Monday, February 27, 2012

Ghost Hunting, our weekend of sleep deprivation.

This weekend a group of us ventured out to a "haunted location" to do an overnight . There was a mixture of experienced folks and first timers. It was a combination investigation and slumber party.

The house has hyped itself up , and if you are in the "come on down and do a haunted tour here" business, you need to do that. However, in all honesty, I grew up in a house with a lot more activity and a bigger "creepy factor". It was haunted, and there were things going on, but I can't say it isn't things that I not only haven't experienced before, but they were all things I lived through as a child. Maybe I am just getting used to it, but the activity was on the lower end.

Just about any house, store, church, theater, building , that you walk into, has spirits in it. Some are just more "lively" than others. Some really are wanting to make contact, others are more content to mind their own ghostly business and let you go about yours.

But getting back to this weekend's adventures...We did have a lot of doors open on their own, but I also have to say that the latches all barely caught, AND I didn't see any close. I mean that is really how you know it isn't a latch or a breeze, they open AND close. Of course that doesn't mean it isn't haunted, it would just make me have a better belief if the latches closed tightly and some swung the other way every once in a while.

There were light intensity changes, and shadows. There were times when light would be blocked out, and you knew something passed across, but we never saw the "something".

I heard a few whistles, but no house sounds, as a matter of fact I commented a few times on how quiet it was. No ghostly conversations going on elsewhere in the house, or footsteps along halls and floors. No ghostly voices saying "get out".

The ghostly side was this, there was a dress hanging on a hangar that I tried to move. It was wedged, and I couldn't move it (I was trying to see if it would fit in a certain space). A few minutes later, the hangar and dress fell to the floor. There are skeptics who will say I loosened it and it fell. Believe me, I am not easily convinced things are ghostly, and that hangar was WEDGED in there. It had help. I did remember to say thank you , and wedged it back into place.

I also did have someone pick up (and run it's hand down) my ponytail, and play with my hair at the front of my head. I also did see a shadow of a man on the wall, standing, when we were all sitting. It was not in a place to come from outside.

The hangar , shadow,  and hair play are the only things I can say "for sure".  I had wondered about another door in the house that opened a few times, but I have figured that out was another loose latch door too by the way, and I know why it opens.

Anyway, it was fun, and a good safe place for the first timers to get their feet wet. It wasn't the type of place to make you feel bad, drain your energy, or with evil stuff running around...although they probably wouldn't want me saying that...They showed us pictures of people with bruises and scratches. Maybe those nasty spirits were afraid of me, becasue they stayed away.

The stuff I picked up there really wasn't anything like what they were assuming or were told, but then I am not the drama type to flounce in with a skull, candle and cape and declare a building is full of black energy and evil spirits, not my style. I usually don't tell the hosts I am psychic.

So it was a fun night, and went fast (people always think they won't be able to stay awake, and they always make it, wide awake). Now I have about 10 hours of EVPs to listen too. Anyone know where I can hire a Steve or Tango to do that for me?????

Enjoy the week folks, and remember , if you want to ghost hunt, do it with a group that includes experienced people, and DO NOT do it in your own home. You may develop a lifelong friendship that gets out of hand.

Happy Haunting!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr. R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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