Friday, January 13, 2012

Happy Friday the 13th!

There are those that have triskaidekaphobia, fear of the number thirteen. Today is a day that is marked as an "unlucky day", and a day feared by many. There is at least one a year, and there can be three Friday the thirteenths. It is a day that goes down in superstition history.

Many have a self fulfilling prophecy. They wait for something bad to happen on Friday the thirteenth, then say "See, I told you.", this isn't exactly how scientific research is done, but OK. There is a truth however that shows here, and that is "what you look for you will find". When you look for Friday the Thirteenth to be bad, it will be. There is another truth, and that is that you bring the energy to you that you expect to have around you! So when you are convinced you will have a bad day, you will have a bad day!

I never feared the day, which is surprising growing up in a household of Scot's Irish ancestry on one side, and Native American beliefs on the other. Both were cultures filled with mystery, unseen forces, and the unexplained. I was a psychic little girl, so the unusual was usual....yet there was never a fear of the thirteenth of anything.

As I grew older I started to notice a trend. Maybe it is my positive outlook on things, but I noticed that for me, Friday the thirteenth was always lucky. It usually involved cash. One year I was living in Las Vegas, flat broke, and not knowing what to do with myself. I decided that instead of sitting around moping, I would go on one of my long runs, after all that was free. As I was running I said..."Universe I need money for food and such, not much, but HELP!"  A couple of blocks later I ran over $35. Literally. Cash in the streets. Needless to say , I said "Thank you thank you thank you!"

Another time, also in Vegas, a friend was teaching me how to play roulette....with his money thank goodness. He was a semi pro gambler and new all the tricks. Roulette isn't a game where the odds are with you, but there are tips. I sat down and started giving him numbers. We hit so much the pit boss was looking me up down and sideways to figure out how I was doing it. It may have been psychic me, but psychic ability never helps us "cash in". I didn't cash in, becasue I didn't see a dime of that money, although I made my so called friend $1000.00 richer. He blew it all on college kids in town for the weekend.

Before that particular Friday the thirteenth of the run, and since, the day has always been positive, abundant and productive. It may just be that I manifest a good day, so I have one. We get what we expect to get out of life, and what we work towards. While trying to write this blog, I had to stop and give three on line readings. A productive day already!

Have an abundant and "lucky" Friday the thirteenth.

For those who have been asking for affirmations, I have a recording that I change every Friday morning. Today the recording is about newness and change. It costs $1 a minute, it is spoken twice so you have time to say it out loud with the recording, or jot it down.Everytime you call, the cost is $1 per minute. Here is the link:

Have a wonderful weekend and a lucky day!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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