a flood story. Actually just about every culture does. Different cultures have this story in remote locations that never knew each other existed when the stories were being told. The place of the dry land where man could finally come off of his safety zone (it wasn't always a boat) changes, as does how long things lasted, and how many people and animals were involved. Some cultures say the flood was the next to last ending of this world (there have been others in many cultures), some say we have more to go. So all the stories are not exactly the same, but they all are centered on a great flood that devastated the earth.

Once we think about things with a modern mind, we know that in all probability the Noah story didn't happen the way it is told. It is pretty easy to figure out that if you tried to do what Noah did, you would fail miserably. Just take this into consideration. Let's say the whole world was covered with "miles deep" waters. Where did it go? Seriously? When we have floods, we usually have droughts. This past year farmland flooded in the spring, and is still under water, but the state of Texas is in a severe drought. Water doesn't appear and disappear. It evaporates and rains back down (or mist, fog, etc). The water we have stays constant, it just redistributes. Can a God make it rain beyond capacity? I suppose he could, but then with that power, wouldn't it be a lot easier to just suck all the bad people off the planet? Why kill innocent animals, plants, even sealife with fresh water? We know sea levels are higher, and we know we have ice caps, so some water went there, but to cover the entire earth in extra water? We would spin out of our orbit. We had a great flood, but to say it covered everything, is most likely not true.

Was there a time of catastrophic floods? Apparently. We also know that ice was two miles thick from the north pole south to southern Indiana/northern Kentucky, so sure it is possible. When that ice melted we were left with new lakes, streams, and a higher level of the ocean.

So all that aside, who has the stories of the great floods?

The story of Gilgamesh. We have historical records telling of how he heard from Utnapishtim about a great flood. Apparently people were making too much noise and disturbed the gods living here on earth, they decided to cause a flood to clean man off of the earth. Ea (lord of the waters) told Utnapishtim to tear down his house and make a boat and to put all living things he could find and seeds on the boat. He was in a storm for 7 days, and landed on a mountain. He burned cedar and myrtle , a sacrifice to the gods, and the gods allowed him to stay.

The tablets with this story come from ancient Sumer. There are others with a similar story where "Noah" is not only Utnapishtim, but Atrahasis, Xisuthros, and Zisudra.

The Aztecs believed that  in the time of the fourth sun (or fourth creation of this world), there was a great flood and man turned into fish. Two humans named Coxcoxtli and Xochiquetzal survived. In Central American, the god Tezcatilpoca destroyed all mankind with a flood, except Tezpi, his wife and children. They too had animals and seeds with them.

The Popal Vuh (ancient texts of Guatemala), has a"great flood story" which was an experiment of sorts. The first humans were figures made of wood.  They displeased the Creator by acting like the gods. The result was a great flood.

The Chibcas of Columbia, the Canarians of Ecudor, the Tupinamba of Brazil, and the Pehuenche of Tierra del Fuego, all have great flood stories. There are other stories in Peru, and Chile. There are similar stories in the Native Americans of North America. The Inuit have a story of a flood and earthquake. The Luiseno of southern California talk of fleeing to the mountaintops to be saved. The Hurons, Algonquins, Iriquois and Chickasaws all have flood stories. The Hopis talk of different ways the world has ended in the past , and how mankind was saved in different ways.

There are more stories. They come from Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia,Greece, India, Egypt, and the places we already discussed. Some stories have a race being saved, some a couple, or a family. Some brought animals and seeds, others did not. Some built a boat, some fled to mountains, and some even lived in a box for a few days. Not all the stories are exactly the same, and many are much more realistic than Noah's story.  The fact remains, something must have happened. We know that every event from the sun rising in the morning to lightning flashing in the sky, was blamed on the gods in the ancient days. This makes it hard to say that any "god" actually, purposefully made a flood. It may have been a time of great glacial melting that flooded the earth, and the people who told the story not only put their superstitious fears into it (the gods must be upset!), but embellished it. The fact is that because it really was so long ago, we will never know for sure.

Some day, look up the Hopi creation stories, or the Chinese legends. They are very insightful and written by very intelligent people. That all being said, none of these cultures say we are at the end of the world, including the Mayans. Until all this 2012 hype, if you asked a Mayan about the end of the world being imminent, they would say , "What are you talking about?". Even the concept of Rapture is not a Biblical concept, it is something that preachers have come up with in the last century. People like Harold Camping. When you generate fear, you get business.

Be careful what you believe, and make sure that you research properly. There is so much craziness out there, it isn't funny.

Learn, research and grow!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Friday, January 6, 2012

Exploring further...homework time!

