Thursday, January 9, 2014

It is all relative

I notice that the media (and especially the social media), like to use blanket statements about all kinds of different things , that they state as facts. I have yet to see a Facebook posting that has a full honest statement on it. It is always someone adjusting little snippets of almost truth to prove a point. That is very hard to do when there is little to no factual information in the statement, but people don't seem to care. Then people read it, think it is cool, and pass it on as fact.

The finer points of information in the mundane world are easier to show proof or to negate. When someone makes a statement like "the highest cost of living occurs in Moscow, Russia", it is easy to check that out (and that is true by the way). You can research and find lists of cities worldwide. When you have a statement like "workers in Norway make the best products because they are the highest paid in the world", you are treading in dangerous territory. Firstly I want to say that I made that up, but let's for a moment assume I did not. Where is the proof that their high pay is the reason that they make better product? Maybe it is their technology. Maybe they are raised differently with a value and pride in their work. Maybe they are the highest paid, but maybe they live in the country with the highest cost of living, so they aren't feeling so "well paid" and passing that feeling on to the work. When you make $10 an hour and a loaf of bread is .85 cents, you have a better cost of living than a country where you make $20.00 and hour, but a loaf of bread costs $3.00.

It is all relative. 

The same goes with the spiritual or metaphysical world. A prime example is that people think that you have to be clairvoyant to be psychic. Not true. That is like saying you have to be a center Hall Colonial to be a house. A clairvoyant is a a type of psychic. Clairvoyants easily get messages through images they have to interpret. Sometimes the image is a archetype, and other times a specific image. It is a rare person indeed who is able to get messages the way you see on TV, that is by watching a scene play out.

The problem on the metaphysical side is unlike the mundane, where we can get a specific answer, we are many times left to "figure it out". This is why the beat paranormal investigators have a big touch of skepticism. Remember, an EVP does not a haunted building make....and many times weird photos are simply weird photos. They can be common things that are caught looking "uncommon". Bouncing raindrops in the right light, look like little fireballs coming out of the earth.

Whenever someone uses a statement including words like "best", "most", "always", be careful.  RESEARCH before passing anything on.

Social media is the worst place to find facts, and should always be read with a healthy dose of skepticism. I had a friend one day pass along a "cleaning" hint that involved heating ammonia....when you heat ammonia, it explodes. It is what people make bombs out of (ammonium nitrate). It would take your breath away , make you pass out, and you probably wouldn't feel the explosion...but that is the type of stuff that is posted on Facebook.

An intelligent person is not one who has memorized a bunch of facts, but one who can think for themselves. It is a person who looks for answers, isn't gullible, and who knows how to properly research. Make sure that you are one of those if you are in the paranormal, metaphysical , or mundane community.

Check it out before passing it on!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C) 2014 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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