The universe is sorting out the world into groups. We have talked about this for years now. It isn't good vs evil like in Stephen King's novel The Stand, but it is sorting people in a similar fashion. We aren't going to war with each other, but we are going to have different opportunities, insights and abilities available to us.
Things happen each day that seem to interesting to me. People who are entering in , that are bright, talented, and open people. People walking out who are egotistical, ignorant, and stagnant. It all happens on its' own. No fights, no harsh words, just doors closing, and new ones opening.Sometimes the differences aren't that dramatic, and we have to wonder why people were weeded out, but then we just have to accept that the Universe knows better.
When a person fades out of our lives, we tend to get in touch and say "hey what's up!". I almost did that today. A person had asked for my help and I was so busy at the time I asked if they could wait a few weeks. They said that was fine, and they would look forward to it. I had noticed that there wasn't a lot of postings from them lately on a social networking site. They were not a close friend by any means, a person who had "befriended" me about a year or so ago. That is because I was no longer their friend! No fight, no uproar, just that I wasn't their friend. I was going to email them, that is what the old me would do, ask if there were a problem. I started to do that and then thought, "Why?". After all this is not a person who was an actual friend, but a cyber one, and a person who asked for my friendship and my help. It is the Universe's way of weeding out my garden for me. So I will practice what I preach, and trust the Universe.
Things like that make me smile. I am sure some folks would get upset, most of my friends would shrug their shoulders and say "oh well". We do need to make room in our lives for others and as the Universe makes its' sort process work, the best thing is to go with the flow!!
This will happen more and more and we rush headlong to December 2012, and beyond, yes beyond. December 2012 is a new beginning. A beginning of more open minds, the veil getting thinner, and manifesting becoming easier, but not to everyone. To those walking their talk. It is a hard road, and each of us, myself included, need to get better at it. But those that try with true intent, will be the ones that succeed. It is also a year of independence. Remember that only YOU are responsible for your happiness, well being, and abundance.
I am getting busier and busier. I didn't have time yesterday to complete what I needed to until 8PM, and that was after moving some appointments, and catching up on old ones. People think that working for yourself means you get to sit on your butt when you want to, quite the contrary, you get to work it off. There is no one to delegate to, and if I don't work, I don't get paid. I work from 6AM to 9PM trying to help others with insight, strength, and wisdom. Sometimes it sticks and sometimes it does not. That doesn't get me out of housework or being a wife and mother either.
Be strong, move forwards, and walk your talk. Do the right thing, always, and do it for the right reason, always. That means not always doing what others ask of you. Sometimes the correct answer is "no", or "not now". Let the Universe drift you into the group that you need to be involved with, and enjoy life, even the bad days, for that is the key to happiness!
Peshaui Wequashimese
(c) Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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