Thursday, August 23, 2012

Remember your team, they are there for you!

When you are feeling like you are having trouble making decisions, or that you are alone, or that you are in unfamiliar territory, that your team is always there with you! Your team is large, but the most important energies are your main guide (we all have at least one), your angel or being that is connected directly to the highest power (and was never a human on this earth), and a protector.

Your guide is a person who lived on this earth, not associated with you in life in any way, that is there to help guide you through this life. Establishing a good connection with the guide keeps you from making big mistakes. They are what gives us that little voice that says things like "are you sure that is a good idea?

The angels are protectors yes, but their main job is to get you to stay on your path, they make life VERY uncomfortable when you try to roam off of it. They are very serious, and very powerful, and help correct things while teaching you a lesson.

Your protectors can be gatekeepers or totem animals, or both. They keep negative energy from entering in. Don't go looking for "evil" energy though, as the protector will then say "This is OK to let this in now". It will protect you, but not from that which you welcome in. Never play with the "dark side" of things. Protectors can be people, animals or beings that never lived on this earth, like dragons.

Some also have reiki guides, or guides that help them in special tasks in life. I have one main guide, one for readings, and one for reiki. I have more than one protector also. You can have more than one of them , although most people only have one.

There are many more on your team, but keep these beings in mind as they are ALWAYS behind you , ready to step in and advise or help. They never desert you, although there will be times that you can get yourself into a situation that you have to take the hard way out. They will not magically get you out as you are here to learn.

Remember your team. Talk to them everyday. They hear you!

Opening up to these beings enables you to learn, grow, and make good decisions.

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2012 Dr R M Wolf, may not be used , copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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