Thursday, January 12, 2012

There is no class.....

An elder has written and asked me to go over something that he has seen resurface. I have written about this before, but apparently it needs to be restated.

 When it comes to Native American spiritual teachings, rites, rituals, and belief systems, even language in some instances , there is to be no monetary charge at all.

Whenever someone charges to teach these spiritual things, you will know that they don't have a clue as to the Native American ways, so they have no business teaching them. There was a group of people charging for classes to teach rites, and included attunements....there are NO native American attunements. None at all, not from North American, Central American, South America...nowhere. It is nothing but a money making opportunity.

When you really want to learn and immerse yourself in Native ways, you find a NA mentor and ask for their help. They may make you wait, or tell you flat out "no". They may ask you to show them why you should learn, or make you do mundane tasks to see how you handle your life. They will not charge you a fee. When you are dedicated and sincere, they won't care what your ancestry is. I have seen some non Native respect and honor the ways more than some born natives. That part really doesn't matter, what matters is where your heart is.

When you go into a classroom with a check in hand to learn rites, spirituality, and religion, you are being ripped off. You can pay to learn history, or arts, but not spirituality. There are no authentic classes that charge for such things. That also goes for becoming a shaman. You cannot go and pay a fee and have someone make you a shaman.Only Creator can make a shaman. He learns from humans, but he has a natural ability first. There are no shaman in most of North America . There are medicine men, holy men, and other tribal names, but not shaman. You can find them in Alaska, Hawaii, and South and Central America. Some Natives use the word now because white people (mostly "new agers" who are interested in all things Native), associate with the word "shaman", but that is not a term that was ever used in the area that became the continental US.

Being a healer, medicine man, or holy man, is something that chooses you, you do not choose it. To be authentic, you first have to have some sort of innate ability. You may be a natural healer, or be able to foresee the future, or communicate with spirits, both the dead, and those who were never human. You can't just become a shaman, just like you can't just become a person who plays piano by ear. You are born with it, or you are not.

This elder was upset as there are people charging for a class to make you a shaman, and to teach you the rituals of the medicine men. If you hear of such classes, do not take them. If you aren't sure, email me and ask, if I am not sure, I know people that I can ask.

These things are teachable, but only individually to the right person with the right demeanor, goals and attitude, and TALENT....and the cost is time, energy, dedication and respect.

Please remember that the first part of being part of that energy is respecting it. That goes for any belief system or religion.

Walk your talk!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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