Again, I was reminded that I wasn't giving Friday homework.(SORRY)

For those of you new to the blog (as it is being published in new places as of about a month ago), I used to give some assignments on Fridays. My goal in life is to get people to LOOK and see what else is out there. What are they missing? What will get them to look outside the box they sometimes wall themselves up in? The answer is inspired research.

When studying metaphysics and even when in Sunday school, some things just didn't make sense. I mean, we know incest is wrong. Yet, let's think. If Noah's family were the last living people on earth, then we really are all related. Literally. The reason the story of the Great Flood comes to mind is that I am reading a book about time before recorded history. I don't want to let the name of the book out yet because I don't want to make the homework too easy. I will let you all know on Friday. Many have probably read it.

There are instances in this book of many stories of a great flood. Many are different (for example there wasn't just one couple left), but they all share a similar theme. In many the flood didn't cover everything, and I have to believe that. After all, finding THE one mountain above all else, and it wasn't the world's tallest...how does that happen????....allows us to see that we have to take the literalness of religious tests with a grain of salt. I am also not sure God was a proponent of incest and just left Noah and his family alive. A man who was supposedly a drunk too, the Salvation Army will tell you how God feels about drunks....it just all doesn't make sense. But, the fact is there are many similar stories in many cultures all around the world. Now, just becasue there are great flood stories, does not prove that "THE way" is Christianity, because as you research you will see that many with a flood story have no other components of Christianity. I am sure they put their spin on it just as all the other cultures did. In fact there are over 60 similar , and original stories in cultures WELL before the onset of any "Bible" stories. Noah would have had to be a tale of a story that happened much earlier that was passed down.

So this weekend's homework is to see if you can find any of those flood stories other than the "popular" one of Noah and his family. With 60  some original , and even more variations of the theme out there, it shouldn't be difficult. They are in cultures all over the world. Christianity is only one of them. We all know about Noah, who else should be know about???

Learn, research and grow!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Thursday, January 5, 2012

2012 sorting out the people...

The universe is sorting out the world into groups. We have talked about this for years now. It isn't good vs evil like in Stephen King's novel The Stand, but it is sorting people in a similar fashion. We aren't going to war with each other, but we are going to have different opportunities, insights and abilities available to us.

Things happen each day that seem to interesting to me. People who are entering in , that are bright, talented, and open people. People walking out who are egotistical, ignorant, and stagnant. It all happens on its' own. No fights, no harsh words, just doors closing, and new ones opening.Sometimes the differences aren't that dramatic, and we have to wonder why people were weeded out, but then we just have to accept that the Universe knows better.

When a person fades out of our lives, we tend to get in touch and say "hey what's up!". I almost did that today. A person had asked for my help and I was so busy at the time I asked if they could wait a few weeks. They said that was fine, and they would look forward to it. I had noticed that there wasn't a lot of postings from them lately on a social networking site. They were not a close friend by any means, a person who had "befriended" me about a year or so ago. That is because I was no longer their friend!  No fight, no uproar, just that I wasn't their friend. I was going to email them, that is what the old me would do, ask if there were a problem. I started to do that and then thought, "Why?". After all this is not a person who was an actual friend, but a cyber one, and a person who asked for my friendship and my help. It is the Universe's way of weeding out my garden for me. So I will practice what I preach, and trust the Universe.

Things like that make me smile. I am sure some folks would get upset, most of my friends would shrug their shoulders and say "oh well". We do need to make room in our lives for others and as the Universe makes its' sort process work, the best thing is to go with the flow!!

This will happen more and more and we rush headlong to December 2012, and beyond, yes beyond. December 2012 is a new beginning. A beginning of more open minds, the veil getting thinner, and manifesting becoming easier, but not to everyone. To those walking their talk. It is a hard road, and each of us, myself included, need to get better at it. But those that try with true intent, will be the ones that succeed. It is also a year of independence. Remember that only YOU are responsible for your happiness, well being, and abundance.

I am getting busier and busier. I didn't have time yesterday to complete what I needed to until 8PM, and that was after moving some appointments, and catching up on old ones. People think that working for yourself means you get to sit on your butt when you want to, quite the contrary, you get to work it off. There is no one to delegate to, and if I don't work, I don't get paid. I work from 6AM to 9PM trying to help others with insight, strength, and wisdom. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes it does not. That doesn't get me out of housework or being a wife and mother either.

Be strong, move forwards, and walk your talk. Do the right thing, always, and do it for the right reason, always. That means not always doing what others ask of you. Sometimes the correct answer is "no", or "not now". Let the Universe drift you into the group that you need to be involved with, and enjoy life, even the bad days, for that is the key to happiness!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

I want to believe it so it must be true

There used to be a time when people would really and truely think for themselves. They would make good decisions, and make them based on long term results, and how it effected other people around them. People today want instant gratification and don't care all that much about how it effects others, as a matter of fact , their brain never even gets to that part of the equation.

