Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Time runs short.

This Friday is the solstice. There won't be volcanoes erupting, or earthquakes knocking down entire cities. There won't be doom and gloom, but there will be an energetic shift. Some won't feel a thing, nothing will change, it will seem like their being is just the same as it was before.

They will still promote fear, selfishness, and hate. They walk around mad at the world. Mad at family members, or politicians, or their station in life. They will still wander the world wondering when Karma will attack others, not realizing it is attacking them. They missed the boat.

The energetic shift that is coming is mild in feeling , but powerful. It means much and it is a shift in the  world going back to order. The Universe will use humans to do that, no aliens are going to land in Central Park . A firey cloud won't appear over the desert, it will be much more subtle, widespread and powerful. It is the world being one, and the ones that are left out will have their lives deteriorate, and they aren't great to begin with.

I have seen such ignorance, unreasonable fear, and selfishness in the past weeks. I don't know why people think it is OK to only care about their lives, their belongings, their happiness,their opinion and their well being. I don't know why people think that the answer to problems is always that someone else needs to do something and not themselves. Maybe that is why we are in the mess we are in. People go way off the deep end shouting about how they will not allow something to happen, when there is no indication it will happen at all. They live in fear, unreasonableness, and wonder why their lives aren't the way they want them to be.

They walk around fearful and angry all the time. They have a low opinion of anyone who doesn't think and speak like they do. They are selfish , narrow minded, and nonspiritual. They think they are wonderful people, and that they do good things from time to time so that makes it all right. The daily constant negative or hateful thinking energies overwhelm the good deed every now and then!

People have pat answers to world issues that make no sense what so ever. They like it better if their lives stayed just the way they are, and nothing was made harder (becasue it is already hard, and that is their issue). They want others to change, to be the ones who need to adjust.They can't be part of the problem, it has to be ten other things!

 It is as if instead of being the highest brain power on this planet, some people are in the IQ range of a stone sitting in the middle of a desert. They have the same flexibility and need to change as that hard, cold stone.

People say stupid, thoughtless and unreasonable things. I have seen words lately putting down cultures, illnesses, and beliefs. I thought we stopped that nonsense in the 60's. Why did people suddenly go backwards? The reason is they portrayed themselves as "spiritual", "good" and "advanced", and to be these things you have to first be wise. You must be able to discern good from bad, truth from lies, and your true motivations for doing things. They can't do that. Now the truth is unfolding, and will unfold more and more over time.

People espouse on things they have no idea about. They claim things to be true which are not. They grasp on to untruths that they like the sound of. This makes it OK then for them to be in the state they are in. It is OK because a social networking site placard said it is OK, a prejudicial site said it is OK, or a famous person said it is OK. I used to think it was about being gullible, now I know that it is about feeling comfortable in an easy answer that sits well with an individual.

When you are not in discomfort, you aren't hearing new ideas, learning things, or seeing truth. You aren't making positive change for the world. Life is about discomfort. Not pain, or anguish, but discomfort. Very few are at the level where they do not learn something new.

I don't think it is too late to change, although I can't see how people can change now. One can only hope that a few have an epiphany, something like in the movies, but I doubt that will be on any large scale.

This earthwalk isn't about you. None of it is, and once you start living your life for others, always thinking of how your deeds and your "rights" being enacted effect others, never worrying about "what ifs" that will never happen, or never locking someone into a box because you are afraid of them, or don't understand them, then not only you will change, but the world will change. When you realize "your way" is not always the "best way", and MOST CERTAINLY IS NOT the only way, then your life path will improve.

We are viewed by other countries as a bunch of selfish barbarians. People who waste, and cheat just to get what we want. Sadly that IS the perception we put out there and it is true for many...but not all.

Can you tip the scales? It may take just one person to do so? Will you be that person that puts faith back into mankind, this country , and this world, or will you stay stuck in your little world? None of what you do is supposed to be about you. When you always think of how and what you do effects others and adjust to that, so that it isn't all about you, then you always reap rewards. Yet there are too many without the faith to do that, they keep doing for themselves. their wants, their religion, their beliefs. They are the ones who won't make it.

Do the right things for the right reasons.....the second part of that is the HARD part.
Too many are failing miserably, and I would love to see them succeed!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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