One of the more powerful instructions from the Universe this year is to take good care of yourself. That is something that people are either not doing at all or are going way overboard and trying to control themselves to such a degree that they are not living.
Not too long ago I wrote about people who are number obsessed. Their weight, their age, their waist size. They worry about a number. The idea is not to worry about a number, but to worry about being truly fit and healthy, and that includes mentally and emotionally. If you are obsessed with that number on the scale and spend each day counting calories , laps, and crumbs, you are not living as nature intended. Being morbidly obese isn't doing the right thing either, but why would people think really fat is bad, but really skinny is OK? It isn't.
I had a woman in tears call me yesterday. She was in tears because she gained 5 pounds over the holidays.....yeah me too, and all the other normal people out there who are actually living life.It isn't something you may WANT to do, but it isn't something to cry and wish yourself dead over either! There seems to be a trend afoot. No matter how hard women's groups are fighting to take "overly skinny" models off of the runways and teach girls healthy eating habits, there is always someone who wants to look like Twiggy after a week at a fat farm. This is purely ridiculous and unhealthy and sends a bad message to young women all over the world.
I have counseled those who are just this side of anorexic. They are playing things way too close to the edge. The key is that they think they look great. They wear skimpy clothing and while they have a body image of "I look awesome", strangers look at them and say "She (it most usually is a she) looks like she is sick". I had someone comment to me the other day that a person must secretly have cancer and be going through treatment. Actually she is fine as far as I know, but is on a "diet". She looks exactly like most people who over diet look. Too skinny, baggy eyes, no muscle tone, pale waxy skin, and hollow cheeks. I have seen more than one of these pseudo-cadavers lately.
The best measure is when friends ask if you are OK or make comments about how you look.When that happens alot, stop and wonder why. There is a reason for it, and no they aren't jealous.
One of the requirements of the Universe this 2012 is to be as healthy as you can be. Not too skinny, not too fat. To be able to do physical things that you need to do, but not to run marathons unless that is how you make a living. It is to eat right, not starve yourself, nor stuff yourself full of cake. It is about making sure that your body is happy. When it sends you signals that it isn't, get it checked. I knew a lady when I was teaching dance, who ended up in the hospital as she has totally destroyed her stomach by taking piles of aspirin a day. The reason she did that was she had bad headaches everyday and was afraid to get it checked. The headaches didn't almost kill her, but the aspirin did. A simple trip to the doctor would have kept her stomach intact.
There are so many people running around with grey auras. That is a a bad thing, forget 2012, it is bad. It means that your life is being sucked out of you. It is beyond being physically ill. When you have a cold , your aura isn't grey, when you abuse your body it is. People who do not take care of themselves from over eaters and over dieters to drug addicts and alcoholics, have grey auras.
One of the demands of the Universe this year is to be healthy. REALLY healthy. If your response to that is something like "I can bench press 300 pounds" or "I can run 5 miles", that doesn't mean you are healthy, really it doesn't. Don't forget the important aspect to it, you have to be mentally and emotionally happy. If you bench press 300 pounds and you are unhappy, you NEED to press more, you will go to any extreme to press more...then you need help. You can force yourself to run that fifth mile and feel like crap physically, but you can do it, that doesn't mean you are healthy.
The Universe (God, Creator) , expects us to take care of that temple he gave us, but that doesn't mean abusing it , even if you feel it is in a good way. Don't starve yourself, nor stuff yourself. Dress age appropriately. Get in shape (NOT in a size 0). Be emotionally healthy. If you fear adding a pound, a year, or an inch, get some professional help.
If you are a size 12, and your heart, BP and organs are fine, don't diet! If you are a size 5 and you are listless, achy, and unhappy, get your butt to the doctor! It isn't about numbers!
Life is here to be lived, like the saying goes:
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the
intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming -- WOW-- What a Ride!"
Enjoy the ride.
Peshaui Wequashimese
(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission
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