Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Did you ever.....

People ask what it is like to be psychic. The assumption is that we know everything about anything all of the time. We don't. We don't always want to know ANYTHING at all. I was taught to keep that door closed unless asked to open it, otherwise it is like peeking in your neighbor's window. I have my abilities set up to where I have to basically turn on the switch to get information. I do however have a deal that if it is important or non disruptive to send the message anyway. The same when dealing with those who have passed. They are also not allowed to wake me up at night.

I was on the phone this morning with a fellow reader who has an issue that most psychics have from time to time. Most of us, if not all (I can't say "all" as I haven't spoken to all psychics), have a wonderfully sharp ability as to sizing people and situations up. We know at least "good" or "bad". Sometimes we know it isn't good , but we have to go through it anyway...just imagine how much fun that is! I have always been able to size up people. I have also always moved forward with people I knew were not going to turn out to be the most pleasent experience, but like they say...there is a reason for everything. Sometimes the "warning" alarm is to let you know to "stay away", sometimes it is to say "be careful, you need to be here, but don't get in too deep".  We have lessons and experiences that we can't know about, we would avoid the lesson if we knew it was going to be one, so that wouldn't work well. We just aren't allowed to know everything.

This morning's discussion was that this fellow reader had friends that just couldn't understand two things about her which were very important to her...and to me also, so hence the blog. They didn't understand why she just didn't resonate well with people they liked, or why she wouldn't allow one woman into her home. Our homes are our places of refuge. The systems we have set up, the protection we have set up, the flow we have set up, is perfect for us there. No outside influences, no negativity, no "bad stuff". We can open up, relax, and keep our sacred space "clean". I have protection around my home, and it is filled with good energy. That said, good energy doesn't always mean people will feel "warm and fuzzy" in that space. Good people who are open to learning will....people with ill intent won't. I need to keep that in place since I do many readings a day from my home, both in person and on the phone.

I think back to a person who a few months ago, told me the sage we burned at a blessing bothered her badly and made her sick...I told her maybe she was allergic. She said that no she was around sage all the time. I then knew it was one of two things, one was she could have a bad attachment, the other is that she wasn't as spiritual as she thought, and the atmosphere I have set up here was making her feel bad to make change. Either way it is a person I knew would not be around much. I was right.

My reader friend had decided to not even allow a person into her home (most of us do not allow just anyone in our homes), and her friends had issue with that. They called her "judgmental" and "negative". People don't understand that just becasue someone seems nice on the outside, they aren't necessarily all rosy on the inside. We have to respect the "alarm" that the Universe has provided us with. It is there for a reason. It is like having your smoke alarm go off at home, and just remaining in your armchair saying "the neighbor must be grilling outside". It is just dumb, to ignore it.

What makes it harder is many of us don't allow the whole world to know what we do. We aren't ashamed , we are just tired of "you will rot in hell" , "tell me what color my underwear is that I am wearing", "please tell me about my ex",  " I will pray for you" (oh please don't), and....you get the idea. 

This lady's group of friends are mixed of those who know what she does and those who don't. The ones in the know got it, and didn't make a big deal about it, the ones not "in the know" were the ones calling her names. The funny part is, she is a published author, under her own name of several paranormal books, it wouldn't be hard to figure it out.

Now there is a bunch of drama going on, people in the group invited this woman who makes her alarms go off to a pot luck at her home. A few of them took a cooking class together and they are ready to share with each other. She asked me what I thought she should she do. Good question. This one doesn't have an "easy" answer. When she asked why someone invited the "negative/alarm" lady, she said she just wasn't comfortable inviting her into her home....that is when the drama started. 

The only suggestion I could come up with is to ask the Universe to have her kept away without harming her, and for her to also prep the house extra carefully for keeping out negativity. Lots of salt across doorways will keep truly "evil" people out, although truly evil people are few and far between.

People think psychic ability is a gift. It isn't, it is something we all have, and it can be more of a burden than a gift. Especially when you don't feel good about a person who is coming into your home, and you KNOW there is a reason why you shouldn't feel good. My home will make negative people feel badly. That is part of its' protection. I am sure that if this lady does show for the pot luck, she won't stay long....I doubt she will show.

I always trust my instincts about people. Many times the message is "not good but don't worry they will be gone soon". I have only had 2 people I can remember that were a "STAY AWAY" message....and it was clear afterwards why that message came through. The good news is that there aren't many truly evil people walking around.

Meanwhile for all those who don't consider themselves psychic....when you just aren't sure about a person , or feel outright uncomfortable around them, it is OK to say "no". Sometimes you will have to use a great deal of diplomacy doing that, and it usually has a fallout (someone's feelings always get hurt), but when you can see through the mask people wear, there is a reason for that....honor it. This doesn't mean that you have to call them names and throw Holy water at them, but steer clear!

I am waiting to see if the "negative" lady comes to my friend's pot luck. My Spideysense says she won't even show....hopefully I will be able to update you on that.

Always be open to your feelings....and trust them. They may only be for YOU personally, but that is OK!


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