Thursday, April 7, 2011

Take a learning trip

I always encourage folks to take a trip to a new place. This shows us all kinds of new things. The trip can be for a specific learning opportunity, or just to experience new ways of doing things and thinking. We don't even have to leave this country.

There are many places in the US where not only are things done differently, but the food is different, the pace is different, the homes are different. New Jersey had a fast paced, up front, honest attitude. It was full of many cultures and excellent food.You could be in the mountains (and great ski locations), and hours later at the shore (not the beach). The best pizza in the world is there (invented by Italian immigrants in NY and NJ).

That was just my start. Everywhere I went it was different. From laws on your car, to the food.There were places where the traditions were totally different , like the Zuni reservation, Navajo reservation and Mormon towns of Utah.
you always learn SOMETHING.

I have so many places that I want to go. I do want to go back east to the big pow wows and the Narragansett and Pequot museums. I want to show Matt the east coast fun, even though he has experienced much of it. I want to go to the east coast pow wows that I have not been to in decades.There is nothing like the energy of fifty or more dancers in a ring with twelve people singing like there is no tomorrow, it gives you goosebumps.

Then there is the landscape. Rural Maine looks nothing like the Grand Canyon, yet the beauty of them both is remarkable. The people in each locale speak differently, not just accents, but local slang, timing, and speed.

There is so much out there in this country it is astonishing. I have been all over it, thirty four states to be exact, yet I know I have yet to see all the different beauty there is to offer! I will add two states to that tally this year, and hope to make all 50 before the end of this earthwalk.

I am taking a BLOG BREAK til April 18, when I will be back, just in time to write of Passover, Easter (or better yet Ostre). Enjoy the following days.

Learn, teach and grow.
Do the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Triple Moon Goddess Gina, May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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