Monday, June 17, 2013

Rights and responsibilities

Many years ago, I mentioned to my Mom that certain friends were carrying on about their "rights", but that they weren't doing anything we were instructed to do for a group project. The work was hard, and they were just being lazy, and that was clear. She said that the problem with people nowadays was that they knew all about their rights, but not their responsibilities.

You have the right to do many things. There are broad rights that cover many topics, that can be honed down to particulars, however , each and every right comes with a responsibility or two. Always. You have to use those rights in a way that is not harmful to others, and here is the kicker everyone have the right, as long as it does not impinge upon the rights of others. That is part of our legal basis that this country was founded on.

Put simply it means, sure you can blast your radio as loud as it will possibly go, however, if there is a person nearby that this bothers, or for example, cannot hear his TV, then you can no longer blast the radio as loud as it will go.

People today are worse than when I was a teenager. It is all about what they want to do , when they want to do it, and others and responsibilities be dammed. People like that don't stay in my circle very long. I have no use for selfish people, or people who are so clueless that they do not see how their actions affect others. I have no use for people who don't care how their actions effect others.First they go to the balcony of my theater, then the basement, to be locked in and left on their own.

I saw another example of this recently and moved the person to the balcony. Once in the balcony they can either redeem themselves (we all have bad days), stay in the balcony, or get moved to the basement. One yesterday moved from the balcony, to the top of the basement stairs. One more snide comment, one more sneaky move, one more lie, one more example of manipulation, one more self centered "the rules are for everyone else but me", and this person will be kicked down into the basement to ever languish in the cobwebs, spiders and other problem children. I think it is only a matter of time.

Over the last few weeks, the "me me me" mentality, that I have written about often here, has been streaming out of many people, but only one is in my theater. I don't allow people like that in my theater.The reaction is only part of what happens when you shirk your responsibilities. The energy comes back around and boomerangs right back in your face when you constantly try to ignore your responsibilities and swim in your rights. It is automatic, it is swift, and it is firm.

I realized that this person was also playing for sympathy, I guess trying to avoid the whiplash of the Universe as it doses out that reaction to people who try to skate on everything they do. There won't be another ounce of sympathy from me.

To sum it all up....when you ignore your responsibilities, in any way, it will bite you in the butt. The timing is the only factor to things. It can bite you immediately, it can bite you after several instances and people find you out, but bite you it will.

"It is easy to dodge our responsibilities, but we cannot dodge the consequences of our responsibilities" Josiah Stamp
I think in this case it will be relatively quick. actually it is already happening.

So to keep from being tossed in the basement by folks, or kicked in the butt by Karma, remember that you get what you put out there, do unto others, and it is NOT all about you.

These are all things that have been said many times before, in this blog and all over the Universe, yet there are still many people who just don't get the message.

The messenger is on the way, and always is.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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