Thursday, February 14, 2013

Now THAT was a good question!

My all time favorite question came this morning. It is one that no one has asked that I can remember, but I know I have somewhat addressed it in the past. The email states that there are many psychics, energy healers, and people with their webpages out there. How many of them did I think were sane people, and how many are not. I was told to forget the scammers , but just think about "not in touch with reality".

Tough question, no one has done a study. The lucky part for me is I have a great BS meter built in. I recently read a page a person has on the net that gives information supposedly channeled through them. I have seen and known people who were channels. The key to the real ones....they don't remember a thing they say during channeling. Now this doesn't mean that when your guides speak to you, you won't remember the messages, otherwise what would be the point, but an actual channel has no cognizance of the communication. Someone has to record it in some way for them. Even a conscious channel does not remember and their personality goes away during the channeling. The personality, speech patterns etc. of the channel emerge, not the person channeling. Sometimes people call themselves "channels" when they are something else, like a medium or psychic, and to me if they don't even know the "Metaphysical 101" terms and what they are, you don't need to be "learning" from them.

There are ways , even without a great BS meter to tell the real from the fake, the crazy from the sane, and the scammer from the honest person. It takes discernment and a drop of skepticism. It also usually takes a few communications with the person. Make sure that when you get info, you also get it from someone who gets out into the world in real life and does what they teach, speak, or write about. Many people hide behind webpages and don't read for the public or help out in the local world. I actually like local readings in person better than online or long distance!

I write about psychics (I give many psychic readings every day), the other side (I have been on many investigations, have received messages from the dead and lived in two very haunted houses for most of my life). I have been around authentic mediums and channels, although I profess to be neither.  I know the real thing when I see it, from seeing the real thing and the not so real thing. Forty some years of experience does teach you a lot.

It is hard to put a percentage on something that has never been researched, but I will say that in my personal experience, MOST of the people who are out there with webpages, and in little storefronts are not authentic. Yes, most. Some really have themselves fooled, some are honest to goodness schizophrenics and hear voices for sure, but not from a higher being. Some are scammers, and that is to me , the minimum of the bunch.

Being psychic, mediumistic, etc. is HOT now.  It is the thing to be. It is cool, it is hip, and in real life it stinks. It is work, it is having to deliver messages people sometimes do not want to hear. So every young person who wants attention or has issues has suddenly become gifted in some way. There are things that are so easily faked. Giving messages, not answers, but messages, is the most faked, so channeling. The number two is palm readings. Number three is mediums/psychic information. That is something that has been VERY obvious in my experience. Think about how easy it would be to sit and say "the Universe says this" or "my guide says that". No one can prove it, dispute it, or negate it. It is impossible. You can say whatever you want. People will listen and give you attention. Once you get to psychic information it is harder to fake , and mediumistic information is very difficult to fake.

Percentages....hmmmmm. I will say that most of the "not gifted" believe they are real. Most as in about 90%. Are they insane? That is putting too much on it, emotionally unhappy, probably most of them. Wanting attention? All of them.

The fakes never last long, they won't make it to my 40 plus years, but they do sometimes hang on for years. So let's call the other 10% scammers. Now of the total of all those who work in the metaphysical, I would say that many of them have some talent. After all we are ALL psychic, some just have bigger antenna and know how to use the ability. Having a big enough antenna to help others, I would say that about 25-30% of the population has that ability strong enough to use. That doesn't mean the rest of the population are fakes, they just know they don't have talent, or don't believe the talent exists in the first place.

You will bump into people who aren't so great at the psychic biz before a scammer, but the scammers are out there. You will bump into a person who believes they have talent and don't have any, most of the time you meet a "channel" , "psychic" or "medium". 

I asked one friend who isn't a psychic how she determines who is a fake by their webpages, she says, "Easily, the first giveaway is glamor shots, and many pictures of the "psychic". The second is statements like "100% accurate", and " famous TV and radio psychic" when I have never heard of them. I have to say that her perception is accurate. They have to "lure" you in, and those are the top three ways of doing it! Remember the ones who don't know they aren't talented want attention, the scammers want money.

Those who truly have contact with the other side know that it isn't about glamor or fame or money. It isn't about sexy or mystical looking pictures on your webpage, it isn't about popularity. It is about getting people to think, to react, to even be shaken up a bit. People don't learn until you show them something they have not seen before.

So, how many are people you can't trust for whatever reason? Unfortunately, most of them. That doesn't make them bad people, just disillusioned. Trust your instincts, not fall in love with a sexy photo of a beautiful (or handsome) head shot.

Be careful out there!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2013 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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