We have become a world of entitlement seekers, of people who expect it "right now", and screw everyone else. That need for speed and lack of thinking beyond the end of their noses has created rude, unreasonable people who do dumb things. They aren't stupid, but their decisions show that they don't even have a clue where the switch for their brains is.

The do what they want, when they want, and how they want. They live like a bunch of teenagers and let the chips fall where they may....then when the whole thing goes bad, the finger pointing starts, but it never points at the person in the mirror.

Before you do anything, or make an decision, stop. Stop and then engage the brain. Think of all the possible results. Before analyzing the situation there is one very important step. You need to be honest with yourself. Just because you want something to be true, doesn't mean it is.  People "research" for things they want to hear. If you look on the net for "Bigfoot does exist" you will find a million articles saying he does, with "proof" , quotes, and pictures. If you look up "Bigfoot is a mythical creatures", you will find the exact same thing, "proof", quotes, and pictures.

What a person with a brain that is functioning does , is look at both pro and con, and make their own decision based on the best evidence. You may not find an answer (and to this example, you won't), but the key is not to just look for what you want to find and call it "evidence". 

There are so many things out in the world that are true where the truth is "stranger than fiction", and there are even more examples of false information out there, given and swallowed wholesale.
But just because you want it to be true or believe it to be true, doesn't make it true. I recently read an article that talked about a religious icon being retested and found to be older than believed, people then immediately jumped to light speed and said things along the lines that "Jesus is proven to have existed". Really? Not from that scrap of evidence. There are tons of artifacts from Jesus time. We know a person existed that we call Jesus, whether he was the son of God or not depends on what religious dogma you buy into , and even some Christians don't believe he was the son of God. We will all have to die before we know for sure. But saying, I have a piece of cloth from 33 AD! Doesn't equate to Jesus was the son of God.

The most dangerous people in the world are the gullible and the fearful, one to themselves, the latter to others. Don't buy anything wholesale, if you can read, and think, there is no reason to ever do that. Keep an open mind. Remember, the Universe put you here to learn, actually LEARN, not sit around and believe everything you are told or sent in an email. Remember that what you look for you find, and that is NOT research. Remember that there are stranger things out there than we can even imagine. But one great truth in life is this, just because you want it to be true, won't make it so.


...and here is another little clue that makes it easy....if Snopes or one of the other research sites says it is FALSE, it is FALSE.

Whomever starts stories like Christmas carols are a catechism should have a special place in the lowest regions of the afterlife. Those who scare people with "scaremail" should be placed right under their brains that they are sitting on.

Think, research...and if you are not 99% sure that you researched it well and it is true, then DON'T pass it on! We need more truth, positive thinking, and love in the world, not lies, BS, negativity and fear. When you thrive on untruths, then you will be given untruth. The Universe gives you the world you create. It is really OK to say "I am not sure" , or " I haven't made up my mind about that yet" and have a discussion on it. If you can't discuss and defend your point with facts, it is time to say, "I don't know for sure, but...."

Create a wonderful place, and keep all the negativity from spreading. I have people living in utmost fear of 2012, thanks to people who used a misinterpreted Mayan minor calendar to sell books and movies. This is not a good thing.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Universe's great secret.

There is one question that will never be specifically answered in a reading. That is a person's death date. Most readers (the ethical ones anyway), will not even ask. They know they will not get an answer. After all, what good (in most cases), would it do? You cannot stop the date. Once the Universe decides, it is going to happen, no matter what you do, you won't be able to stop the event from happening. Just as the Universe works hard to save some folks in dire circumstances when it isn't their time, it works just as hard to cross them over , even with heroic efforts. Our time here is known from when we are born. The Universe can adjust it a little, depending on circumstances, such as a slow learner in your soul group, but it won't change it from 2014 to 2020.

There have been times when messages come such as "you need to talk to your loved one" about a certain subject, so that it is not a problem after the death, but the tag line on the end of that message is not "becasue they are about to die". There is absolutely no good to come from knowing a death date. You may think it gives you time to put your affairs in order, but most people would try to prolong life by hiding out from death instead of taking care of things. Others may mourn, and still others may spend the family saving whooping it up in their final days, leaving loved ones to foot the bill.

Then there are even more dire circumstances. There would be people who would do crazy things, like physically attack people they had a crazy vendetta against, because now they don't have to worry about earthly consequences, like going to jail, they won't live through the trial. How many people would do illegal and harmful things because they can escape earthly punishment? Too many.

