Wednesday, August 3, 2011

People forget....

I think people forget what I do for a living. They come up with all kinds of things, they shouldn't do or say, and little alarm bells go off. I do not always know the immediate full answer as to the alarm bells, but they do put me on notice.

I had someone try to pull a little scam on me this morning...alarm bells....and I looked into this person , which was easy, and found all kinds of reasons for the alarm bells. I turned her information over to the people who can handle the situation.

This happens a lot. Matt usually smiles and says...they forget what you do for a living. I do not keep an open channel. It would be overwhelming, and I have no desire to "spy" on people's daily lives...nor should I! I closed that door a bit a long, long time ago. But when someone is up to something, I know.

Life is easy, it really is, when I always say "Do the right things for the right reasons", that is all you ever need to know. When you use that all the time, you will never make the wrong decisions.
When you aren't doing something you shouldn't be, my little alarm bells won't go off!

Just do the right things for the right reasons!

Peshaui Wequashimese

(C)2011 Dr. R m Wolf. May not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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