Thursday, June 16, 2011

Being "nice" to everyone isn't being spiritual

Being spiritual is being genuine, truthful, brave, outspoken, strong, caring, honest, and living as good a life as possible. Doing the right things for the right reasons.

It isn't how many people you hug, or how many people you say "I love you" to. It isn't about spending one's day talking about "peace". It isn't about going to church every Saturday. It isn't about doing good deeds to cover one's butt.

A reader friend yesterday was confronted by what we call bliss ninnies. She loved the phrase when she first read it here, and I have to thank a different friend for coining the phrase...although I wish I had thought of it. They tried to tell her she was a bad person because she had an issue with someone who was abusive, nasty, and actually endangering others. Apparently these bliss ninnies see "speaking up" as a bad thing. It isn't.

If trying to right wrongs is a bad thing, then we need to fire all our police force, clergy, lawyers, and people who fight for causes. Does that make much sense? Bliss ninnies don't take on the authentic wrongs like telling a local person they are doing a bad thing, no they don't want to be shunned by the other bliss ninnies who supposedly "love" everyone. Instead they take on crusades. Usually not local. That way they are in the limelight and can tell you all the good they have done without you seeing their mistakes.They see whom they think is a weaker person, and tell them they need to be nicer, or more loving, and call that "righting wrongs". They don't right the wrong, they attack non bliss ninnies.

Bliss ninnies do not take reality into consideration in their lives. Like any extremist, they are living in a world of non-reality. A place of denial. A place that really just concerns themselves. It doesn't mean that they don't do good things, but they do them for the wrong reasons, to make themselves feel better about themselves, make others like them, get attention, gain praise, cover their butts in the afterlife because of some other bad things they have done. It isn't about doing the good thing, just to do it. It is about trying to fill the world with fuzzy bears, unicorns, and knights in shining armor. Great idea, but it isn't, and never will be , reality.

When told that this lady needs to love everyone , her response was, as has been written here many times before, "So , should we love child molesters?" 

We aren't here to hand out absolution, that is up to your clergy and the higher power. It isn't your job, why? Because as humans we get in our own way and would make a mess of things. If the bliss ninnies were in charge, child molesters would run free...if they weren't running free,  than the bliss ninnies really are just mouthing their words of unconditional love. They can't have it both ways.

Loving someone means saying, "You are wrong.". Did your parents not love you when they reprimanded you? REALLY loving someone means saying things like "you are wrong", and
trying to help others to learn and grow. Allowing people to stumble down a bad path is not loving them. Allowing people to harm others, is not loving them. Turning a blind eye to a person who is saving the whales , but having sex with her friend's husband, is not loving them.

No extreme is good, ever. The pendulum always swings and tries to come back to center. We cannot manifest, pray or change the world to take it out of balance, even when we see it as in a "good way". There will always need to be the yin and the yang. We cannot know the good without the bad.

Living in denial never helped anyone is the long run, and actually harms.

Live in reality.
Do the right things for the right reasons.

Peshaui Wequshimese

(C)2011 Dr. R M Reiter Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission.

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