I had an online discussion yesterday with two colleagues about doing the right thing. To some people that means what boils down to "covering your ass". They aren't the same thing. Doing the right thing means going to the mat. To do what needs to be done, no matter how difficult, time consuming, disrupting or unpopular. Covering your ass means doing the minimum to make sure that when things go sideways, and they always will eventually, you have an excuse. Not a reason, an excuse to show you tried. You gave it a shot, not your best, but you gave it a shot. Excuses are NOT good enough. Neither is covering your ass.
Doing the right thing doesn't mean doing a popular thing, or a fun thing, or taking the easy way out. It may mean a big mess for other people , some who may be friends, but it is always the right thing that needs to be done, not the "half way thing".
When people get caught, it is amazing the energy they suddenly put into things. Energy that should have been spent in the beginning of things, that would have made it all right. We have noticed in four different incidences over the past few days , how people when caught out, act so ridiculously.I watched adults make nonsensical statements, repeat the same thing over and over (that is when you know that the person doesn't have a good argument or a leg to stand on), then resort to personal attacks (that is always when you know you have them), and then when you say, OK, I am getting nowhere, they make a big deal about how righteous they are to stop the discussion that is getting out of hand (they still want to look like the hero AND get in the last word). I saw grown men act so dramatic, nasty and over the top I had to wonder what their mental state was....and we all know you can't argue with a crazy person or an idiot.
It always worries me when I see fanaticism in people. They stop thinking, they don't want to see, they just spew, and spew. They make no sense, and they lower themselves to anything in order to make themselves feel better by reiterating a moot point. They tell you how stupid you are about a point yo uare well aware of, but know means nothing. They hold on to any thin thread they can to make themselves feel better.
Then there is the other way you know the person is a total idiot not worth arguing with, they resort to things like "F You", or something else that just comes out of anger, not a thinking human.
The old me would then pull out all the stops and verbally pummel an idiot into the ground making them scream for mercy, the new me knows it doesn't do a lick of good , but give me personal satisfaction. I, like everyone else, have to answer to a higher power. So I take the High Road. It sometimes seems that you didn't get any sense across, but when people start doing the repeat and personal attack things, you know you hit a nerve, and that they got the message, even though they don't want to admit it. They may rationalize it away, which is simply their loss, or they may actually have a little light bulb come on over their heads in a few days. We can only hope for the latter.
Arguing with idiots just wastes time and energy that you could use doing something else. It is comical to me when I step away and they keep going on and on for hours. That is when I know I won that battle. So our little group laughed at the mindlessness that we had found in peoplelately, shared our stories, and a national story or two, and then went on and had a great day while others continued to bang their heads into the wall.
You cannot have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. You cannot change a fanatic's mind because their mind is not functioning at all in the matter. You are just wasting your time telling people something they DON'T want to hear.
The fun part of this was as psychics, to tune into the situations, and try to get at hidden truths. We all came back with similar unknown information on the different subjects we were having arguments with unarmed people about. Being that we all came up with the same information makes it intriguing. We can't check with the people involved , they would have to incriminate themselves, and some are beyond my reach to verify, I would need a medium....but then it makes sense. We are psychic, duh, so it would make sense that the concept we had about something was right. We are all also college grads, two of us PhDs, and we know how to research, and find info with our heads instead of our hearts.
But besides taking the high road, there is one more little tidbit to remember. Karma. It can be a bitch. I think it played a huge roll in one person's life that we were discussing yesterday. Actually I am sure. Then there is the ultimate Karma, in the end, we all have to answer for our actions. Everyone. No matter how powerful, rich, successful you were in this life, you are right there with everyone else in the end. No perks.The Universe doesn't care about your success, it cares about how and why you achieved it.
No matter who you were.
Do the right things for the right reasons.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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