Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Posing questions

I have been spending the morning writing. Writing all KINDS of things, but I do want to take a moment to go over something that is important. How to ask a question when you are getting a reading.

There is a lot or importance to asking a question. When I ask people what their question is , I many times get a "question" that is not really a question.

It is rediculous to ask "When will I be happy?". The answer is, WHEN YOU CHOOSE TO DO SO.
People CHOOSE to be happy. Mother Teresa was happy up to her knees in muck and sick people, that wouldn't make many others happy. You are responsible for your happiness. No one else, not the Universe, not your friends. YOU.

Another example is that when asked what the question is I get a topic, like "Romance". Romance is NOT a question. Psychics get signs and symbols. We may say things and we know what we mean, and you, with your hidden information may be interpreting it differently. We cannot interpret all the signs and symbols without knowing what we are asking about.

Many times I start to explain and the person then gives me the details and it makes perfect sense, but they are still puzzled. When I explain it further they have an "AHA" moment. Why waste the time? Ask the question! Many times I will see a person has an attachment. It may be a live person in their lives, or just an emotional blockage of an old relationship. Both are dealt with entirely differently. Why waste the time? Let's get to the question so the reader can easily see what it is attached to and explore options.

Never play "test the psychic" it ALWAYS backfires. First off, the Universe gives you back what you put in, if you put in malice , it gets nasty. It isn't worth it. Like energy attracts like energy. I had a gal ask the other day when she would have some more closings. Now if I say to the Universe, "when is the next closing" it doesn't really make sense. Readers go by the assumption that you are not asking a question you have the answer to. We need to be open and trusting to let information flow, and get answers. I asked the question of the Universe when she would be closing new deals (as I assume she wants to know when money is coming in). No, she was playing games. I told her I was getting 2-3, most likely months as they would be new deals and need to be formed. She said...oh I have a closing on Monday (2-3 days from the reading). I said...WHY would I ask about that? I am not going to ask about things you know already.

Now I don't know if it will be 2-3 months or  not. She just paid me to tell her something she already knew. What a waste of our time, my energy and her money.

Most people seriously want help and are willing to hear options and information that will help htem make informed choices. People like the one above just frustrate us and make us need to go out and ground ourselves.

A reading is teamwork. You GET out of it, what you put INTO it. Why put in BS?

Don't ask a question that won't answer your predicament. My all time favorite is "Does he love me?". Let's say the answer is Yes....yes, BUT he will never leave his wife; yes BUT he is committeemen phobic; yes BUT he has emotional issues and cannot keep that connection without self sabotaging it; yes BUT he is a priest and will never leave the priesthood (I have had that question). Don't ask a question formed around what you want to hear. Explain what you want to know and allow the reader to help form the questions for you. Experienced and talented readers will know exactly how to get to the answer, and it may take picking at it a bit. When you are so mistrustful that you are holding back, the Universe will hold back. You have to be open to get a good reading. You may not LIKE the answer, but at least you will get true information.

LISTEN to the answer. This is part of what I was just writing about and part of listening. I had a person ask when her boyfriend would be totally back in her life. I told her 2 months. She said...You failed the test. He kissed me yesterday. OK, on what planet is a guy who kisses you totally back in your life? This is why you have to be clear. To me, your ex kissing you isn't a marriage proposal, nor even a monogamous relationship.....heck it doesn't even mean a relationship at all! I looked at him again and told her, wait and see what happens, he will be in and out and more serious in 2 months. She said "no you are wrong", and hung up. It isn't what she wanted to hear. I didn't fail the test, she did. I can tell you right now that this is a relationship that will never endure.

Tell the reader what you are trying to find out and what roadblocks you fear, then you will get a quick, concise, true answer. Playing games and making a psychic pick at things when you are paying by the minute is shooting yourself in the foot!

Also a little pearl of information. NEVER pay any reader extra to "remove a dark cloud", or "curse". This is a way of fleecing you from your cold hard cash. You don't have to pay for spells either. Manifesting is using the same energy as spells. Doing it yourself has added power and benefits.

Do the RIGHT THINGS for the RIGHT REASONS and the world will pay you back in wonderful abundance.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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