Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Universal help

There are days when it all kind of piles up at your feet, and you realize the things that have been going sideways for quite some time. I have three close friends that need constant medical care or attention. I have one who's son is battling alcoholism, and the litany of "minor" ailments in friends and family that go on and on, to almost everyone I know. When did we becomes such a "sick" bunch?

Some have fought battles and won, and they serve as an inspiration to all who are not doing as well.

There are days when reiki is sent to individuals, prayers go out in many different ways and energy is sent to others who need it most. There are little things like people developing food allergies and sore muscles, then there are more serious things going on that will need medical attention.

Please take the time today to ask whatever resonates with you...God, Creator, the Universe, Allah, Buddha, to help bring physical healing to this world. We cannot do our best nor help others when we are physically not at our best. Make this part of your daily prayer, it has been in mine for quite some time now, and I am now being more specific, as I know the Universe loves specific.

Please keep the animals in mind also while you are doing this!

The world needs healing, but as with charity, it starts at home. Let's send healing to ourselves, our friends, neighbors, and the out in to the world.

Remember the meaning of Namaste.

Peshaui Wequashimese

Dr. R M Wolf, may not be used, copied or reproduced without prior written permission

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