There are also people who are banking on an inheritance and want that person to die so they can collect. They want a date (I want to shower after talking to these people). The funny part is that for 2 of them I was given the message that they would not benefit anyway. That can mean a few things from "you aren't in the will", to "your days are shorter than the sick person's". Wishing death or to hurry it up, just for one's own gain is not something that goes unnoticed nor unpunished.

Even if you took that time to gather family around, it would be hard. If you are a healthy 25 year old, are you going to call all your friends and relatives and say "I will be dead today, come on over and say goodbye". What would that do to people???

When a person is ill, they usually have a time to gather loved ones around, and the circumstances are different. It is easier for us when someone is ill and has been for a long time. We have been expecting it, and may even want it to release someone from suffering. It is easier to say good bye then, but it still is not easy!

Death dates are the one thing that we have no free will in. The Universe keeps that to itself, because, as with most things, us humans would make a terrible mess of it. We can't stop it, and I would bet that most people would not want to know when that time is going to be.

Spend your time here, learning, growing , and enjoying life.

Life is our concern. not death.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c)2012 Dr. R M Wolf . May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, January 2, 2012

Who are YOU trying to impress?

There was a call today from a client, and in the background some unknown person shouted at another,  "Just who are you trying to impress?" . My little psychic antenna went to that person for a second , their energy way overshadowed the caller (and the caller thankfully asked me to hold on a sec to clear the room).

I know what I got from that situation, but afterwards I thought, how many times do people do things or say things to show off a little, or to make themselves get attention. Matt and I were talking about a similar situation yesterday, people seeking attention in the wrong way.

I am always me. I say what I truly think or feel, and I don't post every thing I do on Facebook. I don't look for attention, and I am not in the popularity contest. I don't try to offend, but if I really feel something needs to be said and it will offend someone, I say it. I don't just say it for effect, drama, or to show "hey I am still here".

I notice a few people on facebook that always have to announce things that show they are doing well in life....that is fine, but when that is the only thing you talk about , it shows what is really important to you.

Then there are the ones who post about their kids triumphs and failures...these are the real people.They are people who have ups and downs, and concerns about others. It isn't just people with their kids, it is just an example of the ones who just let it all hang out there, warts and all.

You see others on social networking sites,  that all they do is complain about how our country is run. It is OK to be unhappy and if you have a valid argument , go for it. The problem is most of the arguments are from scaremail or some other nonsensical place, they seek it out to prove how "right" they are in their anger, when in fact they are so lost it isn't even funny anymore. The next tactic is to then stop listening when someone tries to show them why they are wrong. They are in total nonreality and denial.

There is so much anger, frustration, unhappiness out there. I wonder when we became such a bunch of entitled people? I think it was the 70's and 80's that did it, and it is creating children with even bigger issues.

The scary part is that these same folks will call themselves spiritual or Christian. They quietly and methodically make the real thing look bad. They go to church every Sunday , can quote the Bible or Greg Baden, and yet they can't seem to be happy or lead a life that doesn't harm others.

I remember a person spouting off a list to me of all the classes she took and attunements and such she had, and how that somehow made her superior to her NA husband (whom she was at odds with). She considered herself so superior to him becasue she had these experiences. In fact she wasn't even up to his shoe tops. She didn't take a thing she learned and apply it to being a better person.  She was egotistical, had taken some classes that were pure jokes and scams, and even if they weren't, she obviously didn't learn the essence of the classes.

Being spiritual is the goal, not religious. Religion teaches you dogma, a set of rules. Being spiritual teaches you to take those rules and think and act for yourself. religious people can be spiritual, or not! People who never set foot in a church can be spiritual or not. Don't confuse dogma with spirituality, they really have little to do with each other.

When you find a way to make your life better, all by yourself, without hurting others. When you find a way to trust in a higher power and don't try to control everything. When you find a way to help others with no reward, not even recognition. When you believe that everything you do has a reaction somewhere at sometime. When you think for yourself, and don't try to force others to follow your dogma. When you do unto others, and walk your talk. When you lose ego and anger, you are well on your way to being spiritual.

When you slide past the line of spirituality into Bliss Ninny world where you do nothing, and call it all good when it isn't, when you are in denial. You are as far from spiritual as the one who is egotistical, dishonest, and hurtful.

Like anything, spirituality is a balance.
It starts with walking your talk.
It starts with my mantra, doing the right things for the right reasons.

Today as you go through your day, think "who am I trying to impress?", you shouldn't be trying to impress anyone, you should just be being YOU.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission