Friday, April 29, 2011

Going too far....."soulmates"

There are so many lately who are taking metaphysical beliefs and practices way too far. The "hot spot" lately is in the "soulmate" category. When people say the "S" word, I want to scream. "Soulmate" is a new age thing, it is not a concept the Universe has had for you since time began. There is a belief that some have that there is one and only one person that we are "supposed" to be with.


It has gone way too far. So far this week I have a experienced a person who is about to lose her job becasue she won't leave a co-worker alone. He and his girlfriend are trying to get her removed from the workplace because she is so persistent. Another insists a man is her "twin flame", but he keeps telling her he isn't interested, and married another girl. She is still insisting she feels his love for her everyday. Another hasn't physically met her soulmate in 3 years of emailing each other.Yet another feels her soulmate is her Catholic priest (at least that one is possible).

Buying into the Soulmate stuff , first of all, limits you. When you have the hots for someone and they don't want anything to do with you, you are wasting your time and allowing Prince Charming to pass by you unnoticed. You also make a person, whom you profess to love, feel very uncomfortable. Secondly, when taken way too far, you can lose your job, have a restraining order put against you, and have the person of your affection hide so well you will never see them again. That isn't soulmate, that is criminal.

I do have to say that from the conversation, one of these people was clearly mentally ill.

When a person tells you "leave me alone", "stay away", or anything of the kind, then please, leave them alone! When they are married to someone, they are NOT your soulmate, and didn't just realize it yet. When they threaten to make you lose your job, or get a restraining order against you, go away!

What people misconstrued to be the romantic "soulmate", is a person in you soul group (there are 111 other people in there with you), who is the person, who at that time , plays the most important role in your current life lesson. It can be a teacher, sister, boss, neighbor, but it is rarely a lover. There is not one person that God chained you to before you came to this Earthwalk. Sometimes certain folks have karmic work to do, sometimes it is with an old soul from another life, sometimes not. But that karmic work is a lesson, not a rewarding romance. Having a burning passion on your end doesn't create a "soulmate".

When you are in a relationship that is horrible, abusive and damaging, that is NOT your soulmate. Just becasue you love that person, doesn't mean they love you. If they abuse you , they do NOT love you at all!

Be very careful what you hear people "spout" when they are talking what they claim to be metaphysics, because I can tell you, it isn't in there!

I will sign this one today...

Dr. Regina Reiter Wolf, BA psychology; PhD, Metaphysical Sciences.

(C)Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Tracing ancestry

One of the easiest or one of the hardest things to do is trace ancestry.

Not too long ago I found from my aunt that our background wasn't entirely Narragansett, but Mashantucket Pequot with a dash of Narragansett. Most people who lived in this area in the 1700's and earlier intermingled with other tribes, and there were many concentrated in the same area. Some were friends and some were foes, and some just didn't care about who was in what tribe or nation.

My challenge was exacerbated by the fact that the Native bloodline runs through my father's side of the family. He and my mother separated before I was born. I did return to the area on occasion and met family members including my grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle and cousins. I was very young and much of the history and information has been forgotten. All have passed on except an aunt and some cousins. The other kink in the line was that my father remarried, and I have a half sister and half brother. The half sister has all my aunt's paperwork as she was going to try to get a job at Foxwoods. My half sister was a bit of a problem child, and no one seems to know exactly where she ended up (or if the paperwork is sill somewhere that she can get her hands on it).

Meanwhile my aunt is trying to remember, locate my half sister, and research also. It is hard as these tribes didn't have written records back in the 1600 and 1700's. It is like looking for a needle in a haystack, but having to do research never stopped me before. I have some friends helping who are descended from the same tribes, like my aunt.

I am just going to ask the reiki energy to get that paperwork back to us. It will make things so much easier.

Meanwhile the search on the other end has shown me some fascinating facts. Families of 13 and 14 children were two or three died in infancy. It also shows (by census records), my grandfather and his wife living in a house behind her family, yet housing the mother in law under their roof. There was more family across the street. What would that have been like???

Their jobs were things like weaver (at the mills), brakeman on a railroad, a policeman, and a plethora of other silk mill jobs.

It is actually fun to look up the old records, although the family link that goes back to the Native Americans , ends in the 1800's, I have to find that link yet. I can take other family members back to the 1600's in Quebec, but not the one family member that I know is the link. A friend said to me this morning that some will not have the records or information because they were ashamed. I sure hope that I can dig it up anyway, or my aunt can find the paperwork that should be locked in a safe deposit box somewhere.

Someday , if you are bored, start to research, you don't need much info, I didn't have much, but each record will tell you more. Most of my family didn't step foot on this continent until the 1896! They came well after all the major events that shaped this country, yet before many advancements.

Sometimes to make your journey, you need to know where you began!

Research, learn and grow!!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mother nature is the boss lady!

Someone asked about my comment as to never drum, pray, or shout out loud for a weather change. Why?

Well first of all, do you think Creator, God, the Universe, Gaia, doesn't know it is raining, snowing, arid, windy....???? Of course they do. Do you think that they are just causing this to happen because they have nothing better to do today?Absolutely not.

The Universe does things because it HAS to. Sometimes the need is caused by man messing things up , thinking he knows better. He pollutes and extra wind and rain need to be sent to clean up the mess. Man builds where he should not, and weather and earthquakes take care of that problem. Man treats Gaia badly and weather, eathquakes and volcanoes go crazy. Sometimes man just gets a little too big for his britches and needs to be reminded that he is NOT the one in control.

When The Universe is telling us to stop and clean up our act, our response shouldn't be, "stop correcting us". The planet knows what is best for it, and what is best for it, is rarely best for us in the short term. In the long term however, it is GOLDEN.

I cleaned up water out of my inside back porch , got messages about how to restructure and build a classroom there. It wasn't inches of water , more like a constant wet spot that engulfed half the floor, but it got me thinking, planning, and ready to move forward. It also got us to see and repair other issues before they became a big deal. Never once during all this did I whip out one of the several drums in the house, chant or pray. I DID ask my helpers to give me the energy to help clean it, and the knowledge as to what needed to be done and where the water was coming from, so Matt and I could repair it. I asked my protectors to protect everything from water damage. It all happened. No water damage, repairs made, energy enough to spare, and all is well. Bonus, a great message and information.

The Universe in EVERY instance knows better than you. When in a situation like rising water, ask for what is for your highest good, or to quickly learn what you need to from the situation to move past the current circumstances. Ask for help, but shouting "STOP" to the heavens , is not the answer. Gaia may just need to wash all that pollution away. She may need to refill wells that went dry or were close to dry last summer. She may need to refill ponds so that fish and animals can survive. She may need to cause growth where there was stagnation last year. She may need to clean out trees that no longer are healthy. She may need to save plant life that is on the edge of dying from last year's low rainfall.

Learn to dance in the rain!

We do not know what is best for this planet, only it does.

Let her do her thing....

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April showers....

April is usually a rainy month. Even if you live in the desert, it is rainy, but desert rainy does not equal Oregon rainy. They are two totally different things.

Mother Nature always knows best. She sometimes throws us a huge curve ball while she is cleaning house, but we have to remember we are just freeloaders here on Gaia.We take from her and , unlike the rest of the flora and fauna, do not give back.

Giving back means planting trees, cleaning garbage, driving economically, using heating and cooling wisely.Don't spill any kind of chemicals in or on the ground, or even make loud noise (radios, machiery etc).No wasting resources, they are a gift, treat them as such.

Sometimes Mother nature is heavy on the extra resources, like water. There is water everywhere. Gaia is just taking her spring soaking. Getting water where it needs to go. We , as humans have mistakenly thought that it is OK to build on river banks, shorelines, and in low lying areas, then we are surprised when every now and then , things flood. There are catastrophes no doubt, but water seeks its' own level. It is doing what Gaia and the Universe have taught it to do, and it does it well.

Water is a symbol of emotion. Maybe there is too much over reaction and "over emotion" in the world today (I can sure see that). Maybe we just need a clean up, literally. Maybe all that prayer for rain from last year is finally being answered. (By the way, NEVER pray, drum or ask in any way for rain, sun, wind... Creator, God, Gaia, know what is best, not you.) There are Yearly rituals in Native American society where abundance of fertility is asked for, but Creator is not directed as to how, when and how much. We need to trust Mother Nature, even when we feel she is being a little too heavy on the resources.

You can ask and pray for clarity about why things are happening so you (NOT Creator or Mother Nature), can make changes.

Water seeped onto our back porch. We did repair that we should have done eons ago, but now it is done and all is well. Ask the Devas and Water sprites to keep your home if there is a life lesson in having you house water logged, get the message and the lesson and move on.We were going to create a classroom on that porch. I was all ready to arrange furniture and pretty it up....mother nature said...ready the building before making it pretty and comfortable. She is right, as always. Now that task is complete, and there is more to do.

When anything happens, NEVER look at it as punishment, look at it as "what is the message here". There is always a reason, just finding that reason is sometimes difficult.
Work with Mother Nature, and read her signs...she sure is trying to say something!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied, or reproduced without prior written permission

Monday, April 25, 2011


Most Christians do not realize that their holidays are actually re-manufactured Pagan celebrations. Christianity is only a thing of the past 2000 years, that is when Christ entered the historical picture. So what went on before that? The church would have us believe that a bunch of heathens ran around doing horrible things to each other and believing in nothing sacred. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Buddhism, Taoism and other eastern religions already existed in one form or another, same with Hinduism. The Native Americans already roamed the earth, and had a very strong belief system that recognized a Higher Power. Cave men even had paintings showing that they believed (and feared) a Higher Power. Then there were the Pagans. "Pagan" was a name bestowed by the church on people who did not belong to the church. Some people take the word to mean people who have no belief system, no "god". That is what the church wanted them to think, but nothing could be further from the truth. There were Pagans, like the Celts who were very powerful and had a structured society and belief system that rivals what we have today. Their priests, the Druids were wise not only in energy, higher powers, but in healing and intuition.

Pagans had very structured and sensible belief systems. The Romans and the Greeks had a god or goddess for everything, and almost every day was a celebration of some sort or another for a god or goddess. No one wanted to insult the gods, bad things would happen! Christianity just managed to make people believe that their way was the only way. If you were not a Christian, you were a "bad person", and unfortunately many still believe that today. All of the belief systems, Christian or not, have the same basis, that we need to be Good people, be good to each other, and live a good life with our fellow man. The stories that back that belief are many and varied, they were meant to speak to a specific culture and time in order to get the message across.So the same "story" is told, but with different names, places and twists to it.

That brings us to yesterday...Easter. Easter is one of the major Christian holidays. It is the day when Jesus Christ is said to have risen from the dead, proving , in a way, to many that he must have really been the son of God. Christians believing this as a major, factual, part of their belief system will have a difficult time accepting the fact that Easter existed before Jesus Christ. It was called Oestre by the Pagans, and changed to Easter by the church to bring them in.

All of the major Pagan celebrations were adapted and adopted by the Christian church, they figured this was the best way to get the Pagans to come into the group. The Pagans loved ritual, celebration and rites. The church had none, so they adopted the Pangans'. They said basically "Yes, we too believe that, but it was just a little bit differnet, it went like this...", and proceeded to use the Pagan beliefs to bring them into the fold. They then changed the celebrations a bit , but used much of the original elements and words , like Oestre/Easter.

Oestre existed hundreds of years before Easter. It actually took 300 years of Christianity's existence for "Easter" to be celebrated by the Christian church!

Spring was a very important time in the lives of our ancestors. It was renewal, rebirth, new beginnings, fertile lands and animals. All things that were necessary for life. it was also more light, warmer weather, and hope. The gods had again bestowed life upon them. They celebrated and thanked the gods, whom they believed could take away this wondrous time if they wished. These celebrations and beliefs went on for thousands of years before the Christian church existed.

Persophene returned from the underworld in spring, well before Jesus existed. Her mother was Demeter, goddess of crops and grain. This is a whole goddess rebirth story that was believed, existed and was celebrated before Christ was born. Oestre (sometimes spelled Eostar), was a celebration of the goddess Ishtar's rebirth , and a story of larkspurs with rabbit faces in them (starting to see a connection?).Since ancient times, rabbits have been a symbol of fertility. This is all about spring, rebirth, the land, the animals, and being able to live on another year. The biggest difference in all this is that the church made it a male based religion instead of female. Females are a symbol of fertility, not males, but the church needed a new spin. Modern times didn't come up with rabbits and take the religion out of Easter, the ancient church tried to take the rabbits out of it thousands of years ago, but the rabbits had, yes, you can say it, a rebirth. They have become again, a symbol of Easter. Circles, remember, life is always circles....

We have the Germans to thank for taking this Pagan holiday to the new world. With rabbits, eggs (another fertility symbol), and creating a holiday that has become more secular.

There is even more to this story, every culture has spring rebirth celebrations, beliefs and rituals, not just the Christians. The fact is though, that Easter existed before Jesus Christ ever set foot on this earth.

For many years the church tried to stifle the Pagan stories. They don't want the belief system dented in any way, people may actually leave the church or even feel they were duped. The historical research and availability of ancient information on rituals, celebrations and beliefs is now astounding.The church used to be powerful enough to keep it under wraps, but no longer is able to do so. Many have not left, they still go for their own personal reasons, they always will, but it is important to know what the true roots of "religious" holidays are. There is always a connection back to ancient Rome, Greece, the Far East, India, or as they are better known, The Pagans! Christianity is the new kid on the block. They didn't invent this stuff, they just reinvented it.

Never hate another religion, or call ANYONE a "pagan". There are "Pagans" (with a capital P), who are a whole belief system, but they are not people with no basis, no good, and no belief, they are just the opposite, they are your Grandmothers and Grandfathers of Christianity. Never put down ANY religion (they really are all the same anyway) , because even those who do not belief in Christ as the son of God (and that is every religion BUT Christianity by the way), preach being good to one another, being peaceful, and living a good life. Just because a person doesn't believe Jesus was the actual son of God, does NOT make them a bad person, ever. Putting them down and persecuting them for it , is!

It is simple to live a good life, you don't need to put a name on your beliefs. Just, "do unto others", and do the right things for the right reasons, and the higher power would be more than happy with your about that!

Happy Easter, Happy Oestre!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Today is Earth Day.

Earth Day is new as "special days" go. It began in the 1970's with a generation that realized we were destroying our planet. I remember big green "E"s as the sign of the day...not for "earth" , but "ecology".My early years were full of radical change, and the desire of many to stop destroying the earth , was part of that.

There are still psrts of the earth that are ravaged every day by people who do not think past the next profit check, even though we are so much more aware now of how even a tiny little thing, can cause a major disaster down the line. Everything is connected.

We know what a mess DDT causes, or removing wolves from their natural habitat (or any other species for that matter). We have safer products to use now, even "green" products that governmental buildings are required to use in their cleaning.

Earth Day is still very important, and there are many ways to help. The easiest way is to plant a small tree. Trees clean our air, give us shade, a place for animals and birds to live.

Think of all the ways to save our planet. Drive the smallest, most efficient vehicle possible. Sometimes we need cargo space, but if you never use it and drive a big SUV, you are harming the planet, and it is totally unnecessary. The big V8 engines of the 70's are gone now, and so are many of the other things that harmed this planet, all because of people who realize that the planet is loaned to us, and has to support our great , great grandchildren....Greed, ego and selfishness are harming this planet every day.

Be mindful of the earth. Don't go outside and pour chemicals on the ground, or throw away used batteries (recycle them). Recycle as much as possible, get rid of the big gas guzzler ( I don't care if it is the newest , most efficient model, if it is a big SUV, and you don't need it, get rid of it...your gas consumption will also go down, helping this planet, and so will your car payment and insurance costs!). Don't remove trees unless they have become a serious issue. When a tree dies, plant a new one. Don't burn things that have chemicals in them, or
in any way abuse Gaia.

Be mindful, and do the right things for the right reasons!

Learn more about Earth Day here:

And love our earth, she is all we have.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Pow wow season is starting!!

Pow wow season is about to get into full swing. Last year I had several folks ask about pow wows. They wanted to know if anyone could go...of course! You don't need to be Native American to go. The key is to remember that a pow wow has a structure to it. It is a party of sorts, yes, and is tons of fun, but there is protocol.There is a sacred and serious side to it also. When you step outside of protocol, someone most likely will let you know. Apologize and move on.

A friend also told me he advised a person that they were not following protocol and got back an answer that was terrible. Pow wow is not a place to argue with the arena director, or any one else.

It is important to follow the rules. There are gatherings, like Native American Days at Angel Mounds, that are not formal pow wows. There are of course expectations that people will "behave" but the pow wow rules are lax.

Anything called a "pow wow" has a specific protocol. Those directing the pow wow are usually very vocal about letting you know when to stand, who has to stand, who doesn't, when to take pictures, when to not take pictures...and more. They are there to make sure that everyone has a good time and that the ceremony of the pow wow is not disrupted.

There are pow wows where a faux pas will get you an little " please do not..." or a call or email afterward in order to not embarrass you, and there are others where traditionalists will be all over you!

Usually it is the former, but to keep from insulting anyone, know the pow wow protocol before you go, go with someone who knows it, or listen carefully and watch what others are doing (and not doing).

The Gathering of Nations has a great page of protocol on their site:

scroll down a bit to get to it. It is a great reference.

Other gatherings, such as "Ancestor Days" carry the same type of protocol, basically if a Native American group is running it, follow the pow wow protocol and you won't get into trouble.

One person said she was nervous about going, as it was like traveling to a foreign country. Well, in a way it is. But it is a very friendly and helpful country and well worth the trip!

Happy pow wow season!!

If anyone wishes too, please post info on your pow wow in the comments sections!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Storms and messages

I remember when I was little, my grandmother (the Native American one), told me that storms were Nature's way of cleaning up what she didn't like. When there was something natural like dust, leaves, or even garbage, she would blow it all away. She would churn up the ocean, and that would clean it and the beach. (They lived 2 blocks from the water in RI).

The other side of that, she said, was to get our attention. There was always a message in the damage that Nature did to us. It was never random. If our power went out it could be a message to get away from the TV a while (there were no video games and computers at this time). It may be, so that the family would gather and talk, or a busy person could slow down and sit still.

Bad damage was always a message too. When your windows were broken, or any other damage to property , you had to read a message into it. She gave examples, but I really do not remember them. They were along the lines of greed, showing off, or overspending to doing bad deeds to others. She said storms love to teach people who are too prideful or spend too much on their property trying to "show off". She said big messages were when your home was damaged and your neighbor's were not. When towns were damaged she said it was a message for the town.

I don't know if she got this from her Native background or not, it sure sounded like it, and it makes sense.

My mother also told me that storms were Nature's way of cleaning up or making us clean up our messes. They both told me to look at the sky and plants after the storm is gone. After a hurricane the air is so clear, the sky so blue, as all the pollution is blown away. The same with blizzards, the sun is almost blinding the next day. There are no hurricanes where I live now, nor blizzards, but still there is weather that can do damage.

Apparently, even minor damage had a message to it. I know that most, if not all Native American groups look at things like weather as a sign, reward or even punishment. For example, if the Hopi do a ceremony for a reason, and it doesn't have the desired result, they believe that at least one person who was taking part in the ceremony, did not have their mind and intent in the right place. Instead of thinking of the ceremony, they may have been thinking of what they had to do when they returned home. The Hopi take this very seriously.

Did Mother Nature tell you to "clean up your act" in the past few days?

Look at big events and see if there is a message in them. Usually there is, and you may be the only one who gets the message, or realizes that it was one.

We were lucky to have only small twigs down, (I call it chiminea fuel),even though there are about 20 trees on the property, from huge ones to babies. They all happily survived and shook some dust and pollen out of their branches.

Later when I venture out, I will look for damage and see if I can intuit why. It is a fun "past time" while driving along. A good psychic exercise for those who are trying to develop their psychic abilities. See if you can read the "signs".

Always see if there is a message for you in all that happens. You never know what Mother Nature may be telling you, or she may just be giving you a good dusting off!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(c) 2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I know the calendar said Passover was yesterday, but all Jewish holidays begin at sundown, so today is the first full day of Passover. Passover is a movable holiday , like Easter. It is never on the same day each year. Passover operates on the ancient Hebrew calendar which is different from the Roman one we use today. It always begins on the night of a full moon, in the Hebrew month of Nisan

It is the story of Exodus, the old testament book in the Bible. If you remember the story of the Israelite being released from slavery, escaping over the desert, and the plagues being visited upon the Pharaoh, you know the basis of Passover.

The tenth , and worst of the plagues was that the angel of death would slaughter the first born of the household. The Israelite people who were still in Jerusalem were told to mark lamb's blood on their door, and the angel of death would PASS OVER their homes and leave the children alive. Only the people of the evil Pharaoh would suffer.

Passover is a celebration of that saving of the first born. The Jews fled and left in such a hurry that their bread could not rise, so they ate unleavened bread, known to us as matzoh. Matzoh (and this is spelled several ways), is almost like a cracker rather than bread. Nothing with yeast is eaten during passover to commemorate the escape from Egypt. You may have seen food products that are "safe for Passover" or "blessed" for Passover. People who honor the Jewish faith will not eat certain foods all during the Passover holiday. There is a large and very symbolic meal during Passover, called the Sedar. It involves certain foods, readings, songs, and prayers.

I have been to several Sedars in my day, and they are certainly interesting, and a reminder that we need to say thank you for our freedom, even if we are not Jewish. It also reminds us to have faith in God, even if you call that Higher Power Creator, the Universe, or anything else. It reminds us that miracles do happen. It reminds us that if we do the right thing, and live a good life, then we will be taken care of, and it also reminds us that it isn't easy.

There is much more to the holiday and would take pages and pages to write about, but it is a very important time in the Hebrew world, second only to Yom Kippur.

Today , take a moment to not complain to your Higher Power, but to say Thank You!
Even when things go wrong we need to focus on THANK YOU.

Do the right things for the right reasons, and you will be rewarded by the Universe!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, April 18, 2011

So many wonderful people to meet.....

We recently returned from a trip that took us through the old west. We went through Oakley KS(named after Annie Oakley),and through Durango, CO. We stopped on the four corners site (which is part of the Navajo Nation), and the reservation. We also went through Sedona, Santa Fe, and Wichita.

There are so many tales of the old west in these regions. Train robberies, gold and silver mines, bordellos, ghost towns, gunfights. There are much older stories to be heard here, and we had the privilege of hearing a few, most notably the Long Walk.

The Navajo had a long return to their land where many died, much like the more famous(or infamous), Cherokee Trail of Tears. The story was told to us by a man named Joseph (the Navajo will never tell you their "war name", it is only to be used in ceremony). He showed us the Navajo Nation flag and told us about the Navajo losing their land and regaining it. He told of the Long Walk, and the sacred mountains.

I knew much of the story from living in the Gallup area, but learned more details and was told the mountain names in Navajo (and don't ask me to repeat them). The one name is so difficult to pronounce that even the Navajo have a nick name for it. They call it DZ, and the words translate to Turquoise Mountain. Others call it Mount Taylor. I lived in the shadow of Mount Taylor, and it is a beautiful place.

The Navajo are always wonderful to talk to . They are so helpful , and teach with a promise of nothing in return, the true Native American way. I then learned about arrows and their uses (besides killing), and about juniper seeds and their powers.

It was good to hear the Navajo language again, and I even found the local radio station so Matt could hear it before we even left Colorado for Navajo land. It is so funny to hear Navajo words, interspersed with words like "Coca Cola".

There was so much to learn, it was wonderful to be back in that area of the world, a place where people are so up front and genuine. The Navajo speak plainly, there is no dressing up of things. No hugging and "I love yous" that never come from the heart. Just honest genuine plain speaking. Joseph didn't worry about telling me the horrible things the whites did to his people, and I wasn't upset or insulted. I was interested and told him that I am glad that the story had a happy ending. A happy ending is important to all of us, and even more so the Navajo. Things always need to be brought back into balance, into beauty.

...and that was only a small part of the stories we heard, the information we learned, and the things we saw.

I thank Joseph and all the other Native Americans (who use the term "Indians" in that part of the world by the way), for all their kindness, friendliness, help, and sharing...also for all the beautiful things that they create (some of which came home with me!).

What a wonderful trip it was, and what a wonderful time with such purely wonderful souls!

Thank you western US, and the Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi folks we talked to along the way! Thank you Navajo Nation for allowing us to traverse your land, and to stop and talk for a while.

Walk in beauty!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Mercury retrograde

Yes, I know I am supposed to be on hiatus.....but I received and email last night about Mercury Retrograde...and to wait til next week to answer, would just be too ironic!

Mercury retrograde began on March 30, and lasts until the 23rd. Some folks feel the effect for days or even weeks afterward. Retrograde mostly messes up communication. Misunderstandings, missed messages, computer errors, phone calls drop...

It also makes schedules go haywire.

Read any important paperwork a THIRD time before signing in retrograde.

ENJOY THE DAY! Retrograde or not!
I know I will!

Peshaui Wequashimese

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Take a learning trip

I always encourage folks to take a trip to a new place. This shows us all kinds of new things. The trip can be for a specific learning opportunity, or just to experience new ways of doing things and thinking. We don't even have to leave this country.

There are many places in the US where not only are things done differently, but the food is different, the pace is different, the homes are different. New Jersey had a fast paced, up front, honest attitude. It was full of many cultures and excellent food.You could be in the mountains (and great ski locations), and hours later at the shore (not the beach). The best pizza in the world is there (invented by Italian immigrants in NY and NJ).

That was just my start. Everywhere I went it was different. From laws on your car, to the food.There were places where the traditions were totally different , like the Zuni reservation, Navajo reservation and Mormon towns of Utah.
you always learn SOMETHING.

I have so many places that I want to go. I do want to go back east to the big pow wows and the Narragansett and Pequot museums. I want to show Matt the east coast fun, even though he has experienced much of it. I want to go to the east coast pow wows that I have not been to in decades.There is nothing like the energy of fifty or more dancers in a ring with twelve people singing like there is no tomorrow, it gives you goosebumps.

Then there is the landscape. Rural Maine looks nothing like the Grand Canyon, yet the beauty of them both is remarkable. The people in each locale speak differently, not just accents, but local slang, timing, and speed.

There is so much out there in this country it is astonishing. I have been all over it, thirty four states to be exact, yet I know I have yet to see all the different beauty there is to offer! I will add two states to that tally this year, and hope to make all 50 before the end of this earthwalk.

I am taking a BLOG BREAK til April 18, when I will be back, just in time to write of Passover, Easter (or better yet Ostre). Enjoy the following days.

Learn, teach and grow.
Do the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Nothing to fear

" I grew up hearing the elders speak about nature spirits, for instance, little creatures about two feet tall,that scamper through the forest. I heard tales about people using their spiritual energies to overcome physical obstacles that frustrated non-Indians." Tom Hathaway , Mohawk

Many times we experience movement out of the corner of our eye. We don't so much see something as know something moved. Sometimes our animals act strangely or stare together at something we cannot see. Sometimes we hear a noise that we can identify, but don't know why it would be happening at that time, like footsteps when no one else is there. Sometimes things disappear, only to reappear a few days later in a different location.

These things can startle you, no doubt. They can annoy you and your animals, but they rarely cause harm. Mischievous yes, malicious , no...unless you are disrespectful to them. They are many things, but most usually Nature Spirits. It is easy to keep them happy. Keep a green space, take care of your property, welcome birds, animals, and bugs into your yard. Keep it clean and groomed. There are times when these mischievous little fellows visit the human side of things just for fun. Their fun can drive us crazy! They can attach to possessions, come to you for help or to send messages.

Rarely is the unseen world dangerous to the average person. People who seek out spirits (especially where there are issues), cleanse homes, help people who are emotionally disturbed, or work in dark energy, are more apt to get scratched, pinched, hit, tripped, pushed or shoved. It happens. One important thing to remember, is that we usually have a say over it. A simple "Stop it right now!" Usually works wonders. Demonic energy is a whole other story, but an energy that many never encounter in their lifetime, you have to seek it out.

People who were nasty, mean , insane, while they were alive, will be so in death, unless they completely cross over. Those types of personalities rarely do cross as they are afraid of what awaits on the other side, like a punishment in a fiery hell. Instead they hang out between worlds. Yet to fear them is unnecessary. Just get rid of them. You can usually do it on your own, and SHOULD do it on your own, it works much better that way.

Yet Nature spirits, angels, guides, helpers, runners and the like , should all be welcomed in. They can help you with many things, and even though it is rarely easy work, it is also rarely difficult.

Gauge the intent of your visitors. Just don't confuse fear of the unknown and unseen, with something being "bad"!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I always learn something.....

I always learn something....always. Every situation there is something to learn. It may be big, it may be minuscule, it may have nothing to do directly with the situation at all...but there is always something to learn.

The most profound , but simple thing I learned lately, was to know a friend.

You would think that would be easy. We were talking about friendships, people we don't see often, and how we react to friends of friends. I mentioned that there were people who I call "the mailing list". They are people that want an attachment, a life line, but really don't want to become involved. I notice also that they sometimes migrate to friends, and friends sometimes migrate to the "mailing list".

Then came the profound moment. I was asked, "Why keep a so called friend who is a person who doesn't even belong on the mailing list?"


In other words, if they step back from friend, and still want friend benefits, but aren't doing a darn thing on their end, why keep them? I was asked why have a person who "needs" all the time? That is called charity, and you already give to those. I was also told that having friends who do things that are against your basic moral fiber is wrong, they should not be friends. I was asked, "why have friends who just want to say they know you, they aren't friends". Good question.
When you are psychic, you get all kinds of folks wanting free info. I don't mind giving out free info when people are distraught, it is part of why I am here, but when I become a crutch, that is a problem. I work all day helping people with questions, I don't need to "work" on my off hours. Dire circumstances, no problem. Things that aren't all that important, problem. Constant "dire circumstances", a whole other problem. When your life is a constant drama, you need more than psychic answers, you need to make changes, and big ones at that.

Getting back to the "friend conversation", I thought, sure, why have someone as a friend who takes, takes, takes. Someone who does things that I feel are "wrong", not just things I disagree with, but "wrong". This person was right, I was allowing people to be "friends" that did not have my best interests in mind, but theirs. I was allowing people to make promises again and again that they didn't keep. I was allowing people to take advantage.

My wise friend said to step out of that "needy" , and things will flow even more. Hmmm? I have the concept, but could having "needy" people around really slow the flow of things? I could see where it could slow the flow of new friends coming in, but other things? Yet, energy is energy...I would give it a shot.

The answer is yes, all things flow better. My wise friend says it is becasue we tell the Universe that we are learning and growing, that we give and expect what we give in return. We give strength, and want strong people. We give love, and want truly loving people, not bliss ninnies (I loved that they used my friend's label...).

Well, wise friend was right. I always believed in quality over quantity. I always believed that a "friends list" of 200 people you never met on Facebook, is a sign of insecurity and being needy, but I didn't know it went to such a degree.

Wise friend also said that once they are gone, real friends who were weeded, will ask why and accept your answer, maybe even change. False friends will either totally disappear (because they knew they were undeserving), or beat down your door because they need the attention. Again, they were right.

Choose quality over quantity.
Choose the right people to be around you.
Choose people that speak up for you when you are not there.
Choose people who give as much, or at least close to as much, as they take.
Choose people who are sincere and authentic.
Toss out the dead wood.

You can give love and forgiveness to people without being their buddy and going to tea with them every Tuesday. People confuse Universal love with a "friends list". They are totally different.

Things flow after the garden is weeded, as if a log jam were removed. My business last month, after weeding my garden, was my best month EVER. I got married (which , yes, was already planned), and it was wonderful. I have invites to some things this month that are awesome and fun, and some awesome new NA friends from my ancestor's Nation who are helping me with my lineage, songs, language, and tradition. I had wise people around me , but more were sent my way.

Don't just weed people, weed bad habits, clean out clutter...all these things block and stagnate energy. Move the furniture around if you have to, just make some positive changes because even if things are going well, they will go even better!

Also remember that the Universe is moving people into groups for the coming changes. "Like" will be more with "like". People who migrate to other groups are supposed to, let them go, but it helps to sort things out yourself, instead of waiting for the Universe to do it.

Quality over quantity.
Strength over weakness.
Honesty over deception.
Maturity over childishness.
Authenticity over fake.

Get your spring weeding done, it feels good when it is over.

Peshaui Wequashimese.

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Thank you!

I just want to take the time today to say THANK YOU!

Thank you Matt for being my husband and life partner.
Thank you Deanna for helping with the ceremony (we all loved the fox tail, especially Sedona and Anita!)
Thank you to all who came and shared our day, and weekend with us.
Thank you Black Eagle Spirit Drum for your wonderful songs, and love that you put into every beat.
Thank you Toni and Bill for making the trip,sharing your vast knowledge, and taking the time to facilitate the wedding. Thanks for your help and laughter.
Thanks to all who read the Thanksgiving prayer.
Thank you Doug for your, always wonderful, flute prayers.
Thank you all who shared in the ceremony.
Thank you Jim for giving me away (should have held out for the horses), Cabo, and the wings.
Thank you Julie and Karen for helping set up.
Thank you again, Black Eagle Spirit drum for serving our guests.
Thank you all for your laughter, kind words, and sharing.
Thank you to all who were totally out of their comfort zone, not knowing a thing, but attending and jumping in to participate.
Thank you Creator for all of these wonderful people, and for seeing them all home safely!

...if I forgot anything...THANK YOU!

...and thank you Universe for bringing us together!


Peshaui Wequashimese

Friday, April 1, 2011

Well now I know.....

Well, now I know why all those years ago I learned French, I was pretty good at it then and remember just about none of it now...however, once you look at words, you can figure most of it out. I have been reading documents in French. Reading records in French is not easy, but it is fun and exciting. I will say that the people of Quebec kept much better records than the US in those days!

I have been looking to find the bloodline that goes back to the Native American days in the 1600's. I know I will reach a point where I won't be able to get any further because Native Americans in the 1600's didn't keep written records. I know that there was a lot of mixing, intertribal and with the French, along the way. It seems my family fought each other in the French and Indian War. My Father's family was in Quebec for the longest time. I wonder , since the Abenaki tribe was so prevalent in the Quebec area during this time, if my ancestors had any dealings with them. There really are no pure Narragansetts or Pequots anymore, so much European interaction, tribal interaction, movement and acceptance went on in the 1600 and 1700's.

I am waiting for more family info (the paperwork exists with my half sister, wherever she is, if I had it, I wouldn't have to go through all of this.) She used it to try to obtain a job at Foxwoods way back when, but wasn't successful, and is who knows where. Foxwoods is a casino , one of the largest in the world, and it is owned by the Pequot.

The Pequot were nearly wiped off the face of the map. It came down to a handful of acres of land and about 5 hardy members and no cash. They managed to get more tribal members to come "home", then they fought for their land back and compensation. Through hard work and dedication, they brought more and more people back and eventually built Foxwoods. They were the most broke and broken tribe out there and after just a few years, are now one of the most successful tribes out there. Their history spans back to King Phillip's War and beyond, up to the present day, a beautiful casino and a wonderful museum. They teach, inspire and share. They are proof positive that there is no need to live in poverty, say "I can't", or blame the rest of the world for being in a negative life situation. They live on one of the oldest reservations in the country.

I at least know, that I am Masantucket Pequot ( SE Connecticut),and that helps to narrow things down, but I am stuck in the 1700's right now, which means I am steps away from a camp somewhere in the wilderness, but this will be the hardest part.

I am just hoping some paperwork shows up to let me know who was who, and where they all originated from.

It isn't easy, that is for sure. I found my mother's grandparents entering this country in the late 1800's, we are all new comers on my Mother's side.

Now tomorrow another addition to the family line, I will marry and take on a new name, and a new list of connections will suddenly pop up on the other side of the tree. Maybe I will get some paperwork for a late wedding gift!

See what you can find out about your family this weekend!!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used copied or reproduced without prior written permission.