Friday, January 1, 2016

Don't you want my birth date?

Happy New Year all!

I decided to get back into blogging more for 2016, and today I heard a question several times. This is a question that comes up every now and then, from people who generally get their readings online. 

The question is "don't you want my birth date?"

No, I don't.

Spirit knows very well who you are and who I am. My guides and your guides come "face to face" when we are doing a reading. There is no need to make your identity more finite. 

Many times online readers will ask for your birth, and tell you it is to help them "to connect".
What makes anyone think that a birth date would be a key to reading you? It doesn't make sense does it? So why do it?

People who are online can't see you. They can't see if you are 20 or 40. They maybe can guess by your voice or question, but they can't know for sure. When you aren't very good at what you do, you look for ways of pulling information from people, and the most popular is "what's your birth date"?

People who do that, know a couple of things right off the bat. Your age and your sun sign. They can then pull general astrological information and spread it throughout the reading. They can tell you that your Leo boyfriend likes the limelight, and most likely be correct. It is playing the odds. They also know that if you are 50 or older they won't talk about getting married and having children. Children are probably not in your future!

They can talk about how you will be a high executive in the far future if you are 20, or tell you how your past relationships weren't the best fit if you are 30 (which won't work well if you are 18). They will tell you to beware of health concerns if they know you are 60 and above, or tell you that you will start a new career entirely  if you are in your 20's (a message that won't work if you are 70). They may say it is an important time to save for future retirement if you are 45 or older.

It is a fishing tool, they have important information from you to help make educated guesses before you have even spoken a word. 

I cringe when people say , "I am "so and so", July 1, 1996, and he is May 3, 1997. 

All I need ever is a question, and I ask a first name SOMETIMES to make sure you know that we are talking about the same person. Some people say "will my ex come back?" Have you had more than one ex? Probably, unless you are 18, I ask for a name. This way you know I am talking about THAT ex.

Many people who hear what they do not want to will say...oh that is probably me you  are reading, or that is my other ex. It doesn't work that way. Spirit KNOWS who you are.....spirit KNOWS what ex you mean, but this way when I ask about "Bob", there is no way to say..."Oh that isn't my ex, maybe it was "john"". There isn't a way, even without Bob's name. It is a way for YOU to know we are talking about Bob.

When someone asks for your birth date, reply with "I'm sorry, I would rather not give that information". There is no reason why an authentic reader cannot read without your birthday!

You wouldn't want a reader asking you a bunch of questions, you want them giving you information, so why answer the one questions that gives them a ton of information about you? Give them your questions, and names, that gives no clues, but hold off on your birth date, it is not necessary.

Have a wonderful 2016!