Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Group efforts

Reminder: I have added a few classes to my schedule for the summer, and other events. I have had several people inquire about them over the past week. Our class space is limited. If you are interested, see the schedule at, and use the menu on the left to go to the events page. Thank you !


Yesterday was a big change, almost an end to a group of people who always helped out in a time of need. They helped when people needed healing of any sort. The originator decided to disband the group, as it was not following the basic idea she set down years ago. Fortunately someone else picked up the ball and ran with it, although it will now be a different group with some different guidelines and people.

Groups are funny things. They usually start out with 100% enthusiasm, energy, and good intent. They rarely can sustain that for long periods of time. We are humans, it happens. I know I felt like I was still on day one enthusiasm, and others were almost nonexistent in their group participation.

It is the nature of groups. So I backed out. It was not a hard decision, as I had experienced the same frustrations as the leader for a while now. I also understand the "leaving behind" energy that is going on in the world, and the need to be with some groups, and the need to leave others. I understand that everything happens for a reason, and that there is always a "time" to everything. Sometimes we need to hold on, sometimes we need to let go. I needed to let go. My heart was still in it (and in it more strongly than some others who caused the frustration in the first place), but once the leader left, there was no reason for me to be there any longer. I didn't need the group to do the work.The energy work still gets done, and there is more and more demanding my attention each day.

Do not be afraid of change when it enters your life. Don't try to make a group of people be something other than what it is. Groups add and subtract members from time to time. They need to! Many times a member has to be removed due to issues that would harm the group or the group's reputation in some way. Sometimes , as what happened here, people just get tired, or never really had the original purpose firmly cemented in their minds. Sometimes there is a clique issue, or people trying to take over. I have seen clients try to hold on, they don't want to see their dream mutated, lost, or taken over.

I get it, but when there needs to be a huge fight about it, move on.

I will tell you something my Mom said. She said it to a person who was complaining about a president a long time ago (you thought you were all doing something new and innovative right?). This process works for any situation. Presidents, small groups, workplace, partner....

 She said to this person " I want you to think about what this president (again use it for any situation), has done that has personally affected YOU in a negative way. I mean directly, and obviously, honestly effected you in a personal way that you can attribute to him".

They couldn't. It made them think. Instead of spouting off rhetoric, they had to think, and it actually changed his mind. I am so glad my Mama taught me to think for myself. More people should try it.

Use this thought process in any situation where there is an emotional reaction or involvement. Be honest with yourself about it. Only use direct things that you personally saw or heard, not third party. You will be surprised how many things you change your mind about when you step back and think rationally about only proven facts. Pretend to be Mr Spock from Star Trek for a moment. It is OK to change your mind. It is OK  to leave or join a group. It is OK to walk away from people or to people, especially at this important time energetically.

Group efforts always begin well, but don't always end well. It is OK, go and start over. Maybe with two groups working from opposite ends of a problem, it will get solved.

Energy is changing around us. Use you head and your intuition. The Universe is always smarter than you are, so when in doubt, let the Universe take over. Be the best you can be, and do the right things for the right reasons.....

(I actually witnessed a person doing something illegal yesterday, and his excuse was it was OK because everyone else did it. It is NOT OK, and it is NOT doing the right thing for the right reason).

Groups come and go, but your participation in them in up to you....make sure that you know what the group is really all about before joining it. Make sure you are ready , willing and able to participate. Don't enter in with the idea of changing the group for (what you think is) the better. Give 100%. When you can't do any of that anymore, walk away.

To paraphrase Cody Wingfield, the group is only as strong as its' weakest link .
Don't be that weakest link.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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