I had a lady tell me the other day, that her life sucked and she wished the Universe would stop pissing on her head. Many times when people have a bad time of things, they right away have to place blame. Blame rarely gets placed where it needs to, and something "huge", usually gets the blame. That could be God, our leadership, the Universe, Mother Nature.
There are things that happen to us that are out of our control, but how do we get into those situations? Is the Universe that mean old God of the Old Testament, the one who hurls lightning bolts at will towards people that just happen to piss him off that day? Of course not.
Life is school. We are here for lessons, lessons aren't always fun, and how we react to them makes the result easier or harder to take. Lessons are inevitable. Remember, we are in school. That is what we do here. We all get them, some learn them before having to be smacked on the back of the head by the Universe, some do not. The ones that don't are the ones who wonder why the Universe punishes them, when all it is doing is teaching.
Here is an example. A person cannot get along with anyone at work. Everyone is, in their words, a jerk. Each person who works there is somehow inferior to this person (in their mind at least). We will call this person Angel, because she thinks she is one. Angel thinks her boss is a total idiot and does not like the way she does things. She thinks that everyone else is an idiot and doesn't do half as much as she. She thinks that she is treated poorly and co-workers don't like her.
Let's day all this were true (it isn't). Is the answer for Angel to be insubordinate to her boss, rude to her coworkers, and not do things that she was assigned to do? No, it isn't. That is just what Angel did however, then wondered why she never got promoted. The answer , if she really were in as bad a position as she thought, would be to just go and look for a job in a place that is more along the lines of where Angel would feel comfortable. Now we all know that place will never exist, but when you are unhappy with work in such a big way, you move on, not sabotage the workplace to make yourself feel better. Not to mention eventually getting fired and tagged as "not eligible for rehire" doesn't help.
Angel made everyone's life hell. She basically was the person everyone tried to aviod, the boss stopped even listening to her selfish requests, and the co-workers were more than tired of her ego. She was shunned, written up and well on her way out of the door, when she decided to apply for a job that was a high profile position and more than doubled her salary. She didn't get it. Is anyone really surprised? Why would the Universe reward a person for being insubordinate, rude, egotistical and lazy (if she didn't think the task was a good idea, she wouldn't do it). The Universe would LOVE to get her out of there, but not to make her have a wonderful life that she didn't in any way deserve. It taught her a lesson....well it tried to, she saw it as the Universe being mean spirited.
The Universe, unlike many people, is not a mean spirited child. It puts people where they need to be. Maybe Angel needed to be in an environment to learn how to handle that situation in a positive way. She failed the test, instead of handling it well, she handled it like a spoiled brat and made everyone's life unpleasant to say the least. She constantly rebelled and acted like a two year old who didn't get to play with a favorite toy. Instead of trying to make positive change and at least doing her job, she choose to sit and pout and then wonder why she didn't get promotions.
It isn't the fault of the Universe, it is the fault of Angel, but she still refuses to see that. The Universe will try to get your attention. It starts in a subtle way that maybe only you will notice, then it gets bigger, and stronger. Before you know it , something huge and unpleasant is happening that you brought on yourself.
Life is a series of good and bad, Yin and yang, the Universe constantly fights for balance. When you react badly, take advantage, disregard others, or run on pure ego, then bad things happen. Then they happen more often and more strongly. The more you push the yin/yang out of balance by pushing for ME ME ME, the harder the Universe pushes back to CENTER CENTER CENTER. The Universe doesn't teach hard for honest mistakes, if you do something on purpose that you know is wrong, and say to yourself..."oops that was a mistake", the Universe knows better. When you DO make a mistake and then react to it badly (like trying to blame another person), the Universe will start lesson teaching, and you won't like it.
When we were small, we were told that one day when we died, we would have to stand in front of god and explain all our wrongs. It doesn't happen when you die, although there is a little counseling that goes on, it happens every day. The Universe is watching, it knows your true goals and motivations. It regulates, and if need be, teaches. When things get way over the top, you get a huge smack in the back of the head. Some call it Instant Karma.
When your life is THAT BAD, and no area of it is satisfying. Then you need to look really hard at yourself. When your life is THAT BAD, then CHANGE IT, don't make everyone around you as miserable as you. Listen to people you trust, and when they tell you something that you don't like hearing, they didn't just turn on you. They are being truthful. See if their opinion is a consensus. Your image of you may be totally off what others can plainly see.
Remember the one old adage, do unto others. It will keep you out of most trouble!
Peshaui Wequashimese
Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.
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